= go-url-shortener
Sample URL shortener written in Golang, to deploy on Kubernetes/Minikube by following the instructions in https://medium.com/@xcoulon/deploying-your-first-web-app-on-minikube-6e98d2884b3a[this article].
License: Apache License 2.0
== Deployment on OpenShift
run the following commands:
# deploy the database secrets (credentials)
oc apply -f templates/database-secrets.yml
# deploy the database (postgres 10)
oc apply -f templates/database-deployment.openshift.yml
# deploy the internal service
oc apply -f templates/database-service.yml
# create the web app config
oc apply -f templates/webapp-config.yaml
# create a deployment config for the web app
oc apply -f templates/webapp-deploymentconfig.yml
# expose the webapp as a node service
oc apply -f templates/webapp-service.yml
# rollout the latest version of the webapp (if an image already exists in the container registry)
oc rollout latest deploymentconfigs/webapp
Once the deployment config is in place, just deploy a new version of the webapp with `make minishift-image && make push-minishift`
- see howe to run the tests during the build
- see how to PVC support for the storage, which fail for now with the following error (when running with the `developer` account):
> oc apply -f templates/database-storage.yml
persistentvolumeclaim "postgres-pv-claim" unchanged
Error from server (Forbidden): error when retrieving current configuration of:
&{0xc420d9aa80 0xc420aa01c0 postgres-pv templates/database-storage.yml 0xc4213e30b0 false}
from server for: "templates/database-storage.yml": persistentvolumes "postgres-pv" is forbidden: User "developer" cannot get persistentvolumes at the cluster scope: User "developer" cannot get persistentvolumes at the cluster scope