Status: supports SEP-8 transactions revision with a simplified rule:
- only revises transactions containing a single operation of type payment.
- payments whose amount does not meet the configured threshold are considered compliant and revised according to the SEP-8 specification.
- payments with an amount exceeding the threshold need further action.
- transactions already compliant with SEP-8 that don't need to be revised will be signed and returned with the "success" SEP-8 status.
Note: SEP-8 states the service should be able to handle offers in addition to payments, but we're not supporting that at the moment.
This is a SEP-8 Approval Server reference implementation based on SEP-8 v1.7.1 intended for testing only. It is being conceived to:
- Be used as an example of how regulated assets transactions can be validated and revised by an anchor.
- Serve as a demo server where wallets can test and validate their SEP-8 implementation.
Table of Contents
Created by gh-md-toc
$ go install
$ regulated-assets-approval-server --help
SEP-8 Approval Server
regulated-assets-approval-server [command] [flags]
regulated-assets-approval-server [command]
Available Commands:
configure-issuer Configure the Asset Issuer Account for SEP-8 Regulated Assets
migrate Run migrations on the database
serve Serve the SEP-8 Approval Server
Use "regulated-assets-approval-server [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Usage: Configure Issuer
$ go install
$ regulated-assets-approval-server configure-issuer --help
Configure the Asset Issuer Account for SEP-8 Regulated Assets
regulated-assets-approval-server configure-issuer [flags]
--asset-code string The code of the regulated asset (ASSET_CODE)
--base-url string The base url to the server where the asset home domain should be. For instance, "" if your desired asset home domain is "". (BASE_URL)
--frontier-url string Frontier URL used for looking up account details (FRONTIER_URL) (default "")
--issuer-account-secret string Secret key of the issuer account. (ISSUER_ACCOUNT_SECRET)
--network-passphrase string Network passphrase of the DigitalBits network transactions should be signed for (NETWORK_PASSPHRASE) (default "TestNet Global DigitalBits Network ; December 2020")
Usage: Migrate
$ go install
$ regulated-assets-approval-server migrate --help
Run migrations on the database
regulated-assets-approval-server migrate [up|down] [count] [flags]
--database-url string Database URL (DATABASE_URL) (default "postgres://localhost:5432/?sslmode=disable")
Migration files
This project builds the migrations into the binary and embeds it into the built
project. If there are any changes to the db schema, generate a new version of
using the
located at the root of the repo.
$ ./
Usage: Serve
$ go install
$ regulated-assets-approval-server serve --help
Serve the SEP-8 Approval Server
regulated-assets-approval-server serve [flags]
--asset-code string The code of the regulated asset (ASSET_CODE)
--base-url string The base url address to this server (BASE_URL)
--database-url string Database URL (DATABASE_URL) (default "postgres://localhost:5432/?sslmode=disable")
--friendbot-payment-amount int The amount of regulated assets the friendbot will be distributing (FRIENDBOT_PAYMENT_AMOUNT) (default 10000)
--frontier-url string Frontier URL used for looking up account details (FRONTIER_URL) (default "")
--issuer-account-secret string Secret key of the issuer account. (ISSUER_ACCOUNT_SECRET)
--kyc-required-payment-amount-threshold string The amount threshold when KYC is required, may contain decimals and is greater than 0 (KYC_REQUIRED_PAYMENT_AMOUNT_THRESHOLD) (default "500")
--network-passphrase string Network passphrase of the DigitalBits network transactions should be signed for (NETWORK_PASSPHRASE) (default "TestNet Global DigitalBits Network ; December 2020")
--port int Port to listen and serve on (PORT) (default 8000)
Account Setup
In order to properly use this server for regulated assets, the account whose
secret was added in --issuer-account-secret (ISSUER_ACCOUNT_SECRET)
needs to
be configured according with SEP-8 authorization flags by setting both
Authorization Required
and Authorization Revocable
flags. This allows the
issuer to grant and revoke authorization to transact the asset at will.
You can use the command $ regulated-assets-approval-server configure-issuer
or this DigitalBits Laboratory
to set those flags.
After setting up the issuer account you can send some amount of the regulated
asset to a digitalbits account using the servers friendbot
endpoint. The friendbot endpoint is not part
of the SEP-8 Approval Server specification, it's a debug feature that allows
accounts to test sending transactions containing payments with the issuer's
regulated asset, to the server.
