Index ¶
- Variables
- func AccessLogWrap(log *logrus.Logger) transport.ServiceOption
- func AccessWrap(log *logrus.Logger) gin.HandlerFunc
- func AsyncRuntimeError(runtimeId, humanLog, primevalLog string)
- func InitLogger()
- func LogFileRotate(logger *logrus.Logger, logPath string, maxAge time.Duration, ...)
- func MakeAuditInfo(reqCtx context.Context, scopeInfo ScopeInfo, name apistructs.TemplateName, ...) *apistructs.Audit
- func NewPage() *pb.Page
- func NewPage2(PageSize int64, CurPage int64) *pb.Page
- func NewPage3(PageSize int64, CurPage int64, TotalNum int64) *pb.Page
- type Annotation
- type ErrInfo
- type LineHook
- type NewPageQuery
- type Page
- func (page *Page) GetCurPage() int64
- func (page *Page) GetEndIndex() int64
- func (page *Page) GetPageSize() int64
- func (page *Page) GetStartIndex() int64
- func (page *Page) GetTotalNum() int64
- func (page *Page) GetTotalPageNum() int64
- func (page *Page) SetCurPage(num int64)
- func (page *Page) SetPageSize(size int64)
- func (page *Page) SetTotalNum(num int64)
- type PageQuery
- type ScopeInfo
- type StandardResult
- func (result *StandardResult) SetErrorInfo(errInfo *ErrInfo) *StandardResult
- func (result *StandardResult) SetReturnCode(returnCode StandaredReturnCode) *StandardResult
- func (result *StandardResult) SetSuccessAndData(data interface{}) *StandardResult
- func (result *StandardResult) SwitchLang(c *gin.Context) *StandardResult
- type StandaredReturnCode
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE int64 = 15 DEFAULT_TOTAL_NUM int64 = 0 )
View Source
var AccessLog *logrus.Logger
View Source
var ErrorLog = logrus.StandardLogger()
Functions ¶
func AccessLogWrap ¶
func AccessLogWrap(log *logrus.Logger) transport.ServiceOption
func AccessWrap ¶
func AccessWrap(log *logrus.Logger) gin.HandlerFunc
Logger is the logrus logger handler
func AsyncRuntimeError ¶
func AsyncRuntimeError(runtimeId, humanLog, primevalLog string)
func InitLogger ¶
func InitLogger()
func LogFileRotate ¶
func MakeAuditInfo ¶
func MakeAuditInfo(reqCtx context.Context, scopeInfo ScopeInfo, name apistructs.TemplateName, errInfo error, ctx map[string]interface{}) *apistructs.Audit
Types ¶
type Annotation ¶
type Annotation string
const ( AnnotationAppRoot Annotation = "" // Ingress 修改应用根路径,对于访问/的请求将会被重定向为设置的新路径 值类型: string AnnotationCookieAffinity Annotation = "" // Service 亲和性种类,目前只支持Cookie,默认为cookie 值类型: cookie AnnotationCookieAffinityMode Annotation = "" // Service 亲和性模式,MSE Ingress目前只支持Balanced模式,默认为balanced模式。 值类型: "balanced" or "persistent" AnnotationAffinityCanaryBehavior Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "sticky" or "legacy" AnnotationAuthRealm Annotation = "" // Ingress 保护域。相同的保护域共享用户名和密码。 值类型: string AnnotationAuthSecret Annotation = "" // Ingress Secret名字,格式支持<namespace>/<name>,包含被授予能够访问该Ingress上定义的路由的访问权限的用户名和密码。 值类型: string AnnotationAuthSecretType Annotation = "" // Ingress Secret内容格式。 auth-file:Data的Key为auth,Value为用户名和密码,多账号回车分隔。 auth-map:Data的Key为用户名,Value为密码。 值类型: string AnnotationAuthType Annotation = "" // Ingress 认证类型. mse部分兼容,暂只支持Basic。 值类型: basic 或 digest AnnotationAuthTLSSecret Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationAuthTLSVerifyDepth Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: number AnnotationAuthTLSVerifyClient Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationAuthTLSErrorPage Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationAuthTLSPassCertificateToUpstream Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationAuthTLSMatchCN Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationAuthURL Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationAuthCacheKey Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationAuthCacheDuration Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationAuthKeepAlive Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: number AnnotationAuthKeepaliveRequests Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: number AnnotationAuthKeepaliveTimeout Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: number AnnotationAuthProxySetHeaders Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationAuthSnippet Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationEnableGlobalAuth Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationBackendProtocol Annotation = "" // Service 指定后端服务使用的协议,默认为HTTP,MSE 下支持: HTTP / HTTP2 / HTTPS / gRPC / gRPCS. MSE 不支持 AJP 和 FCGI。 