Notice I will not be doing any more development on this project as Trakt now has official support for Plex Webhooks. I'm using em, you should too.

Plex provides webhook integration for all Plex Pass subscribers, and users of their servers. A webhook is a request that the Plex application sends to third party services when a user takes an action, such as watching a movie or episode.
You can ask Plex to send these webhooks to this tool, which will then log those plays in your Trakt account.
Deploying For Yourself
Goplaxt is designed to be run in Docker. You can host it right on your Plex server!
To run it yourself, first create an API application through Trakt here. Set the
Allowed Hostnames to be the URI you will hit to access Plaxt, plus /authorize
. So if you're exposing your server at
, you'll set it to
. Bare IP addresses and ports are
totally fine, but keep in mind your Plaxt instance must be accessible to all the Plex servers you intend to
play media from.
Once you have that, creating your container is a snap:
docker create \
--name=plaxt \
--restart always \
-v <path to configs>:/app/keystore \
-e TRAKT_ID=<trakt_id> \
-e TRAKT_SECRET=<trakt_secret> \
-e ALLOWED_HOSTNAMES=<your public hostname(s) comma or space seperated> \
-p 8000:8000 \
If you are using a Raspberry Pi or other ARM based device, simply use
Then go ahead and start it with:
docker start plaxt
Alternatively you can use docker-compose
version: "3.4" # This will probably also work with version 2
container_name: plaxt
- TRAKT_ID=<trakt_id>
- TRAKT_SECRET=<trakt_secret>
- ALLOWED_HOSTNAMES=<your public hostname(s) comma or space seperated>
image: xanderstrike/goplaxt
- 8000:8000
restart: unless-stopped
- <path to configs>:/app/keystore
This repository is now a public archive but I encourage forking!
Security PSA
You should know that by using the instance I host, I perminantly retain your Plex username, and an API key that
allows me to add plays to your Trakt account (but not your username). Also, I log the title and year of films
you watch and the title, season, and episode of shows you watch. These logs are temporary and are rotated every
24 hours with older logs perminantly deleted.
I promise to Do No Harm with this information. It will never leave my server, and I won't look at it unless I'm
troubleshooting bugs. Frankly, I couldn't care less. However, I believe it's important to disclose my access to
your information. If you are not comfortable sharing I encourage you to host the application on your own hardware.
I have never been served with any government requests for data.