
command module
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Published: May 1, 2017 License: MIT Imports: 22 Imported by: 0


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A Go template-based CLI tool. gomplate can be used as an alternative to envsubst but also supports additional template datasources such as: JSON, YAML, AWS EC2 metadata, and Hashicorp Vault secrets.

I really like envsubst for use as a super-minimalist template processor. But its simplicity is also its biggest flaw: it's all-or-nothing with shell-like variables.

Gomplate is an alternative that will let you process templates which also include shell-like variables. Also there are some useful built-in functions that can be used to make templates even more expressive.


macOS with homebrew

The simplest method for macOS is to use homebrew:

$ brew tap hairyhenderson/tap
$ brew install gomplate
Alpine Linux

Currently, gomplate is available in the community repository for the edge release.

$ echo "http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing/" >> /etc/apk/repositories
$ apk update
$ apk add gomplate

Note: the Alpine version of gomplate may lag behind the latest release of gomplate.

use with Docker

A simple way to get started is with the Docker image.

$ docker run hairyhenderson/gomplate --version

Of course, there are some drawbacks - any files to be used for [datasources][] must be mounted and any environment variables to be used must be passed through:

$ echo 'My voice is my {{.Env.THING}}. {{(datasource "vault").value}}' \
  | docker run -e THING=passport -v /home/me/.vault-token:/root/.vault-token hairyhenderson/gomplate -d vault=vault:///secret/sneakers
My voice is my passport. Verify me.

It can be pretty awkward to always type docker run hairyhenderson/gomplate, so this can be made simpler with a shell alias:

$ alias gomplate=docker run hairyhenderson/gomplate
$ gomplate --version
gomplate version 1.2.3
manual install
  1. Get the latest gomplate for your platform from the releases page
  2. Store the downloaded binary somewhere in your path as gomplate (or gomplate.exe on Windows)
  3. Make sure it's executable (on Linux/macOS)
  4. Test it out with gomplate --help!

In other words:

$ curl -o /usr/local/bin/gomplate -sSL https://github.com/hairyhenderson/gomplate/releases/download/<version>/gomplate_<os>-<arch>
$ chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/gomplate
$ gomplate --help

Please report any bugs found in the issue tracker.


The usual and most basic usage of gomplate is to just replace environment variables. All environment variables are available by referencing .Env (or getenv) in the template.

The template is read from standard in, and written to standard out.

Use it like this:

$ echo "Hello, {{.Env.USER}}" | gomplate
Hello, hairyhenderson
Commandline Arguments
--file/-f, --in/-i, and --out/-o

By default, gomplate will read from Stdin and write to Stdout. This behaviour can be changed.

  • Use --file/-f to use a specific input template file. The special value - means Stdin.
  • Use --out/-o to save output to file. The special value - means Stdout.
  • Use --in/-i if you want to set the input template right on the commandline. This overrides --file. Because of shell command line lengths, it's probably not a good idea to use a very long value with this argument.
Multiple inputs

You can specify multiple --file and --out arguments. The same number of each much be given. This allows gomplate to process multiple templates slightly faster than invoking gomplate multiple times in a row.

--input-dir and --output-dir

For processing multiple templates in a directory you can use --input-dir and --output-dir together. In this case all files in input directory will be processed as templates and the resulting files stored in --output-dir. The output directory will be created if it does not exist and the directory structure of the input directory will be preserved.


 # Process all files in directory "templates" with the datasource given
 # and store the files with the same directory structure in "config"
gomplate --input-dir=templates --output-dir=config --datasource config=config.yaml

Add a data source in name=URL form. Specify multiple times to add multiple sources. The data can then be used by the datasource function.

A few different forms are valid:

  • mydata=file:///tmp/my/file.json
    • Create a data source named mydata which is read from /tmp/my/file.json. This form is valid for any file in any path.
  • mydata=file.json
    • Create a data source named mydata which is read from file.json (in the current working directory). This form is only valid for files in the current directory.
  • mydata.json
    • This form infers the name from the file name (without extension). Only valid for files in the current directory.
Overriding the template delimiters

Sometimes it's necessary to override the default template delimiters ({{/}}). Use --left-delim/--right-delim or set $GOMPLATE_LEFT_DELIM/$GOMPLATE_RIGHT_DELIM.


