Overview ¶
Stellar transaction compiler library. Provides functions for manipulating Stellar transactions, translating them back and forth between txrep format, and posting them.
Example (PostTransaction) ¶
var mykey PrivateKey fmt.Sscan("SDWHLWL24OTENLATXABXY5RXBG6QFPLQU7VMKFH4RZ7EWZD2B7YRAYFS", &mykey) var yourkey PublicKey fmt.Sscan("GATPALHEEUERWYW275QDBNBMCM4KEHYJU34OPIZ6LKJAXK6B4IJ73V4L", &yourkey) // Fetch account entry to get sequence number myacct, err := DefaultStellarNet("test").GetAccountEntry( mykey.Public().String()) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Build a transaction txe := NewTransactionEnvelope() txe.SetSourceAccount(mykey.Public()) txe.V1().Tx.SeqNum = myacct.NextSeq() txe.V1().Tx.Memo = MemoText("Hello") txe.Append(nil, SetOptions{ SetFlags: NewUint(uint32(stx.AUTH_REQUIRED_FLAG)), LowThreshold: NewUint(2), MedThreshold: NewUint(2), HighThreshold: NewUint(2), Signer: NewSignerKey(yourkey, 1), }) net := DefaultStellarNet("test") // Pay the median per-operation fee of recent ledgers fees, err := net.GetFeeStats() if err != nil { panic(err) } txe.SetFee(fees.Percentile(50)) // Sign and post the transaction net.SignTx(&mykey, txe) result, err := net.Post(txe) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(result)
Example (Txrep) ¶
var mykey PrivateKey fmt.Sscan("SDWHLWL24OTENLATXABXY5RXBG6QFPLQU7VMKFH4RZ7EWZD2B7YRAYFS", &mykey) var yourkey PublicKey fmt.Sscan("GATPALHEEUERWYW275QDBNBMCM4KEHYJU34OPIZ6LKJAXK6B4IJ73V4L", &yourkey) // Build a transaction txe := NewTransactionEnvelope() txe.SetSourceAccount(mykey.Public()) txe.V1().Tx.SeqNum = 3319833626148865 txe.V1().Tx.Memo = MemoText("Hello") txe.Append(nil, Payment{ Destination: *yourkey.ToMuxedAccount(), Asset: NativeAsset(), Amount: 20000000, }) // ... Can keep appending operations with txe.Append txe.SetFee(100) net := DefaultStellarNet("main") // Sign the transaction net.SignTx(&mykey, txe) // Print the transaction in multi-line human-readable "txrep" form fmt.Print(net.TxToRep(txe))
Output: type: ENVELOPE_TYPE_TX tx.sourceAccount: GDFR4HZMNZCNHFEIBWDQCC4JZVFQUGXUQ473EJ4SUPFOJ3XBG5DUCS2G tx.fee: 100 tx.seqNum: 3319833626148865 tx.cond.type: PRECOND_NONE tx.memo.type: MEMO_TEXT tx.memo.text: "Hello" tx.operations.len: 1 tx.operations[0].sourceAccount._present: false tx.operations[0].body.type: PAYMENT tx.operations[0].body.paymentOp.destination: GATPALHEEUERWYW275QDBNBMCM4KEHYJU34OPIZ6LKJAXK6B4IJ73V4L tx.operations[0].body.paymentOp.asset: XLM tx.operations[0].body.paymentOp.amount: 20000000 (2e7) tx.ext.v: 0 signatures.len: 1 signatures[0].hint: e1374741 (bad signature/unknown key/main is wrong network) signatures[0].signature: 3bf96c29ab95730775612b5a9a0ec630d779846ab31b2e07de8d24de927961f8667604091a3942e756e0dc14dd94465e2b6132880481e403055ec33905429502
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ConfigPath(components ...string) string
- func IsTemporary(err error) bool
- func MemoHash(arg [32]uint8) (ret stx.Memo)
- func MemoId(arg uint64) (ret stx.Memo)
- func MemoNone() stx.Memo
- func MemoReturn(arg [32]uint8) (ret stx.Memo)
- func MemoText(arg string) (ret stx.Memo)
- func MkAsset(acc AccountID, code string) stx.Asset
- func MkAssetCode(code string) stx.AssetCode
- func NativeAsset() stx.Asset
- func NewHyper(v int64) *int64
- func NewSignerHashX(x stx.Hash, weight uint32) *stx.Signer
- func NewSignerKey(pk PublicKey, weight uint32) *stx.Signer
- func NewString(v string) *string
- func NewUhyper(v uint64) *uint64
- func NewUint(v uint32) *uint32
- func ParseConfigFiles(sink ini.IniSink, paths ...string) error
- func Set(t xdr.XdrType, fieldValues ...interface{})
- func TxToBase64(tx *TransactionEnvelope) string
- func ValidNetName(name string) bool
- type AccountHints
- type AccountID
- type AccountMerge
- type AllowTrust
- type BeginSponsoringFutureReserves
- type BumpSequence
- type ChangeTrust
- type ClaimClaimableBalance
- type Clawback
- type ClawbackClaimableBalance
- type CreateAccount
