Index ¶
- Variables
- func BubblerLexerInit()
- func BubblerParserInit()
- func InitEmptyArrayElementTypeContext(p *ArrayElementTypeContext)
- func InitEmptyArrayTypeContext(p *ArrayTypeContext)
- func InitEmptyBasicTypeContext(p *BasicTypeContext)
- func InitEmptyBitSizeContext(p *BitSizeContext)
- func InitEmptyBoolLitContext(p *BoolLitContext)
- func InitEmptyByteSizeContext(p *ByteSizeContext)
- func InitEmptyConstantContext(p *ConstantContext)
- func InitEmptyEmptyStatement_Context(p *EmptyStatement_Context)
- func InitEmptyEnumBodyContext(p *EnumBodyContext)
- func InitEmptyEnumDefContext(p *EnumDefContext)
- func InitEmptyEnumElementContext(p *EnumElementContext)
- func InitEmptyEnumNameContext(p *EnumNameContext)
- func InitEmptyEnumTypeContext(p *EnumTypeContext)
- func InitEmptyEnumValueContext(p *EnumValueContext)
- func InitEmptyEnumValueNameContext(p *EnumValueNameContext)
- func InitEmptyEnumValueOptionContext(p *EnumValueOptionContext)
- func InitEmptyEnumValueOptionsContext(p *EnumValueOptionsContext)
- func InitEmptyExprContext(p *ExprContext)
- func InitEmptyFieldConstantContext(p *FieldConstantContext)
- func InitEmptyFieldContext(p *FieldContext)
- func InitEmptyFieldEmbeddedContext(p *FieldEmbeddedContext)
- func InitEmptyFieldMethodContext(p *FieldMethodContext)
- func InitEmptyFieldMethodsContext(p *FieldMethodsContext)
- func InitEmptyFieldNameContext(p *FieldNameContext)
- func InitEmptyFieldNormalContext(p *FieldNormalContext)
- func InitEmptyFieldOptionContext(p *FieldOptionContext)
- func InitEmptyFieldOptionsContext(p *FieldOptionsContext)
- func InitEmptyFieldVoidContext(p *FieldVoidContext)
- func InitEmptyFloatLitContext(p *FloatLitContext)
- func InitEmptyFullIdentContext(p *FullIdentContext)
- func InitEmptyIdentContext(p *IdentContext)
- func InitEmptyImportStatementContext(p *ImportStatementContext)
- func InitEmptyIntLitContext(p *IntLitContext)
- func InitEmptyMethodNameContext(p *MethodNameContext)
- func InitEmptyOptionNameContext(p *OptionNameContext)
- func InitEmptyOptionStatementContext(p *OptionStatementContext)
- func InitEmptyPackageStatementContext(p *PackageStatementContext)
- func InitEmptyProtoContext(p *ProtoContext)
- func InitEmptySize_Context(p *Size_Context)
- func InitEmptyStrLitContext(p *StrLitContext)
- func InitEmptyStructBodyContext(p *StructBodyContext)
- func InitEmptyStructDefContext(p *StructDefContext)
- func InitEmptyStructElementContext(p *StructElementContext)
- func InitEmptyStructNameContext(p *StructNameContext)
- func InitEmptyStructTypeContext(p *StructTypeContext)
- func InitEmptyTopLevelDefContext(p *TopLevelDefContext)
- func InitEmptyType_Context(p *Type_Context)
- func InitEmptyValueContext(p *ValueContext)
- func NewbubblerLexer(input antlr.CharStream) *bubblerLexer
- func NewbubblerParser(input antlr.TokenStream) *bubblerParser
- type ArrayElementTypeContext
- func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) BYTES() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) BasicType() IBasicTypeContext
- func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) EnumType() IEnumTypeContext
- func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) Ident() IIdentContext
- func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) IsArrayElementTypeContext()
- func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) StructType() IStructTypeContext
- func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ArrayTypeContext
- func (s *ArrayTypeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ArrayTypeContext) ArrayElementType() IArrayElementTypeContext
- func (s *ArrayTypeContext) GT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ArrayTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ArrayTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ArrayTypeContext) IntLit() IIntLitContext
- func (*ArrayTypeContext) IsArrayTypeContext()
- func (s *ArrayTypeContext) LT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ArrayTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type BasebubblerVisitor
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitArrayElementType(ctx *ArrayElementTypeContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitArrayType(ctx *ArrayTypeContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitBasicType(ctx *BasicTypeContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitBitSize(ctx *BitSizeContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitBoolLit(ctx *BoolLitContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitByteSize(ctx *ByteSizeContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitConstant(ctx *ConstantContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEmptyStatement_(ctx *EmptyStatement_Context) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumBody(ctx *EnumBodyContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumDef(ctx *EnumDefContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumElement(ctx *EnumElementContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumName(ctx *EnumNameContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumType(ctx *EnumTypeContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValue(ctx *EnumValueContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValueName(ctx *EnumValueNameContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValueOption(ctx *EnumValueOptionContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValueOptions(ctx *EnumValueOptionsContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprAddSub(ctx *ExprAddSubContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprBitAnd(ctx *ExprBitAndContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprBitOr(ctx *ExprBitOrContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprBitXor(ctx *ExprBitXorContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprCast(ctx *ExprCastContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprConstant(ctx *ExprConstantContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprEquality(ctx *ExprEqualityContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprLogicalAnd(ctx *ExprLogicalAndContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprLogicalOr(ctx *ExprLogicalOrContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprMulDivMod(ctx *ExprMulDivModContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprParens(ctx *ExprParensContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprPower(ctx *ExprPowerContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprRelational(ctx *ExprRelationalContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprShift(ctx *ExprShiftContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprTernary(ctx *ExprTernaryContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprUnary(ctx *ExprUnaryContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprValue(ctx *ExprValueContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitField(ctx *FieldContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldConstant(ctx *FieldConstantContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldEmbedded(ctx *FieldEmbeddedContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldMethod(ctx *FieldMethodContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldMethods(ctx *FieldMethodsContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldName(ctx *FieldNameContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldNormal(ctx *FieldNormalContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldOption(ctx *FieldOptionContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldOptions(ctx *FieldOptionsContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldVoid(ctx *FieldVoidContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFloatLit(ctx *FloatLitContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFullIdent(ctx *FullIdentContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitIdent(ctx *IdentContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitImportStatement(ctx *ImportStatementContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitIntLit(ctx *IntLitContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitMethodName(ctx *MethodNameContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitOptionName(ctx *OptionNameContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitOptionStatement(ctx *OptionStatementContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitPackageStatement(ctx *PackageStatementContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitProto(ctx *ProtoContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitSize_(ctx *Size_Context) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStrLit(ctx *StrLitContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructBody(ctx *StructBodyContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructDef(ctx *StructDefContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructElement(ctx *StructElementContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructName(ctx *StructNameContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructType(ctx *StructTypeContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitTopLevelDef(ctx *TopLevelDefContext) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitType_(ctx *Type_Context) interface{}
- func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitValue(ctx *ValueContext) interface{}
- type BasicTypeContext
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) BOOL() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) FLOAT32() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) FLOAT64() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) INT16() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) INT32() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) INT64() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) INT8() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*BasicTypeContext) IsBasicTypeContext()
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) UINT16() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) UINT32() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) UINT64() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BasicTypeContext) UINT8() antlr.TerminalNode
- type BitSizeContext
- func (s *BitSizeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *BitSizeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *BitSizeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *BitSizeContext) IntLit() IIntLitContext
- func (*BitSizeContext) IsBitSizeContext()
- func (s *BitSizeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type BoolLitContext
- func (s *BoolLitContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *BoolLitContext) BOOL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *BoolLitContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *BoolLitContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*BoolLitContext) IsBoolLitContext()
- func (s *BoolLitContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ByteSizeContext
- func (s *ByteSizeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ByteSizeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ByteSizeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ByteSizeContext) IntLit() IIntLitContext
- func (*ByteSizeContext) IsByteSizeContext()
- func (s *ByteSizeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ConstantContext
- func (s *ConstantContext) ADD() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ConstantContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ConstantContext) BoolLit() IBoolLitContext
- func (s *ConstantContext) FloatLit() IFloatLitContext
- func (s *ConstantContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ConstantContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ConstantContext) IntLit() IIntLitContext
- func (*ConstantContext) IsConstantContext()
- func (s *ConstantContext) SUB() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ConstantContext) StrLit() IStrLitContext
- func (s *ConstantContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type EmptyStatement_Context
- func (s *EmptyStatement_Context) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *EmptyStatement_Context) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EmptyStatement_Context) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*EmptyStatement_Context) IsEmptyStatement_Context()
- func (s *EmptyStatement_Context) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EmptyStatement_Context) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type EnumBodyContext
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) AllEnumElement() []IEnumElementContext
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) EnumElement(i int) IEnumElementContext
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*EnumBodyContext) IsEnumBodyContext()
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) LC() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) RC() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumBodyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type EnumDefContext
- func (s *EnumDefContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *EnumDefContext) EnumBody() IEnumBodyContext
- func (s *EnumDefContext) EnumName() IEnumNameContext
- func (s *EnumDefContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EnumDefContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*EnumDefContext) IsEnumDefContext()
- func (s *EnumDefContext) Size_() ISize_Context
- func (s *EnumDefContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type EnumElementContext
- func (s *EnumElementContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *EnumElementContext) EmptyStatement_() IEmptyStatement_Context
- func (s *EnumElementContext) EnumValue() IEnumValueContext
- func (s *EnumElementContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EnumElementContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*EnumElementContext) IsEnumElementContext()
- func (s *EnumElementContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type EnumNameContext
- func (s *EnumNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *EnumNameContext) ENUM() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EnumNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *EnumNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
- func (*EnumNameContext) IsEnumNameContext()
- func (s *EnumNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type EnumTypeContext
- func (s *EnumTypeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *EnumTypeContext) EnumName() IEnumNameContext
- func (s *EnumTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EnumTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*EnumTypeContext) IsEnumTypeContext()
- func (s *EnumTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type EnumValueContext
- func (s *EnumValueContext) ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumValueContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *EnumValueContext) COMMA() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumValueContext) Constant() IConstantContext
- func (s *EnumValueContext) EnumValueName() IEnumValueNameContext
- func (s *EnumValueContext) EnumValueOptions() IEnumValueOptionsContext
- func (s *EnumValueContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EnumValueContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*EnumValueContext) IsEnumValueContext()
- func (s *EnumValueContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumValueContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type EnumValueNameContext
- func (s *EnumValueNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *EnumValueNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EnumValueNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *EnumValueNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
- func (*EnumValueNameContext) IsEnumValueNameContext()
- func (s *EnumValueNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type EnumValueOptionContext
- func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) Constant() IConstantContext
- func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*EnumValueOptionContext) IsEnumValueOptionContext()
- func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) OptionName() IOptionNameContext
- func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type EnumValueOptionsContext
- func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) AllCOMMA() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) AllEnumValueOption() []IEnumValueOptionContext
- func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) COMMA(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) EnumValueOption(i int) IEnumValueOptionContext
- func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) IsEnumValueOptionsContext()
- func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) LB() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) RB() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ExprAddSubContext
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) ADD() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) SUB() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprAddSubContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
- type ExprBitAndContext
- func (s *ExprBitAndContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprBitAndContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprBitAndContext) BAND() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprBitAndContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprBitAndContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- type ExprBitOrContext
- type ExprBitXorContext
- func (s *ExprBitXorContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprBitXorContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprBitXorContext) BXOR() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprBitXorContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprBitXorContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- type ExprCastContext
- func (s *ExprCastContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprCastContext) BasicType() IBasicTypeContext
- func (s *ExprCastContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *ExprCastContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprCastContext) LP() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprCastContext) RP() antlr.TerminalNode
- type ExprConstantContext
- type ExprContext
- type ExprEqualityContext
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) EQ() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) NE() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprEqualityContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
- type ExprLogicalAndContext
- func (s *ExprLogicalAndContext) AND() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprLogicalAndContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprLogicalAndContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprLogicalAndContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprLogicalAndContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- type ExprLogicalOrContext
- func (s *ExprLogicalOrContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprLogicalOrContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprLogicalOrContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprLogicalOrContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprLogicalOrContext) OR() antlr.TerminalNode
- type ExprMulDivModContext
- func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) DIV() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) MOD() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) MUL() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
- type ExprParensContext
- type ExprPowerContext
- type ExprRelationalContext
- func (s *ExprRelationalContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprRelationalContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprRelationalContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprRelationalContext) GE() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprRelationalContext) GT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprRelationalContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprRelationalContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprRelationalContext) LE() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprRelationalContext) LT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprRelationalContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
- type ExprShiftContext