About .Env

You can easily access environment variables with .Env, but there's a catch: if you try to reference an environment variable that doesn't exist, parsing will fail and gomplate will exit with an error condition.

Sometimes, this behaviour is desired; if the output is unusable without certain strings, this is a sure way to know that variables are missing!

If you want different behaviour, try getenv (below).

Built-in functions

In addition to all of the functions and operators that the Go template language provides (if, else, eq, and, or, range, etc...), there are some additional functions baked in to gomplate:


Contains reports whether the second string is contained within the first. Equivalent to strings.Contains



{{if contains .Env.FOO "f"}}yes{{else}}no{{end}}
$ FOO=foo gomplate < input.tmpl
$ FOO=bar gomplate < input.tmpl

Exposes the os.Getenv function.

This is a more forgiving alternative to using .Env, since missing keys will return an empty string.

An optional default value can be given as well.

$ gomplate -i 'Hello, {{getenv "USER"}}'
Hello, hairyhenderson
$ gomplate -i 'Hey, {{getenv "FIRSTNAME" "you"}}!'
Hey, you!

Tests whether the string begins with a certain substring. Equivalent to strings.HasPrefix



{{if hasPrefix .Env.URL "https"}}foo{{else}}bar{{end}}
$ URL=http://example.com gomplate < input.tmpl
$ URL=https://example.com gomplate < input.tmpl

Tests whether the string ends with a certain substring. Equivalent to strings.HasSuffix



{{.Env.URL}}{{if not (hasSuffix .Env.URL ":80")}}:80{{end}}
$ URL=http://example.com gomplate < input.tmpl

Converts a true-ish string to a boolean. Can be used to simplify conditional statements based on environment variables or other text input.



{{if bool (getenv "FOO")}}foo{{else}}bar{{end}}
$ gomplate < input.tmpl
$ FOO=true gomplate < input.tmpl

Creates a slice. Useful when needing to range over a bunch of variables.



{{range slice "Bart" "Lisa" "Maggie"}}
Hello, {{.}}
{{- end}}
$ gomplate < input.tmpl
Hello, Bart
Hello, Lisa
Hello, Maggie

Creates a slice by splitting a string on a given delimiter. Equivalent to strings.Split



{{range split "Bart,Lisa,Maggie"}}
Hello, {{.}}
{{- end}}
$ gomplate < input.tmpl
Hello, Bart
Hello, Lisa
Hello, Maggie

Convert to title-case. Equivalent to strings.Title

$ echo '{{title "hello, world!"}}' | gomplate
Hello, World!

Convert to lower-case. Equivalent to strings.ToLower

$ echo '{{toLower "HELLO, WORLD!"}}' | gomplate
hello, world!

Convert to upper-case. Equivalent to strings.ToUpper

$ echo '{{toUpper "hello, world!"}}' | gomplate

Trims a string by removing the given characters from the beginning and end of the string. Equivalent to strings.Trim



Hello, {{trim .Env.FOO " "}}!
$ FOO="  world " | gomplate < input.tmpl
Hello, world!

Has reports whether or not a given object has a property with the given key. Can be used with if to prevent the template from trying to access a non-existent property in an object.


Let's say we're using a Vault datasource...


{{ $secret := datasource "vault" "mysecret" -}}
The secret is '
{{- if (has $secret "value") }}
{{- $secret.value }}
{{- else }}
{{- $secret | toYAML }}
{{- end }}'

If the secret/foo/mysecret secret in Vault has a property named value set to supersecret:

$ gomplate -d vault:///secret/foo < input.tmpl
The secret is 'supersecret'

On the other hand, if there is no value property:

$ gomplate -d vault:///secret/foo < input.tmpl
The secret is 'foo: bar'

Converts a JSON string into an object. Only works for JSON Objects (not Arrays or other valid JSON types). This can be used to access properties of JSON objects.



Hello {{ (getenv "FOO" | json).hello }}
$ export FOO='{"hello":"world"}'
$ gomplate < input.tmpl
Hello world

Converts a JSON string into a slice. Only works for JSON Arrays.



Hello {{ index (getenv "FOO" | jsonArray) 1 }}
$ export FOO='[ "you", "world" ]'
$ gomplate < input.tmpl
Hello world

Converts a YAML string into an object. Only works for YAML Objects (not Arrays or other valid YAML types). This can be used to access properties of YAML objects.



