In cmd/obsgrpcproxy
a gRPC proxy for OBS WebSocket server is provided.

I was experimenting with making a mobile application for IRL streaming. The app communicates with the backend server via gRPC. But at the same time the app needs full access to controlling OBS. So I made this separate proxy to OBS which I can attach to the same gRPC port as the rest of the backend functionality.
Quick start
One terminal:
go install github.com/xaionaro-go/obs-grpc-proxy/cmd/obsgrpcproxy@latest
"$(go env GOPATH | awk -F : '{print $1}')"/bin/obsgrpcproxy --obs-password <password from WebSocket Server Settings in OBS>
Another terminal (to test if the proxy works):
go install github.com/xaionaro-go/obs-grpc-proxy/cmd/obsgrpccli@latest
"$(go env GOPATH | awk -F : '{print $1}')"/bin/obsgrpccli --method-name GetStats --request-data '{}'
An example (of testing if the proxy works):
xaionaro@void:~/go/src/github.com/xaionaro-go/obs-grpc-proxy$ go run ./cmd/obsgrpccli/ --method-name GetStats --request-data '{}'
"memoryUsage": 695,
"availableDiskSpace": 296551,
"activeFps": 30,
"averageFrameRenderTime": 1,
"renderSkippedFrames": 280,
"renderTotalFrames": 10508211,
"webSocketSessionIncomingMessages": 2,
"webSocketSessionOutgoingMessages": 2