- type CreateClaimableBalance
- type CreatePassiveSellOffer
- type EndSponsoringFutureReserves
- type ErrEventStream
- type FeeDist
- type FeePercentile
- type FeeStats
- type FeeVal
- type HorizonAccountEntry
- type HorizonBalance
- type HorizonFlags
- type HorizonSigner
- type HorizonThresholds
- type HorizonTxResult
- type Inflation
- type LedgerHeader
- type LiquidityPoolDeposit
- type LiquidityPoolWithdraw
- type ManageBuyOffer
- type ManageData
- type ManageSellOffer
- type MuxedAccount
- type OperationBody
- type PathPaymentStrictReceive
- type PathPaymentStrictSend
- type Payment
- type PrivateKey
- type PublicKey
- type RevokeSponsorship
- type SetOptions
- type SetTrustLineFlags
- type Signature
- type SignerCache
- func (c SignerCache) Add(strkey, comment string) error
- func (c SignerCache) Del(strkey string) error
- func (c SignerCache) Lookup(networkID string, e *stx.TransactionEnvelope, ds *stx.DecoratedSignature) *SignerKeyInfo
- func (c SignerCache) LookupComment(key *stx.SignerKey) string
- func (c SignerCache) String() string
- type SignerKey
- type SignerKeyInfo
- type StellarMetas
- type StellarNet
- func (net *StellarNet) AccountDelta(m *StellarMetas, acct *AccountID, prefix string) string
- func (net *StellarNet) AccountIDNote(acct string) string
- func (net *StellarNet) AddHint(acct string, hint string)
- func (net *StellarNet) AddSigner(signer, comment string)
- func (net *StellarNet) Get(query string) ([]byte, error)
- func (net *StellarNet) GetAccountEntry(acct string) (*HorizonAccountEntry, error)
- func (net *StellarNet) GetFeeCache() (*FeeStats, error)
- func (net *StellarNet) GetFeeStats() (*FeeStats, error)
- func (net *StellarNet) GetJSON(query string, out interface{}) error
- func (net *StellarNet) GetLedgerHeader() (*LedgerHeader, error)
- func (net *StellarNet) GetNativeAsset() string
- func (net *StellarNet) GetNetworkId() string
- func (net *StellarNet) GetTxResult(txid string) (*HorizonTxResult, error)
- func (net *StellarNet) HashTx(tx stx.Signable) *stx.Hash
- func (net *StellarNet) IniSink() ini.IniSink
- func (net *StellarNet) IterateJSON(ctx context.Context, query string, cb interface{}) error
- func (net *StellarNet) NewSignerPreauth(tx stx.Signable, weight uint32) *stx.Signer
- func (net *StellarNet) Post(e *TransactionEnvelope) (*TransactionResult, error)
- func (net *StellarNet) Save() error
- func (net *StellarNet) SavePerm(perm os.FileMode) error
- func (net *StellarNet) SigNote(txe *stx.TransactionEnvelope, sig *stx.DecoratedSignature) string
- func (net *StellarNet) SignTx(sk stcdetail.PrivateKeyInterface, e *TransactionEnvelope) error
- func (net *StellarNet) SignerNote(key *stx.SignerKey) string
- func (net *StellarNet) StreamJSON(ctx context.Context, query string, cb interface{}) error
- func (net *StellarNet) ToRep(txe xdr.XdrType) string
- func (net *StellarNet) TxToRep(txe *TransactionEnvelope) string
- func (net *StellarNet) Validate() error
- func (net *StellarNet) VerifySig(pk *SignerKey, tx stx.Signable, sig Signature) bool
- func (net *StellarNet) WriteRep(out io.Writer, name string, txe xdr.XdrType)
- type TransactionEnvelope
- func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) Append(sourceAccount *stx.MuxedAccount, body OperationBody)
- func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) GetHelp(name string) bool
- func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) SetFee(baseFee uint32)
- func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) SetHelp(name string)
- func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) SetSourceAccount(m0 stx.IsAccount)
- func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) SourceAccount() *stx.MuxedAccount
- type TransactionResult
- type TxFailure
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const MaxInt64 = 0x7fffffffffffffff
Largest 64-bit signed integer (9223372036854775807).
Variables ¶
var DefaultGlobalConfigContents = []byte(
`# Default Stellar network configurations for stc.
