Recovery Signer
This is an incomplete and work-in-progress implementation of the SEP-30
Recovery Signer protocol v0.7.0.
A Recovery Signer is a server that can help a user regain control of a DigitalBits
account if they have lost their secret key. A user registers their account with
a Recovery Signer by adding it as a signer, and informs the Recovery Signer
that any user proving access to a phone number or email address can have
transactions signed. A user who has registered their account with two or more
Recovery Signers can recover the account with their help.
This implementation uses Firebase to authenticate a user with an email address
or phone number. To configure a Firebase project for use with recoverysigner
This implementation is not polished and is still experimental.
Running this implementation in production is not recommended.
$ recoverysigner --help
SEP-30 Recovery Signer server
recoverysigner [command] [flags]
recoverysigner [command]
Available Commands:
db Run database operations
serve Run the SEP-30 Recovery Signer server
Use "recoverysigner [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Usage: serve
$ recoverysigner serve --help
Run the SEP-30 Recovery Signer server
recoverysigner serve [flags]
--admin-port int Port to listen and serve admin functionality including metrics (ADMIN_PORT)
--allowed-source-accounts string DigitalBits account(s) allowed as source accounts in transactions signed for all users in addition to the registered account comma separated (important: these accounts must never be registered accounts and must never have the signer configured that is a signing key used by this server) (ALLOWED_SOURCE_ACCOUNTS)
--db-max-open-conns int Database max open connections (DB_MAX_OPEN_CONNS) (default 20)
--db-url string Database URL (DB_URL) (default "postgres://localhost:5432/?sslmode=disable")
--firebase-project-id string Firebase project ID to use for validating Firebase JWTs (FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID)
--metrics-namespace string Namespace to use for metric names prefixed to metrics reported (METRICS_NAMESPACE) (default "recoverysigner")
--network-passphrase string Network passphrase of the DigitalBits network transactions should be signed for (NETWORK_PASSPHRASE) (default "TestNet Global DigitalBits Network ; December 2020")
--port int Port to listen and serve on (PORT) (default 8000)
--sep10-jwks string JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) containing one or more keys used to validate SEP-10 JWTs (if the key is an asymmetric key that has separate public and private key, the JWK need only contain the public key) (if multiple keys are provided they will all attempt verification the key ID will be ignored although logged) (SEP10_JWKS)
--sep10-jwt-issuer string JWT issuer to verify is in the SEP-10 JWT iss field (not checked if empty) (SEP10_JWT_ISSUER)
--signing-key string DigitalBits signing key(s) used for signing transactions comma separated (first key is preferred signer) (will be deprecated with per-account keys in the future) (SIGNING_KEY)
Usage: db
$ recoverysigner db --help
Run database operations
recoverysigner db [flags]
recoverysigner db [command]
Available Commands:
migrate Run migrations on the database
--db-url string Database URL (DB_URL) (default "postgres://localhost:5432/?sslmode=disable")
Use "recoverysigner db [command] --help" for more information about a command.