值类型: string AnnotationCanary Annotation = "" // Ingress 开启或关闭灰度发布 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationCanaryByHeader Annotation = "" // Ingress 基于Request Header Key流量切分 值类型: string AnnotationCanaryByHeaderValue Annotation = "" // Ingress 基于Request Header Value流量切分,Value为精确匹配 值类型: string AnnotationCanaryByHeaderPattern Annotation = "" // Ingress 基于Request Header Value流量切分,Value为正则匹配 值类型: string AnnotationCanaryByCookie Annotation = "" // Ingress 基于Request Cookie Key流量切分 值类型: string AnnotationCanaryWeight Annotation = "" // Ingress 基于权重和流量切分 值类型: number AnnotationCanaryWeightTotal Annotation = "" // Ingress 权重总和 值类型: number AnnotationClientBodyBufferSize Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationConfigurationSnippet Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationFallbackCustomHttpErrors Annotation = "" // Ingress 和default-backend一起工作。当后端服务返回指定HTTP响应码,原始请求会被再次转发至容灾服务 值类型: []int AnnotationFallbackDefaultBackend Annotation = "" // Ingress 容灾服务。当Ingress定义的服务没有可用节点时,请求会自动转发该容灾服务 值类型: string AnnotationEnableCORS Annotation = "" // Ingress 开启或关闭跨域 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationCORSAllowOrigin Annotation = "" // Ingress 允许的第三方站点 值类型: string AnnotationCORSAllowMethods Annotation = "" // Ingress 允许的请求方法,如GET、POST、PUT等 值类型: string AnnotationCORSAllowHeaders Annotation = "" // Ingress 允许的请求Header 值类型: string AnnotationCORSExposeHeaders Annotation = "" // Ingress 允许的暴露给浏览器的响应Header 值类型: string AnnotationCORSAllowCredentials Annotation = "" // Ingress 是否允许携带凭证信息 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationCORSMaxAge Annotation = "" // Ingress 预检结果的最大缓存时间。 值类型: number AnnotationForceSSLRedirect Annotation = "" // Ingress HTTP重定向为HTTPS 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationFromToWWWRedirect Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationHttp2PushPreload Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationLimitConnections Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: number AnnotationLimitRPS Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: number AnnotationGlobalRateLimit Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: number AnnotationGlobalRateLimitWindow Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: duration AnnotationGlobalRateLimitKey Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationGlobalRateLimitIgnoredCIDRs Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationPermanentRedirect Annotation = "" // Ingress 永久重定向 值类型: string AnnotationPermanentRedirectCode Annotation = "" // Ingress 永久重定向状态码 值类型: number AnnotationTemporalRedirect Annotation = "" // Ingress 临时重定向 值类型: string AnnotationPreserveTrailingSlash Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationProxyBodySize Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxyCookieDomain Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxyCookiePath Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxyConnectTimeout Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxySendTimeout Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxyReadTimeout Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxyNextUpstream Annotation = "" // Ingress 请求重试条件 值类型: string AnnotationProxyNextUpstreamTimeOut Annotation = "" // Ingress 请求重试的超时时间,单位为秒。默认未配置超时时间 值类型: number AnnotationProxyNextUpstreamRetries Annotation = "" // Ingress 请求的最大重试次数。默认3次 值类型: number AnnotationProxyRequestBuffering Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxyRedirectFrom Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxyRedirectTo Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxyHttpVersion Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "1.0" or "1.1" AnnotationProxySSLSecret Annotation = "" // Service 网关使用的客户端证书,用于后端服务对网关进行身份认证 值类型: string AnnotationProxySSLCiphers Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxySSLName Annotation = "" // Service TLS握手期间使用的SNI 值类型: string AnnotationProxySSLProtocols Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxySSLVerify Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxySSLVerifyDepth Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: number AnnotationProxySSLServerName Annotation = "" // Service 开启或关闭TLS握手期间使用的SNI 值类型: string AnnotationEnableRewriteLog Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationRewriteRewriteTarget Annotation = "" // Ingress 匹配Ingress定义的路由请求在转发给后端服务时,修改头部Host值为指定值 值类型: URI AnnotationSatisfy Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationServerAlias Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationServerSnippet Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationServiceUpstream Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationSessionCookieName Annotation = "" // Service 配置指定Cookie的值作为Hash Key 值类型: string AnnotationSessionCookiePath Annotation = "" // Service 当指定Cookie不存在,生成Cookie的Path值,默认为/ 值类型: string