[net "main"]
network-id = "Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015"
horizon =
native-asset = XLM
[net "test"]
horizon =
native-asset = TestXLM
[net "standalone"]
network-id = "Standalone Network ; February 2017"
horizon = http://localhost:8000/
native-asset = StandaloneXLM
When a user does not have an stc.conf configuration file, the library searches for one in $STCDIR/stc.conf, then /etc/stc.conf, then ../share/stc.conf (relative to the executable path). If none of those paths exists, then it uses the built-in contents specified by this variable.
var ErrInvalidNetName = errors.New("Invalid or missing Stellar network name")
var ErrNoNetworkId = errors.New("Cannot obtain Stellar network-id")
var InvalidKeyFile = errors.New("Invalid private key file")
var InvalidPassphrase = errors.New("Invalid passphrase")
Functions ¶
func ConfigPath ¶
Return the path to a file under the user's configuration directory. The configuration directory is found based on environment variables. From highest to lowest precedence tries $STCDIR, UserConfigDir() (i.e., on Unix $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.stc or $HOME/.config/stc), or ./.stc, using the first one with for which the environment variable exists. If the configuration directory doesn't exist, it gets created, but the underlying path requested will not be created.
func IsTemporary ¶
Try to determine whether a request to Horizon indicates the operation is worth retrying. Specifically, this function repeatedly unwraps errors and returns true if either A) one of the errors has a Temporary() method that returns true, or B) one of the errors is a net.OpError for Op "dial" and that is not wrapping a DNS error. The logic here is that if the DNS name of a horizon server does not exist (permanent DNS error), there is likely some misconfiguration. However, if the horizon server is refusing TCP connections, it may be undergoing maintenance.
func MemoReturn ¶
Helper function for initializing a Memo with Type == MEMO_RETURN
func MkAssetCode ¶ added in v0.1.3
func NativeAsset ¶
func NewSignerHashX ¶
Create a signer that requires the hash pre-image of some hash value x
func NewSignerKey ¶
Create a signer for a particular public key and weight
func ParseConfigFiles ¶
Parse a series of INI configuration files specified by paths, followed by the global or built-in stc.conf file.
func Set ¶
Assign a set of values to successive fields of an XDR structure in a type-safe way, flattening out nested structures. For example, given the following XDR:
union Asset switch (AssetType type) { case ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE: // Not credit void; case ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM4: struct { opaque assetCode[4]; // 1 to 4 characters AccountID issuer; } alphaNum4; case ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM12: struct { opaque assetCode[12]; // 5 to 12 characters AccountID issuer; } alphaNum12; };
You can initalize it with the following:
var asset Asset Set(&asset, ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM12, "Asset Code", AccountID{})
Fixed-length arrays of size n must be assigned from n successive arguments passed to Set and cannot be passed as an array. Slices, by contrast, must be assigned from slices. The one exception is fixed-size array of bytes opaque[n], which can be initialized from a string, a slice []byte, or an array [n]byte. The string or slice may be shorter than n (in which case the remainig bytes are filled with 0), but a byte array must be exactly the same length. (If you really must assign from a shorter fixed-length byte array, just slice the array.)
Note that aggregates can be passed as arguments to assign, in which case Set will take fewer arguments. The recursive traversal of structures stops when it is possible to assign the next value to the current aggregate. For example, it is valid to say:
var asset Asset Set(&asset, ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM12, otherAsset.AlphaNum12)
func TxToBase64 ¶
func TxToBase64(tx *TransactionEnvelope) string
Convert a TransactionEnvelope to base64-encoded binary XDR format.
func ValidNetName ¶
Types ¶
type AccountHints ¶
Set of annotations to show as comments when showing Stellar AccountID values.
func (AccountHints) String ¶
func (h AccountHints) String() string
Renders an account hint as the AccountID in StrKey format, a space, and the comment (if any).
type AccountID ¶
func DemuxAcct ¶
func DemuxAcct(macct *MuxedAccount) (*AccountID, *uint64)
Break a MuxedAccount into its consituent parts. Note that the second return value of type *uint64 may be nil for MuxedAccounts that don't include an embedded identifier.
type AccountMerge ¶
type AccountMerge stx.MuxedAccount
AccountMerge is a type with the same fields as stx.MuxedAccount that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == ACCOUNT_MERGE and *Body.Destination() initialized from the fields of the AccountMerge.
func (AccountMerge) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg AccountMerge) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type AllowTrust ¶
type AllowTrust stx.AllowTrustOp
AllowTrust is a type with the same fields as stx.AllowTrustOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == ALLOW_TRUST and *Body.AllowTrustOp() initialized from the fields of the AllowTrust.
func (AllowTrust) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg AllowTrust) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type BeginSponsoringFutureReserves ¶
type BeginSponsoringFutureReserves stx.BeginSponsoringFutureReservesOp
BeginSponsoringFutureReserves is a type with the same fields as stx.BeginSponsoringFutureReservesOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == BEGIN_SPONSORING_FUTURE_RESERVES and *Body.BeginSponsoringFutureReservesOp() initialized from the fields of the BeginSponsoringFutureReserves.
