Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- func ToDegrees(radians float64) float64
- func ToRadians(degrees float64) float64
- type AmbientLight
- type Animation
- type AnimationChannel
- type AnimationPlayer
- type AnimationTrack
- type AnimationValues
- type BoundingAABB
- func (box *BoundingAABB) AddChildren(children ...INode)
- func (box *BoundingAABB) Clone() INode
- func (box *BoundingAABB) ClosestPoint(point vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- func (box *BoundingAABB) Colliding(other BoundingObject) bool
- func (box *BoundingAABB) Collision(other BoundingObject) *Collision
- func (box *BoundingAABB) CollisionTest(dx, dy, dz float64, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
- func (box *BoundingAABB) CollisionTestVec(moveVec vector.Vector, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
- func (box *BoundingAABB) SetDimensions(newWidth, newHeight, newDepth float64)
- func (box *BoundingAABB) Transform() Matrix4
- func (box *BoundingAABB) Type() NodeType
- type BoundingCapsule
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) AddChildren(children ...INode)
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Bottom() vector.Vector
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Clone() INode
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) ClosestPoint(point vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Colliding(other BoundingObject) bool
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Collision(other BoundingObject) *Collision
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) CollisionTest(dx, dy, dz float64, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) CollisionTestVec(moveVec vector.Vector, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) PointInside(point vector.Vector) bool
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Top() vector.Vector
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Type() NodeType
- func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) WorldRadius() float64
- type BoundingObject
- type BoundingSphere
- func (sphere *BoundingSphere) AddChildren(children ...INode)
- func (sphere *BoundingSphere) Clone() INode
- func (sphere *BoundingSphere) Colliding(other BoundingObject) bool
- func (sphere *BoundingSphere) Collision(other BoundingObject) *Collision
- func (sphere *BoundingSphere) CollisionTest(dx, dy, dz float64, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
- func (sphere *BoundingSphere) CollisionTestVec(moveVec vector.Vector, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
- func (sphere *BoundingSphere) PointInside(point vector.Vector) bool
- func (sphere *BoundingSphere) Type() NodeType
- func (sphere *BoundingSphere) WorldRadius() float64
- type BoundingTriangles
- func (bt *BoundingTriangles) AddChildren(children ...INode)
- func (bt *BoundingTriangles) Clone() INode
- func (bt *BoundingTriangles) Colliding(other BoundingObject) bool
- func (bt *BoundingTriangles) Collision(other BoundingObject) *Collision
- func (bt *BoundingTriangles) CollisionTest(dx, dy, dz float64, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
- func (bt *BoundingTriangles) CollisionTestVec(moveVec vector.Vector, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
- func (bt *BoundingTriangles) Transform() Matrix4
- func (bt *BoundingTriangles) Type() NodeType
- type Camera
- func (camera *Camera) AccumulationColorTexture() *ebiten.Image
- func (camera *Camera) AddChildren(children ...INode)
- func (camera *Camera) AspectRatio() float64
- func (camera *Camera) Clear()
- func (camera *Camera) ClipToScreen(vert vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- func (camera *Camera) Clone() INode
- func (camera *Camera) ColorTexture() *ebiten.Image
- func (camera *Camera) DebugDrawText(screen *ebiten.Image, txtStr string, posX, posY, textScale float64, ...)
- func (camera *Camera) DepthTexture() *ebiten.Image
- func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugBounds(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, color *Color)
- func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugBoundsColored(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, ...)
- func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugCenters(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, color *Color)
- func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugDrawCallCount(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, textScale float64, color *Color)
- func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugDrawOrder(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, textScale float64, color *Color)
- func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugFrustums(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, color *Color)
- func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugNormals(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, normalLength float64, color *Color)
- func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugRenderInfo(screen *ebiten.Image, textScale float64, color *Color)
- func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugWireframe(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, color *Color)
- func (camera *Camera) PointInFrustum(point vector.Vector) bool
- func (camera *Camera) Projection() Matrix4
- func (camera *Camera) Render(scene *Scene, models ...*Model)
- func (camera *Camera) RenderNodes(scene *Scene, rootNode INode)
- func (camera *Camera) Resize(w, h int)
- func (camera *Camera) SetOrthographic(orthoScale float64)
- func (camera *Camera) SetPerspective(fovY float64)
- func (camera *Camera) SphereInFrustum(sphere *BoundingSphere) bool
- func (camera *Camera) Type() NodeType
- func (camera *Camera) Unparent()
- func (camera *Camera) ViewMatrix() Matrix4
- func (camera *Camera) WorldToClip(vert vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- func (camera *Camera) WorldToScreen(vert vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- type Collision
- type Color
- func (color *Color) Add(other *Color)
- func (color *Color) AddRGBA(r, g, b, a float32)
- func (color *Color) Clone() *Color
- func (color *Color) ConvertTosRGB()
- func (color *Color) HSV() (float64, float64, float64)
- func (color *Color) Multiply(other *Color)
- func (color *Color) MultiplyRGBA(scalarR, scalarG, scalarB, scalarA float32)
- func (color *Color) Set(r, g, b, a float32)
- func (color *Color) ToFloat32s() (float32, float32, float32, float32)
- func (color *Color) ToFloat64s() (float64, float64, float64, float64)
- func (c *Color) ToRGBA64() color.RGBA64
- type DaeLoadOptions
- type Data
- type DebugInfo
- type Dimensions
- type DirectionalLight
- type FogMode
- type GLTFLoadOptions
- type INode
- type Intersection
- type Keyframe
- type Library
- func LoadDAEData(data []byte, options *DaeLoadOptions) (*Library, error)
- func LoadDAEFile(path string, options *DaeLoadOptions) (*Library, error)
- func LoadGLTFData(data []byte, gltfLoadOptions *GLTFLoadOptions) (*Library, error)
- func LoadGLTFFile(path string, loadOptions *GLTFLoadOptions) (*Library, error)
- func NewLibrary() *Library
- type Light
- type Marker
- type Material
- type Matrix4
- func NewEmptyMatrix4() Matrix4
- func NewLookAtMatrix(target, center, up vector.Vector) Matrix4
- func NewMatrix4() Matrix4
- func NewMatrix4Rotate(x, y, z, angle float64) Matrix4
- func NewMatrix4RotateFromQuaternion(quat *Quaternion) Matrix4
- func NewMatrix4Scale(x, y, z float64) Matrix4
- func NewMatrix4Translate(x, y, z float64) Matrix4
- func NewProjectionOrthographic(near, far, right, left, top, bottom float64) Matrix4
- func NewProjectionPerspective(fovy, near, far, viewWidth, viewHeight float64) Matrix4
- func (matrix Matrix4) Add(other Matrix4) Matrix4
- func (matrix Matrix4) BlenderToTetra() Matrix4
- func (matrix *Matrix4) Clear()
- func (matrix Matrix4) Clone() Matrix4
- func (matrix Matrix4) Column(columnIndex int) vector.Vector
- func (matrix Matrix4) Columns() [][]float64
- func (matrix Matrix4) Decompose() (vector.Vector, vector.Vector, Matrix4)
- func (matrix Matrix4) Equals(other Matrix4) bool
- func (matrix Matrix4) Forward() vector.Vector
- func (matrix Matrix4) HasValidRotation() bool
- func (matrix *Matrix4) Index(index int) float64
- func (matrix Matrix4) Inverted() Matrix4
- func (matrix Matrix4) IsIdentity() bool
- func (matrix Matrix4) IsZero() bool
- func (matrix Matrix4) Mult(other Matrix4) Matrix4
- func (matrix Matrix4) MultVec(vect vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- func (matrix Matrix4) MultVecW(vect vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- func (matrix Matrix4) Right() vector.Vector
- func (matrix Matrix4) Rotated(x, y, z, angle float64) Matrix4
- func (matrix Matrix4) Row(rowIndex int) vector.Vector
- func (matrix Matrix4) ScaleByScalar(scalar float64) Matrix4
- func (matrix Matrix4) SetColumn(columnIndex int, columnData vector.Vector) Matrix4
- func (matrix Matrix4) SetRow(rowIndex int, vec vector.Vector) Matrix4
- func (matrix Matrix4) String() string
- func (matrix Matrix4) Transposed() Matrix4
- func (matrix Matrix4) Up() vector.Vector
- type Mesh
- func (mesh *Mesh) AddMeshPart(material *Material) *MeshPart
- func (mesh *Mesh) Clone() *Mesh
- func (mesh *Mesh) FindMeshPart(materialName string) *MeshPart
- func (mesh *Mesh) GetVertexInfo(vertexIndex int) VertexInfo
- func (mesh *Mesh) Library() *Library
- func (mesh *Mesh) SelectVertices() *VertexSelection
- func (mesh *Mesh) UpdateBounds()
- type MeshPart
- type Model
- func (model *Model) AddChildren(children ...INode)
- func (model *Model) Clone() INode
- func (model *Model) DynamicBatchAdd(batchedModels ...*Model) error
- func (model *Model) DynamicBatchRemove(batched ...*Model)
- func (model *Model) DynamicBatchTriangleCount() int
- func (model *Model) Merge(models ...*Model)
- func (model *Model) ProcessVertices(vpMatrix Matrix4, camera *Camera, meshPart *MeshPart, scene *Scene)
- func (model *Model) ReassignBones(armatureRoot INode)
- func (model *Model) Transform() Matrix4
- func (model *Model) Type() NodeType
- func (model *Model) Unparent()
- type Node
- func (node *Node) AddChildren(children ...INode)
- func (node *Node) AnimationPlayer() *AnimationPlayer
- func (node *Node) Children() NodeFilter
- func (node *Node) ChildrenRecursive() NodeFilter
- func (node *Node) Clone() INode
- func (node *Node) Data() interface{}
- func (node *Node) Get(path string) INode
- func (node *Node) Grow(x, y, z float64)
- func (node *Node) HierarchyAsString() string
- func (node *Node) IsBone() bool
- func (node *Node) Library() *Library
- func (node *Node) LocalPosition() vector.Vector
- func (node *Node) LocalRotation() Matrix4
- func (node *Node) LocalScale() vector.Vector
- func (node *Node) Move(x, y, z float64)
- func (node *Node) MoveVec(vec vector.Vector)
- func (node *Node) Name() string
- func (node *Node) Parent() INode
- func (node *Node) Path() string
- func (node *Node) RemoveChildren(children ...INode)
- func (node *Node) ResetLocalTransform()
- func (node *Node) Root() INode
- func (node *Node) Rotate(x, y, z, angle float64)
- func (node *Node) Scene() *Scene
- func (node *Node) SetData(data interface{})
- func (node *Node) SetLocalPosition(position vector.Vector)
- func (node *Node) SetLocalRotation(rotation Matrix4)
- func (node *Node) SetLocalScale(scale vector.Vector)
- func (node *Node) SetName(name string)
- func (node *Node) SetVisible(visible bool, recursive bool)
- func (node *Node) SetWorldPosition(position vector.Vector)
- func (node *Node) SetWorldRotation(rotation Matrix4)
- func (node *Node) SetWorldScale(scale vector.Vector)
- func (node *Node) SetWorldTransform(transform Matrix4)
- func (node *Node) Tags() *Tags
- func (node *Node) Transform() Matrix4
- func (node *Node) Type() NodeType
- func (node *Node) Unparent()
- func (node *Node) Visible() bool
- func (node *Node) WorldPosition() vector.Vector
- func (node *Node) WorldRotation() Matrix4
- func (node *Node) WorldScale() vector.Vector
- type NodeFilter
- func (nc NodeFilter) AsBoundingObjects() []BoundingObject
- func (nf NodeFilter) ByFunc(filterFunc func(node INode) bool) NodeFilter
- func (nf NodeFilter) ByName(name string, exactMatch bool) NodeFilter
- func (nf NodeFilter) ByTags(tagNames ...string) NodeFilter
- func (nf NodeFilter) ByType(nodeType NodeType) NodeFilter
- func (nf NodeFilter) Children() NodeFilter
