k8s peruse
A simple dashboard intended to obviate the need to maintain wiki docs with the state of Ingress/Service/Deployments
Install k3d
to manage and maintain the k3s
kubernetes cluster.
Cluster Setup
k3d create --publish 10080:80 --publish 10443:443 --enable-registry --workers 2
export KUBECONFIG="$(k3d get-kubeconfig --name='k3s-default')"
Install a thing
kubectl apply -f ./examples/nginx.yaml
curl localhost:10080
Running Peruse
In-Cluster Auth
Build the container, and create the necessary service accounts and RBAC
docker build .
docker tag [hash] registry.local:5000/peruse:latest
docker push registry.local:5000/peruse:latest
Load the example deployment
kubectl apply -f ./examples/peruse.yaml