func (BeginSponsoringFutureReserves) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg BeginSponsoringFutureReserves) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type BumpSequence ¶
type BumpSequence stx.BumpSequenceOp
BumpSequence is a type with the same fields as stx.BumpSequenceOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == BUMP_SEQUENCE and *Body.BumpSequenceOp() initialized from the fields of the BumpSequence.
func (BumpSequence) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg BumpSequence) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type ChangeTrust ¶
type ChangeTrust stx.ChangeTrustOp
ChangeTrust is a type with the same fields as stx.ChangeTrustOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == CHANGE_TRUST and *Body.ChangeTrustOp() initialized from the fields of the ChangeTrust.
func (ChangeTrust) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg ChangeTrust) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type ClaimClaimableBalance ¶
type ClaimClaimableBalance stx.ClaimClaimableBalanceOp
ClaimClaimableBalance is a type with the same fields as stx.ClaimClaimableBalanceOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == CLAIM_CLAIMABLE_BALANCE and *Body.ClaimClaimableBalanceOp() initialized from the fields of the ClaimClaimableBalance.
func (ClaimClaimableBalance) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg ClaimClaimableBalance) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type Clawback ¶ added in v0.1.3
type Clawback stx.ClawbackOp
Clawback is a type with the same fields as stx.ClawbackOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == CLAWBACK and *Body.ClawbackOp() initialized from the fields of the Clawback.
func (Clawback) To_Operation_Body ¶ added in v0.1.3
func (arg Clawback) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type ClawbackClaimableBalance ¶ added in v0.1.4
type ClawbackClaimableBalance stx.ClawbackClaimableBalanceOp
ClawbackClaimableBalance is a type with the same fields as stx.ClawbackClaimableBalanceOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == CLAWBACK_CLAIMABLE_BALANCE and *Body.ClawbackClaimableBalanceOp() initialized from the fields of the ClawbackClaimableBalance.
func (ClawbackClaimableBalance) To_Operation_Body ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (arg ClawbackClaimableBalance) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type CreateAccount ¶
type CreateAccount stx.CreateAccountOp
CreateAccount is a type with the same fields as stx.CreateAccountOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == CREATE_ACCOUNT and *Body.CreateAccountOp() initialized from the fields of the CreateAccount.
func (CreateAccount) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg CreateAccount) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type CreateClaimableBalance ¶
type CreateClaimableBalance stx.CreateClaimableBalanceOp
CreateClaimableBalance is a type with the same fields as stx.CreateClaimableBalanceOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == CREATE_CLAIMABLE_BALANCE and *Body.CreateClaimableBalanceOp() initialized from the fields of the CreateClaimableBalance.
func (CreateClaimableBalance) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg CreateClaimableBalance) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type CreatePassiveSellOffer ¶
type CreatePassiveSellOffer stx.CreatePassiveSellOfferOp
CreatePassiveSellOffer is a type with the same fields as stx.CreatePassiveSellOfferOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == CREATE_PASSIVE_SELL_OFFER and *Body.CreatePassiveSellOfferOp() initialized from the fields of the CreatePassiveSellOffer.
func (CreatePassiveSellOffer) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg CreatePassiveSellOffer) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type EndSponsoringFutureReserves ¶
type EndSponsoringFutureReserves struct{}
EndSponsoringFutureReserves is an empty type that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new Operation with Body.Type == END_SPONSORING_FUTURE_RESERVES.
func (EndSponsoringFutureReserves) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (EndSponsoringFutureReserves) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type ErrEventStream ¶
type ErrEventStream string
func (ErrEventStream) Error ¶
func (e ErrEventStream) Error() string
type FeeDist ¶
type FeeDist struct { Max FeeVal Min FeeVal Mode FeeVal Percentiles []FeePercentile }
Distribution of offered or charged fees.
func (*FeeDist) Percentile ¶
Conservatively returns a fee that is a known fee for the target or the closest higher known percentile. Does not interpolate--e.g., if you ask for the 51st percentile but only the 50th and 60th are known, returns the 60th percentile. Never returns a value less than the base fee.
func (*FeeDist) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type FeePercentile ¶
type FeeStats ¶
type FeeStats struct { Last_ledger uint64 Last_ledger_base_fee uint32 Ledger_capacity_usage float64 Charged FeeDist Offered FeeDist }
Go representation of the Horizon Fee Stats structure response. The fees are per operation in a transaction, and the individual fields are documented here:
func (*FeeStats) Percentile ¶
Conservatively a known offered fee for the target or a higher percentile. Never returns a value less than the base fee.
func (*FeeStats) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type FeeVal ¶
type FeeVal = uint32
A Fee Value is currently 32 bits, but could become 64 bits if CAP-0015 is adopted.