- func (nf NodeFilter) ChildrenRecursive() NodeFilter
- func (nf NodeFilter) Empty() bool
- func (nf NodeFilter) First() INode
- func (nf NodeFilter) Get(index int) INode
- func (nf NodeFilter) Last() INode
- type NodeType
- type Path
- type PathFollower
- type PointLight
- type Quaternion
- func (quat *Quaternion) Clone() *Quaternion
- func (quat *Quaternion) Dot(other *Quaternion) float64
- func (quat *Quaternion) Lerp(end *Quaternion, percent float64) *Quaternion
- func (quat *Quaternion) Magnitude() float64
- func (quat *Quaternion) Negated() *Quaternion
- func (quat *Quaternion) Normalized() *Quaternion
- type Scene
- type Tags
- func (tags *Tags) Clear()
- func (tags *Tags) Clone() *Tags
- func (tags *Tags) Get(tagName string) interface{}
- func (tags *Tags) GetAsFloat(tagName string) float64
- func (tags *Tags) GetAsInt(tagName string) int
- func (tags *Tags) GetAsString(tagName string) string
- func (tags *Tags) Has(nodeTags ...string) bool
- func (tags *Tags) IsFloat(tagName string) bool
- func (tags *Tags) IsInt(tagName string) bool
- func (tags *Tags) IsString(tagName string) bool
- func (tags *Tags) Remove(tag string)
- func (tags *Tags) Set(tagName string, value interface{})
- type TextureAnimation
- type TexturePlayer
- type Triangle
- type VectorPool
- func (pool *VectorPool) Add(v0, v1 vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- func (pool *VectorPool) Cross(v0, v1 vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- func (pool *VectorPool) Get() vector.Vector
- func (pool *VectorPool) MultVec(matrix Matrix4, vect vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- func (pool *VectorPool) MultVecW(matrix Matrix4, vect vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- func (pool *VectorPool) Reset()
- func (pool *VectorPool) Sub(v0, v1 vector.Vector) vector.Vector
- type VertexInfo
- type VertexSelection
- func (vs *VertexSelection) ApplyMatrix(matrix Matrix4)
- func (vs *VertexSelection) Move(x, y, z float64)
- func (vs *VertexSelection) MoveVec(vec vector.Vector)
- func (vs *VertexSelection) SelectAll() *VertexSelection
- func (vs *VertexSelection) SelectColorInChannel(channelName string) *VertexSelection
- func (vs *VertexSelection) SelectMeshPart(meshPart *MeshPart) *VertexSelection
- func (vs *VertexSelection) SetActiveColorChannel(channelName string)
- func (vs *VertexSelection) SetColor(channelName string, color *Color)
Constants ¶
const ( TrackTypePosition = "Pos" TrackTypeScale = "Sca" TrackTypeRotation = "Rot" InterpolationLinear = iota InterpolationConstant InterpolationCubic // Unimplemented )
const ( FinishModeLoop = iota // Loop on animation completion FinishModePingPong // Reverse on animation completion; if this is the case, the OnFinish() callback is called after two loops (one reversal) FinishModeStop // Stop on animation completion )
const ( AccumlateColorModeNone = iota // No accumulation buffer rendering AccumlateColorModeBelow // Accumulation buffer is on and applies over time, renders ColorTexture after the accumulation result (which is, then, below) AccumlateColorModeAbove // Accumulation buffer is on and applies over time, renders ColorTexture before the accumulation result (which is on top) AccumlateColorModeSingleLastFrame // Accumulation buffer is on and renders just the previous frame's ColorTexture result )
const ( TriangleSortModeBackToFront = iota // TriangleSortBackToFront sorts the triangles from back to front (naturally). This is the default. TriangleSortModeFrontToBack // TriangleSortFrontToBack sorts the triangles in reverse order. TriangleSortModeNone // TriangleSortNone doesn't sort the triangles at all; this is the fastest triangle sorting mode, while also being the most graphically inaccurate. Usable if triangles don't visually intersect. )
const ( // TransparencyModeAuto means it will be opaque if the object or material's alpha >= 1, and transparent otherwise. TransparencyModeAuto = iota // TransparencyModeOpaque means the triangles are rendered to the color and depth buffer as normal. TransparencyModeOpaque // TransparencyModeAlphaClip means the triangles are rendered to the color and depth buffer, using the alpha of the triangles' texture to "cut out" the triangles. TransparencyModeAlphaClip // TransparencyModeTransparent means the triangles are not rendered to the depth buffer, but are rendered in a second pass after opaque and alpha-clip triangles. They are automatically sorted from back-to-front. TransparencyModeTransparent )
const ( BillboardModeNone = iota BillboardModeXZ // Billboards on just X and Z (so the tilt stays the same) BillboardModeAll // Billboards on all axes )
const ( FogOff = iota // No fog FogAdd // Additive blended fog FogMultiply // Multiplicative blended fog FogOverwrite // Color overwriting fog (mixing base with fog color over depth distance) )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type AmbientLight ¶
type AmbientLight struct { *Node Color *Color // Color is the color of the PointLight. // Energy is the overall energy of the Light. Internally, technically there's no difference between a brighter color and a // higher energy, but this is here for convenience / adherance to GLTF / 3D modelers. Energy float32 On bool // If the light is on and contributing to the scene. }
AmbientLight represents an ambient light that colors the entire Scene.
func NewAmbientLight ¶
func NewAmbientLight(name string, r, g, b, energy float32) *AmbientLight
NewAmbientLight returns a new AmbientLight.
func (*AmbientLight) AddChildren ¶
func (amb *AmbientLight) AddChildren(children ...INode)
AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (*AmbientLight) Clone ¶
func (amb *AmbientLight) Clone() INode
func (*AmbientLight) Light ¶
func (amb *AmbientLight) Light(triIndex int, model *Model) [9]float32
Light returns the light level for the ambient light. It doesn't use the provided Triangle; it takes it as an argument to simply adhere to the Light interface.
func (*AmbientLight) Type ¶
func (amb *AmbientLight) Type() NodeType
Type returns the NodeType for this object.
func (*AmbientLight) Unparent ¶
func (amb *AmbientLight) Unparent()
Unparent unparents the AmbientLight from its parent, removing it from the scenegraph.
type Animation ¶
type Animation struct { Name string Channels map[string]*AnimationChannel Length float64 // Length of the animation in seconds Markers []Marker // Markers as specified in the Animation from the modeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Animation represents an animation of some description; it can have multiple channels, indicating movement, scale, or rotational change of one or more Nodes in the Animation.
func NewAnimation ¶
NewAnimation creates a new Animation of the name specified.
func (*Animation) AddChannel ¶
func (animation *Animation) AddChannel(name string) *AnimationChannel
type AnimationChannel ¶
type AnimationChannel struct { Name string Tracks map[string]*AnimationTrack }
func NewAnimationChannel ¶
func NewAnimationChannel(name string) *AnimationChannel
func (*AnimationChannel) AddTrack ¶
func (channel *AnimationChannel) AddTrack(trackType string) *AnimationTrack
type AnimationPlayer ¶
type AnimationPlayer struct { RootNode INode ChannelsToNodes map[*AnimationChannel]INode ChannelsUpdated bool Animation *Animation Playhead float64 // Playhead of the animation. Setting this to 0 restarts the animation. PlaySpeed float64 // Playback speed in percentage - defaults to 1 (100%) Playing bool // Whether the player is playing back or not. FinishMode int // What to do when the player finishes playback. Defaults to looping. OnFinish func() // Callback indicating the Animation has completed OnMarkerTouch func(marker Marker, animation *Animation) // Callback indicating when the AnimationPlayer has entered a marker AnimatedProperties map[INode]*AnimationValues // The properties that have been animated BlendTime float64 // How much time in seconds to blend between two animations // If the AnimationPlayer should play the last frame or not. For example, if you have an animation that starts on frame 1 and goes to frame 10, // then if PlayLastFrame is on, it will play all frames, INCLUDING frame 10, and only then repeat (if it's set to repeat). // Otherwise, it will only play frames 1 - 9, which can be good if your last frame is a repeat of the first to make a cyclical animation. // The default for PlayLastFrame is false. PlayLastFrame bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AnimationPlayer is an object that allows you to play back an animation on a Node.
func NewAnimationPlayer ¶
func NewAnimationPlayer(node INode) *AnimationPlayer
NewAnimationPlayer returns a new AnimationPlayer for the Node.
func (*AnimationPlayer) Clone ¶
func (ap *AnimationPlayer) Clone() *AnimationPlayer
Clone returns a clone of the specified AnimationPlayer.
func (*AnimationPlayer) Play ¶
func (ap *AnimationPlayer) Play(animation *Animation)
Play plays the specified animation back, resetting the playhead if the specified animation is not currently playing. If the animation is already playing, Play() does nothing.
func (*AnimationPlayer) SetRoot ¶
func (ap *AnimationPlayer) SetRoot(node INode)
SetRoot sets the root node of the animation player to act on. Note that this should be the root node.
func (*AnimationPlayer) Update ¶
func (ap *AnimationPlayer) Update(dt float64)
Update updates the animation player by the delta specified in seconds (usually 1/FPS or 1/TARGET FPS), animating the transformation properties of the root node's tree.
type AnimationTrack ¶
func (*AnimationTrack) AddKeyframe ¶
func (track *AnimationTrack) AddKeyframe(time float64, data interface{})
func (*AnimationTrack) ValueAsQuaternion ¶
func (track *AnimationTrack) ValueAsQuaternion(time float64) *Quaternion
func (*AnimationTrack) ValueAsVector ¶
func (track *AnimationTrack) ValueAsVector(time float64) vector.Vector
type AnimationValues ¶
type AnimationValues struct { Position vector.Vector Scale vector.Vector Rotation *Quaternion }
AnimationValues indicate the current position, scale, and rotation for a Node.
type BoundingAABB ¶
BoundingAABB represents a 3D AABB (Axis-Aligned Bounding Box), a 3D cube of varying width, height, and depth that cannot rotate. The primary purpose of a BoundingAABB is, like the other Bounding* Nodes, to perform intersection testing between itself and other BoundingObject Nodes.
func NewBoundingAABB ¶
func NewBoundingAABB(name string, width, height, depth float64) *BoundingAABB
NewBoundingAABB returns a new BoundingAABB Node.
func (*BoundingAABB) AddChildren ¶
func (box *BoundingAABB) AddChildren(children ...INode)
AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (*BoundingAABB) Clone ¶
func (box *BoundingAABB) Clone() INode
Clone returns a new BoundingAABB.
func (*BoundingAABB) ClosestPoint ¶
func (box *BoundingAABB) ClosestPoint(point vector.Vector) vector.Vector
ClosestPoint returns the closest point, to the point given, on the inside or surface of the BoundingAABB.
func (*BoundingAABB) Colliding ¶
func (box *BoundingAABB) Colliding(other BoundingObject) bool
Colliding returns true if the BoundingAABB is colliding with another BoundingObject.
func (*BoundingAABB) Collision ¶
func (box *BoundingAABB) Collision(other BoundingObject) *Collision
Collision returns the Collision between the BoundingAABB and the other BoundingObject. If there is no intersection, the function returns nil. (Note that BoundingAABB > BoundingTriangles collision is buggy at the moment.)
func (*BoundingAABB) CollisionTest ¶
func (box *BoundingAABB) CollisionTest(dx, dy, dz float64, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
CollisionTest performs an collision test if the bounding object were to move in the given direction in world space. It returns all valid Collisions across all BoundingObjects passed in as others. Collisions will be sorted in order of distance. If no Collisions occurred, it will return an empty slice.
func (*BoundingAABB) CollisionTestVec ¶
func (box *BoundingAABB) CollisionTestVec(moveVec vector.Vector, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
CollisionTestVec performs an collision test if the bounding object were to move in the given direction in world space using a vector. It returns all valid Collisions across all BoundingObjects passed in as others. Collisions will be sorted in order of distance. If no Collisions occurred, it will return an empty slice.