- func (s *ExprShiftContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprShiftContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprShiftContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprShiftContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprShiftContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprShiftContext) SHL() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprShiftContext) SHR() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprShiftContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
- type ExprTernaryContext
- func (s *ExprTernaryContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprTernaryContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
- func (s *ExprTernaryContext) COLON() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprTernaryContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
- func (s *ExprTernaryContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprTernaryContext) QUESTION() antlr.TerminalNode
- type ExprUnaryContext
- func (s *ExprUnaryContext) ADD() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprUnaryContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ExprUnaryContext) BNOT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprUnaryContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *ExprUnaryContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
- func (s *ExprUnaryContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ExprUnaryContext) NOT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprUnaryContext) SUB() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ExprUnaryContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
- type ExprValueContext
- type FieldConstantContext
- func (s *FieldConstantContext) ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldConstantContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FieldConstantContext) BasicType() IBasicTypeContext
- func (s *FieldConstantContext) Constant() IConstantContext
- func (s *FieldConstantContext) FieldName() IFieldNameContext
- func (s *FieldConstantContext) FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext
- func (s *FieldConstantContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FieldConstantContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FieldConstantContext) IsFieldConstantContext()
- func (s *FieldConstantContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldConstantContext) Size_() ISize_Context
- func (s *FieldConstantContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type FieldContext
- func (s *FieldContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FieldContext) FieldConstant() IFieldConstantContext
- func (s *FieldContext) FieldEmbedded() IFieldEmbeddedContext
- func (s *FieldContext) FieldNormal() IFieldNormalContext
- func (s *FieldContext) FieldVoid() IFieldVoidContext
- func (s *FieldContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FieldContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FieldContext) IsFieldContext()
- func (s *FieldContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type FieldEmbeddedContext
- func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext
- func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FieldEmbeddedContext) IsFieldEmbeddedContext()
- func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) Type_() IType_Context
- type FieldMethodContext
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) BasicType() IBasicTypeContext
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) COLON() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) Expr() IExprContext
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) GET() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FieldMethodContext) IsFieldMethodContext()
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) LP() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) MethodName() IMethodNameContext
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) RP() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) SET() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
- func (s *FieldMethodContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type FieldMethodsContext
- func (s *FieldMethodsContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FieldMethodsContext) AllFieldMethod() []IFieldMethodContext
- func (s *FieldMethodsContext) FieldMethod(i int) IFieldMethodContext
- func (s *FieldMethodsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FieldMethodsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FieldMethodsContext) IsFieldMethodsContext()
- func (s *FieldMethodsContext) LC() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldMethodsContext) RC() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldMethodsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type FieldNameContext
- func (s *FieldNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FieldNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FieldNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *FieldNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
- func (*FieldNameContext) IsFieldNameContext()
- func (s *FieldNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type FieldNormalContext
- func (s *FieldNormalContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FieldNormalContext) FieldMethods() IFieldMethodsContext
- func (s *FieldNormalContext) FieldName() IFieldNameContext
- func (s *FieldNormalContext) FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext
- func (s *FieldNormalContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FieldNormalContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FieldNormalContext) IsFieldNormalContext()
- func (s *FieldNormalContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldNormalContext) Size_() ISize_Context
- func (s *FieldNormalContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *FieldNormalContext) Type_() IType_Context
- type FieldOptionContext
- func (s *FieldOptionContext) ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldOptionContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FieldOptionContext) Constant() IConstantContext
- func (s *FieldOptionContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FieldOptionContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FieldOptionContext) IsFieldOptionContext()
- func (s *FieldOptionContext) OptionName() IOptionNameContext
- func (s *FieldOptionContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type FieldOptionsContext
- func (s *FieldOptionsContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FieldOptionsContext) AllCOMMA() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldOptionsContext) AllFieldOption() []IFieldOptionContext
- func (s *FieldOptionsContext) COMMA(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldOptionsContext) FieldOption(i int) IFieldOptionContext
- func (s *FieldOptionsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FieldOptionsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FieldOptionsContext) IsFieldOptionsContext()
- func (s *FieldOptionsContext) LB() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldOptionsContext) RB() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldOptionsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type FieldVoidContext
- func (s *FieldVoidContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FieldVoidContext) FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext
- func (s *FieldVoidContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FieldVoidContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FieldVoidContext) IsFieldVoidContext()
- func (s *FieldVoidContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FieldVoidContext) Size_() ISize_Context
- func (s *FieldVoidContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *FieldVoidContext) VOID() antlr.TerminalNode
- type FloatLitContext
- func (s *FloatLitContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FloatLitContext) FLOAT_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FloatLitContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FloatLitContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*FloatLitContext) IsFloatLitContext()
- func (s *FloatLitContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type FullIdentContext
- func (s *FullIdentContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *FullIdentContext) AllDOT() []antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FullIdentContext) AllIdent() []IIdentContext
- func (s *FullIdentContext) DOT(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *FullIdentContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *FullIdentContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *FullIdentContext) Ident(i int) IIdentContext
- func (*FullIdentContext) IsFullIdentContext()
- func (s *FullIdentContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type IArrayElementTypeContext
- type IArrayTypeContext
- type IBasicTypeContext
- type IBitSizeContext
- type IBoolLitContext
- type IByteSizeContext
- type IConstantContext
- type IEmptyStatement_Context
- type IEnumBodyContext
- type IEnumDefContext
- type IEnumElementContext
- type IEnumNameContext
- type IEnumTypeContext
- type IEnumValueContext
- type IEnumValueNameContext
- type IEnumValueOptionContext
- type IEnumValueOptionsContext
- type IExprContext
- type IFieldConstantContext
- type IFieldContext
- type IFieldEmbeddedContext
- type IFieldMethodContext
- type IFieldMethodsContext
- type IFieldNameContext
- type IFieldNormalContext
- type IFieldOptionContext
- type IFieldOptionsContext
- type IFieldVoidContext
- type IFloatLitContext
- type IFullIdentContext
- type IIdentContext
- type IImportStatementContext
- type IIntLitContext
- type IMethodNameContext
- type IOptionNameContext
- type IOptionStatementContext
- type IPackageStatementContext
- type IProtoContext
- type ISize_Context
- type IStrLitContext
- type IStructBodyContext
- type IStructDefContext
- type IStructElementContext
- type IStructNameContext
- type IStructTypeContext
- type ITopLevelDefContext
- type IType_Context
- type IValueContext
- type IdentContext
- func (s *IdentContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *IdentContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *IdentContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *IdentContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*IdentContext) IsIdentContext()
- func (s *IdentContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ImportStatementContext
- func (s *ImportStatementContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ImportStatementContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ImportStatementContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ImportStatementContext) IMPORT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*ImportStatementContext) IsImportStatementContext()
- func (s *ImportStatementContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ImportStatementContext) StrLit() IStrLitContext
- func (s *ImportStatementContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type IntLitContext
- func (s *IntLitContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *IntLitContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *IntLitContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *IntLitContext) INT_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*IntLitContext) IsIntLitContext()
- func (s *IntLitContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type MethodNameContext
- func (s *MethodNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *MethodNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *MethodNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *MethodNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
- func (*MethodNameContext) IsMethodNameContext()
- func (s *MethodNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type OptionNameContext
- func (s *OptionNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *OptionNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *OptionNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *OptionNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
- func (*OptionNameContext) IsOptionNameContext()
- func (s *OptionNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type OptionStatementContext
- func (s *OptionStatementContext) ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *OptionStatementContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *OptionStatementContext) Constant() IConstantContext
- func (s *OptionStatementContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *OptionStatementContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*OptionStatementContext) IsOptionStatementContext()
- func (s *OptionStatementContext) OPTION() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *OptionStatementContext) OptionName() IOptionNameContext
- func (s *OptionStatementContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *OptionStatementContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type PackageStatementContext
- func (s *PackageStatementContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *PackageStatementContext) FullIdent() IFullIdentContext
- func (s *PackageStatementContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *PackageStatementContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*PackageStatementContext) IsPackageStatementContext()
- func (s *PackageStatementContext) PACKAGE() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *PackageStatementContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *PackageStatementContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ProtoContext
- func (s *ProtoContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ProtoContext) AllEmptyStatement_() []IEmptyStatement_Context
- func (s *ProtoContext) AllImportStatement() []IImportStatementContext
- func (s *ProtoContext) AllOptionStatement() []IOptionStatementContext
- func (s *ProtoContext) AllPackageStatement() []IPackageStatementContext
- func (s *ProtoContext) AllTopLevelDef() []ITopLevelDefContext
- func (s *ProtoContext) EOF() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *ProtoContext) EmptyStatement_(i int) IEmptyStatement_Context
- func (s *ProtoContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ProtoContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *ProtoContext) ImportStatement(i int) IImportStatementContext
- func (*ProtoContext) IsProtoContext()
- func (s *ProtoContext) OptionStatement(i int) IOptionStatementContext
- func (s *ProtoContext) PackageStatement(i int) IPackageStatementContext
- func (s *ProtoContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *ProtoContext) TopLevelDef(i int) ITopLevelDefContext
- type Size_Context
- func (s *Size_Context) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *Size_Context) BitSize() IBitSizeContext
- func (s *Size_Context) ByteSize() IByteSizeContext
- func (s *Size_Context) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *Size_Context) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *Size_Context) HASH() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (*Size_Context) IsSize_Context()
- func (s *Size_Context) LB() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Size_Context) RB() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Size_Context) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type StrLitContext
- func (s *StrLitContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *StrLitContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *StrLitContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*StrLitContext) IsStrLitContext()
- func (s *StrLitContext) STR_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *StrLitContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type StructBodyContext
- func (s *StructBodyContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *StructBodyContext) AllStructElement() []IStructElementContext
- func (s *StructBodyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *StructBodyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*StructBodyContext) IsStructBodyContext()
- func (s *StructBodyContext) LC() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *StructBodyContext) RC() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *StructBodyContext) StructElement(i int) IStructElementContext
- func (s *StructBodyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type StructDefContext
- func (s *StructDefContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *StructDefContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *StructDefContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*StructDefContext) IsStructDefContext()
- func (s *StructDefContext) Size_() ISize_Context
- func (s *StructDefContext) StructBody() IStructBodyContext
- func (s *StructDefContext) StructName() IStructNameContext
- func (s *StructDefContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type StructElementContext
- func (s *StructElementContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *StructElementContext) EmptyStatement_() IEmptyStatement_Context
- func (s *StructElementContext) Field() IFieldContext
- func (s *StructElementContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *StructElementContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*StructElementContext) IsStructElementContext()
- func (s *StructElementContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type StructNameContext
- func (s *StructNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *StructNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *StructNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *StructNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
- func (*StructNameContext) IsStructNameContext()
- func (s *StructNameContext) STRUCT() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *StructNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type StructTypeContext
- func (s *StructTypeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *StructTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *StructTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*StructTypeContext) IsStructTypeContext()
- func (s *StructTypeContext) StructDef() IStructDefContext
- func (s *StructTypeContext) StructName() IStructNameContext
- func (s *StructTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type TopLevelDefContext
- func (s *TopLevelDefContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *TopLevelDefContext) EnumDef() IEnumDefContext
- func (s *TopLevelDefContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *TopLevelDefContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*TopLevelDefContext) IsTopLevelDefContext()
- func (s *TopLevelDefContext) StructDef() IStructDefContext
- func (s *TopLevelDefContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type Type_Context
- func (s *Type_Context) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *Type_Context) ArrayType() IArrayTypeContext
- func (s *Type_Context) BYTES() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Type_Context) BasicType() IBasicTypeContext
- func (s *Type_Context) EnumType() IEnumTypeContext
- func (s *Type_Context) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *Type_Context) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (s *Type_Context) Ident() IIdentContext
- func (*Type_Context) IsType_Context()
- func (s *Type_Context) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
- func (s *Type_Context) StructType() IStructTypeContext
- func (s *Type_Context) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- type ValueContext
- func (s *ValueContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
- func (s *ValueContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
- func (s *ValueContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
- func (*ValueContext) IsValueContext()
- func (s *ValueContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
- func (s *ValueContext) VALUE() antlr.TerminalNode
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var BubblerLexerLexerStaticData struct { ChannelNames []string ModeNames []string LiteralNames []string SymbolicNames []string RuleNames []string PredictionContextCache *antlr.PredictionContextCache // contains filtered or unexported fields }
var BubblerParserStaticData struct { LiteralNames []string SymbolicNames []string RuleNames []string PredictionContextCache *antlr.PredictionContextCache // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Functions ¶
func BubblerLexerInit ¶
func BubblerLexerInit()
bubblerLexerInit initializes any static state used to implement bubblerLexer. By default the static state used to implement the lexer is lazily initialized during the first call to NewbubblerLexer(). You can call this function if you wish to initialize the static state ahead of time.