type HorizonAccountEntry ¶
type HorizonAccountEntry struct { Net *StellarNet `json:"-"` Sequence stcdetail.JsonInt64 Balance stcdetail.JsonInt64e7 Subentry_count uint32 Inflation_destination *AccountID Home_domain string Last_modified_ledger uint32 Flags HorizonFlags Thresholds HorizonThresholds Balances []HorizonBalance Signers []HorizonSigner Data map[string]string }
Structure into which you can unmarshal JSON returned by a query to horizon for an account endpoint
func (*HorizonAccountEntry) NextSeq ¶
func (ae *HorizonAccountEntry) NextSeq() stx.SequenceNumber
Return the next sequence number (1 + Sequence) as an int64 (or 0 if an invalid sequence number was returned by horizon).
func (*HorizonAccountEntry) String ¶
func (hs *HorizonAccountEntry) String() string
func (*HorizonAccountEntry) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (ae *HorizonAccountEntry) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HorizonBalance ¶
type HorizonBalance struct { Balance stcdetail.JsonInt64e7 Buying_liabilities stcdetail.JsonInt64e7 Selling_liabilities stcdetail.JsonInt64e7 Limit stcdetail.JsonInt64e7 Asset stx.Asset `json:"-"` }
func (*HorizonBalance) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (hb *HorizonBalance) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HorizonFlags ¶
type HorizonSigner ¶
type HorizonThresholds ¶
type HorizonTxResult ¶
type HorizonTxResult struct { Net *StellarNet Txhash stx.Hash Ledger uint32 Time time.Time Env stx.TransactionEnvelope Result stx.TransactionResult StellarMetas PagingToken string }
func (HorizonTxResult) String ¶
func (r HorizonTxResult) String() string
func (*HorizonTxResult) Success ¶
func (r *HorizonTxResult) Success() bool
func (*HorizonTxResult) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *HorizonTxResult) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Inflation ¶
type Inflation struct{}
Inflation is an empty type that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new Operation with Body.Type == INFLATION.
func (Inflation) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (Inflation) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type LedgerHeader ¶
type LedgerHeader = stx.LedgerHeader
type LiquidityPoolDeposit ¶ added in v0.1.6
type LiquidityPoolDeposit stx.LiquidityPoolDepositOp
LiquidityPoolDeposit is a type with the same fields as stx.LiquidityPoolDepositOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == LIQUIDITY_POOL_DEPOSIT and *Body.LiquidityPoolDepositOp() initialized from the fields of the LiquidityPoolDeposit.
func (LiquidityPoolDeposit) To_Operation_Body ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (arg LiquidityPoolDeposit) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type LiquidityPoolWithdraw ¶ added in v0.1.6
type LiquidityPoolWithdraw stx.LiquidityPoolWithdrawOp
LiquidityPoolWithdraw is a type with the same fields as stx.LiquidityPoolWithdrawOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == LIQUIDITY_POOL_WITHDRAW and *Body.LiquidityPoolWithdrawOp() initialized from the fields of the LiquidityPoolWithdraw.
func (LiquidityPoolWithdraw) To_Operation_Body ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (arg LiquidityPoolWithdraw) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type ManageBuyOffer ¶
type ManageBuyOffer stx.ManageBuyOfferOp
ManageBuyOffer is a type with the same fields as stx.ManageBuyOfferOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == MANAGE_BUY_OFFER and *Body.ManageBuyOfferOp() initialized from the fields of the ManageBuyOffer.
func (ManageBuyOffer) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg ManageBuyOffer) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type ManageData ¶
type ManageData stx.ManageDataOp
ManageData is a type with the same fields as stx.ManageDataOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == MANAGE_DATA and *Body.ManageDataOp() initialized from the fields of the ManageData.
func (ManageData) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg ManageData) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type ManageSellOffer ¶
type ManageSellOffer stx.ManageSellOfferOp
ManageSellOffer is a type with the same fields as stx.ManageSellOfferOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == MANAGE_SELL_OFFER and *Body.ManageSellOfferOp() initialized from the fields of the ManageSellOffer.
func (ManageSellOffer) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg ManageSellOffer) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type MuxedAccount ¶
type MuxedAccount = stx.MuxedAccount
func MuxAcct ¶
func MuxAcct(acct *AccountID, id *uint64) *MuxedAccount
Created a MuxedAccount from its consituent parts. id may be nil to indicate there is no embedded identifier.
type OperationBody ¶
type OperationBody interface {
To_Operation_Body() stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body
Interface for placeholder types that are named by camel-cased versions of the OperationType enum and can be transformed into the body of an Operation
type PathPaymentStrictReceive ¶
type PathPaymentStrictReceive stx.PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp
PathPaymentStrictReceive is a type with the same fields as stx.PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == PATH_PAYMENT_STRICT_RECEIVE and *Body.PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp() initialized from the fields of the PathPaymentStrictReceive.