func (*BoundingAABB) SetDimensions ¶
func (box *BoundingAABB) SetDimensions(newWidth, newHeight, newDepth float64)
SetDimensions sets the BoundingAABB's internal dimensions (prior to resizing or rotating the Node).
func (*BoundingAABB) Transform ¶
func (box *BoundingAABB) Transform() Matrix4
func (*BoundingAABB) Type ¶
func (box *BoundingAABB) Type() NodeType
Type returns the NodeType for this object.
type BoundingCapsule ¶
type BoundingCapsule struct { *Node Height float64 Radius float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BoundingCapsule represents a 3D capsule, whose primary purpose is to perform intersection testing between itself and other Bounding Nodes.
func NewBoundingCapsule ¶
func NewBoundingCapsule(name string, height, radius float64) *BoundingCapsule
NewBoundingCapsule returns a new BoundingCapsule instance. Name is the name of the underlying Node for the Capsule, height is the total height of the Capsule, and radius is how big around the capsule is. Height has to be at least radius (otherwise, it would no longer be a capsule).
func (*BoundingCapsule) AddChildren ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) AddChildren(children ...INode)
AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (*BoundingCapsule) Bottom ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Bottom() vector.Vector
Bottom returns the world position of the bottom of the BoundingCapsule.
func (*BoundingCapsule) Clone ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Clone() INode
Clone returns a new BoundingCapsule.
func (*BoundingCapsule) ClosestPoint ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) ClosestPoint(point vector.Vector) vector.Vector
ClosestPoint returns the closest point on the capsule's "central line" to the point provided. Essentially, ClosestPoint returns a point along the capsule's line in world coordinates, capped between its bottom and top.
func (*BoundingCapsule) Colliding ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Colliding(other BoundingObject) bool
Colliding returns true if the BoundingCapsule is intersecting the other BoundingObject.
func (*BoundingCapsule) Collision ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Collision(other BoundingObject) *Collision
Collision returns a Collision struct if the BoundingCapsule is intersecting another BoundingObject. If no intersection is reported, Collision returns nil.
func (*BoundingCapsule) CollisionTest ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) CollisionTest(dx, dy, dz float64, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
CollisionTest performs an collision test if the bounding object were to move in the given direction in world space. It returns all valid Collisions across all BoundingObjects passed in as others. Collisions will be sorted in order of distance. If no Collisions occurred, it will return an empty slice.
func (*BoundingCapsule) CollisionTestVec ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) CollisionTestVec(moveVec vector.Vector, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
CollisionTestVec performs an collision test if the bounding object were to move in the given direction in world space using a vector. It returns all valid Collisions across all BoundingObjects passed in as others. Collisions will be sorted in order of distance. If no Collisions occurred, it will return an empty slice.
func (*BoundingCapsule) PointInside ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) PointInside(point vector.Vector) bool
PointInside returns true if the point provided is within the capsule.
func (*BoundingCapsule) Top ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Top() vector.Vector
Top returns the world position of the top of the BoundingCapsule.
func (*BoundingCapsule) Type ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) Type() NodeType
Type returns the NodeType for this object.
func (*BoundingCapsule) WorldRadius ¶
func (capsule *BoundingCapsule) WorldRadius() float64
WorldRadius is the radius of the Capsule in world units, after taking into account its scale.
type BoundingObject ¶
type BoundingObject interface { // Colliding returns true if the BoundingObject is intersecting the other BoundingObject. Colliding(other BoundingObject) bool // Collision returns a Collision if the BoundingObject is intersecting another BoundingObject. If // no intersection is reported, Collision returns nil. Collision(other BoundingObject) *Collision // CollisionTest performs an collision test if the bounding object were to move in the given direction in world space. // It returns all valid Collisions across all BoundingObjects passed in as others. Collisions will be sorted in order of // distance. If no Collisions occurred, it will return an empty slice. CollisionTest(dx, dy, dz float64, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision // CollisionTestVec performs an collision test if the bounding object were to move in the given direction in world space // using a vector. It returns all valid Collisions across all BoundingObjects passed in as others. Collisions will be sorted in order of // distance. If no Collisions occurred, it will return an empty slice. CollisionTestVec(moveVec vector.Vector, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision }
BoundingObject represents a Node type that can be tested for collision. The exposed functions are essentially just concerning whether an object that implements BoundingObject is colliding with another BoundingObject, and if so, by how much.
type BoundingSphere ¶
BoundingSphere represents a 3D sphere.
func NewBoundingSphere ¶
func NewBoundingSphere(name string, radius float64) *BoundingSphere
NewBoundingSphere returns a new BoundingSphere instance.
func (*BoundingSphere) AddChildren ¶
func (sphere *BoundingSphere) AddChildren(children ...INode)
AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (*BoundingSphere) Clone ¶
func (sphere *BoundingSphere) Clone() INode
Clone returns a new BoundingSphere instance.
func (*BoundingSphere) Colliding ¶
func (sphere *BoundingSphere) Colliding(other BoundingObject) bool
Colliding returns true if the BoundingSphere is intersecting the other BoundingObject.
func (*BoundingSphere) Collision ¶
func (sphere *BoundingSphere) Collision(other BoundingObject) *Collision
Collision returns a Collision if the BoundingSphere is intersecting another BoundingObject. If no intersection is reported, Collision returns nil.
func (*BoundingSphere) CollisionTest ¶
func (sphere *BoundingSphere) CollisionTest(dx, dy, dz float64, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
CollisionTest performs an collision test if the bounding object were to move in the given direction in world space. It returns all valid Collisions across all BoundingObjects passed in as others. Collisions will be sorted in order of distance. If no Collisions occurred, it will return an empty slice.
func (*BoundingSphere) CollisionTestVec ¶
func (sphere *BoundingSphere) CollisionTestVec(moveVec vector.Vector, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
CollisionTestVec performs an collision test if the bounding object were to move in the given direction in world space using a vector. It returns all valid Collisions across all BoundingObjects passed in as others. Collisions will be sorted in order of distance. If no Collisions occurred, it will return an empty slice.
func (*BoundingSphere) PointInside ¶
func (sphere *BoundingSphere) PointInside(point vector.Vector) bool
PointInside returns whether the given point is inside of the sphere or not.
func (*BoundingSphere) Type ¶
func (sphere *BoundingSphere) Type() NodeType
Type returns the NodeType for this object.
func (*BoundingSphere) WorldRadius ¶
func (sphere *BoundingSphere) WorldRadius() float64
WorldRadius returns the radius of the BoundingSphere in world units, after taking into account its scale.
type BoundingTriangles ¶
type BoundingTriangles struct { *Node BoundingAABB *BoundingAABB Mesh *Mesh }
BoundingTriangles is a Node specifically for detecting a collision between any of the triangles from a mesh instance and another BoundingObject.
func NewBoundingTriangles ¶
func NewBoundingTriangles(name string, mesh *Mesh) *BoundingTriangles
NewBoundingTriangles returns a new BoundingTriangles object.
func (*BoundingTriangles) AddChildren ¶
func (bt *BoundingTriangles) AddChildren(children ...INode)
AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (*BoundingTriangles) Clone ¶
func (bt *BoundingTriangles) Clone() INode
func (*BoundingTriangles) Colliding ¶
func (bt *BoundingTriangles) Colliding(other BoundingObject) bool
Colliding returns true if the BoundingTriangles object is intersecting the other specified BoundingObject.
func (*BoundingTriangles) Collision ¶
func (bt *BoundingTriangles) Collision(other BoundingObject) *Collision
Collision returns a Collision if the BoundingTriangles object is intersecting another BoundingObject. If no intersection is reported, Collision returns nil. (Note that BoundingTriangles > AABB collision is buggy at the moment.)
func (*BoundingTriangles) CollisionTest ¶
func (bt *BoundingTriangles) CollisionTest(dx, dy, dz float64, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
CollisionTest performs an collision test if the bounding object were to move in the given direction in world space. It returns all valid Collisions across all BoundingObjects passed in as others. Collisions will be sorted in order of distance. If no Collisions occurred, it will return an empty slice.
func (*BoundingTriangles) CollisionTestVec ¶
func (bt *BoundingTriangles) CollisionTestVec(moveVec vector.Vector, others ...BoundingObject) []*Collision
CollisionTestVec performs an collision test if the bounding object were to move in the given direction in world space using a vector. It returns all valid Collisions across all BoundingObjects passed in as others. Collisions will be sorted in order of distance. If no Collisions occurred, it will return an empty slice.
func (*BoundingTriangles) Transform ¶
func (bt *BoundingTriangles) Transform() Matrix4
func (*BoundingTriangles) Type ¶
func (bt *BoundingTriangles) Type() NodeType
Type returns the NodeType for this object.
type Camera ¶
type Camera struct { *Node RenderDepth bool // If the Camera should attempt to render a depth texture; if this is true, then DepthTexture will hold the depth texture render results. AccumulateColorMode int // The mode to use when rendering previous frames to the accumulation buffer. Defaults to AccumulateColorModeNone. AccumulateDrawOptions *ebiten.DrawImageOptions // Draw image options to use when rendering frames to the accumulation buffer; use this to fade out or color previous frames. Near, Far float64 // The near and far clipping plane. Perspective bool // If the Camera has a perspective projection. If not, it would be orthographic FieldOfView float64 // Vertical field of view in degrees for a perspective projection camera OrthoScale float64 // Scale of the view for an orthographic projection camera in units horizontally DebugInfo DebugInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Camera represents a camera (where you look from) in Tetra3D.
func (*Camera) AccumulationColorTexture ¶
func (camera *Camera) AccumulationColorTexture() *ebiten.Image
AccumulationColorTexture returns the camera's final result accumulation color texture from previous renders. If the Camera's AccumulateColorMode property is set to AccumulateColorModeNone, the function will return nil instead.
func (*Camera) AddChildren ¶
AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (*Camera) AspectRatio ¶
AspectRatio returns the camera's aspect ratio (width / height).
func (*Camera) Clear ¶
func (camera *Camera) Clear()
Clear should be called at the beginning of a single rendered frame and clears the Camera's backing textures before rendering. It also resets the debug values.
func (*Camera) ClipToScreen ¶
ClipToScreen projects the pre-transformed vertex in View space and remaps it to screen coordinates.
func (*Camera) ColorTexture ¶
func (camera *Camera) ColorTexture() *ebiten.Image
ColorTexture returns the camera's final result color texture from any previous Render() or RenderNodes() calls.
func (*Camera) DebugDrawText ¶
func (*Camera) DepthTexture ¶
func (camera *Camera) DepthTexture() *ebiten.Image
DepthTexture returns the camera's final result depth texture from any previous Render() or RenderNodes() calls. If Camera.RenderDepth is set to false, the function will return nil instead.
func (*Camera) DrawDebugBounds ¶
DrawDebugBounds will draw shapes approximating the shapes and positions of BoundingObjects underneath the rootNode. The shapes will be drawn in the color provided to the screen image provided.
func (*Camera) DrawDebugBoundsColored ¶
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugBoundsColored(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, aabbColor, sphereColor, capsuleColor, trianglesColor *Color)
DrawDebugBoundsColored will draw shapes approximating the shapes and positions of BoundingObjects underneath the rootNode. The shapes will be drawn in the color provided for each kind of bounding object to the screen image provided.
func (*Camera) DrawDebugCenters ¶
DrawDebugCenters draws the center positions of nodes under the rootNode using the color given to the screen image provided.
func (*Camera) DrawDebugDrawCallCount ¶
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugDrawCallCount(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, textScale float64, color *Color)
DrawDebugDrawCallCount draws the draw call count of all visible Models underneath the rootNode in the color provided to the screen image provided.
func (*Camera) DrawDebugDrawOrder ¶
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugDrawOrder(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, textScale float64, color *Color)
DrawDebugDrawOrder draws the drawing order of all triangles of all visible Models underneath the rootNode in the color provided to the screen image provided.
func (*Camera) DrawDebugFrustums ¶
DrawDebugFrustums will draw shapes approximating the frustum spheres for objects underneath the rootNode. The shapes will be drawn in the color provided to the screen image provided.