AnnotationSessionCookieDomain Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationSessionCookieChangeOnFailure Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationSessionCookieMaxAge Annotation = "" // Service 当指定Cookie不存在,生成Cookie的过期时间,单位为秒,默认为Session会话级别 //来自阿里云 MSE 网关 annotations 说明页面,可用性未知 AnnotationSessionCookieExpires Annotation = "" // Service 当指定Cookie不存在,生成Cookie的过期时间,单位为秒,默认为Session会话级别 //来自阿里云 MSE 网关 annotations 说明页面,可用性未知 AnnotationSessionCookieSameSite Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationSessionCookieConditionalSameSiteNone Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationSSLRedirect Annotation = "" // Ingress HTTP重定向为HTTPS 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationSSLPassthrough Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationStreamSnippet Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationLoadBalanceUpstreamHashBy Annotation = "" // Service 基于一致Hash的负载均衡算法。MSE 部分兼容,暂不支持Nginx变量、常量的组合使用方式。 值类型: string AnnotationXForwardPrefix Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationLoadBalance Annotation = "" // Service 后端服务的普通负载均衡算法。MSE 下合法值为 round_robin/least_conn/random. 默认为 round_robin。 MSE 不支持ewma算法。若配置为EWMA算法,会回退到round_robin算法。 值类型: string AnnotationRewriteUpstreamVHost Annotation = "" // Ingress 将Ingress定义的原Path重写为指定目标,支持Group Capture。 值类型: string AnnotationWhiteListSourceRange Annotation = "" // Ingress 指定路由上的IP白名单,支持IP地址或CIDR地址块,以英文逗号分隔。 值类型: CIDR AnnotationProxyBuffering Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxyBuffersNumber Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: number AnnotationProxyBufferSize Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationProxyMaxTempFileSize Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationSSLCiphers Annotation = "" // Ingress 指定TLS的加密套件,可以指定多个(TLS的加密套件之间使用英文逗号分隔),仅当TLS握手时采用TLSv1.0-1.2生效 值类型: string AnnotationSSLPreferServerCiphers Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationConnectionProxyHeader Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationEnableAccessLog Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationEnableOpentracing Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationOpentracingTrustIncomingSpan Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationEnableInfluxDB Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationInfluxDBMeasurement Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationInfluxDBPort Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationInfluxDBHost Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationInfluxDBServerName Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationUseRegex Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationEnableModsecurity Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationEnableOwaspCoreRules Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: "true" or "false" AnnotationModsecurityTransactionId Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationModsecuritySnippet Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationMirrorRequestBody Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationMirrorTarget Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string AnnotationMirrorHost Annotation = "" // Ingress 值类型: string )
func (Annotation) String ¶
func (in Annotation) String() string
type LineHook ¶
type LineHook struct { Field string Skip int Formatter func(file, function string, line int) string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewLineHook ¶
type NewPageQuery ¶
type NewPageQuery struct { List interface{} `json:"list"` Total int64 `json:"total"` }
func NewPages ¶
func NewPages(list interface{}, total int64) NewPageQuery
func (NewPageQuery) ToPbPage ¶
func (query NewPageQuery) ToPbPage() *pb.NewPageResult
type PageQuery ¶
func GetPageQuery ¶
func (PageQuery) Convert ¶
func (query PageQuery) Convert() NewPageQuery
func (PageQuery) ToPbPage ¶
func (query PageQuery) ToPbPage() *pb.PageResult
type StandardResult ¶
type StandardResult struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Data interface{} `json:"data"` Err *ErrInfo `json:"err"` }
func NewStandardResult ¶
func NewStandardResult(succ ...bool) *StandardResult
func (*StandardResult) SetErrorInfo ¶
func (result *StandardResult) SetErrorInfo(errInfo *ErrInfo) *StandardResult
func (*StandardResult) SetReturnCode ¶
func (result *StandardResult) SetReturnCode(returnCode StandaredReturnCode) *StandardResult
func (*StandardResult) SetSuccessAndData ¶
func (result *StandardResult) SetSuccessAndData(data interface{}) *StandardResult
func (*StandardResult) SwitchLang ¶
func (result *StandardResult) SwitchLang(c *gin.Context) *StandardResult
type StandaredReturnCode ¶
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