A simple API gateway written by golang.
Support for authenticate and authorization, and web applications will be protected after the gateway.
in development now.
documents will be wrote later.
You could use cli option or environment varibles to config your api gateway
./go-api-gateway --help
-h, --help display help information
-c, --*conn[=$GATEWAY_CONN_STR] *mysql connection str
-l, --*listen[=$GATEWAY_LS] *gateway listen host and port
-r, --*resource[=$GATEWAY_RESOURCE_URL] *gateway resource url
-c --conn GATEWAY_CONN_STR, mysql connection string, format is user:pass@tcp(domain:port)/dbname
-l --listen GATEWAY_LS, gateway listen addr, format is host:port, example:
-r --resource GATEWAY_RESOURCE_URL, gateway protect target, the resource server, could be a api server, format is http://host:port
you could find docker image from here
docker deployment example:
docker run -d --restart=always -p 80:80 -e GATEWAY_CONN_STR='user:pass@tcp(mysql:3306)/auth' -e GATEWAY_RESOURCE_URL='http://api:80' --link mysql_1:mysql --link mysql_api:api --name api_gateway xuybin/go-api-gateway
docker swarm deployment example:
curl -s -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xuybin/go-api-gateway/master/docker-compose.yml >docker-compose.yml && docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml mystack
docker stack ps mystack
docker stack rm mystack
docker-compose deployment example:
docker-compose up
docker-compose ps
docker-compose rm
You could download the latest build binaries from release page !
Swagger UI Support
The go-mysql-api support swagger.json and provide swagger.html page
Open /gateway/docs/ to see swagger documents, the interactive documention will be helpful.
And go-api-gateway provide the swagger.json at path /gateway/swagger/
Because of initialization data into casbin_rule table
p admin /policy/* (GET)|(POST)|(PUT)|(DELETE)|(HEAD)
So register admin first to authorize the operation at /gateway/docs/