Secret synchronisation controller
Sometimes, we need to access to a secret from an another namespace, which is impossible because secret are namespaced
and only accessible to the secret's namespace.
For example, if we have a CA certificate in the namespace A and we want to use it in the namespace B, in order to
create a new certificate, we need to create a new secret in B with the content of A. Moreover, because the original
secret can be updated, we always need to sync it to the namespace B, manually.
That is why this controller exists. Thanks to annotations on a secret, it can automatically synchronise the secret over
several namespaces. However, I do not recommend to use this controller for anything ;
Kubernetes Secret's restrictions are here
for a good reason and this controller breaks one of theses restrictions.
These annotations cannot be used together 'true'
: Synchronize the current secret over all namespace LABEL_SELECTOR
: Synchronize the current secret over all namespace
validating the given label selector
This controller can:
- Synchronize a secret over all namespaces
- Synchronize a secret on specifics namespaces, thanks label selectors
- Synchronize on a new namespace when a secret is already "synchronized"
- Automatically update "slave" secrets when the original is update
- Automatically restore "slave" secret when it is manually modified
- Automatically remove "slave" secrets when the original is removed
- Automatically remove/update "slave" secrets when the original secret annotations are modified/removed
- Automatically recreate "slave" secret when it is removed
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
annotations: require-creds=admin
name: admin-creds
namespace: default
type: Opaque
username: YWRtaW4=
password: MWYyZDFlMmU2N2Rm
This secret will be synchronized on all namespaces with the label require-creds: admin
. For more information about
label selector, see Kubernetes label selector
How to install
You can install the deployment in a kubernetes cluster with the following commands
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
This controller is still under development and may introduce breaking changes between versions.
Please check the CHANGELOG before updating.
Apache License 2.0