func BubblerParserInit ¶
func BubblerParserInit()
bubblerParserInit initializes any static state used to implement bubblerParser. By default the static state used to implement the parser is lazily initialized during the first call to NewbubblerParser(). You can call this function if you wish to initialize the static state ahead of time.
func InitEmptyArrayElementTypeContext ¶
func InitEmptyArrayElementTypeContext(p *ArrayElementTypeContext)
func InitEmptyArrayTypeContext ¶
func InitEmptyArrayTypeContext(p *ArrayTypeContext)
func InitEmptyBasicTypeContext ¶
func InitEmptyBasicTypeContext(p *BasicTypeContext)
func InitEmptyBitSizeContext ¶
func InitEmptyBitSizeContext(p *BitSizeContext)
func InitEmptyBoolLitContext ¶
func InitEmptyBoolLitContext(p *BoolLitContext)
func InitEmptyByteSizeContext ¶
func InitEmptyByteSizeContext(p *ByteSizeContext)
func InitEmptyConstantContext ¶
func InitEmptyConstantContext(p *ConstantContext)
func InitEmptyEmptyStatement_Context ¶
func InitEmptyEmptyStatement_Context(p *EmptyStatement_Context)
func InitEmptyEnumBodyContext ¶
func InitEmptyEnumBodyContext(p *EnumBodyContext)
func InitEmptyEnumDefContext ¶
func InitEmptyEnumDefContext(p *EnumDefContext)
func InitEmptyEnumElementContext ¶
func InitEmptyEnumElementContext(p *EnumElementContext)
func InitEmptyEnumNameContext ¶
func InitEmptyEnumNameContext(p *EnumNameContext)
func InitEmptyEnumTypeContext ¶
func InitEmptyEnumTypeContext(p *EnumTypeContext)
func InitEmptyEnumValueContext ¶
func InitEmptyEnumValueContext(p *EnumValueContext)
func InitEmptyEnumValueNameContext ¶
func InitEmptyEnumValueNameContext(p *EnumValueNameContext)
func InitEmptyEnumValueOptionContext ¶
func InitEmptyEnumValueOptionContext(p *EnumValueOptionContext)
func InitEmptyEnumValueOptionsContext ¶
func InitEmptyEnumValueOptionsContext(p *EnumValueOptionsContext)
func InitEmptyExprContext ¶
func InitEmptyExprContext(p *ExprContext)
func InitEmptyFieldConstantContext ¶
func InitEmptyFieldConstantContext(p *FieldConstantContext)
func InitEmptyFieldContext ¶
func InitEmptyFieldContext(p *FieldContext)
func InitEmptyFieldEmbeddedContext ¶
func InitEmptyFieldEmbeddedContext(p *FieldEmbeddedContext)
func InitEmptyFieldMethodContext ¶
func InitEmptyFieldMethodContext(p *FieldMethodContext)
func InitEmptyFieldMethodsContext ¶
func InitEmptyFieldMethodsContext(p *FieldMethodsContext)
func InitEmptyFieldNameContext ¶
func InitEmptyFieldNameContext(p *FieldNameContext)
func InitEmptyFieldNormalContext ¶
func InitEmptyFieldNormalContext(p *FieldNormalContext)
func InitEmptyFieldOptionContext ¶
func InitEmptyFieldOptionContext(p *FieldOptionContext)
func InitEmptyFieldOptionsContext ¶
func InitEmptyFieldOptionsContext(p *FieldOptionsContext)
func InitEmptyFieldVoidContext ¶
func InitEmptyFieldVoidContext(p *FieldVoidContext)
func InitEmptyFloatLitContext ¶
func InitEmptyFloatLitContext(p *FloatLitContext)
func InitEmptyFullIdentContext ¶
func InitEmptyFullIdentContext(p *FullIdentContext)
func InitEmptyIdentContext ¶
func InitEmptyIdentContext(p *IdentContext)
func InitEmptyImportStatementContext ¶
func InitEmptyImportStatementContext(p *ImportStatementContext)
func InitEmptyIntLitContext ¶
func InitEmptyIntLitContext(p *IntLitContext)
func InitEmptyMethodNameContext ¶
func InitEmptyMethodNameContext(p *MethodNameContext)
func InitEmptyOptionNameContext ¶
func InitEmptyOptionNameContext(p *OptionNameContext)
func InitEmptyOptionStatementContext ¶
func InitEmptyOptionStatementContext(p *OptionStatementContext)
func InitEmptyPackageStatementContext ¶
func InitEmptyPackageStatementContext(p *PackageStatementContext)
func InitEmptyProtoContext ¶
func InitEmptyProtoContext(p *ProtoContext)
func InitEmptySize_Context ¶
func InitEmptySize_Context(p *Size_Context)
func InitEmptyStrLitContext ¶
func InitEmptyStrLitContext(p *StrLitContext)
func InitEmptyStructBodyContext ¶
func InitEmptyStructBodyContext(p *StructBodyContext)
func InitEmptyStructDefContext ¶
func InitEmptyStructDefContext(p *StructDefContext)
func InitEmptyStructElementContext ¶
func InitEmptyStructElementContext(p *StructElementContext)
func InitEmptyStructNameContext ¶
func InitEmptyStructNameContext(p *StructNameContext)
func InitEmptyStructTypeContext ¶
func InitEmptyStructTypeContext(p *StructTypeContext)
func InitEmptyTopLevelDefContext ¶
func InitEmptyTopLevelDefContext(p *TopLevelDefContext)
func InitEmptyType_Context ¶
func InitEmptyType_Context(p *Type_Context)
func InitEmptyValueContext ¶
func InitEmptyValueContext(p *ValueContext)
func NewbubblerLexer ¶
func NewbubblerLexer(input antlr.CharStream) *bubblerLexer
NewbubblerLexer produces a new lexer instance for the optional input antlr.CharStream.
func NewbubblerParser ¶
func NewbubblerParser(input antlr.TokenStream) *bubblerParser
NewbubblerParser produces a new parser instance for the optional input antlr.TokenStream.
Types ¶
type ArrayElementTypeContext ¶
type ArrayElementTypeContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewArrayElementTypeContext ¶
func NewArrayElementTypeContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ArrayElementTypeContext
func NewEmptyArrayElementTypeContext ¶
func NewEmptyArrayElementTypeContext() *ArrayElementTypeContext
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) BYTES ¶
func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) BYTES() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) BasicType ¶
func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) BasicType() IBasicTypeContext
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) EnumType ¶
func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) EnumType() IEnumTypeContext
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) Ident ¶
func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) Ident() IIdentContext
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) IsArrayElementTypeContext ¶
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) IsArrayElementTypeContext()
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) STRING ¶
func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) StructType ¶
func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) StructType() IStructTypeContext
func (*ArrayElementTypeContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ArrayElementTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ArrayTypeContext ¶
type ArrayTypeContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewArrayTypeContext ¶
func NewArrayTypeContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ArrayTypeContext
func NewEmptyArrayTypeContext ¶
func NewEmptyArrayTypeContext() *ArrayTypeContext
func (*ArrayTypeContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ArrayTypeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ArrayTypeContext) ArrayElementType ¶
func (s *ArrayTypeContext) ArrayElementType() IArrayElementTypeContext
func (*ArrayTypeContext) GT ¶
func (s *ArrayTypeContext) GT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ArrayTypeContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ArrayTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ArrayTypeContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ArrayTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ArrayTypeContext) IntLit ¶
func (s *ArrayTypeContext) IntLit() IIntLitContext
func (*ArrayTypeContext) IsArrayTypeContext ¶
func (*ArrayTypeContext) IsArrayTypeContext()
func (*ArrayTypeContext) LT ¶
func (s *ArrayTypeContext) LT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ArrayTypeContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ArrayTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type BasebubblerVisitor ¶
type BasebubblerVisitor struct {
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitArrayElementType ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitArrayElementType(ctx *ArrayElementTypeContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitArrayType ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitArrayType(ctx *ArrayTypeContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitBasicType ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitBasicType(ctx *BasicTypeContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitBitSize ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitBitSize(ctx *BitSizeContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitBoolLit ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitBoolLit(ctx *BoolLitContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitByteSize ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitByteSize(ctx *ByteSizeContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitConstant ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitConstant(ctx *ConstantContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEmptyStatement_ ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEmptyStatement_(ctx *EmptyStatement_Context) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumBody ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumBody(ctx *EnumBodyContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumDef ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumDef(ctx *EnumDefContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumElement ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumElement(ctx *EnumElementContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumName ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumName(ctx *EnumNameContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumType ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumType(ctx *EnumTypeContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValue ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValue(ctx *EnumValueContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValueName ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValueName(ctx *EnumValueNameContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValueOption ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValueOption(ctx *EnumValueOptionContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValueOptions ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitEnumValueOptions(ctx *EnumValueOptionsContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprAddSub ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprAddSub(ctx *ExprAddSubContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprBitAnd ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprBitAnd(ctx *ExprBitAndContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprBitOr ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprBitOr(ctx *ExprBitOrContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprBitXor ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprBitXor(ctx *ExprBitXorContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprCast ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprCast(ctx *ExprCastContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprConstant ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprConstant(ctx *ExprConstantContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprEquality ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprEquality(ctx *ExprEqualityContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprLogicalAnd ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprLogicalAnd(ctx *ExprLogicalAndContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprLogicalOr ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprLogicalOr(ctx *ExprLogicalOrContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprMulDivMod ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprMulDivMod(ctx *ExprMulDivModContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprParens ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprParens(ctx *ExprParensContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprPower ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprPower(ctx *ExprPowerContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprRelational ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprRelational(ctx *ExprRelationalContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprShift ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprShift(ctx *ExprShiftContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprTernary ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprTernary(ctx *ExprTernaryContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprUnary ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprUnary(ctx *ExprUnaryContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprValue ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitExprValue(ctx *ExprValueContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitField ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitField(ctx *FieldContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldConstant ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldConstant(ctx *FieldConstantContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldEmbedded ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldEmbedded(ctx *FieldEmbeddedContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldMethod ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldMethod(ctx *FieldMethodContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldMethods ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldMethods(ctx *FieldMethodsContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldName ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldName(ctx *FieldNameContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldNormal ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldNormal(ctx *FieldNormalContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldOption ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldOption(ctx *FieldOptionContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldOptions ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldOptions(ctx *FieldOptionsContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldVoid ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFieldVoid(ctx *FieldVoidContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFloatLit ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFloatLit(ctx *FloatLitContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFullIdent ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitFullIdent(ctx *FullIdentContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitIdent ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitIdent(ctx *IdentContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitImportStatement ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitImportStatement(ctx *ImportStatementContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitIntLit ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitIntLit(ctx *IntLitContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitMethodName ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitMethodName(ctx *MethodNameContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitOptionName ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitOptionName(ctx *OptionNameContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitOptionStatement ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitOptionStatement(ctx *OptionStatementContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitPackageStatement ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitPackageStatement(ctx *PackageStatementContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitProto ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitProto(ctx *ProtoContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitSize_ ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitSize_(ctx *Size_Context) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStrLit ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStrLit(ctx *StrLitContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructBody ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructBody(ctx *StructBodyContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructDef ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructDef(ctx *StructDefContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructElement ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructElement(ctx *StructElementContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructName ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructName(ctx *StructNameContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructType ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitStructType(ctx *StructTypeContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitTopLevelDef ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitTopLevelDef(ctx *TopLevelDefContext) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitType_ ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitType_(ctx *Type_Context) interface{}
func (*BasebubblerVisitor) VisitValue ¶
func (v *BasebubblerVisitor) VisitValue(ctx *ValueContext) interface{}
type BasicTypeContext ¶
type BasicTypeContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBasicTypeContext ¶
func NewBasicTypeContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *BasicTypeContext
func NewEmptyBasicTypeContext ¶
func NewEmptyBasicTypeContext() *BasicTypeContext
func (*BasicTypeContext) Accept ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*BasicTypeContext) BOOL ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) BOOL() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BasicTypeContext) FLOAT32 ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) FLOAT32() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BasicTypeContext) FLOAT64 ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) FLOAT64() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BasicTypeContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*BasicTypeContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*BasicTypeContext) INT16 ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) INT16() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BasicTypeContext) INT32 ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) INT32() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BasicTypeContext) INT64 ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) INT64() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BasicTypeContext) INT8 ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) INT8() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BasicTypeContext) IsBasicTypeContext ¶
func (*BasicTypeContext) IsBasicTypeContext()
func (*BasicTypeContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*BasicTypeContext) UINT16 ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) UINT16() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BasicTypeContext) UINT32 ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) UINT32() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BasicTypeContext) UINT64 ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) UINT64() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BasicTypeContext) UINT8 ¶
func (s *BasicTypeContext) UINT8() antlr.TerminalNode
type BitSizeContext ¶
type BitSizeContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBitSizeContext ¶
func NewBitSizeContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *BitSizeContext
func NewEmptyBitSizeContext ¶
func NewEmptyBitSizeContext() *BitSizeContext
func (*BitSizeContext) Accept ¶
func (s *BitSizeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*BitSizeContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *BitSizeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*BitSizeContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *BitSizeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*BitSizeContext) IntLit ¶
func (s *BitSizeContext) IntLit() IIntLitContext
func (*BitSizeContext) IsBitSizeContext ¶
func (*BitSizeContext) IsBitSizeContext()
func (*BitSizeContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *BitSizeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type BoolLitContext ¶
type BoolLitContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBoolLitContext ¶
func NewBoolLitContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *BoolLitContext
func NewEmptyBoolLitContext ¶
func NewEmptyBoolLitContext() *BoolLitContext
func (*BoolLitContext) Accept ¶
func (s *BoolLitContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*BoolLitContext) BOOL_LIT ¶
func (s *BoolLitContext) BOOL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*BoolLitContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *BoolLitContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*BoolLitContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *BoolLitContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*BoolLitContext) IsBoolLitContext ¶
func (*BoolLitContext) IsBoolLitContext()
func (*BoolLitContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *BoolLitContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ByteSizeContext ¶
type ByteSizeContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewByteSizeContext ¶
func NewByteSizeContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ByteSizeContext
func NewEmptyByteSizeContext ¶
func NewEmptyByteSizeContext() *ByteSizeContext
func (*ByteSizeContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ByteSizeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ByteSizeContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ByteSizeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ByteSizeContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ByteSizeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ByteSizeContext) IntLit ¶
func (s *ByteSizeContext) IntLit() IIntLitContext
func (*ByteSizeContext) IsByteSizeContext ¶
func (*ByteSizeContext) IsByteSizeContext()
func (*ByteSizeContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ByteSizeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ConstantContext ¶
type ConstantContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewConstantContext ¶
func NewConstantContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ConstantContext
func NewEmptyConstantContext ¶
func NewEmptyConstantContext() *ConstantContext
func (*ConstantContext) ADD ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) ADD() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ConstantContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ConstantContext) BoolLit ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) BoolLit() IBoolLitContext
func (*ConstantContext) FloatLit ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) FloatLit() IFloatLitContext
func (*ConstantContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ConstantContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ConstantContext) IntLit ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) IntLit() IIntLitContext
func (*ConstantContext) IsConstantContext ¶
func (*ConstantContext) IsConstantContext()
func (*ConstantContext) SUB ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) SUB() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ConstantContext) StrLit ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) StrLit() IStrLitContext
func (*ConstantContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ConstantContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type EmptyStatement_Context ¶
type EmptyStatement_Context struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEmptyStatement_Context ¶
func NewEmptyEmptyStatement_Context() *EmptyStatement_Context
func NewEmptyStatement_Context ¶
func NewEmptyStatement_Context(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EmptyStatement_Context
func (*EmptyStatement_Context) Accept ¶
func (s *EmptyStatement_Context) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*EmptyStatement_Context) GetParser ¶
func (s *EmptyStatement_Context) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EmptyStatement_Context) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EmptyStatement_Context) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EmptyStatement_Context) IsEmptyStatement_Context ¶
func (*EmptyStatement_Context) IsEmptyStatement_Context()
func (*EmptyStatement_Context) SEMI ¶
func (s *EmptyStatement_Context) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EmptyStatement_Context) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EmptyStatement_Context) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type EnumBodyContext ¶
type EnumBodyContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEnumBodyContext ¶
func NewEmptyEnumBodyContext() *EnumBodyContext
func NewEnumBodyContext ¶
func NewEnumBodyContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EnumBodyContext
func (*EnumBodyContext) Accept ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*EnumBodyContext) AllEnumElement ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) AllEnumElement() []IEnumElementContext
func (*EnumBodyContext) EnumElement ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) EnumElement(i int) IEnumElementContext
func (*EnumBodyContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EnumBodyContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EnumBodyContext) IsEnumBodyContext ¶
func (*EnumBodyContext) IsEnumBodyContext()
func (*EnumBodyContext) LC ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) LC() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumBodyContext) RC ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) RC() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumBodyContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EnumBodyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type EnumDefContext ¶
type EnumDefContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEnumDefContext ¶
func NewEmptyEnumDefContext() *EnumDefContext
func NewEnumDefContext ¶
func NewEnumDefContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EnumDefContext
func (*EnumDefContext) Accept ¶
func (s *EnumDefContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*EnumDefContext) EnumBody ¶
func (s *EnumDefContext) EnumBody() IEnumBodyContext
func (*EnumDefContext) EnumName ¶
func (s *EnumDefContext) EnumName() IEnumNameContext
func (*EnumDefContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EnumDefContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EnumDefContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EnumDefContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EnumDefContext) IsEnumDefContext ¶
func (*EnumDefContext) IsEnumDefContext()
func (*EnumDefContext) Size_ ¶
func (s *EnumDefContext) Size_() ISize_Context
func (*EnumDefContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EnumDefContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type EnumElementContext ¶
type EnumElementContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEnumElementContext ¶
func NewEmptyEnumElementContext() *EnumElementContext
func NewEnumElementContext ¶
func NewEnumElementContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EnumElementContext
func (*EnumElementContext) Accept ¶
func (s *EnumElementContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*EnumElementContext) EmptyStatement_ ¶
func (s *EnumElementContext) EmptyStatement_() IEmptyStatement_Context
func (*EnumElementContext) EnumValue ¶
func (s *EnumElementContext) EnumValue() IEnumValueContext
func (*EnumElementContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EnumElementContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EnumElementContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EnumElementContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EnumElementContext) IsEnumElementContext ¶
func (*EnumElementContext) IsEnumElementContext()
func (*EnumElementContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EnumElementContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type EnumNameContext ¶
type EnumNameContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEnumNameContext ¶
func NewEmptyEnumNameContext() *EnumNameContext
func NewEnumNameContext ¶
func NewEnumNameContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EnumNameContext
func (*EnumNameContext) Accept ¶
func (s *EnumNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*EnumNameContext) ENUM ¶
func (s *EnumNameContext) ENUM() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumNameContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EnumNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EnumNameContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EnumNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EnumNameContext) Ident ¶
func (s *EnumNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
func (*EnumNameContext) IsEnumNameContext ¶
func (*EnumNameContext) IsEnumNameContext()
func (*EnumNameContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EnumNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type EnumTypeContext ¶
type EnumTypeContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEnumTypeContext ¶
func NewEmptyEnumTypeContext() *EnumTypeContext
func NewEnumTypeContext ¶
func NewEnumTypeContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EnumTypeContext
func (*EnumTypeContext) Accept ¶
func (s *EnumTypeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*EnumTypeContext) EnumName ¶
func (s *EnumTypeContext) EnumName() IEnumNameContext
func (*EnumTypeContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EnumTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EnumTypeContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EnumTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EnumTypeContext) IsEnumTypeContext ¶
func (*EnumTypeContext) IsEnumTypeContext()
func (*EnumTypeContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EnumTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type EnumValueContext ¶
type EnumValueContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEnumValueContext ¶
func NewEmptyEnumValueContext() *EnumValueContext
func NewEnumValueContext ¶
func NewEnumValueContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EnumValueContext
func (*EnumValueContext) ASSIGN ¶
func (s *EnumValueContext) ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumValueContext) Accept ¶
func (s *EnumValueContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*EnumValueContext) COMMA ¶
func (s *EnumValueContext) COMMA() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumValueContext) Constant ¶
func (s *EnumValueContext) Constant() IConstantContext
func (*EnumValueContext) EnumValueName ¶
func (s *EnumValueContext) EnumValueName() IEnumValueNameContext
func (*EnumValueContext) EnumValueOptions ¶
func (s *EnumValueContext) EnumValueOptions() IEnumValueOptionsContext
func (*EnumValueContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EnumValueContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EnumValueContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EnumValueContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EnumValueContext) IsEnumValueContext ¶
func (*EnumValueContext) IsEnumValueContext()
func (*EnumValueContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *EnumValueContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumValueContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EnumValueContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type EnumValueNameContext ¶
type EnumValueNameContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEnumValueNameContext ¶
func NewEmptyEnumValueNameContext() *EnumValueNameContext
func NewEnumValueNameContext ¶
func NewEnumValueNameContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EnumValueNameContext
func (*EnumValueNameContext) Accept ¶
func (s *EnumValueNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*EnumValueNameContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EnumValueNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EnumValueNameContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EnumValueNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EnumValueNameContext) Ident ¶
func (s *EnumValueNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
func (*EnumValueNameContext) IsEnumValueNameContext ¶
func (*EnumValueNameContext) IsEnumValueNameContext()
func (*EnumValueNameContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EnumValueNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type EnumValueOptionContext ¶
type EnumValueOptionContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEnumValueOptionContext ¶
func NewEmptyEnumValueOptionContext() *EnumValueOptionContext
func NewEnumValueOptionContext ¶
func NewEnumValueOptionContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EnumValueOptionContext
func (*EnumValueOptionContext) ASSIGN ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumValueOptionContext) Accept ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*EnumValueOptionContext) Constant ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) Constant() IConstantContext
func (*EnumValueOptionContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EnumValueOptionContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EnumValueOptionContext) IsEnumValueOptionContext ¶
func (*EnumValueOptionContext) IsEnumValueOptionContext()
func (*EnumValueOptionContext) OptionName ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) OptionName() IOptionNameContext
func (*EnumValueOptionContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type EnumValueOptionsContext ¶
type EnumValueOptionsContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyEnumValueOptionsContext ¶
func NewEmptyEnumValueOptionsContext() *EnumValueOptionsContext
func NewEnumValueOptionsContext ¶
func NewEnumValueOptionsContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *EnumValueOptionsContext
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) Accept ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) AllCOMMA ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) AllCOMMA() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) AllEnumValueOption ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) AllEnumValueOption() []IEnumValueOptionContext