func (*Camera) DrawDebugNormals ¶
func (camera *Camera) DrawDebugNormals(screen *ebiten.Image, rootNode INode, normalLength float64, color *Color)
DrawDebugNormals draws the normals of visible models underneath the rootNode given to the screen. NormalLength is the length of the normal lines in units. Color is the color to draw the normals.
func (*Camera) DrawDebugRenderInfo ¶
DrawDebugRenderInfo draws render debug information (like number of drawn objects, number of drawn triangles, frame time, etc) at the top-left of the provided screen *ebiten.Image, using the textScale and color provided.
func (*Camera) DrawDebugWireframe ¶
DrawDebugWireframe draws the wireframe triangles of all visible Models underneath the rootNode in the color provided to the screen image provided.
func (*Camera) PointInFrustum ¶
PointInFrustum returns true if the point is visible through the camera frustum.
func (*Camera) Projection ¶
Projection returns the Camera's projection matrix.
func (*Camera) Render ¶
Render renders all of the models passed using the provided Scene's properties (fog, for example). Note that if Camera.RenderDepth is false, scenes rendered one after another in multiple Render() calls will be rendered on top of each other in the Camera's texture buffers. Note that for Models, each MeshPart of a Model has a maximum renderable triangle count of 21845.
func (*Camera) RenderNodes ¶
RenderNodes renders all nodes starting with the provided rootNode using the Scene's properties (fog, for example). Note that if Camera.RenderDepth is false, scenes rendered one after another in multiple RenderNodes() calls will be rendered on top of each other in the Camera's texture buffers. Note that for Models, each MeshPart of a Model has a maximum renderable triangle count of 21845.
func (*Camera) SetOrthographic ¶
SetOrthographic sets the Camera's projection to be an orthographic projection. orthoScale indicates the scale of the camera in units horizontally.
func (*Camera) SetPerspective ¶
SetPerspective sets the Camera's projection to be a perspective projection. fovY indicates the vertical field of view (in degrees) for the camera's aperture.
func (*Camera) SphereInFrustum ¶
func (camera *Camera) SphereInFrustum(sphere *BoundingSphere) bool
SphereInFrustum returns true if the sphere would be visible through the camera frustum.
func (*Camera) Unparent ¶
func (camera *Camera) Unparent()
Unparent unparents the Camera from its parent, removing it from the scenegraph.
func (*Camera) ViewMatrix ¶
ViewMatrix returns the Camera's view matrix.
func (*Camera) WorldToClip ¶
WorldToClip transforms a 3D position in the world to clip coordinates (before screen normalization).
type Collision ¶
type Collision struct { CollidedObject BoundingObject // The BoundingObject collided with Intersections []*Intersection // The slice of Intersections, one for each object or triangle intersected with, arranged in order of distance (far to close). }
Collision represents the result of a collision test. A Collision test may result in multiple intersections, and so an Collision holds each of these individual intersections in its Intersections slice. The intersections are sorted in order of distance from the starting point of the intersection (the center of the colliding sphere / aabb, the closest point in the capsule, the center of the closest triangle, etc) to the contact point.
func (*Collision) AverageContactPoint ¶
AverageContactPoint returns the average contact point out of the contact points of all Intersections contained within the Collision.
func (*Collision) AverageMTV ¶
AverageMTV returns the average MTV (minimum translation vector) from all Intersections contained within the Collision. To be specific, this isn't actually the pure average, but rather is the result of adding together all MTVs from Intersections in the Collision for the direction, and using the greatest MTV's magnitude for the distance of the returned vector. In other words, AverageMTV returns the MTV to move in that should resolve all intersections from the Collision.
func (*Collision) AverageSlope ¶
AverageSlope returns the average slope of the Collision (ranging from 0, pointing straight up, to pi pointing straight down). This average is spread across all intersections contained within the Collision.
type Color ¶
type Color struct {
R, G, B, A float32
Color represents a color, containing R, G, B, and A components, each expected to range from 0 to 1.
func NewColor ¶
NewColor returns a new Color, with the provided R, G, B, and A components expected to range from 0 to 1.
func NewColorFromHSV ¶
NewColorFromHSV returns a new color, using hue, saturation, and value numbers, each ranging from 0 to 1. A hue of 0 is red, while 1 is also red, but on the other end of the spectrum. Cribbed from:
func (*Color) AddRGBA ¶
AddRGBA adds the provided R, G, B, and A values to the color as provided. The components are expected to range from 0 to 1.
func (*Color) ConvertTosRGB ¶
func (color *Color) ConvertTosRGB()
ConvertTosRGB() converts the color's R, G, and B components to the sRGB color space. This is used to convert colors from their values in GLTF to how they should appear on the screen. See:
func (*Color) HSV ¶
HSV returns a color as a hue, saturation, and value (each ranging from 0 to 1). Also cribbed from:
func (*Color) MultiplyRGBA ¶
MultiplyRGBA multiplies the color's RGBA channels by the provided R, G, B, and A scalar values.
func (*Color) Set ¶
Set sets the RGBA components of the Color to the r, g, b, and a arguments provided. The components are expected to range from 0 to 1.
func (*Color) ToFloat32s ¶
ToFloat32s returns the Color as four float32 in the order R, G, B, and A.
func (*Color) ToFloat64s ¶
ToFloat64s returns four float64 values for each channel in the Color in the order R, G, B, and A.
type DaeLoadOptions ¶
type DaeLoadOptions struct {
CorrectYUp bool // Whether to correct Z being up for Blender importing.
DaeLoadOptions represents options one can use to tweak how .dae files are loaded into Tetra3D.
func DefaultDaeLoadOptions ¶
func DefaultDaeLoadOptions() *DaeLoadOptions
DefaultDaeLoadOptions returns a default instance of DaeLoadOptions.
type Data ¶
type Data struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Data) AsQuaternion ¶
func (data *Data) AsQuaternion() *Quaternion
type DebugInfo ¶
type DebugInfo struct { AvgFrameTime time.Duration // Amount of CPU frame time spent transforming vertices. Doesn't necessarily include CPU time spent sending data to the GPU. AvgAnimationTime time.Duration // Amount of CPU frame time spent animating vertices. AvgLightTime time.Duration // Amount of CPU frame time spent lighting vertices. DrawnParts int // Number of draw calls, excluding those invisible or culled based on distance TotalParts int // Total number of objects DrawnTris int // Number of drawn triangles, excluding those hidden from backface culling TotalTris int // Total number of triangles LightCount int // Total number of lights ActiveLightCount int // Total active number of lights // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DebugInfo is a struct that holds debugging information for a Camera's render pass. These values are reset when Camera.Clear() is called.
type Dimensions ¶
Dimensions represents the minimum and maximum spatial dimensions of a Mesh arranged in a 2-space Vector slice.
func (Dimensions) Center ¶
func (dim Dimensions) Center() vector.Vector
Center returns the center point inbetween the two corners of the dimension set.
func (Dimensions) Clone ¶
func (dim Dimensions) Clone() Dimensions
func (Dimensions) Depth ¶
func (dim Dimensions) Depth() float64
Depth returns the total difference between the minimum and maximum Z values.
func (Dimensions) Height ¶
func (dim Dimensions) Height() float64
Height returns the total difference between the minimum and maximum Y values.
func (Dimensions) MaxDimension ¶
func (dim Dimensions) MaxDimension() float64
MaxDimension returns the maximum value from all of the axes in the Dimensions. For example, if the Dimensions have a min of [-1, -2, -2], and a max of [6, 1.5, 1], Max() will return 7 for the X axis, as it's the largest distance between all axes.
func (Dimensions) MaxSpan ¶
func (dim Dimensions) MaxSpan() float64
MaxSpan returns the maximum span between the corners of the dimension set.
func (Dimensions) Width ¶
func (dim Dimensions) Width() float64
Width returns the total difference between the minimum and maximum X values.
type DirectionalLight ¶
type DirectionalLight struct { *Node Color *Color // Color is the color of the PointLight. // Energy is the overall energy of the Light. Internally, technically there's no difference between a brighter color and a // higher energy, but this is here for convenience / adherance to GLTF / 3D modelers. Energy float32 On bool // If the light is on and contributing to the scene. // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DirectionalLight represents a directional light of infinite distance.
func NewDirectionalLight ¶
func NewDirectionalLight(name string, r, g, b, energy float32) *DirectionalLight
NewDirectionalLight creates a new Directional Light with the specified RGB color and energy (assuming 1.0 energy is standard / "100%" lighting).
func (*DirectionalLight) AddChildren ¶
func (sun *DirectionalLight) AddChildren(children ...INode)
AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (*DirectionalLight) Clone ¶
func (sun *DirectionalLight) Clone() INode
Clone returns a new DirectionalLight clone from the given DirectionalLight.
func (*DirectionalLight) Light ¶
func (sun *DirectionalLight) Light(triIndex int, model *Model) [9]float32
Light returns the R, G, and B values for the DirectionalLight for each vertex of the provided Triangle.
func (*DirectionalLight) Type ¶
func (sun *DirectionalLight) Type() NodeType
Type returns the NodeType for this object.
func (*DirectionalLight) Unparent ¶
func (sun *DirectionalLight) Unparent()
Unparent unparents the DirectionalLight from its parent, removing it from the scenegraph.
type GLTFLoadOptions ¶
type GLTFLoadOptions struct {
CameraWidth, CameraHeight int // Width and height of loaded Cameras. Defaults to 1920x1080.
CameraDepth bool // If cameras should render depth or not
DefaultToAutoTransparency bool // If DefaultToAutoTransparency is true, then opaque materials become Auto transparent materials in Tetra3D.
// DependentLibraryResolver is a function that takes a relative path (string) to the blend file representing the dependent Library that the loading
// Library requires. This function should return a reference to the dependent Library; if it returns nil, the linked objects from the dependent Library
// will not be instantiated in the loading Library.
// An example would be loading a level (level.gltf) composed of assets from another file (a GLTF file exported from assets.blend, which is a directory up).
// In this example, loading level.gltf would require the dependent library, found in assets.gltf. Loading level.gltf will refer to objects linked from the assets
// blend file, known as "../assets.blend".
// You could then simply load the assets library first and then code the DependentLibraryResolver function to take the assets library, or code the
// function to use the path to load the library on demand. You could then store the loaded result as necessary if multiple levels use this assets Library.