func (PathPaymentStrictReceive) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg PathPaymentStrictReceive) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type PathPaymentStrictSend ¶
type PathPaymentStrictSend stx.PathPaymentStrictSendOp
PathPaymentStrictSend is a type with the same fields as stx.PathPaymentStrictSendOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == PATH_PAYMENT_STRICT_SEND and *Body.PathPaymentStrictSendOp() initialized from the fields of the PathPaymentStrictSend.
func (PathPaymentStrictSend) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg PathPaymentStrictSend) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type Payment ¶
Payment is a type with the same fields as stx.PaymentOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == PAYMENT and *Body.PaymentOp() initialized from the fields of the Payment.
func (Payment) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg Payment) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type PrivateKey ¶
type PrivateKey struct {
Abstract type representing a Stellar private key. Prints and scans in StrKey format.
func InputPrivateKey ¶
func InputPrivateKey(prompt string) (PrivateKey, error)
Reads a private key from standard input. If standard input is a terminal, disables echo and prints prompt to standard error.
func LoadPrivateKey ¶
func LoadPrivateKey(file string) (PrivateKey, error)
Reads a private key from a file, prompting for a passphrase if the key is in ASCII-armored symmetrically-encrypted GPG format.
func NewPrivateKey ¶
func NewPrivateKey(pkt stx.PublicKeyType) PrivateKey
Generates a new Stellar keypair and returns the PrivateKey. Currently the only valid value for pkt is stx.PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_ED25519.
func (PrivateKey) Save ¶
func (sk PrivateKey) Save(file string, passphrase []byte) error
Writes the a private key to a file in strkey format. If passphrase has non-zero length, then the key is symmetrically encrypted in ASCII-armored GPG format.
func (PrivateKey) Valid ¶
func (sec PrivateKey) Valid() bool
type RevokeSponsorship ¶
type RevokeSponsorship stx.RevokeSponsorshipOp
RevokeSponsorship is a type with the same fields as stx.RevokeSponsorshipOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == REVOKE_SPONSORSHIP and *Body.RevokeSponsorshipOp() initialized from the fields of the RevokeSponsorship.
func (RevokeSponsorship) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg RevokeSponsorship) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type SetOptions ¶
type SetOptions stx.SetOptionsOp
SetOptions is a type with the same fields as stx.SetOptionsOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == SET_OPTIONS and *Body.SetOptionsOp() initialized from the fields of the SetOptions.
func (SetOptions) To_Operation_Body ¶
func (arg SetOptions) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type SetTrustLineFlags ¶ added in v0.1.4
type SetTrustLineFlags stx.SetTrustLineFlagsOp
SetTrustLineFlags is a type with the same fields as stx.SetTrustLineFlagsOp that can be passed to TransactionEnvelope.Append() to append a new operation with Body.Type == SET_TRUST_LINE_FLAGS and *Body.SetTrustLineFlagsOp() initialized from the fields of the SetTrustLineFlags.
func (SetTrustLineFlags) To_Operation_Body ¶ added in v0.1.4
func (arg SetTrustLineFlags) To_Operation_Body() (ret stx.XdrAnon_Operation_Body)
type SignerCache ¶
type SignerCache map[stx.SignatureHint][]SignerKeyInfo
A SignerCache contains a set of possible Stellar signers. Because a TransactionEnvelope contains an array of signatures without public keys, it is not possible to verify the signatures without having the Signers. The signatures in a TransactionEnvelope envelope are, however, accompanied by a 4-byte SignatureHint, making it efficient to look up signers if they are in a SignerCache.
func (SignerCache) Add ¶
func (c SignerCache) Add(strkey, comment string) error
Adds a signer to a SignerCache if the signer is not already in the cache. If the signer is already in the cache, the comment is left unchanged.
func (SignerCache) Del ¶
func (c SignerCache) Del(strkey string) error
Deletes a signer from the cache.
func (SignerCache) Lookup ¶
func (c SignerCache) Lookup(networkID string, e *stx.TransactionEnvelope, ds *stx.DecoratedSignature) *SignerKeyInfo
Finds the signer in a SignerCache that corresponds to a particular signature on a transaction.
func (SignerCache) LookupComment ¶
func (c SignerCache) LookupComment(key *stx.SignerKey) string
func (SignerCache) String ¶
func (c SignerCache) String() string
Renders SignerCache as a a set of SignerKeyInfo structures, one per line, suitable for saving to a file.
type SignerKeyInfo ¶
An annotated SignerKey that can be used to authenticate transactions. Prints and Scans as a StrKey-format SignerKey, a space, and then the comment.
func (SignerKeyInfo) String ¶
func (ski SignerKeyInfo) String() string
type StellarMetas ¶
type StellarMetas struct { FeeMeta stx.LedgerEntryChanges ResultMeta stx.TransactionMeta }
Ledger entries changed by a transaction.