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) COMMA ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) COMMA(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) EnumValueOption ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) EnumValueOption(i int) IEnumValueOptionContext
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) IsEnumValueOptionsContext ¶
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) IsEnumValueOptionsContext()
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) LB ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) LB() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) RB ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) RB() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*EnumValueOptionsContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *EnumValueOptionsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ExprAddSubContext ¶
type ExprAddSubContext struct { ExprContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExprAddSubContext ¶
func NewExprAddSubContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprAddSubContext
func (*ExprAddSubContext) ADD ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) ADD() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprAddSubContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprAddSubContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprAddSubContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprAddSubContext) GetOp ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
func (*ExprAddSubContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprAddSubContext) SUB ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) SUB() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprAddSubContext) SetOp ¶
func (s *ExprAddSubContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
type ExprBitAndContext ¶
type ExprBitAndContext struct {
func NewExprBitAndContext ¶
func NewExprBitAndContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprBitAndContext
func (*ExprBitAndContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprBitAndContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprBitAndContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprBitAndContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprBitAndContext) BAND ¶
func (s *ExprBitAndContext) BAND() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprBitAndContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprBitAndContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprBitAndContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprBitAndContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprBitOrContext ¶
type ExprBitOrContext struct {
func NewExprBitOrContext ¶
func NewExprBitOrContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprBitOrContext
func (*ExprBitOrContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprBitOrContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprBitOrContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprBitOrContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprBitOrContext) BOR ¶
func (s *ExprBitOrContext) BOR() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprBitOrContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprBitOrContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprBitOrContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprBitOrContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprBitXorContext ¶
type ExprBitXorContext struct {
func NewExprBitXorContext ¶
func NewExprBitXorContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprBitXorContext
func (*ExprBitXorContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprBitXorContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprBitXorContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprBitXorContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprBitXorContext) BXOR ¶
func (s *ExprBitXorContext) BXOR() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprBitXorContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprBitXorContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprBitXorContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprBitXorContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprCastContext ¶
type ExprCastContext struct {
func NewExprCastContext ¶
func NewExprCastContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprCastContext
func (*ExprCastContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprCastContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprCastContext) BasicType ¶
func (s *ExprCastContext) BasicType() IBasicTypeContext
func (*ExprCastContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprCastContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*ExprCastContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprCastContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprCastContext) LP ¶
func (s *ExprCastContext) LP() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprCastContext) RP ¶
func (s *ExprCastContext) RP() antlr.TerminalNode
type ExprConstantContext ¶
type ExprConstantContext struct {
func NewExprConstantContext ¶
func NewExprConstantContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprConstantContext
func (*ExprConstantContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprConstantContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprConstantContext) Constant ¶
func (s *ExprConstantContext) Constant() IConstantContext
func (*ExprConstantContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprConstantContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprContext ¶
type ExprContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyExprContext ¶
func NewEmptyExprContext() *ExprContext
func NewExprContext ¶
func NewExprContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ExprContext
func (*ExprContext) CopyAll ¶
func (s *ExprContext) CopyAll(ctx *ExprContext)
func (*ExprContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ExprContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ExprContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprContext) IsExprContext ¶
func (*ExprContext) IsExprContext()
func (*ExprContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ExprContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ExprEqualityContext ¶
type ExprEqualityContext struct { ExprContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExprEqualityContext ¶
func NewExprEqualityContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprEqualityContext
func (*ExprEqualityContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprEqualityContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprEqualityContext) EQ ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) EQ() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprEqualityContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprEqualityContext) GetOp ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
func (*ExprEqualityContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprEqualityContext) NE ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) NE() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprEqualityContext) SetOp ¶
func (s *ExprEqualityContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
type ExprLogicalAndContext ¶
type ExprLogicalAndContext struct {
func NewExprLogicalAndContext ¶
func NewExprLogicalAndContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprLogicalAndContext
func (*ExprLogicalAndContext) AND ¶
func (s *ExprLogicalAndContext) AND() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprLogicalAndContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprLogicalAndContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprLogicalAndContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprLogicalAndContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprLogicalAndContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprLogicalAndContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprLogicalAndContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprLogicalAndContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
type ExprLogicalOrContext ¶
type ExprLogicalOrContext struct {
func NewExprLogicalOrContext ¶
func NewExprLogicalOrContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprLogicalOrContext
func (*ExprLogicalOrContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprLogicalOrContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprLogicalOrContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprLogicalOrContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprLogicalOrContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprLogicalOrContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprLogicalOrContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprLogicalOrContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprLogicalOrContext) OR ¶
func (s *ExprLogicalOrContext) OR() antlr.TerminalNode
type ExprMulDivModContext ¶
type ExprMulDivModContext struct { ExprContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExprMulDivModContext ¶
func NewExprMulDivModContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprMulDivModContext
func (*ExprMulDivModContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprMulDivModContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprMulDivModContext) DIV ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) DIV() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprMulDivModContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprMulDivModContext) GetOp ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
func (*ExprMulDivModContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprMulDivModContext) MOD ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) MOD() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprMulDivModContext) MUL ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) MUL() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprMulDivModContext) SetOp ¶
func (s *ExprMulDivModContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
type ExprParensContext ¶
type ExprParensContext struct {
func NewExprParensContext ¶
func NewExprParensContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprParensContext
func (*ExprParensContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprParensContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprParensContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprParensContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*ExprParensContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprParensContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprParensContext) LP ¶
func (s *ExprParensContext) LP() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprParensContext) RP ¶
func (s *ExprParensContext) RP() antlr.TerminalNode
type ExprPowerContext ¶
type ExprPowerContext struct {
func NewExprPowerContext ¶
func NewExprPowerContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprPowerContext
func (*ExprPowerContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprPowerContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprPowerContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprPowerContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprPowerContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprPowerContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprPowerContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprPowerContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprPowerContext) POW ¶
func (s *ExprPowerContext) POW() antlr.TerminalNode
type ExprRelationalContext ¶
type ExprRelationalContext struct { ExprContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExprRelationalContext ¶
func NewExprRelationalContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprRelationalContext
func (*ExprRelationalContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprRelationalContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprRelationalContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprRelationalContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprRelationalContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprRelationalContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprRelationalContext) GE ¶
func (s *ExprRelationalContext) GE() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprRelationalContext) GT ¶
func (s *ExprRelationalContext) GT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprRelationalContext) GetOp ¶
func (s *ExprRelationalContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
func (*ExprRelationalContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprRelationalContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprRelationalContext) LE ¶
func (s *ExprRelationalContext) LE() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprRelationalContext) LT ¶
func (s *ExprRelationalContext) LT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprRelationalContext) SetOp ¶
func (s *ExprRelationalContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
type ExprShiftContext ¶
type ExprShiftContext struct { ExprContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExprShiftContext ¶
func NewExprShiftContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprShiftContext
func (*ExprShiftContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprShiftContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprShiftContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprShiftContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprShiftContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprShiftContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprShiftContext) GetOp ¶
func (s *ExprShiftContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
func (*ExprShiftContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprShiftContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprShiftContext) SHL ¶
func (s *ExprShiftContext) SHL() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprShiftContext) SHR ¶
func (s *ExprShiftContext) SHR() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprShiftContext) SetOp ¶
func (s *ExprShiftContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
type ExprTernaryContext ¶
type ExprTernaryContext struct {
func NewExprTernaryContext ¶
func NewExprTernaryContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprTernaryContext
func (*ExprTernaryContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprTernaryContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprTernaryContext) AllExpr ¶
func (s *ExprTernaryContext) AllExpr() []IExprContext
func (*ExprTernaryContext) COLON ¶
func (s *ExprTernaryContext) COLON() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprTernaryContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprTernaryContext) Expr(i int) IExprContext
func (*ExprTernaryContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprTernaryContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprTernaryContext) QUESTION ¶
func (s *ExprTernaryContext) QUESTION() antlr.TerminalNode
type ExprUnaryContext ¶
type ExprUnaryContext struct { ExprContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExprUnaryContext ¶
func NewExprUnaryContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprUnaryContext
func (*ExprUnaryContext) ADD ¶
func (s *ExprUnaryContext) ADD() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprUnaryContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprUnaryContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprUnaryContext) BNOT ¶
func (s *ExprUnaryContext) BNOT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprUnaryContext) Expr ¶
func (s *ExprUnaryContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*ExprUnaryContext) GetOp ¶
func (s *ExprUnaryContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
func (*ExprUnaryContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprUnaryContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprUnaryContext) NOT ¶
func (s *ExprUnaryContext) NOT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprUnaryContext) SUB ¶
func (s *ExprUnaryContext) SUB() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ExprUnaryContext) SetOp ¶
func (s *ExprUnaryContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
type ExprValueContext ¶
type ExprValueContext struct {
func NewExprValueContext ¶
func NewExprValueContext(parser antlr.Parser, ctx antlr.ParserRuleContext) *ExprValueContext
func (*ExprValueContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ExprValueContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ExprValueContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ExprValueContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ExprValueContext) Value ¶
func (s *ExprValueContext) Value() IValueContext
type FieldConstantContext ¶
type FieldConstantContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFieldConstantContext ¶
func NewEmptyFieldConstantContext() *FieldConstantContext
