Xplorers Bot
Slack bot written in Golang to make Xplorers Slack community fun and interactive :)
Architecture Diagram
Workflow Diagram
AWS Resources
An Amazon free tier account is required to deploy the infrastructure which includes,
- HTTP API - Receives slack request and triggers lambda with the payload.
- Go Lambda - Processes event sent from the API Gateway and responds to slack appropriately.
- Cloudwatch log group - Stores lambda invocation logs.
- IAM Role - IAM Role with policies necessary for lambda.
- Lambda resource policy - Allow API Gateway to invoke lambda.
There are a million ways to use a slack bot make Slack fun. Current features of XplorersBot are,
- Welcome a new slack user - When a user joins a slack channel, XplorersBot crafts a welcome message and posts in the channel to welcome the user.
- React to slack posts with emojis - With every slack post, XplorersBot checks the text for any keyword matches and reacts to the post with appropriate emoji's. For example, for text
This is a kubernetes environment
, XplorersBot will react to the post with kubernetes
As every slack organisation can have custom emojis added, the function GetKeyWordsMap
in internal/xplorersbot/slack_emoji.go
will need to be adjusted accordingly to fit your slack emoji set.
Install the following dependencies,
Install Go Dependencies
Install go dependencies from go.mod
go mod tidy
Unit tests
Run go unit tests and generate a coverage report,
make test
Populate SSM Parameters
The following SSM Parameters defined in settings/defaults.conf
are required by XplorersBot,
- ARTIFACTS_BUCKET_SSM_PATH (/xplorers/artifacts/bucket/name) - Bucket to store artifacts
- SLACK_OAUTH_TOKEN_SSM_PATH (/xplorers/slack/bot/oauth/token) - Token used to interact with Slack.
- SENTRY_DSN_SSM_PATH (/xplorers/slack/bot/sentry/dsn) - Initialize Sentry with DSN
Populate the above in your AWS Account before deploying XplorersBot.
Deploy XplorersBot to AWS
Build go binary and deploy to AWS,
make deploy-xplorers-bot
The output section of cloudformation stack deployed contains the API Gateway endpoint required to setup Slack in the next step.
Slack setup
A Slack app event subscription with a bot user is required for Slack to send events to the API gateway endpoint.
After deploying the application to AWS, refer to the documentation on Slack Event Subscriptions to configure a slack app with an event subscription.
The following scopes are required for bot user to interact with Slack,
- app_mentions:read - View messages that directly mention the bot user
- chat:write - Send messages as bot user
- reactions:write - Add and edit emoji reactions
- channels:history - View messages and other content in public channels that bot user has been added to
CI/CD with Github Actions
Xplorersbot uses Github Actions for its CI/CD pipeline. With every push from every branch, unit tests will run and the workflow is defined in .github/workflows/run-tests.yml
With every pull request merge to main
branch, actions will automatically update the production environment by deploying to AWS (workflow .github/workflows/deploy-to-aws.yml
With the help of github actions and release drafter tool, a new release tag is created on every merge to main