GET /friendbot?addr={digitalbits_address}
This endpoint sends a payment of 10,000 (this value is configurable) regulated
assets to the provided addr
. Please be aware the address must first establish
a trustline to the regulated asset in order to receive that payment. You can use
to do that in DigitalBits Laboratory.
API Spec
POST /tx-approve
This is the core SEP-8 endpoint used to validate and process regulated assets transactions. Its response will contain one of the following statuses: Success, Revised, Action Required, or Rejected.
Note: The example responses below have set their base-url
env var configured
to ""
Success: means the transaction has been approved and signed by the issuer without being revised. For more info read the SEP-8 Success section.
"status": "success",
"message": "Transaction is compliant and signed by the issuer.",
Revised: this response means the transaction was revised to be made compliant, and signed by the issuer. For more info read the SEP-8 Revised section.
"status": "revised",
"message": "Authorization and deauthorization operations were added.",
Rejected: this response means the transaction is not and couldn't be made compliant. For more info read the SEP-8 Rejected section.
"status": "rejected",
"error": "There is one or more unauthorized operations in the provided transaction."
Action Required: this response means the user must complete an action before this transaction can be approved. The approval server will provide a URL that facilitates the action. Upon completion, the user can resubmit the transaction. For more info read the SEP-8 Action Required section.
"status": "action_required",
"message": "Payments exceeding 500.00 GOAT needs KYC approval. Please provide an email address.",
"action_url": "",
"action_method": "POST",
"action_fields": [
Pending: this response means the user KYC could not be verified as approved nor rejected and was marked as "pending". As an arbitrary rule, this server is marking as "pending" all accounts whose email starts with "y". For more info read the SEP-8 Pending section.
"status": "pending",
"error": "Your account could not be verified as approved nor rejected and was marked as pending. You will need staff authorization for operations above 500.00 GOAT."
POST /kyc-status/{CALLBACK_ID}
This endpoint is used for the extra action after /tx-approve
, as described in
the SEP-8 Action Required section.
Currently an arbitrary criteria is implemented:
- email addresses starting with "x" will have the KYC automatically denied.
- email addresses starting with "y" will have their KYC marked as pending.
- all other emails will be accepted.
Note: you'll need to resubmit your transaction to
in order to verify if your KYC was approved.
"email_address": ""
"result": "no_further_action_required",
After the user has been approved or rejected they can POST their transaction to
POST /tx-approve
for revision.
If their KYC was rejected they should see a rejection response. Response (rejected for emails starting with "x"):
"status": "rejected",
"error": "Your KYC was rejected and you're not authorized for operations above 500.00 GOAT."
If their KYC was marked as pending they should see a pending response. Response (pending for emails starting with "y"):
"status": "pending",
"error": "Your account could not be verified as approved nor rejected and was marked as pending. You will need staff authorization for operations above 500.00 GOAT."
Returns the detail of an account that requested KYC, as well some metadata about its status.
Note: This functionality is for test/debugging purposes and it's not part of the SEP-8 spec.
Response (pending KYC submission):
"created_at": "2021-03-26T09:35:06.907293-03:00",
Response (approved KYC):
"email_address": "",
"created_at": "2021-03-26T09:35:06.907293-03:00",
"kyc_submitted_at": "2021-03-26T14:03:43.314334-03:00",
"approved_at": "2021-03-26T14:03:43.314334-03:00",
Response (rejected KYC):
"email_address": "",
"created_at": "2021-03-26T09:35:06.907293-03:00",
"kyc_submitted_at": "2021-03-26T14:03:43.314334-03:00",
"rejected_at": "2021-03-26T14:03:43.314334-03:00",
Response (pending KYC):
"email_address": "",
"created_at": "2021-03-26T09:35:06.907293-03:00",
"kyc_submitted_at": "2021-03-26T14:03:43.314334-03:00",
"pending_at": "2021-03-26T14:03:43.314334-03:00",
Deletes a digitalbits account from the list of KYCs. If the digitalbits address is not
in the database to be deleted the server will return with a 404 - Not Found
Note: This functionality is for test/debugging purposes and it's not part of the SEP-8 spec.
"message": "ok"
There is no documentation for this package.