DependentLibraryResolver func(blendPath string) *Library
func DefaultGLTFLoadOptions ¶
func DefaultGLTFLoadOptions() *GLTFLoadOptions
DefaultGLTFLoadOptions creates an instance of GLTFLoadOptions with some sensible defaults.
type INode ¶
type INode interface { // Name returns the object's name. Name() string // SetName sets the object's name. SetName(name string) // Clone returns a clone of the specified INode implementer. Clone() INode // SetData sets user-customizeable data that could be usefully stored on this node. SetData(data interface{}) // Data returns a pointer to user-customizeable data that could be usefully stored on this node. Data() interface{} // Type returns the NodeType for this object. Type() NodeType // Library returns the source Library from which this Node was instantiated. If it was created through code, this will be nil. Library() *Library // Parent returns the Node's parent. If the Node has no parent, this will return nil. Parent() INode // Unparent unparents the Node from its parent, removing it from the scenegraph. Unparent() // Scene looks for the Node's parents recursively to return what scene it exists in. // If the node is not within a tree (i.e. unparented), this will return nil. Scene() *Scene // Root returns the root node in this tree by recursively traversing this node's hierarchy of // parents upwards. Root() INode // Children() returns the Node's children as a NodeFilter. Children() NodeFilter // ChildrenRecursive() returns the Node's recursive children (i.e. children, grandchildren, etc) // as a NodeFilter. ChildrenRecursive() NodeFilter // AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph // hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so. AddChildren(...INode) // RemoveChildren removes the provided children from this object. RemoveChildren(...INode) // ResetLocalTransform resets the local transform properties (position, scale, and rotation) for the Node. This can be useful because // by default, when you parent one Node to another, the local transform properties (position, scale, and rotation) are altered to keep the // object in the same absolute location, even though the origin changes. ResetLocalTransform() // SetWorldTransform sets the Node's global (world) transform to the full 4x4 transformation matrix provided. SetWorldTransform(transform Matrix4) // LocalRotation returns the object's local rotation Matrix4. LocalRotation() Matrix4 // SetLocalRotation sets the object's local rotation Matrix4 (relative to any parent). SetLocalRotation(rotation Matrix4) LocalPosition() vector.Vector // SetLocalPosition sets the object's local position (position relative to its parent). If this object has no parent, the position should be // relative to world origin (0, 0, 0). position should be a 3D vector (i.e. X, Y, and Z components). SetLocalPosition(position vector.Vector) // LocalScale returns the object's local scale (scale relative to its parent). If this object has no parent, the scale will be absolute. LocalScale() vector.Vector // SetLocalScale sets the object's local scale (scale relative to its parent). If this object has no parent, the scale would be absolute. // scale should be a 3D vector (i.e. X, Y, and Z components). SetLocalScale(scale vector.Vector) // WorldRotation returns an absolute rotation Matrix4 representing the object's rotation. WorldRotation() Matrix4 // SetWorldRotation sets an object's global, world rotation to the provided rotation Matrix4. SetWorldRotation(rotation Matrix4) WorldPosition() vector.Vector SetWorldPosition(position vector.Vector) // WorldScale returns the object's absolute world scale as a 3D vector (i.e. X, Y, and Z components). WorldScale() vector.Vector // SetWorldScale sets the object's absolute world scale. scale should be a 3D vector (i.e. X, Y, and Z components). SetWorldScale(scale vector.Vector) // Move moves a Node in local space by the x, y, and z values provided. Move(x, y, z float64) // MoveVec moves a Node in local space using the vector provided. MoveVec(moveVec vector.Vector) // Rotate rotates a Node locally on the given vector, by the angle provided in radians. Rotate(x, y, z, angle float64) // Grow scales the object additively (i.e. calling Node.Grow(1, 0, 0) will scale it +1 on the X-axis). Grow(x, y, z float64) // Transform returns a Matrix4 indicating the global position, rotation, and scale of the object, transforming it by any parents'. // If there's no change between the previous Transform() call and this one, Transform() will return a cached version of the // transform for efficiency. Transform() Matrix4 // Visible returns whether the Object is visible. Visible() bool // SetVisible sets the object's visibility. If recursive is true, all recursive children of this Node will have their visibility set the same way. SetVisible(visible, recursive bool) // Get searches a node's hierarchy using a string to find a specified node. The path is in the format of names of nodes, separated by forward // slashes ('/'), and is relative to the node you use to call Get. As an example of Get, if you had a cup parented to a desk, which was // parented to a room, that was finally parented to the root of the scene, it would be found at "Room/Desk/Cup". Note also that you can use "../" to // "go up one" in the hierarchy (so cup.Get("../") would return the Desk node). // Since Get uses forward slashes as path separation, it would be good to avoid using forward slashes in your Node names. Also note that Get() // trims the extra spaces from the beginning and end of Node Names, so avoid using spaces at the beginning or end of your Nodes' names. Get(path string) INode // HierarchyAsString returns a string displaying the hierarchy of this Node, and all recursive children. // Nodes will have a "+" next to their name, Models an "M", and Cameras a "C". // BoundingSpheres will have BS, BoundingAABB AABB, BoundingCapsule CAP, and BoundingTriangles TRI. // Lights will have an L next to their name. // This is a useful function to debug the layout of a node tree, for example. HierarchyAsString() string // Path returns a string indicating the hierarchical path to get this Node from the root. The path returned will be absolute, such that // passing it to Get() called on the scene root node will return this node. The path returned will not contain the root node's name ("Root"). Path() string // Tags represents an unordered set of string tags that can be used to identify this object. Tags() *Tags // IsBone returns if the Node is a "bone" (a node that was a part of an armature and so can play animations back to influence a skinned mesh). IsBone() bool // AnimationPlayer returns the object's animation player - every object has an AnimationPlayer by default. AnimationPlayer() *AnimationPlayer // contains filtered or unexported methods }
INode represents an object that exists in 3D space and can be positioned relative to an origin point. By default, this origin point is {0, 0, 0} (or world origin), but Nodes can be parented to other Nodes to change this origin (making their movements relative and their transforms successive). Models and Cameras are two examples of objects that fully implement the INode interface by means of embedding Node.
type Intersection ¶
type Intersection struct { // The contact point between the two intersecting objects. Note that this may be the average // between the two overlapping shapes, rather than the point of contact specifically. StartingPoint vector.Vector // The starting point for the intersection; either the center of the object for sphere / aabb, the center of the closest point for capsules, or the triangle position for triangless. ContactPoint vector.Vector // The contact point for the intersection. MTV vector.Vector // MTV represents the minimum translation vector to remove the calling object from the intersecting object. Triangle *Triangle // Triangle represents the triangle that was intersected in intersection tests that involve triangle meshes; if no triangle mesh was tested against, then this will be nil. Normal vector.Vector }
func (*Intersection) Slope ¶
func (intersection *Intersection) Slope() float64
Slope returns the slope of the intersection's normal, in radians. This ranges from 0 (straight up) to pi (straight down).
type Library ¶
type Library struct { Scenes []*Scene // A slice of Scenes ExportedScene *Scene // The scene that was open when the library was exported from the modeler Meshes map[string]*Mesh // A Map of Meshes to their names Animations map[string]*Animation // A Map of Animations to their names Materials map[string]*Material // A Map of Materials to their names }
Library represents a collection of Scenes, Meshes, and Animations, as loaded from an intermediary file format (.dae or .gltf / .glb).
func LoadDAEData ¶
func LoadDAEData(data []byte, options *DaeLoadOptions) (*Library, error)
LoadDAEData takes a []byte consisting of the contents of a DAE file, and returns a *Library populated with the .dae file's objects and meshes. Animations will not be loaded from DAE files, as DAE exports through Blender only support one animation per object (so it's generally advised to use the GLTF or GLB format instead). Cameras exported in the DAE file will be turned into simple Nodes in Tetra3D, as there's not enough information to instantiate a tetra3d.Camera. If the call couldn't complete for any reason, like due to a malformed DAE file, it will return an error.
func LoadDAEFile ¶
func LoadDAEFile(path string, options *DaeLoadOptions) (*Library, error)
LoadDAEFile takes a filepath to a .dae model file, and returns a *Library populated with the .dae file's objects and meshes. Animations will not be loaded from DAE files, as DAE exports through Blender only support one animation per object (so it's generally advised to use the GLTF or GLB format instead). Cameras exported in the DAE file will be turned into simple Nodes in Tetra3D, as there's not enough information to instantiate a tetra3d.Camera. If the call couldn't complete for any reason, like due to a malformed DAE file, it will return an error.
func LoadGLTFData ¶
func LoadGLTFData(data []byte, gltfLoadOptions *GLTFLoadOptions) (*Library, error)
LoadGLTFData loads a .gltf or .glb file from the byte data given, using a provided GLTFLoadOptions struct to alter how the file is loaded. Passing nil for loadOptions will load the file using default load options. Unlike with DAE files, Animations (including armature-based animations) and Cameras (assuming they are exported in the GLTF file) will be parsed properly. LoadGLTFFile will return a Library, and an error if the process fails.
func LoadGLTFFile ¶
func LoadGLTFFile(path string, loadOptions *GLTFLoadOptions) (*Library, error)
LoadGLTFFile loads a .gltf or .glb file from the filepath given, using a provided GLTFLoadOptions struct to alter how the file is loaded. Passing nil for loadOptions will load the file using default load options. Unlike with DAE files, Animations (including armature-based animations) and Cameras (assuming they are exported in the GLTF file) will be parsed properly. LoadGLTFFile will return a Library, and an error if the process fails.
func NewLibrary ¶
func NewLibrary() *Library
type Light ¶
type Light interface { Light(triIndex int, model *Model) [9]float32 // Light() returns the R, G, and B colors used to light the vertices of the given triangle. // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Light represents an interface that is fulfilled by an object that emits light, returning the color a vertex should be given that Vertex and its model matrix.
type Marker ¶
type Marker struct { Time float64 // Time of the marker in seconds in the Animation. Name string // Name of the marker. }
Marker represents a tag as placed in an Animation in a 3D modeler.
type Material ¶
type Material struct { Name string // Name is the name of the Material. Color *Color // The overall color of the Material. Texture *ebiten.Image // The texture applied to the Material. TexturePath string // The path to the texture, if it was not packed into the exporter. TextureFilterMode ebiten.Filter // Texture filtering mode TextureWrapMode ebiten.Address // Texture wrapping mode Tags *Tags // Tags is a Tags object, allowing you to specify auxiliary data on the Material. This is loaded from GLTF files if / Blender's Custom Properties if the setting is enabled on the export menu. BackfaceCulling bool // If backface culling is enabled (which it is by default), faces turned away from the camera aren't rendered. TriangleSortMode int // TriangleSortMode influences how triangles with this Material are sorted. Shadeless bool // If the material should be shadeless (unlit) or not CompositeMode ebiten.CompositeMode // Blend mode to use when rendering the material (i.e. additive, multiplicative, etc) BillboardMode int // Billboard mode // VertexTransformFunction is a function that runs on the world position of each vertex position rendered with the material. // It accepts the vertex position as an argument, along with the index of the vertex in the mesh. // One can use this to simply transform vertices of the mesh on CPU (note that this is, of course, not as performant as // a traditional GPU vertex shader, but is fine for simple / low-poly mesh transformations). // This function is run after skinning the vertex if the material belongs to a mesh that is skinned by an armature. // Note that the VertexTransformFunction must return the vector passed. VertexTransformFunction func(vertexPosition vector.Vector, vertexIndex int) vector.Vector // VertexClipFunction is a function that runs on the clipped result of each vertex position rendered with the material. // The function takes the vertex position along with the vertex index in the mesh. // This program runs after the vertex position is clipped to screen coordinates. // Note that the VertexClipFunction must return the vector passed. VertexClipFunction func(vertexPosition vector.Vector, vertexIndex int) vector.Vector // FragmentShaderOn is an easy boolean toggle to control whether the shader is activated or not (it defaults to on). FragmentShaderOn bool // FragmentShaderOptions allows you to customize the custom fragment shader with uniforms or images. It does NOT take the // CompositeMode property from the Material's CompositeMode. By default, it's an empty DrawTrianglesShaderOptions struct. FragmentShaderOptions *ebiten.DrawTrianglesShaderOptions // If a material is tagged as transparent, it's rendered in a separate render pass. // Objects with transparent materials don't render to the depth texture and are sorted and rendered back-to-front, AFTER // all non-transparent materials. TransparencyMode int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewMaterial ¶
NewMaterial creates a new Material with the name given.
func (*Material) Clone ¶
Clone creates a clone of the specified Material. Note that Clone() cannot clone the Material's fragment shader or shader options.
func (*Material) DisposeShader ¶
func (material *Material) DisposeShader()
DisposeShader disposes the custom fragment Shader for the Material (assuming it has one). If it does not have a Shader, nothing happens.
func (*Material) Library ¶
Library returns the Library from which this Material was loaded. If it was created through code, this function will return nil.
func (*Material) SetShader ¶
SetShader creates a new custom Kage fragment shader for the Material if provided the shader's source code, provided as a []byte. This custom shader would be used to render the mesh utilizing the material after rendering to the depth texture, but before compositing the finished render to the screen after fog. If the shader is nil, the Material will render using the default Tetra3D render setup (e.g. texture, UV values, vertex colors, and vertex lighting). SetShader will return the Shader, and an error if the Shader failed to compile.
type Matrix4 ¶
type Matrix4 [4][4]float64
Matrix4 represents a 4x4 matrix for translation, scale, and rotation. A Matrix4 in Tetra3D is row-major (i.e. the X axis is matrix[0]).