type StellarNet ¶
type StellarNet struct { // Short name for network (used only in error messages). Name string // Network password used for hashing and signing transactions. NetworkId string // Name to use for native asset NativeAsset string // Base URL of horizon (including trailing slash). Horizon string // Set of signers to recognize when checking signatures on // transactions and annotations to show when printing signers. Signers SignerCache // Annotations to show on particular accounts when rendering them // in human-readable txrep format. Accounts AccountHints // Changes will be saved to this file. SavePath string // Changes to be applied by Save(). Edits ini.IniEdits // Cache of fee stats FeeCache *FeeStats FeeCacheTime time.Time }
func DefaultStellarNet ¶
func DefaultStellarNet(name string) *StellarNet
Load a network from under the ConfigPath() ($STCDIR) directory. If name is "", then it will look at the $STCNET environment variable and if that is unset load a default network. Returns nil if the network name does not exist. After loading the file, also parses $STCDIR/global.conf.
Two pre-defined names are "main" and "test", with "main" being the default. Other networks can be created under ConfigPath(), or can be pre-specified (and created on demand) in stc.conf.
func LoadStellarNet ¶
func LoadStellarNet(name string, paths ...string) (*StellarNet, error)
Load a Stellar network from an INI files. If path[0] does not exist but name is valid, the path will be created and will be set to name. Otherwise the name argument is ignored. After all files in paths are parsed, the global stc.conf file will be parsed. After that, there must be a valid NetworkId or the function will return nil.
func (*StellarNet) AccountDelta ¶
func (net *StellarNet) AccountDelta( m *StellarMetas, acct *AccountID, prefix string) string
func (*StellarNet) AccountIDNote ¶
func (net *StellarNet) AccountIDNote(acct string) string
func (*StellarNet) AddHint ¶
func (net *StellarNet) AddHint(acct string, hint string)
func (*StellarNet) AddSigner ¶
func (net *StellarNet) AddSigner(signer, comment string)
func (*StellarNet) Get ¶
func (net *StellarNet) Get(query string) ([]byte, error)
Send an HTTP request to horizon
func (*StellarNet) GetAccountEntry ¶
func (net *StellarNet) GetAccountEntry(acct string) ( *HorizonAccountEntry, error)
Fetch the sequence number and signers of an account over the network.
func (*StellarNet) GetFeeCache ¶
func (net *StellarNet) GetFeeCache() (*FeeStats, error)
Like GetFeeStats but a version cached for 1 minute
func (*StellarNet) GetFeeStats ¶
func (net *StellarNet) GetFeeStats() (*FeeStats, error)
Queries the network for the latest fee statistics.
func (*StellarNet) GetJSON ¶
func (net *StellarNet) GetJSON(query string, out interface{}) error
Send an HTTP request to horizon and perse the result as JSON
func (*StellarNet) GetLedgerHeader ¶
func (net *StellarNet) GetLedgerHeader() (*LedgerHeader, error)
Fetch the latest ledger header over the network.
func (*StellarNet) GetNativeAsset ¶
func (net *StellarNet) GetNativeAsset() string
func (*StellarNet) GetNetworkId ¶
func (net *StellarNet) GetNetworkId() string
Returns the network ID, a string that is hashed into transaction IDs to ensure that signature are not valid across networks (e.g., a testnet signature cannot work on the public network). If the network ID is not cached in the StellarNet structure itself, then this function fetches it from the network.
Note StellarMainNet already contains the network ID, while StellarTestNet requires fetching the network ID since the Stellar test network is periodically reset.
func (*StellarNet) GetTxResult ¶
func (net *StellarNet) GetTxResult(txid string) (*HorizonTxResult, error)
func (*StellarNet) HashTx ¶
func (net *StellarNet) HashTx(tx stx.Signable) *stx.Hash
Return a transaction hash (which in Stellar is defined as the hash of the constant ENVELOPE_TYPE_TX, the NetworkID, and the marshaled XDR of the Transaction).
func (*StellarNet) IniSink ¶
func (net *StellarNet) IniSink() ini.IniSink
func (*StellarNet) IterateJSON ¶
func (net *StellarNet) IterateJSON( ctx context.Context, query string, cb interface{}) error
Send a request to horizon and iterate through a series of embedded records in the response, continuing to fetch more records until zero records are returned. cb is a callback function which must have type func(obj *T)error or func(obj *T), where *T is a type into which JSON can be unmarshalled. Returns if there is an error or the ctx argument is Done.
func (*StellarNet) NewSignerPreauth ¶
Create a pre-signed transaction from a transaction and weight.
func (*StellarNet) Post ¶
func (net *StellarNet) Post(e *TransactionEnvelope) ( *TransactionResult, error)
Post a new transaction to the network. In the event that the transaction is successfully submitted to horizon but rejected by the Stellar network, the error will be of type TxFailure, which contains the transaction result.
func (*StellarNet) Save ¶
func (net *StellarNet) Save() error
Save any changes to to SavePath. Equivalent to SavePerm(0666).
