Persistent data structure in Go

This is a Go clone of Clojure's persistent data structures.
The API is not stable yet. DO NOT USE unless you are willing to cope with
API changes.
License is Eclipse Public License 1.0 (like Clojure).
Implementation notes
The list provided here is a singly-linked list and is very trivial to implement.
The implementation of persistent vector and hash map and based on a series of excellent blog posts as well as the Clojure source code. Despite the hash map appearing more complicated, the vector is slightly harder to implement due to the "tail array" optimization and some tricky transformation of the tree structure, which is fully replicated here.
Benchmarking results
Compared to native slices,
Adding elements is anywhere from 2x to 8x as slow.
Sequential read is about 9x as slow.
Random read is about 7x as slow.
Benchmarked on an early 2015 MacBook Pro, with Go 1.9:
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkConsNativeN1-4 1000000 2457 ns/op
BenchmarkConsNativeN2-4 300000 4418 ns/op
BenchmarkConsNativeN3-4 30000 55424 ns/op
BenchmarkConsNativeN4-4 300 4493289 ns/op
BenchmarkConsPersistentN1-4 100000 12250 ns/op 4.99x
BenchmarkConsPersistentN2-4 50000 26394 ns/op 5.97x
BenchmarkConsPersistentN3-4 3000 452146 ns/op 8.16x
BenchmarkConsPersistentN4-4 100 13057887 ns/op 2.91x
BenchmarkNthSeqNativeN4-4 30000 43156 ns/op
BenchmarkNthSeqPersistentN4-4 3000 399193 ns/op 9.25x
BenchmarkNthRandNative-4 20000 73860 ns/op
BenchmarkNthRandPersistent-4 3000 546124 ns/op 7.39x
BenchmarkEqualNative-4 50000 23828 ns/op
BenchmarkEqualPersistent-4 2000 1020893 ns/op 42.84x
Hash map
Compared to native maps, adding elements is about 3-6x slow. Difference is
more pronunced when keys are sequential integers, but that workload is very
rare in the real world.
Benchmarked on an early 2015 MacBook Pro, with Go 1.9:
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkSequentialConsNative1-4 300000 4143 ns/op
BenchmarkSequentialConsNative2-4 10000 130423 ns/op
BenchmarkSequentialConsNative3-4 300 4600842 ns/op
BenchmarkSequentialConsPersistent1-4 100000 14005 ns/op 3.38x
BenchmarkSequentialConsPersistent2-4 2000 641820 ns/op 4.92x
BenchmarkSequentialConsPersistent3-4 20 55180306 ns/op 11.99x
BenchmarkRandomStringsConsNative1-4 200000 7536 ns/op
BenchmarkRandomStringsConsNative2-4 5000 264489 ns/op
BenchmarkRandomStringsConsNative3-4 100 12132244 ns/op
BenchmarkRandomStringsConsPersistent1-4 50000 29109 ns/op 3.86x
BenchmarkRandomStringsConsPersistent2-4 1000 1327321 ns/op 5.02x
BenchmarkRandomStringsConsPersistent3-4 20 74204196 ns/op 6.12x