func NewEmptyMatrix4 ¶
func NewEmptyMatrix4() Matrix4
func NewLookAtMatrix ¶
NewLookAtMatrix generates a new Matrix4 to rotate an object to point towards another object. target is the target's world position, center is the world position of the object looking towards the target, and up is the upward vector ( usually +Y, or [0, 1, 0] ).
func NewMatrix4 ¶
func NewMatrix4() Matrix4
NewMatrix4 returns a new identity Matrix4. A Matrix4 in Tetra3D is row-major (i.e. the X axis for a rotation Matrix4 is matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[0][2]).
func NewMatrix4Rotate ¶
NewMatrix4Rotate returns a new Matrix4 designed to rotate by the angle given (in radians) along the axis given [x, y, z]. This rotation works as though you pierced the object utilizing the matrix through by the axis, and then rotated it counter-clockwise by the angle in radians.
func NewMatrix4RotateFromQuaternion ¶
func NewMatrix4RotateFromQuaternion(quat *Quaternion) Matrix4
NewMatrix4RotateFromQuaternion, as might be expected, creates a rotation matrix from this Quaternion.
func NewMatrix4Scale ¶
NewMatrix4Scale returns a new identity Matrix4, but with the scale components set as provided. 1, 1, 1 is the default.
func NewMatrix4Translate ¶
NewMatrix4Scale returns a new identity Matrix4, but with the x, y, and z translation components set as provided.
func NewProjectionOrthographic ¶
NewProjectionOrthographic generates an orthographic frustum Matrix4. near and far are the near and far clipping plane. right, left, top, and bottom are the right, left, top, and bottom planes (usually 1 and -1 for right and left, and the aspect ratio of the window and negative for top and bottom). Generally, you won't need to use this directly.
func NewProjectionPerspective ¶
NewProjectionPerspective generates a perspective frustum Matrix4. fovy is the vertical field of view in degrees, near and far are the near and far clipping plane, while viewWidth and viewHeight is the width and height of the backing texture / camera. Generally, you won't need to use this directly.
func (Matrix4) BlenderToTetra ¶
BlenderToTetra returns a Matrix with the rows altered such that Blender's +Z is now Tetra's +Y and Blender's +Y is now Tetra's -Z.
func (Matrix4) Columns ¶
Columns returns the Matrix4 as a slice of []float64, in column-major order (so it's transposed from the row-major default).
func (Matrix4) Decompose ¶
Decompose decomposes the Matrix4 and returns three components - the position (a 3D vector.Vector), scale (another 3D vector.Vector), and rotation (an AxisAngle) indicated by the Matrix4. Note that this is mainly used when loading a mesh from a 3D modeler - this being the case, it may not be the most precise, and negative scales are not supported.
func (Matrix4) Equals ¶
Equals returns true if the matrix equals the same values in the provided Other Matrix4.
func (Matrix4) Forward ¶
Forward returns the forward rotational component of the Matrix4. For an identity matrix, this would be [0, 0, 1], or +Z (towards camera).
func (Matrix4) HasValidRotation ¶
HasValidRotation returns if the first three vectors in the Matrix are non-zero
func (Matrix4) Inverted ¶
Inverted returns an inverted (reversed) clone of a Matrix4. See:
func (Matrix4) IsIdentity ¶
IsIdentity returns true if the matrix is an unmodified identity matrix.
func (Matrix4) Mult ¶
Mult multiplies a Matrix4 by another provided Matrix4 - this effectively combines them.
func (Matrix4) MultVec ¶
MultVec multiplies the vector provided by the Matrix4, giving a vector that has been rotated, scaled, or translated as desired.
func (Matrix4) MultVecW ¶
MultVecW multiplies the vector provided by the Matrix4, including the fourth (W) component, giving a vector that has been rotated, scaled, or translated as desired.
func (Matrix4) Right ¶
Right returns the right-facing rotational component of the Matrix4. For an identity matrix, this would be [1, 0, 0], or +X.
func (Matrix4) Rotated ¶
Rotated returns a clone of the Matrix4 rotated along the local axis by the angle given (in radians). This rotation works as though you pierced the object through by the axis, and then rotated it counter-clockwise by the angle in radians. The axis is relative to any existing rotation contained in the matrix.
func (Matrix4) ScaleByScalar ¶
func (Matrix4) SetColumn ¶
SetColumn returns a clone of the Matrix4 with the column in columnIndex set to the 4D vector passed.
func (Matrix4) SetRow ¶
SetRow returns a clone of the Matrix4 with the row in rowIndex set to the 4D vector passed.
func (Matrix4) Transposed ¶
Transposed transposes a Matrix4, switching the Matrix from being Row Major to being Column Major. For orthonormalized Matrices (matrices that have rows that are normalized (having a length of 1), like rotation matrices), this is equivalent to inverting it.
type Mesh ¶
type Mesh struct { Name string MeshParts []*MeshPart // The various mesh parts (collections of triangles, rendered with a single material). Triangles []*Triangle // The various triangles composing the Mesh. VertexPositions []vector.Vector VertexNormals []vector.Vector VertexUVs []vector.Vector VertexColors [][]*Color VertexActiveColorChannel []int VertexWeights [][]float32 VertexBones [][]uint16 VertexCount int VertexMax int VertexColorChannelNames map[string]int Dimensions Dimensions Tags *Tags // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Mesh represents a mesh that can be represented visually in different locations via Models. By default, a new Mesh has no MeshParts (so you would need to add one manually if you want to construct a Mesh via code).
func NewCube ¶
func NewCube() *Mesh
NewCube creates a new Cube Mesh and gives it a new material (suitably named "Cube").
func NewMesh ¶
NewMesh takes a name and a slice of *Vertex instances, and returns a new Mesh. If you provide *Vertex instances, the number must be divisible by 3, or NewMesh will panic.
func NewPlane ¶
func NewPlane() *Mesh
NewPlane creates a new plane Mesh and gives it a new material (suitably named "Plane").
func NewWeirdDebuggingStatueThing ¶
func NewWeirdDebuggingStatueThing() *Mesh
func (*Mesh) AddMeshPart ¶
AddMeshPart allows you to add a new MeshPart to the Mesh with the given Material (with a nil Material reference also being valid).
func (*Mesh) FindMeshPart ¶
FindMeshPart allows you to retrieve a MeshPart by its material's name. If no material with the provided name is given, the function returns nil.
func (*Mesh) GetVertexInfo ¶
func (mesh *Mesh) GetVertexInfo(vertexIndex int) VertexInfo
GetVertexInfo returns a VertexInfo struct containing the vertex information for the vertex with the provided index.
func (*Mesh) Library ¶
Library returns the Library from which this Mesh was loaded. If it was created through code, this function will return nil.
func (*Mesh) SelectVertices ¶
func (mesh *Mesh) SelectVertices() *VertexSelection
SelectVertices generates a new vertex selection for the current Mesh.
func (*Mesh) UpdateBounds ¶
func (mesh *Mesh) UpdateBounds()
UpdateBounds updates the mesh's dimensions; call this after manually changing vertex positions.
type MeshPart ¶
type MeshPart struct { Mesh *Mesh Material *Material TriangleStart int TriangleEnd int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MeshPart represents a collection of vertices and triangles, which are all rendered at once, as a single part, with a single material. Depth testing is done between mesh parts or objects, so splitting an object up into different materials can be effective to help with depth sorting.
func NewMeshPart ¶
NewMeshPart creates a new MeshPart that renders using the specified Material.
func (*MeshPart) AddTriangles ¶
func (part *MeshPart) AddTriangles(verts ...VertexInfo)
AddTriangles adds triangles to the MeshPart using the provided VertexInfo slice. Note that
func (*MeshPart) TriangleCount ¶
TriangleCount returns the total number of triangles in the MeshPart, specifically.
type Model ¶
type Model struct { *Node Mesh *Mesh FrustumCulling bool // Whether the Model is culled when it leaves the frustum. Color *Color // The overall multiplicative color of the Model. ColorBlendingFunc func(model *Model, meshPart *MeshPart) ebiten.ColorM // The blending function used to color the Model; by default, it basically modulates the model by the color. BoundingSphere *BoundingSphere DynamicBatchModels []*Model // Models that are dynamically merged into this one. DynamicBatchOwner *Model Skinned bool // If the model is skinned and this is enabled, the model will tranform its vertices to match the skinning armature (Model.SkinRoot). SkinRoot INode // The root node of the armature skinning this Model. // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Model represents a singular visual instantiation of a Mesh. A Mesh contains the vertex information (what to draw); a Model references the Mesh to draw it with a specific Position, Rotation, and/or Scale (where and how to draw).
func NewModel ¶
NewModel creates a new Model (or instance) of the Mesh and Name provided. A Model represents a singular visual instantiation of a Mesh.
func (*Model) AddChildren ¶
AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (*Model) DynamicBatchAdd ¶
DynamicBatchAdd adds the provided models to the calling Model's dynamic batch. Note that unlike StaticMerge(), DynamicBatchAdd works by simply rendering the batched models using the calling Model's first MeshPart's material. By dynamically batching models together, this allows us to not flush between rendering multiple Models, saving a lot of render time, particularly if rendering many low-poly, individual models that have very little variance (i.e. if they all share a single texture). For more information, see this Wiki page on batching / merging:
func (*Model) DynamicBatchRemove ¶
DynamicBatchRemove removes the specified batched Models from the calling Model's dynamic batch slice.
func (*Model) DynamicBatchTriangleCount ¶
DynamicBatchTriangleCount returns the total number of triangles of Models in the calling Model's dynamic batch.
func (*Model) Merge ¶
Merge statically merges the provided models into the calling Model's mesh, such that their vertex properties (position, normal, UV, etc) are part of the calling Model's Mesh. You can use this to merge several objects initially dynamically placed into the calling Model's mesh, thereby pulling back to a single draw call. Note that models are merged into MeshParts (saving draw calls) based on maximum vertex count and shared materials (so to get any benefit from merging, ensure the merged models share materials; if they all have unique materials, they will be turned into individual MeshParts, thereby forcing multiple draw calls). Also note that as the name suggests, this is static merging, which means that after merging, the new vertices are static - part of the merging Model. For more information, see this Wiki page on batching / merging:
func (*Model) ProcessVertices ¶
func (model *Model) ProcessVertices(vpMatrix Matrix4, camera *Camera, meshPart *MeshPart, scene *Scene)
ProcessVertices processes the vertices a Model has in preparation for rendering, given a view-projection matrix, a camera, and the MeshPart being rendered.
func (*Model) ReassignBones ¶
ReassignBones reassigns the model to point to a different armature. armatureNode should be a pointer to the starting object Node of the armature (not any of its bones).
type Node ¶
type Node struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Node represents a minimal struct that fully implements the Node interface. Model and Camera embed Node into their structs to automatically easily implement Node.
func (*Node) AddChildren ¶
AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (*Node) AnimationPlayer ¶
func (node *Node) AnimationPlayer() *AnimationPlayer
AnimationPlayer returns the object's animation player - every object has an AnimationPlayer by default.
func (*Node) Children ¶
func (node *Node) Children() NodeFilter
Children() returns the Node's children.
func (*Node) ChildrenRecursive ¶
func (node *Node) ChildrenRecursive() NodeFilter
ChildrenRecursive() returns the Node's recursive children (i.e. children, grandchildren, etc) as a NodeFilter.
func (*Node) Data ¶
func (node *Node) Data() interface{}
Data returns a pointer to user-customizeable data that could be usefully stored on this node.
func (*Node) Get ¶
Get searches a node's hierarchy using a string to find a specified node. The path is in the format of names of nodes, separated by forward slashes ('/'), and is relative to the node you use to call Get. As an example of Get, if you had a cup parented to a desk, which was parented to a room, that was finally parented to the root of the scene, it would be found at "Room/Desk/Cup". Note also that you can use "../" to "go up one" in the hierarchy (so cup.Get("../") would return the Desk node). Since Get uses forward slashes as path separation, it would be good to avoid using forward slashes in your Node names. Also note that Get() trims the extra spaces from the beginning and end of Node Names, so avoid using spaces at the beginning or end of your Nodes' names.
