game server framework
a actor model framework written in Go.
it has implemented server discovery using ETCD.
Getting Started
To start using godactor, install Go and run go get
$ go get -u
2.Quick Start
Copy and paste the following code in your main files
package main
import (
type PingActor struct{ actor.ActorHanlerBase }
type PongActor struct{ actor.ActorHanlerBase }
func main() {
system, _ := actor.System()
ping := actor.New("ping", &PingActor{})
pong := actor.New("pong", &PongActor{})
select {}
// PingActor
func (s *PingActor) Init() {
s.AddTimer(2*time.Second, -1, func(dt int64) {
s.Send("pong", "this is data")
func (s *PingActor) HandleMessage(sourceId, targetId string, msg interface{}) {
switch msg {
case 99999:
fmt.Println(sourceId, targetId)
func (s *PongActor) HandleMessage(sourceId, targetId string, msg interface{}) {
switch msg {
case "this is data":
fmt.Println(sourceId, targetId)
s.Send(sourceId, 99999)