func (*StellarNet) SavePerm ¶
func (net *StellarNet) SavePerm(perm os.FileMode) error
Save any changes to SavePath. If SavePath does not exist, then create it with permissions Perm (subject to umask, of course).
func (*StellarNet) SigNote ¶
func (net *StellarNet) SigNote(txe *stx.TransactionEnvelope, sig *stx.DecoratedSignature) string
func (*StellarNet) SignTx ¶
func (net *StellarNet) SignTx(sk stcdetail.PrivateKeyInterface, e *TransactionEnvelope) error
Sign a transaction and append the signature to the TransactionEnvelope.
func (*StellarNet) SignerNote ¶
func (net *StellarNet) SignerNote(key *stx.SignerKey) string
func (*StellarNet) StreamJSON ¶
func (net *StellarNet) StreamJSON( ctx context.Context, query string, cb interface{}) error
Stream a series of events. cb is a callback function which must have type func(obj *T)error or func(obj *T), where *T is a type into which JSON can be unmarshalled. Returns if there is an error or the ctx argument is Done. You likely want to call this in a goroutine, and might want to call it in a loop to try again after errors.
func (*StellarNet) ToRep ¶
func (net *StellarNet) ToRep(txe xdr.XdrType) string
Convert an arbitrary XDR data structure to human-readable Txrep format.
func (*StellarNet) TxToRep ¶
func (net *StellarNet) TxToRep(txe *TransactionEnvelope) string
Convert a TransactionEnvelope to human-readable Txrep format.
func (*StellarNet) Validate ¶
func (net *StellarNet) Validate() error
type TransactionEnvelope ¶
type TransactionEnvelope struct { *stx.TransactionEnvelope Help map[string]struct{} }
This is a wrapper around the XDR TransactionEnvelope structure. The wrapper allows transactions to be built up more easily via the Append() method and various helper types. When parsing and generating Txrep format, it also keeps track of which enums were followed by '?' indicating a request for help.
func NewTransactionEnvelope ¶
func NewTransactionEnvelope() *TransactionEnvelope
func TxFromBase64 ¶
func TxFromBase64(input string) (*TransactionEnvelope, error)
Parse a TransactionEnvelope from base64-encoded binary XDR format.
func TxFromRep ¶
func TxFromRep(rep string) (*TransactionEnvelope, error)
Parse a transaction in human-readable Txrep format into a TransactionEnvelope.
func (*TransactionEnvelope) Append ¶
func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) Append( sourceAccount *stx.MuxedAccount, body OperationBody)
Append an operation to a transaction envelope. To facilitate initialization of the transaction body (which is a union and so doesn't support direct initialization), a suite of helper types have the same fields as each of the operation types. The helper types are named after camel-cased versions of the OperationType constants. E.g., to append an operation of type CREATE_ACCOUNT, use type type CreateAccount:
txe.Append(nil, CreateAccount{ Destination: myNewAccountID, StartingBalance: 15000000, })
The helper types are:
type CreateAccount stx.CreateAccountOp type Payment stx.PaymentOp type PathPaymentStrictReceive stx.PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp type ManageSellOffer stx.ManageSellOfferOp type CreatePassiveSellOffer stx.CreatePassiveSellOfferOp type SetOptions stx.SetOptionsOp type ChangeTrust stx.ChangeTrustOp type AllowTrust stx.AllowTrustOp type AccountMerge stx.PublicKey type Inflation struct{} type ManageData stx.ManageDataOp type BumpSequence stx.BumpSequenceOp type ManageBuyOffer stx.ManageBuyOfferOp type PathPaymentStrictSend stx.PathPaymentStrictSendOp
func (*TransactionEnvelope) GetHelp ¶
func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) GetHelp(name string) bool
func (*TransactionEnvelope) SetFee ¶
func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) SetFee(baseFee uint32)
Set the fee of a transaction to baseFee times the number of operations. If the result would exceed the maximum fee of 0xffffffff (~430 XLM), then just set the fee to 0xffffffff. (Obviously only call this once you have finished adding operations to the transaction with Append.)
func (*TransactionEnvelope) SetHelp ¶
func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) SetHelp(name string)
func (*TransactionEnvelope) SetSourceAccount ¶
func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) SetSourceAccount(m0 stx.IsAccount)
func (*TransactionEnvelope) SourceAccount ¶
func (txe *TransactionEnvelope) SourceAccount() *stx.MuxedAccount
type TransactionResult ¶
type TransactionResult = stx.TransactionResult
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Please see the stc.1 man page for complete documentation of this command.
Please see the stc.1 man page for complete documentation of this command. |
Ini file parser library.
Ini file parser library. |
Internal functions for the stc library.
Internal functions for the stc library. |
The stx package provides a compiled go representation of Stellar's XDR data structures.
The stx package provides a compiled go representation of Stellar's XDR data structures. |