func NewFieldConstantContext ¶
func NewFieldConstantContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FieldConstantContext
func (*FieldConstantContext) ASSIGN ¶
func (s *FieldConstantContext) ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldConstantContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FieldConstantContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FieldConstantContext) BasicType ¶
func (s *FieldConstantContext) BasicType() IBasicTypeContext
func (*FieldConstantContext) Constant ¶
func (s *FieldConstantContext) Constant() IConstantContext
func (*FieldConstantContext) FieldName ¶
func (s *FieldConstantContext) FieldName() IFieldNameContext
func (*FieldConstantContext) FieldOptions ¶
func (s *FieldConstantContext) FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext
func (*FieldConstantContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FieldConstantContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FieldConstantContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FieldConstantContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FieldConstantContext) IsFieldConstantContext ¶
func (*FieldConstantContext) IsFieldConstantContext()
func (*FieldConstantContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *FieldConstantContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldConstantContext) Size_ ¶
func (s *FieldConstantContext) Size_() ISize_Context
func (*FieldConstantContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FieldConstantContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type FieldContext ¶
type FieldContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFieldContext ¶
func NewEmptyFieldContext() *FieldContext
func NewFieldContext ¶
func NewFieldContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FieldContext
func (*FieldContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FieldContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FieldContext) FieldConstant ¶
func (s *FieldContext) FieldConstant() IFieldConstantContext
func (*FieldContext) FieldEmbedded ¶
func (s *FieldContext) FieldEmbedded() IFieldEmbeddedContext
func (*FieldContext) FieldNormal ¶
func (s *FieldContext) FieldNormal() IFieldNormalContext
func (*FieldContext) FieldVoid ¶
func (s *FieldContext) FieldVoid() IFieldVoidContext
func (*FieldContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FieldContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FieldContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FieldContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FieldContext) IsFieldContext ¶
func (*FieldContext) IsFieldContext()
func (*FieldContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FieldContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type FieldEmbeddedContext ¶
type FieldEmbeddedContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFieldEmbeddedContext ¶
func NewEmptyFieldEmbeddedContext() *FieldEmbeddedContext
func NewFieldEmbeddedContext ¶
func NewFieldEmbeddedContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FieldEmbeddedContext
func (*FieldEmbeddedContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FieldEmbeddedContext) FieldOptions ¶
func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext
func (*FieldEmbeddedContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FieldEmbeddedContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FieldEmbeddedContext) IsFieldEmbeddedContext ¶
func (*FieldEmbeddedContext) IsFieldEmbeddedContext()
func (*FieldEmbeddedContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldEmbeddedContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*FieldEmbeddedContext) Type_ ¶
func (s *FieldEmbeddedContext) Type_() IType_Context
type FieldMethodContext ¶
type FieldMethodContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFieldMethodContext ¶
func NewEmptyFieldMethodContext() *FieldMethodContext
func NewFieldMethodContext ¶
func NewFieldMethodContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FieldMethodContext
func (*FieldMethodContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FieldMethodContext) BasicType ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) BasicType() IBasicTypeContext
func (*FieldMethodContext) COLON ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) COLON() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldMethodContext) Expr ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) Expr() IExprContext
func (*FieldMethodContext) GET ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) GET() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldMethodContext) GetOp ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) GetOp() antlr.Token
func (*FieldMethodContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FieldMethodContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FieldMethodContext) IsFieldMethodContext ¶
func (*FieldMethodContext) IsFieldMethodContext()
func (*FieldMethodContext) LP ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) LP() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldMethodContext) MethodName ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) MethodName() IMethodNameContext
func (*FieldMethodContext) RP ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) RP() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldMethodContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldMethodContext) SET ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) SET() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldMethodContext) SetOp ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) SetOp(v antlr.Token)
func (*FieldMethodContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FieldMethodContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type FieldMethodsContext ¶
type FieldMethodsContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFieldMethodsContext ¶
func NewEmptyFieldMethodsContext() *FieldMethodsContext
func NewFieldMethodsContext ¶
func NewFieldMethodsContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FieldMethodsContext
func (*FieldMethodsContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FieldMethodsContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FieldMethodsContext) AllFieldMethod ¶
func (s *FieldMethodsContext) AllFieldMethod() []IFieldMethodContext
func (*FieldMethodsContext) FieldMethod ¶
func (s *FieldMethodsContext) FieldMethod(i int) IFieldMethodContext
func (*FieldMethodsContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FieldMethodsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FieldMethodsContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FieldMethodsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FieldMethodsContext) IsFieldMethodsContext ¶
func (*FieldMethodsContext) IsFieldMethodsContext()
func (*FieldMethodsContext) LC ¶
func (s *FieldMethodsContext) LC() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldMethodsContext) RC ¶
func (s *FieldMethodsContext) RC() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldMethodsContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FieldMethodsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type FieldNameContext ¶
type FieldNameContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFieldNameContext ¶
func NewEmptyFieldNameContext() *FieldNameContext
func NewFieldNameContext ¶
func NewFieldNameContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FieldNameContext
func (*FieldNameContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FieldNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FieldNameContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FieldNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FieldNameContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FieldNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FieldNameContext) Ident ¶
func (s *FieldNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
func (*FieldNameContext) IsFieldNameContext ¶
func (*FieldNameContext) IsFieldNameContext()
func (*FieldNameContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FieldNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type FieldNormalContext ¶
type FieldNormalContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFieldNormalContext ¶
func NewEmptyFieldNormalContext() *FieldNormalContext
func NewFieldNormalContext ¶
func NewFieldNormalContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FieldNormalContext
func (*FieldNormalContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FieldNormalContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FieldNormalContext) FieldMethods ¶
func (s *FieldNormalContext) FieldMethods() IFieldMethodsContext
func (*FieldNormalContext) FieldName ¶
func (s *FieldNormalContext) FieldName() IFieldNameContext
func (*FieldNormalContext) FieldOptions ¶
func (s *FieldNormalContext) FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext
func (*FieldNormalContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FieldNormalContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FieldNormalContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FieldNormalContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FieldNormalContext) IsFieldNormalContext ¶
func (*FieldNormalContext) IsFieldNormalContext()
func (*FieldNormalContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *FieldNormalContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldNormalContext) Size_ ¶
func (s *FieldNormalContext) Size_() ISize_Context
func (*FieldNormalContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FieldNormalContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*FieldNormalContext) Type_ ¶
func (s *FieldNormalContext) Type_() IType_Context
type FieldOptionContext ¶
type FieldOptionContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFieldOptionContext ¶
func NewEmptyFieldOptionContext() *FieldOptionContext
func NewFieldOptionContext ¶
func NewFieldOptionContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FieldOptionContext
func (*FieldOptionContext) ASSIGN ¶
func (s *FieldOptionContext) ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldOptionContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FieldOptionContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FieldOptionContext) Constant ¶
func (s *FieldOptionContext) Constant() IConstantContext
func (*FieldOptionContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FieldOptionContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FieldOptionContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FieldOptionContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FieldOptionContext) IsFieldOptionContext ¶
func (*FieldOptionContext) IsFieldOptionContext()
func (*FieldOptionContext) OptionName ¶
func (s *FieldOptionContext) OptionName() IOptionNameContext
func (*FieldOptionContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FieldOptionContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type FieldOptionsContext ¶
type FieldOptionsContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFieldOptionsContext ¶
func NewEmptyFieldOptionsContext() *FieldOptionsContext
func NewFieldOptionsContext ¶
func NewFieldOptionsContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FieldOptionsContext
func (*FieldOptionsContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FieldOptionsContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FieldOptionsContext) AllCOMMA ¶
func (s *FieldOptionsContext) AllCOMMA() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldOptionsContext) AllFieldOption ¶
func (s *FieldOptionsContext) AllFieldOption() []IFieldOptionContext
func (*FieldOptionsContext) COMMA ¶
func (s *FieldOptionsContext) COMMA(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldOptionsContext) FieldOption ¶
func (s *FieldOptionsContext) FieldOption(i int) IFieldOptionContext
func (*FieldOptionsContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FieldOptionsContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FieldOptionsContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FieldOptionsContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FieldOptionsContext) IsFieldOptionsContext ¶
func (*FieldOptionsContext) IsFieldOptionsContext()
func (*FieldOptionsContext) LB ¶
func (s *FieldOptionsContext) LB() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldOptionsContext) RB ¶
func (s *FieldOptionsContext) RB() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldOptionsContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FieldOptionsContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type FieldVoidContext ¶
type FieldVoidContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFieldVoidContext ¶
func NewEmptyFieldVoidContext() *FieldVoidContext
func NewFieldVoidContext ¶
func NewFieldVoidContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FieldVoidContext
func (*FieldVoidContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FieldVoidContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FieldVoidContext) FieldOptions ¶
func (s *FieldVoidContext) FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext
func (*FieldVoidContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FieldVoidContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FieldVoidContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FieldVoidContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FieldVoidContext) IsFieldVoidContext ¶
func (*FieldVoidContext) IsFieldVoidContext()
func (*FieldVoidContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *FieldVoidContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FieldVoidContext) Size_ ¶
func (s *FieldVoidContext) Size_() ISize_Context
func (*FieldVoidContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FieldVoidContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*FieldVoidContext) VOID ¶
func (s *FieldVoidContext) VOID() antlr.TerminalNode
type FloatLitContext ¶
type FloatLitContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFloatLitContext ¶
func NewEmptyFloatLitContext() *FloatLitContext
func NewFloatLitContext ¶
func NewFloatLitContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FloatLitContext
func (*FloatLitContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FloatLitContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FloatLitContext) FLOAT_LIT ¶
func (s *FloatLitContext) FLOAT_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FloatLitContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FloatLitContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FloatLitContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FloatLitContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FloatLitContext) IsFloatLitContext ¶
func (*FloatLitContext) IsFloatLitContext()
func (*FloatLitContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FloatLitContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type FullIdentContext ¶
type FullIdentContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyFullIdentContext ¶
func NewEmptyFullIdentContext() *FullIdentContext
func NewFullIdentContext ¶
func NewFullIdentContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *FullIdentContext
func (*FullIdentContext) Accept ¶
func (s *FullIdentContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*FullIdentContext) AllDOT ¶
func (s *FullIdentContext) AllDOT() []antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FullIdentContext) AllIdent ¶
func (s *FullIdentContext) AllIdent() []IIdentContext
func (*FullIdentContext) DOT ¶
func (s *FullIdentContext) DOT(i int) antlr.TerminalNode
func (*FullIdentContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *FullIdentContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*FullIdentContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *FullIdentContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*FullIdentContext) Ident ¶
func (s *FullIdentContext) Ident(i int) IIdentContext
func (*FullIdentContext) IsFullIdentContext ¶
func (*FullIdentContext) IsFullIdentContext()
func (*FullIdentContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *FullIdentContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type IArrayElementTypeContext ¶
type IArrayElementTypeContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures BasicType() IBasicTypeContext STRING() antlr.TerminalNode BYTES() antlr.TerminalNode StructType() IStructTypeContext EnumType() IEnumTypeContext Ident() IIdentContext // IsArrayElementTypeContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsArrayElementTypeContext() }
IArrayElementTypeContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IArrayTypeContext ¶
type IArrayTypeContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures ArrayElementType() IArrayElementTypeContext LT() antlr.TerminalNode IntLit() IIntLitContext GT() antlr.TerminalNode // IsArrayTypeContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsArrayTypeContext() }
IArrayTypeContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IBasicTypeContext ¶
type IBasicTypeContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures BOOL() antlr.TerminalNode INT8() antlr.TerminalNode INT16() antlr.TerminalNode INT32() antlr.TerminalNode INT64() antlr.TerminalNode UINT8() antlr.TerminalNode UINT16() antlr.TerminalNode UINT32() antlr.TerminalNode UINT64() antlr.TerminalNode FLOAT32() antlr.TerminalNode FLOAT64() antlr.TerminalNode // IsBasicTypeContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsBasicTypeContext() }
IBasicTypeContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IBitSizeContext ¶
type IBitSizeContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures IntLit() IIntLitContext // IsBitSizeContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsBitSizeContext() }
IBitSizeContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IBoolLitContext ¶
type IBoolLitContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures BOOL_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode // IsBoolLitContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsBoolLitContext() }
IBoolLitContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IByteSizeContext ¶
type IByteSizeContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures IntLit() IIntLitContext // IsByteSizeContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsByteSizeContext() }
IByteSizeContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IConstantContext ¶
type IConstantContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures IntLit() IIntLitContext SUB() antlr.TerminalNode ADD() antlr.TerminalNode FloatLit() IFloatLitContext StrLit() IStrLitContext BoolLit() IBoolLitContext // IsConstantContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsConstantContext() }
IConstantContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEmptyStatement_Context ¶
type IEmptyStatement_Context interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode // IsEmptyStatement_Context differentiates from other interfaces. IsEmptyStatement_Context() }
IEmptyStatement_Context is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEnumBodyContext ¶
type IEnumBodyContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures LC() antlr.TerminalNode RC() antlr.TerminalNode AllEnumElement() []IEnumElementContext EnumElement(i int) IEnumElementContext // IsEnumBodyContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEnumBodyContext() }
IEnumBodyContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEnumDefContext ¶
type IEnumDefContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures EnumName() IEnumNameContext Size_() ISize_Context EnumBody() IEnumBodyContext // IsEnumDefContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEnumDefContext() }
IEnumDefContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEnumElementContext ¶
type IEnumElementContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures EnumValue() IEnumValueContext EmptyStatement_() IEmptyStatement_Context // IsEnumElementContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEnumElementContext() }
IEnumElementContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEnumNameContext ¶
type IEnumNameContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures ENUM() antlr.TerminalNode Ident() IIdentContext // IsEnumNameContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEnumNameContext() }
IEnumNameContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEnumTypeContext ¶
type IEnumTypeContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures EnumName() IEnumNameContext // IsEnumTypeContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEnumTypeContext() }
IEnumTypeContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEnumValueContext ¶
type IEnumValueContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures EnumValueName() IEnumValueNameContext SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode COMMA() antlr.TerminalNode ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode Constant() IConstantContext EnumValueOptions() IEnumValueOptionsContext // IsEnumValueContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEnumValueContext() }
IEnumValueContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEnumValueNameContext ¶
type IEnumValueNameContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures Ident() IIdentContext // IsEnumValueNameContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEnumValueNameContext() }
IEnumValueNameContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEnumValueOptionContext ¶
type IEnumValueOptionContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures OptionName() IOptionNameContext ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode Constant() IConstantContext // IsEnumValueOptionContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEnumValueOptionContext() }
IEnumValueOptionContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IEnumValueOptionsContext ¶
type IEnumValueOptionsContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures LB() antlr.TerminalNode AllEnumValueOption() []IEnumValueOptionContext EnumValueOption(i int) IEnumValueOptionContext RB() antlr.TerminalNode AllCOMMA() []antlr.TerminalNode COMMA(i int) antlr.TerminalNode // IsEnumValueOptionsContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsEnumValueOptionsContext() }
IEnumValueOptionsContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IExprContext ¶
type IExprContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsExprContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsExprContext() }
IExprContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFieldConstantContext ¶
type IFieldConstantContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures BasicType() IBasicTypeContext ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode Constant() IConstantContext SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode FieldName() IFieldNameContext Size_() ISize_Context FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext // IsFieldConstantContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFieldConstantContext() }
IFieldConstantContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFieldContext ¶
type IFieldContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures FieldVoid() IFieldVoidContext FieldConstant() IFieldConstantContext FieldEmbedded() IFieldEmbeddedContext FieldNormal() IFieldNormalContext // IsFieldContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFieldContext() }
IFieldContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFieldEmbeddedContext ¶
type IFieldEmbeddedContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures Type_() IType_Context SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext // IsFieldEmbeddedContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFieldEmbeddedContext() }
IFieldEmbeddedContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFieldMethodContext ¶
type IFieldMethodContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetOp returns the op token. GetOp() antlr.Token // SetOp sets the op token. SetOp(antlr.Token) // Getter signatures LP() antlr.TerminalNode BasicType() IBasicTypeContext RP() antlr.TerminalNode COLON() antlr.TerminalNode Expr() IExprContext SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode GET() antlr.TerminalNode SET() antlr.TerminalNode MethodName() IMethodNameContext // IsFieldMethodContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFieldMethodContext() }
IFieldMethodContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFieldMethodsContext ¶
type IFieldMethodsContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures LC() antlr.TerminalNode RC() antlr.TerminalNode AllFieldMethod() []IFieldMethodContext FieldMethod(i int) IFieldMethodContext // IsFieldMethodsContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFieldMethodsContext() }
IFieldMethodsContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFieldNameContext ¶
type IFieldNameContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures Ident() IIdentContext // IsFieldNameContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFieldNameContext() }
IFieldNameContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFieldNormalContext ¶
type IFieldNormalContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures Type_() IType_Context FieldName() IFieldNameContext SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode Size_() ISize_Context FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext FieldMethods() IFieldMethodsContext // IsFieldNormalContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFieldNormalContext() }
IFieldNormalContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFieldOptionContext ¶
type IFieldOptionContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures OptionName() IOptionNameContext ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode Constant() IConstantContext // IsFieldOptionContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFieldOptionContext() }
IFieldOptionContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFieldOptionsContext ¶
type IFieldOptionsContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures LB() antlr.TerminalNode AllFieldOption() []IFieldOptionContext FieldOption(i int) IFieldOptionContext RB() antlr.TerminalNode AllCOMMA() []antlr.TerminalNode COMMA(i int) antlr.TerminalNode // IsFieldOptionsContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFieldOptionsContext() }
IFieldOptionsContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFieldVoidContext ¶
type IFieldVoidContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures VOID() antlr.TerminalNode Size_() ISize_Context SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode FieldOptions() IFieldOptionsContext // IsFieldVoidContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFieldVoidContext() }
IFieldVoidContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFloatLitContext ¶
type IFloatLitContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures FLOAT_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode // IsFloatLitContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFloatLitContext() }
IFloatLitContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IFullIdentContext ¶
type IFullIdentContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures AllIdent() []IIdentContext Ident(i int) IIdentContext AllDOT() []antlr.TerminalNode DOT(i int) antlr.TerminalNode // IsFullIdentContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsFullIdentContext() }
IFullIdentContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IIdentContext ¶
type IIdentContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode // IsIdentContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsIdentContext() }
IIdentContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IImportStatementContext ¶
type IImportStatementContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures IMPORT() antlr.TerminalNode StrLit() IStrLitContext SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode // IsImportStatementContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsImportStatementContext() }
IImportStatementContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IIntLitContext ¶
type IIntLitContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures INT_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode // IsIntLitContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsIntLitContext() }
IIntLitContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IMethodNameContext ¶
type IMethodNameContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures Ident() IIdentContext // IsMethodNameContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsMethodNameContext() }
IMethodNameContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IOptionNameContext ¶
type IOptionNameContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures Ident() IIdentContext // IsOptionNameContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsOptionNameContext() }
IOptionNameContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IOptionStatementContext ¶
type IOptionStatementContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures OPTION() antlr.TerminalNode OptionName() IOptionNameContext ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode Constant() IConstantContext SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode // IsOptionStatementContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsOptionStatementContext() }
IOptionStatementContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IPackageStatementContext ¶
type IPackageStatementContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures PACKAGE() antlr.TerminalNode FullIdent() IFullIdentContext SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode // IsPackageStatementContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsPackageStatementContext() }
IPackageStatementContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IProtoContext ¶
type IProtoContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures EOF() antlr.TerminalNode AllImportStatement() []IImportStatementContext ImportStatement(i int) IImportStatementContext AllPackageStatement() []IPackageStatementContext PackageStatement(i int) IPackageStatementContext AllOptionStatement() []IOptionStatementContext OptionStatement(i int) IOptionStatementContext AllTopLevelDef() []ITopLevelDefContext TopLevelDef(i int) ITopLevelDefContext AllEmptyStatement_() []IEmptyStatement_Context EmptyStatement_(i int) IEmptyStatement_Context // IsProtoContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsProtoContext() }
IProtoContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ISize_Context ¶
type ISize_Context interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures LB() antlr.TerminalNode RB() antlr.TerminalNode ByteSize() IByteSizeContext HASH() antlr.TerminalNode BitSize() IBitSizeContext // IsSize_Context differentiates from other interfaces. IsSize_Context() }
ISize_Context is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStrLitContext ¶
type IStrLitContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures STR_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode // IsStrLitContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStrLitContext() }
IStrLitContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStructBodyContext ¶
type IStructBodyContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures LC() antlr.TerminalNode RC() antlr.TerminalNode AllStructElement() []IStructElementContext StructElement(i int) IStructElementContext // IsStructBodyContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStructBodyContext() }
IStructBodyContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStructDefContext ¶
type IStructDefContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures StructName() IStructNameContext StructBody() IStructBodyContext Size_() ISize_Context // IsStructDefContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStructDefContext() }
IStructDefContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStructElementContext ¶
type IStructElementContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures Field() IFieldContext EmptyStatement_() IEmptyStatement_Context // IsStructElementContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStructElementContext() }
IStructElementContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStructNameContext ¶
type IStructNameContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures STRUCT() antlr.TerminalNode Ident() IIdentContext // IsStructNameContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStructNameContext() }
IStructNameContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IStructTypeContext ¶
type IStructTypeContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures StructName() IStructNameContext StructDef() IStructDefContext // IsStructTypeContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsStructTypeContext() }
IStructTypeContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type ITopLevelDefContext ¶
type ITopLevelDefContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures EnumDef() IEnumDefContext StructDef() IStructDefContext // IsTopLevelDefContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsTopLevelDefContext() }
ITopLevelDefContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IType_Context ¶
type IType_Context interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures BasicType() IBasicTypeContext STRING() antlr.TerminalNode BYTES() antlr.TerminalNode ArrayType() IArrayTypeContext StructType() IStructTypeContext EnumType() IEnumTypeContext Ident() IIdentContext // IsType_Context differentiates from other interfaces. IsType_Context() }
IType_Context is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IValueContext ¶
type IValueContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // Getter signatures VALUE() antlr.TerminalNode // IsValueContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsValueContext() }
IValueContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch.