func (*Node) Grow ¶
Grow scales the object additively (i.e. calling Node.Grow(1, 0, 0) will scale it +1 on the X-axis).
func (*Node) HierarchyAsString ¶
HierarchyAsString returns a string displaying the hierarchy of this Node, and all recursive children. Nodes will have a "+" next to their name, Models an "M", and Cameras a "C". BoundingSpheres will have BS, BoundingAABB AABB, BoundingCapsule CAP, and BoundingTriangles TRI. Lights will have an L next to their name. This is a useful function to debug the layout of a node tree, for example.
func (*Node) IsBone ¶
IsBone returns if the Node is a "bone" (a node that was a part of an armature and so can play animations back to influence a skinned mesh).
func (*Node) Library ¶
Library returns the Library from which this Node was instantiated. If it was created through code, this will be nil.
func (*Node) LocalPosition ¶
LocalPosition returns a 3D Vector consisting of the object's local position (position relative to its parent). If this object has no parent, the position will be relative to world origin (0, 0, 0).
func (*Node) LocalRotation ¶
LocalRotation returns the object's local rotation Matrix4.
func (*Node) LocalScale ¶
LocalScale returns the object's local scale (scale relative to its parent). If this object has no parent, the scale will be absolute.
func (*Node) Parent ¶
Parent returns the Node's parent. If the Node has no parent, this will return nil.
func (*Node) Path ¶
Path returns a string indicating the hierarchical path to get this Node from the root. The path returned will be absolute, such that passing it to Get() called on the scene root node will return this node. The path returned will not contain the root node's name ("Root").
func (*Node) RemoveChildren ¶
RemoveChildren removes the provided children from this object.
func (*Node) ResetLocalTransform ¶
func (node *Node) ResetLocalTransform()
ResetLocalTransform resets the local transform properties (position, scale, and rotation) for the Node. This can be useful because by default, when you parent one Node to another, the local transform properties (position, scale, and rotation) are altered to keep the object in the same absolute location, even though the origin changes.
func (*Node) Root ¶
Root returns the root node in this tree by recursively traversing this node's hierarchy of parents upwards.
func (*Node) Rotate ¶
Rotate rotates a Node locally on the given vector, by the angle provided in radians.
func (*Node) Scene ¶
Scene looks for the Node's parents recursively to return what scene it exists in. If the node is not within a tree (i.e. unparented), this will return nil.
func (*Node) SetData ¶
func (node *Node) SetData(data interface{})
SetData sets user-customizeable data that could be usefully stored on this node.
func (*Node) SetLocalPosition ¶
SetLocalPosition sets the object's local position (position relative to its parent). If this object has no parent, the position should be relative to world origin (0, 0, 0). position should be a 3D vector (i.e. X, Y, and Z components).
func (*Node) SetLocalRotation ¶
SetLocalRotation sets the object's local rotation Matrix4 (relative to any parent).
func (*Node) SetLocalScale ¶
SetLocalScale sets the object's local scale (scale relative to its parent). If this object has no parent, the scale would be absolute. scale should be a 3D vector (i.e. X, Y, and Z components).
func (*Node) SetVisible ¶
SetVisible sets the object's visibility. If recursive is true, all recursive children of this Node will have their visibility set the same way.
func (*Node) SetWorldPosition ¶
SetWorldPosition sets the object's world position (position relative to the world origin point of {0, 0, 0}). position needs to be a 3D vector (i.e. X, Y, and Z components).
func (*Node) SetWorldRotation ¶
SetWorldRotation sets an object's rotation to the provided rotation Matrix4.
func (*Node) SetWorldScale ¶
SetWorldScale sets the object's absolute world scale. scale should be a 3D vector (i.e. X, Y, and Z components).
func (*Node) SetWorldTransform ¶
SetWorldTransform sets the Node's global (world) transform to the full 4x4 transformation matrix provided.
func (*Node) Tags ¶
Tags represents an unordered set of string tags that can be used to identify this object.
func (*Node) Transform ¶
Transform returns a Matrix4 indicating the global position, rotation, and scale of the object, transforming it by any parents'. If there's no change between the previous Transform() call and this one, Transform() will return a cached version of the transform for efficiency.
func (*Node) Unparent ¶
func (node *Node) Unparent()
Unparent unparents the Node from its parent, removing it from the scenegraph. Note that this needs to be overridden for objects that embed Node.
func (*Node) WorldPosition ¶
WorldPosition returns a 3D Vector consisting of the object's world position (position relative to the world origin point of {0, 0, 0}).
func (*Node) WorldRotation ¶
WorldRotation returns an absolute rotation Matrix4 representing the object's rotation.
func (*Node) WorldScale ¶
WorldScale returns the object's absolute world scale as a 3D vector (i.e. X, Y, and Z components).
type NodeFilter ¶
type NodeFilter []INode
NodeFilter represents a filterable selection of INodes. For example, ` filter := scene.Root.ChildrenRecursive()` returns a NodeFilter composed of all nodes underneath the root (excluding the root itself). From there, you can use additional functions on the NodeFilter to filter it down further: `filter = filter.ByName("player lamp", true).ByType(tetra3d.NodeTypeLight)`.
func (NodeFilter) AsBoundingObjects ¶
func (nc NodeFilter) AsBoundingObjects() []BoundingObject
AsBoundingObjects returns the NodeFilter as a slice of BoundingObjects. This is particularly useful when you're using NodeFilters to filter down a selection of Nodes that you then need to pass into BoundingObject.CollisionTest().
func (NodeFilter) ByFunc ¶
func (nf NodeFilter) ByFunc(filterFunc func(node INode) bool) NodeFilter
ByFunc allows you to filter a given selection of nodes by the provided filter function (which takes a Node and returns a boolean, indicating whether or not to add that Node to the resulting NodeFilter). If no matching Nodes are found, an empty NodeFilter is returned.
func (NodeFilter) ByName ¶
func (nf NodeFilter) ByName(name string, exactMatch bool) NodeFilter
ByName allows you to filter a given selection of nodes by the given name. If wildcard is true, the nodes' names can contain the name provided; otherwise, they have to match exactly. If no matching Nodes are found, an empty NodeFilter is returned.
func (NodeFilter) ByTags ¶
func (nf NodeFilter) ByTags(tagNames ...string) NodeFilter
ByTags allows you to filter a given selection of nodes by the provided set of tag names. If no matching Nodes are found, an empty NodeFilter is returned.
func (NodeFilter) ByType ¶
func (nf NodeFilter) ByType(nodeType NodeType) NodeFilter
ByType allows you to filter a given selection of nodes by the provided NodeType. If no matching Nodes are found, an empty NodeFilter is returned.
func (NodeFilter) Children ¶
func (nf NodeFilter) Children() NodeFilter
Children filters out a selection of Nodes, returning a NodeFilter composed strictly of that selection's children.
func (NodeFilter) ChildrenRecursive ¶
func (nf NodeFilter) ChildrenRecursive() NodeFilter
ChildrenRecursive filters out a selection of Nodes, returning a NodeFilter composed strictly of that selection's recursive children.
func (NodeFilter) Empty ¶
func (nf NodeFilter) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the NodeFilter contains no Nodes.
func (NodeFilter) First ¶
func (nf NodeFilter) First() INode
First returns the first Node in the NodeFilter; if the NodeFilter is empty, this function returns nil.
func (NodeFilter) Get ¶
func (nf NodeFilter) Get(index int) INode
Get returns the Node at the given index in the NodeFilter; if index is invalid (<0 or >= len(nodes)), this function returns nil.
func (NodeFilter) Last ¶
func (nf NodeFilter) Last() INode
First returns the last Node in the NodeFilter; if the NodeFilter is empty, this function returns nil.
type NodeType ¶
type NodeType string
NodeType represents a Node's type. Node types are categorized, and can be said to extend or "be of" more general types. For example, a BoundingSphere has a type of NodeTypeBoundingSphere. That type can also be said to be NodeTypeBoundingObject (because it is a bounding object). However, it is not of type NodeTypeBoundingTriangles, as that is a different category.
const ( NodeTypeNode NodeType = "Node" // NodeTypeNode represents any generic node NodeTypeModel NodeType = "NodeModel" // NodeTypeModel represents specifically a Model NodeTypeCamera NodeType = "NodeCamera" // NodeTypeCamera represents specifically a Camera NodeTypePath NodeType = "NodePath" // NodeTypePath represents specifically a Path NodeTypeBoundingObject NodeType = "NodeBounding" // NodeTypeBoundingObject represents any generic bounding object NodeTypeBoundingAABB NodeType = "NodeBoundingAABB" // NodeTypeBoundingAABB represents specifically a BoundingAABB NodeTypeBoundingCapsule NodeType = "NodeBoundingCapsule" // NodeTypeBoundingCapsule represents specifically a BoundingCapsule NodeTypeBoundingTriangles NodeType = "NodeBoundingTriangles" // NodeTypeBoundingTriangles represents specifically a BoundingTriangles object NodeTypeBoundingSphere NodeType = "NodeBoundingSphere" // NodeTypeBoundingSphere represents specifically a BoundingSphere BoundingObject NodeTypeLight NodeType = "NodeLight" // NodeTypeLight represents any generic light NodeTypeAmbientLight NodeType = "NodeLightAmbient" // NodeTypeAmbientLight represents specifically an ambient light NodeTypePointLight NodeType = "NodeLightPoint" // NodeTypePointLight represents specifically a point light NodeTypeDirectionalLight NodeType = "NodeLightDirectional" // NodeTypeDirectionalLight represents specifically a directional (sun) light )
func (NodeType) Is ¶
Is returns true if a NodeType satisfies another NodeType category. A specific node type can be said to contain a more general one, but not vice-versa. For example, a Model (which has type NodeTypeModel) can be said to be a Node (NodeTypeNode), but the reverse is not true (a NodeTypeNode is not a NodeTypeModel).
type Path ¶
type Path struct { *Node Closed bool // Closed indicates if a Path is closed (and so going to the end will return to the start) or not. }
A Path represents a Node that represents a sequential path. All children of the Path are considered its points, in order.
func NewPath ¶
NewPath returns a new Path object. A Path is a Node whose children represent points on a path. A Path can be stepped through spatially using a PathFollower. The passed point vectors will become Nodes, children of the Path.
func (*Path) AddChildren ¶
AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
type PathFollower ¶
type PathFollower struct { Percentage float64 // Percentage is how far along the Path the PathFollower is, ranging from 0 to 1. FinishMode int // FinishMode indicates what should happen when the PathFollower finishes running across the given Path. Direction int // Direction indicates the playback direction. Path *Path // A Reference to the Path OnFinish func() // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PathFollower follows a Path, stepping through the Path spatially to completion. You can use this to make objects that follow a path's positions in space.
func NewPathFollower ¶
func NewPathFollower(path *Path) *PathFollower
NewPathFollower returns a new PathFollower object.
func (*PathFollower) AdvanceDistance ¶
func (follower *PathFollower) AdvanceDistance(distance float64)
AdvanceDistance advances the PathFollower by a certain distance in absolute movement units on the path.
func (*PathFollower) AdvancePercentage ¶
func (follower *PathFollower) AdvancePercentage(percentage float64)
AdvancePercentage advances the PathFollower by a certain percentage of the path. This being a percentage, the larger the path, the further in space a percentage advances the PathFollower.
func (*PathFollower) Clone ¶
func (follower *PathFollower) Clone() *PathFollower
Clone returns a clone of this PathFollower.
func (*PathFollower) Index ¶
func (follower *PathFollower) Index() int
Index returns the index of the point / child that the PathFollower is on.
func (*PathFollower) WorldPosition ¶
func (follower *PathFollower) WorldPosition() vector.Vector
WorldPosition returns the position of the PathFollower in world space.