type IdentContext ¶
type IdentContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyIdentContext ¶
func NewEmptyIdentContext() *IdentContext
func NewIdentContext ¶
func NewIdentContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *IdentContext
func (*IdentContext) Accept ¶
func (s *IdentContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*IdentContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *IdentContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*IdentContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *IdentContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*IdentContext) IDENTIFIER ¶
func (s *IdentContext) IDENTIFIER() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*IdentContext) IsIdentContext ¶
func (*IdentContext) IsIdentContext()
func (*IdentContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *IdentContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ImportStatementContext ¶
type ImportStatementContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyImportStatementContext ¶
func NewEmptyImportStatementContext() *ImportStatementContext
func NewImportStatementContext ¶
func NewImportStatementContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ImportStatementContext
func (*ImportStatementContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ImportStatementContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ImportStatementContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ImportStatementContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ImportStatementContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ImportStatementContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ImportStatementContext) IMPORT ¶
func (s *ImportStatementContext) IMPORT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ImportStatementContext) IsImportStatementContext ¶
func (*ImportStatementContext) IsImportStatementContext()
func (*ImportStatementContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *ImportStatementContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ImportStatementContext) StrLit ¶
func (s *ImportStatementContext) StrLit() IStrLitContext
func (*ImportStatementContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ImportStatementContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type IntLitContext ¶
type IntLitContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyIntLitContext ¶
func NewEmptyIntLitContext() *IntLitContext
func NewIntLitContext ¶
func NewIntLitContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *IntLitContext
func (*IntLitContext) Accept ¶
func (s *IntLitContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*IntLitContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *IntLitContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*IntLitContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *IntLitContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*IntLitContext) INT_LIT ¶
func (s *IntLitContext) INT_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*IntLitContext) IsIntLitContext ¶
func (*IntLitContext) IsIntLitContext()
func (*IntLitContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *IntLitContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type MethodNameContext ¶
type MethodNameContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyMethodNameContext ¶
func NewEmptyMethodNameContext() *MethodNameContext
func NewMethodNameContext ¶
func NewMethodNameContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *MethodNameContext
func (*MethodNameContext) Accept ¶
func (s *MethodNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*MethodNameContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *MethodNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*MethodNameContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *MethodNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*MethodNameContext) Ident ¶
func (s *MethodNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
func (*MethodNameContext) IsMethodNameContext ¶
func (*MethodNameContext) IsMethodNameContext()
func (*MethodNameContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *MethodNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type OptionNameContext ¶
type OptionNameContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyOptionNameContext ¶
func NewEmptyOptionNameContext() *OptionNameContext
func NewOptionNameContext ¶
func NewOptionNameContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *OptionNameContext
func (*OptionNameContext) Accept ¶
func (s *OptionNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*OptionNameContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *OptionNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*OptionNameContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *OptionNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*OptionNameContext) Ident ¶
func (s *OptionNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
func (*OptionNameContext) IsOptionNameContext ¶
func (*OptionNameContext) IsOptionNameContext()
func (*OptionNameContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *OptionNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type OptionStatementContext ¶
type OptionStatementContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyOptionStatementContext ¶
func NewEmptyOptionStatementContext() *OptionStatementContext
func NewOptionStatementContext ¶
func NewOptionStatementContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *OptionStatementContext
func (*OptionStatementContext) ASSIGN ¶
func (s *OptionStatementContext) ASSIGN() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*OptionStatementContext) Accept ¶
func (s *OptionStatementContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*OptionStatementContext) Constant ¶
func (s *OptionStatementContext) Constant() IConstantContext
func (*OptionStatementContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *OptionStatementContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*OptionStatementContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *OptionStatementContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*OptionStatementContext) IsOptionStatementContext ¶
func (*OptionStatementContext) IsOptionStatementContext()
func (*OptionStatementContext) OPTION ¶
func (s *OptionStatementContext) OPTION() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*OptionStatementContext) OptionName ¶
func (s *OptionStatementContext) OptionName() IOptionNameContext
func (*OptionStatementContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *OptionStatementContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*OptionStatementContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *OptionStatementContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type PackageStatementContext ¶
type PackageStatementContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyPackageStatementContext ¶
func NewEmptyPackageStatementContext() *PackageStatementContext
func NewPackageStatementContext ¶
func NewPackageStatementContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *PackageStatementContext
func (*PackageStatementContext) Accept ¶
func (s *PackageStatementContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*PackageStatementContext) FullIdent ¶
func (s *PackageStatementContext) FullIdent() IFullIdentContext
func (*PackageStatementContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *PackageStatementContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*PackageStatementContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *PackageStatementContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*PackageStatementContext) IsPackageStatementContext ¶
func (*PackageStatementContext) IsPackageStatementContext()
func (*PackageStatementContext) PACKAGE ¶
func (s *PackageStatementContext) PACKAGE() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*PackageStatementContext) SEMI ¶
func (s *PackageStatementContext) SEMI() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*PackageStatementContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *PackageStatementContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ProtoContext ¶
type ProtoContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyProtoContext ¶
func NewEmptyProtoContext() *ProtoContext
func NewProtoContext ¶
func NewProtoContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ProtoContext
func (*ProtoContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ProtoContext) AllEmptyStatement_ ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) AllEmptyStatement_() []IEmptyStatement_Context
func (*ProtoContext) AllImportStatement ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) AllImportStatement() []IImportStatementContext
func (*ProtoContext) AllOptionStatement ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) AllOptionStatement() []IOptionStatementContext
func (*ProtoContext) AllPackageStatement ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) AllPackageStatement() []IPackageStatementContext
func (*ProtoContext) AllTopLevelDef ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) AllTopLevelDef() []ITopLevelDefContext
func (*ProtoContext) EOF ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) EOF() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*ProtoContext) EmptyStatement_ ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) EmptyStatement_(i int) IEmptyStatement_Context
func (*ProtoContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ProtoContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ProtoContext) ImportStatement ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) ImportStatement(i int) IImportStatementContext
func (*ProtoContext) IsProtoContext ¶
func (*ProtoContext) IsProtoContext()
func (*ProtoContext) OptionStatement ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) OptionStatement(i int) IOptionStatementContext
func (*ProtoContext) PackageStatement ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) PackageStatement(i int) IPackageStatementContext
func (*ProtoContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*ProtoContext) TopLevelDef ¶
func (s *ProtoContext) TopLevelDef(i int) ITopLevelDefContext
type Size_Context ¶
type Size_Context struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptySize_Context ¶
func NewEmptySize_Context() *Size_Context
func NewSize_Context ¶
func NewSize_Context(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *Size_Context
func (*Size_Context) Accept ¶
func (s *Size_Context) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*Size_Context) BitSize ¶
func (s *Size_Context) BitSize() IBitSizeContext
func (*Size_Context) ByteSize ¶
func (s *Size_Context) ByteSize() IByteSizeContext
func (*Size_Context) GetParser ¶
func (s *Size_Context) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*Size_Context) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *Size_Context) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*Size_Context) HASH ¶
func (s *Size_Context) HASH() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Size_Context) IsSize_Context ¶
func (*Size_Context) IsSize_Context()
func (*Size_Context) LB ¶
func (s *Size_Context) LB() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Size_Context) RB ¶
func (s *Size_Context) RB() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Size_Context) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *Size_Context) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StrLitContext ¶
type StrLitContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStrLitContext ¶
func NewEmptyStrLitContext() *StrLitContext
func NewStrLitContext ¶
func NewStrLitContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StrLitContext
func (*StrLitContext) Accept ¶
func (s *StrLitContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*StrLitContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StrLitContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StrLitContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StrLitContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StrLitContext) IsStrLitContext ¶
func (*StrLitContext) IsStrLitContext()
func (*StrLitContext) STR_LIT ¶
func (s *StrLitContext) STR_LIT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*StrLitContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StrLitContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StructBodyContext ¶
type StructBodyContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStructBodyContext ¶
func NewEmptyStructBodyContext() *StructBodyContext
func NewStructBodyContext ¶
func NewStructBodyContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StructBodyContext
func (*StructBodyContext) Accept ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*StructBodyContext) AllStructElement ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) AllStructElement() []IStructElementContext
func (*StructBodyContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StructBodyContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StructBodyContext) IsStructBodyContext ¶
func (*StructBodyContext) IsStructBodyContext()
func (*StructBodyContext) LC ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) LC() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*StructBodyContext) RC ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) RC() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*StructBodyContext) StructElement ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) StructElement(i int) IStructElementContext
func (*StructBodyContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StructBodyContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StructDefContext ¶
type StructDefContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStructDefContext ¶
func NewEmptyStructDefContext() *StructDefContext
func NewStructDefContext ¶
func NewStructDefContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StructDefContext
func (*StructDefContext) Accept ¶
func (s *StructDefContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*StructDefContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StructDefContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StructDefContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StructDefContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StructDefContext) IsStructDefContext ¶
func (*StructDefContext) IsStructDefContext()
func (*StructDefContext) Size_ ¶
func (s *StructDefContext) Size_() ISize_Context
func (*StructDefContext) StructBody ¶
func (s *StructDefContext) StructBody() IStructBodyContext
func (*StructDefContext) StructName ¶
func (s *StructDefContext) StructName() IStructNameContext
func (*StructDefContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StructDefContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StructElementContext ¶
type StructElementContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStructElementContext ¶
func NewEmptyStructElementContext() *StructElementContext
func NewStructElementContext ¶
func NewStructElementContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StructElementContext
func (*StructElementContext) Accept ¶
func (s *StructElementContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*StructElementContext) EmptyStatement_ ¶
func (s *StructElementContext) EmptyStatement_() IEmptyStatement_Context
func (*StructElementContext) Field ¶
func (s *StructElementContext) Field() IFieldContext
func (*StructElementContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StructElementContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StructElementContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StructElementContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StructElementContext) IsStructElementContext ¶
func (*StructElementContext) IsStructElementContext()
func (*StructElementContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StructElementContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StructNameContext ¶
type StructNameContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStructNameContext ¶
func NewEmptyStructNameContext() *StructNameContext
func NewStructNameContext ¶
func NewStructNameContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StructNameContext
func (*StructNameContext) Accept ¶
func (s *StructNameContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*StructNameContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StructNameContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StructNameContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StructNameContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StructNameContext) Ident ¶
func (s *StructNameContext) Ident() IIdentContext
func (*StructNameContext) IsStructNameContext ¶
func (*StructNameContext) IsStructNameContext()
func (*StructNameContext) STRUCT ¶
func (s *StructNameContext) STRUCT() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*StructNameContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StructNameContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type StructTypeContext ¶
type StructTypeContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyStructTypeContext ¶
func NewEmptyStructTypeContext() *StructTypeContext
func NewStructTypeContext ¶
func NewStructTypeContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *StructTypeContext
func (*StructTypeContext) Accept ¶
func (s *StructTypeContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*StructTypeContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *StructTypeContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*StructTypeContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *StructTypeContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*StructTypeContext) IsStructTypeContext ¶
func (*StructTypeContext) IsStructTypeContext()
func (*StructTypeContext) StructDef ¶
func (s *StructTypeContext) StructDef() IStructDefContext
func (*StructTypeContext) StructName ¶
func (s *StructTypeContext) StructName() IStructNameContext
func (*StructTypeContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *StructTypeContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type TopLevelDefContext ¶
type TopLevelDefContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyTopLevelDefContext ¶
func NewEmptyTopLevelDefContext() *TopLevelDefContext
func NewTopLevelDefContext ¶
func NewTopLevelDefContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *TopLevelDefContext
func (*TopLevelDefContext) Accept ¶
func (s *TopLevelDefContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*TopLevelDefContext) EnumDef ¶
func (s *TopLevelDefContext) EnumDef() IEnumDefContext
func (*TopLevelDefContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *TopLevelDefContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*TopLevelDefContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *TopLevelDefContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*TopLevelDefContext) IsTopLevelDefContext ¶
func (*TopLevelDefContext) IsTopLevelDefContext()
func (*TopLevelDefContext) StructDef ¶
func (s *TopLevelDefContext) StructDef() IStructDefContext
func (*TopLevelDefContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *TopLevelDefContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type Type_Context ¶
type Type_Context struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyType_Context ¶
func NewEmptyType_Context() *Type_Context
func NewType_Context ¶
func NewType_Context(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *Type_Context
func (*Type_Context) Accept ¶
func (s *Type_Context) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*Type_Context) ArrayType ¶
func (s *Type_Context) ArrayType() IArrayTypeContext
func (*Type_Context) BYTES ¶
func (s *Type_Context) BYTES() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Type_Context) BasicType ¶
func (s *Type_Context) BasicType() IBasicTypeContext
func (*Type_Context) EnumType ¶
func (s *Type_Context) EnumType() IEnumTypeContext
func (*Type_Context) GetParser ¶
func (s *Type_Context) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*Type_Context) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *Type_Context) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*Type_Context) Ident ¶
func (s *Type_Context) Ident() IIdentContext
func (*Type_Context) IsType_Context ¶
func (*Type_Context) IsType_Context()
func (*Type_Context) STRING ¶
func (s *Type_Context) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode
func (*Type_Context) StructType ¶
func (s *Type_Context) StructType() IStructTypeContext
func (*Type_Context) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *Type_Context) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
type ValueContext ¶
type ValueContext struct { antlr.BaseParserRuleContext // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEmptyValueContext ¶
func NewEmptyValueContext() *ValueContext
func NewValueContext ¶
func NewValueContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ValueContext
func (*ValueContext) Accept ¶
func (s *ValueContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) interface{}
func (*ValueContext) GetParser ¶
func (s *ValueContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser
func (*ValueContext) GetRuleContext ¶
func (s *ValueContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext
func (*ValueContext) IsValueContext ¶
func (*ValueContext) IsValueContext()
func (*ValueContext) ToStringTree ¶
func (s *ValueContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string
func (*ValueContext) VALUE ¶
func (s *ValueContext) VALUE() antlr.TerminalNode