type PointLight ¶
type PointLight struct { *Node // Distance represents the distance after which the light fully attenuates. If this is 0 (the default), // it falls off using something akin to the inverse square law. Distance float64 // Color is the color of the PointLight. Color *Color // Energy is the overall energy of the Light, with 1.0 being full brightness. Internally, technically there's no // difference between a brighter color and a higher energy, but this is here for convenience / adherance to the // GLTF spec and 3D modelers. Energy float32 // If the light is on and contributing to the scene. On bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PointLight represents a point light (naturally).
func NewPointLight ¶
func NewPointLight(name string, r, g, b, energy float32) *PointLight
NewPointLight creates a new Point light.
func (*PointLight) AddChildren ¶
func (point *PointLight) AddChildren(children ...INode)
AddChildren parents the provided children Nodes to the passed parent Node, inheriting its transformations and being under it in the scenegraph hierarchy. If the children are already parented to other Nodes, they are unparented before doing so.
func (*PointLight) Clone ¶
func (point *PointLight) Clone() INode
Clone returns a new clone of the given point light.
func (*PointLight) Light ¶
func (point *PointLight) Light(triIndex int, model *Model) [9]float32
Light returns the R, G, and B values for the PointLight for all vertices of a given Triangle.
func (*PointLight) Type ¶
func (point *PointLight) Type() NodeType
Type returns the NodeType for this object.
func (*PointLight) Unparent ¶
func (point *PointLight) Unparent()
Unparent unparents the PointLight from its parent, removing it from the scenegraph.
type Quaternion ¶
type Quaternion struct {
X, Y, Z, W float64
func NewQuaternion ¶
func NewQuaternion(x, y, z, w float64) *Quaternion
func (*Quaternion) Clone ¶
func (quat *Quaternion) Clone() *Quaternion
func (*Quaternion) Dot ¶
func (quat *Quaternion) Dot(other *Quaternion) float64
func (*Quaternion) Lerp ¶
func (quat *Quaternion) Lerp(end *Quaternion, percent float64) *Quaternion
func (*Quaternion) Magnitude ¶
func (quat *Quaternion) Magnitude() float64
func (*Quaternion) Negated ¶
func (quat *Quaternion) Negated() *Quaternion
func (*Quaternion) Normalized ¶
func (quat *Quaternion) Normalized() *Quaternion
type Scene ¶
type Scene struct { Name string // The name of the Scene. Set automatically to the scene name in your 3D modeler if the DAE file exports it. // Root indicates the root node for the scene hierarchy. For visual Models to be displayed, they must be added to the // scene graph by simply adding them into the tree via parenting anywhere under the Root. For them to be removed from rendering, // they simply need to be removed from the tree. // See this page for more information on how a scene graph works: Root INode ClearColor *Color // The clear color of the screen; note that this doesn't clear the color of the camera buffer or screen automatically; // this is just what the color is if the scene was exported using the Tetra3D addon from Blender. It's up to you as to how you'd like to // use it. FogColor *Color // The Color of any fog present in the Scene. FogMode FogMode // The FogMode, indicating how the fog color is blended if it's on (not FogOff). // FogRange is the depth range at which the fog is active. FogRange consists of two numbers, // ranging from 0 to 1. The first indicates the start of the fog, and the second the end, in // terms of total depth of the near / far clipping plane. The default is [0, 1]. FogRange []float32 LightingOn bool // If lighting is enabled when rendering the scene. // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Scene represents a world of sorts, and can contain a variety of Meshes and Nodes, which organize the scene into a graph of parents and children. Models (visual instances of Meshes), Cameras, and "empty" NodeBases all are kinds of Nodes.
type Tags ¶
type Tags struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Tags is an unordered set of string tags to values, representing a means of identifying Nodes or carrying data on Nodes.
func (*Tags) Get ¶
Get returns the value associated with the specified tag (key). Note that this does not sanity check to ensure the tag exists first.
func (*Tags) GetAsFloat ¶
GetAsFloat returns the value associated with the specified tag (key) as a float. Note that this does not sanity check to ensure the tag exists first.
func (*Tags) GetAsInt ¶
GetAsInt returns the value associated with the specified tag (key) as a float. Note that this does not sanity check to ensure the tag exists first.
func (*Tags) GetAsString ¶
GetAsString returns the value associated with the specified tag (key) as a string. Note that this does not sanity check to ensure the tag exists first.
func (*Tags) Has ¶
Has returns true if the Tags object has all of the tags specified, and false otherwise.
func (*Tags) IsFloat ¶
IsFloat returns true if the value associated with the specified tag is a float64. If the tag doesn't exist, this returns false.
func (*Tags) IsInt ¶
IsInt returns true if the value associated with the specified tag is a float64. If the tag doesn't exist, this returns false.
func (*Tags) IsString ¶
IsString returns true if the value associated with the specified tag is a string. If the tag doesn't exist, this returns false.
type TextureAnimation ¶
type TextureAnimation struct { FPS float64 // The playback frame per second (or FPS) of the animation Frames []vector.Vector // A slice of vectors, with each indicating the offset of the frame from the original position for the mesh. }
TextureAnimation is an animation struct. The TextureAnimation.Frames value is a []vector.Vector, with each Vector representing a frame of the animation (and the offset from the original, base position for all animated vertices).
func NewTextureAnimationPixels ¶
func NewTextureAnimationPixels(fps float64, image *ebiten.Image, framePositions ...float64) *TextureAnimation
NewTextureAnimationPixels creates a new TextureAnimation using pixel positions instead of UV values. fps is the frames per second for the animation. image is the source texture used, and framePositions are the positions in pixels for each frame (i.e. 32, 32 instead of 0.25, 0.25 on a 128x128 spritesheet). NewTextureAnimationInPixels will panic if given less than 2 values for framePositions, or if it's an odd number of values (i.e. an X value for a frame, but no matching Y Value).
type TexturePlayer ¶
type TexturePlayer struct { OriginalOffsets map[int]vector.Vector // OriginalOffsets is a map of vertex indices to their base UV offsets. All animating happens relative to these values. Animation *TextureAnimation // Animation is a pointer to the currently playing Animation. // Playhead increases as the TexturePlayer plays. The integer portion of Playhead is the frame that the TexturePlayer // resides in (so a Playhead of 1.2 indicates that it is in frame 1, the second frame). Playhead float64 Speed float64 // Speed indicates the playback speed and direction of the TexturePlayer, with a value of 1.0 being 100%. Playing bool // Playing indicates whether the TexturePlayer is currently playing or not. Mesh *Mesh }
TexturePlayer is a struct that allows you to animate a collection of vertices' UV values using a TextureAnimation.
func NewTexturePlayer ¶
func NewTexturePlayer(mesh *Mesh, vertexSelection *VertexSelection) *TexturePlayer
NewTexturePlayer returns a new TexturePlayer instance.
func (*TexturePlayer) ApplyUVOffset ¶
func (player *TexturePlayer) ApplyUVOffset(offsetX, offsetY float64)
ApplyUVOffset applies a specified UV offset to all vertices a player is assigned to. This offset is not additive, but rather is set once, regardless of how many times ApplyUVOffset is called.
func (*TexturePlayer) Play ¶
func (player *TexturePlayer) Play(animation *TextureAnimation)
Play plays the passed TextureAnimation, resetting the playhead if the TexturePlayer is not playing an animation. If the player is not playing, it will begin playing.
func (*TexturePlayer) Reset ¶
func (player *TexturePlayer) Reset(vertexSelection *VertexSelection)
Reset resets a TexturePlayer to be ready to run on a new selection of vertices. Note that this also resets the base UV offsets to use the current values of the passed vertices in the slice.
func (*TexturePlayer) Update ¶
func (player *TexturePlayer) Update(dt float64)
Update updates the TexturePlayer, using the passed delta time variable to animate the TexturePlayer's vertices.
type Triangle ¶
type Triangle struct { ID int // Unique identifier number (index) in the Mesh. You can use the ID to find a triangle's vertices // using the formula: Mesh.VertexPositions[TriangleIndex*3+i], with i being the index of the vertex in the triangle // (so either 0, 1, or 2). MaxSpan float64 // The maximum span from corner to corner of the triangle's dimensions; this is used in intersection testing. Center vector.Vector // The untransformed center of the Triangle. Normal vector.Vector // The physical normal of the triangle (i.e. the direction the triangle is facing). This is different from the visual normals of a triangle's vertices (i.e. a selection of vertices can have inverted normals to be see through, for example). MeshPart *MeshPart // The specific MeshPart this Triangle belongs to. }
A Triangle represents the smallest renderable object in Tetra3D. A triangle contains very little data, and is mainly used to help identify triads of vertices.
func NewTriangle ¶
NewTriangle creates a new Triangle, and requires a reference to its owning MeshPart, along with its id within that MeshPart.
func (*Triangle) RecalculateCenter ¶
func (tri *Triangle) RecalculateCenter()
RecalculateCenter recalculates the center for the Triangle. Note that this should only be called if you manually change a vertex's individual position.
func (*Triangle) RecalculateNormal ¶
func (tri *Triangle) RecalculateNormal()
RecalculateNormal recalculates the physical normal for the Triangle. Note that this should only be called if you manually change a vertex's individual position. Also note that vertex normals (visual normals) are automatically set when loading Meshes from model files.
type VectorPool ¶
func NewVectorPool ¶
func NewVectorPool(vectorCount int) *VectorPool
func (*VectorPool) Get ¶
func (pool *VectorPool) Get() vector.Vector
func (*VectorPool) Reset ¶
func (pool *VectorPool) Reset()
type VertexInfo ¶
type VertexInfo struct { ID int X, Y, Z float64 U, V float64 NormalX, NormalY, NormalZ float64 Weights []float32 Colors []*Color ActiveColorChannel int Bones []uint16 }
func NewVertex ¶
func NewVertex(x, y, z, u, v float64) VertexInfo
NewVertex creates a new vertex information struct, which is used to create new Triangles. VertexInfo is purely for getting data into Meshes' vertex buffers, so after creating the Triangle, VertexInfos can be safely discarded (i.e. the VertexInfo doesn't hold "power" over the vertex it represents after creation).
type VertexSelection ¶
VertexSelection represents a selection of vertices on a Mesh.
func NewVertexSelection ¶
func NewVertexSelection(mesh *Mesh) *VertexSelection
NewVertexSelection creates a new VertexSelection instance for the specified Mesh.
func (*VertexSelection) ApplyMatrix ¶
func (vs *VertexSelection) ApplyMatrix(matrix Matrix4)
ApplyMatrix applies a Matrix4 to the position of all vertices contained within the VertexSelection.
func (*VertexSelection) Move ¶
func (vs *VertexSelection) Move(x, y, z float64)
Move moves all vertices contained within the VertexSelection by the provided x, y, and z values.
func (*VertexSelection) MoveVec ¶
func (vs *VertexSelection) MoveVec(vec vector.Vector)
Move moves all vertices contained within the VertexSelection by the provided 3D vector.
func (*VertexSelection) SelectAll ¶
func (vs *VertexSelection) SelectAll() *VertexSelection
SelectAll selects all vertices on the source Mesh.
func (*VertexSelection) SelectColorInChannel ¶
func (vs *VertexSelection) SelectColorInChannel(channelName string) *VertexSelection
SelectColorInChannel selects all vertices in the Mesh that have a non-pure black color in a color channel with the specified name.
func (*VertexSelection) SelectMeshPart ¶
func (vs *VertexSelection) SelectMeshPart(meshPart *MeshPart) *VertexSelection
SelectMeshPart selects all vertices in the Mesh belonging to the specified MeshPart.
func (*VertexSelection) SetActiveColorChannel ¶
func (vs *VertexSelection) SetActiveColorChannel(channelName string)
SetActiveColorChannel sets the active color channel in all vertices contained within the VertexSelection to the named channel.
func (*VertexSelection) SetColor ¶
func (vs *VertexSelection) SetColor(channelName string, color *Color)
SetColor sets the color of the specified channel in all vertices contained within the VertexSelection to the provided Color.