Hello {{ (getenv "FOO" | yaml).hello }}
$ export FOO='hello: world'
$ gomplate < input.tmpl
Hello world

Converts a YAML string into a slice. Only works for YAML Arrays.



Hello {{ index (getenv "FOO" | yamlArray) 1 }}
$ export FOO='[ "you", "world" ]'
$ gomplate < input.tmpl
Hello world

Converts an object to a JSON document. Input objects may be the result of json, yaml, jsonArray, or yamlArray functions, or they could be provided by a datasource.


This is obviously contrived - json is used to create an object.


{{ (`{"foo":{"hello":"world"}}` | json).foo | toJSON }}
$ gomplate < input.tmpl

Converts an object to a YAML document. Input objects may be the result of json, yaml, jsonArray, or yamlArray functions, or they could be provided by a datasource.


This is obviously contrived - json is used to create an object.


{{ (`{"foo":{"hello":"world"}}` | json).foo | toYAML }}
$ gomplate < input.tmpl
hello: world


Parses a given datasource (provided by the --datasource/-d argument).

Currently, file://, http://, https://, and vault:// URLs are supported.

Currently-supported formats are JSON and YAML.

Basic usage


  "name": "Dave"


Hello {{ (datasource "person").name }}
$ gomplate -d person.json < input.tmpl
Hello Dave
Usage with HTTP data
$ echo 'Hello there, {{(datasource "foo").headers.Host}}...' | gomplate -d foo=https://httpbin.org/get
Hello there, httpbin.org...

Additional headers can be provided with the --datasource-header/-H option:

$ gomplate -d foo=https://httpbin.org/get -H 'foo=Foo: bar' -i '{{(datasource "foo").headers.Foo}}'
Usage with Vault data

The special vault:// URL scheme can be used to retrieve data from Hashicorp Vault. To use this, you must put the Vault server's URL in the $VAULT_ADDR environment variable.

This table describes the currently-supported authentication mechanisms and how to use them, in order of precedence:

auth backend configuration
approle Environment variables $VAULT_ROLE_ID and $VAULT_SECRET_ID must be set to the appropriate values.
If the backend is mounted to a different location, set $VAULT_AUTH_APPROLE_MOUNT.
app-id Environment variables $VAULT_APP_ID and $VAULT_USER_ID must be set to the appropriate values.
If the backend is mounted to a different location, set $VAULT_AUTH_APP_ID_MOUNT.
github Environment variable $VAULT_AUTH_GITHUB_TOKEN must be set to an appropriate value.
If the backend is mounted to a different location, set $VAULT_AUTH_GITHUB_MOUNT.
userpass Environment variables $VAULT_AUTH_USERNAME and $VAULT_AUTH_PASSWORD must be set to the appropriate values.
If the backend is mounted to a different location, set $VAULT_AUTH_USERPASS_MOUNT.
token Determined from either the $VAULT_TOKEN environment variable, or read from the file ~/.vault-token

Note: The secret values listed in the above table can either be set in environment variables or provided in files. This can increase security when using Docker Swarm Secrets, for example. To use files, specify the filename by appending _FILE to the environment variable, (i.e. VAULT_USER_ID_FILE). If the non-file variable is set, this will override any _FILE variable and the secret file will be ignored.

To use a Vault datasource with a single secret, just use a URL of vault:///secret/mysecret. Note the 3 /s - the host portion of the URL is left empty.

$ echo 'My voice is my passport. {{(datasource "vault").value}}' \
  | gomplate -d vault=vault:///secret/sneakers
My voice is my passport. Verify me.

You can also specify the secret path in the template by using a URL of vault:// (or vault:///, or vault:):

$ echo 'My voice is my passport. {{(datasource "vault" "secret/sneakers").value}}' \
  | gomplate -d vault=vault://
My voice is my passport. Verify me.

And the two can be mixed to scope secrets to a specific namespace:

$ echo 'db_password={{(datasource "vault" "db/pass").value}}' \
  | gomplate -d vault=vault:///secret/production

Tests whether or not a given datasource was defined on the commandline (with the --datasource/-d argument). This is intended mainly to allow a template to be rendered differently whether or not a given datasource was defined.

Note: this does not verify if the datasource is reachable.

Useful when used in an if/else block

$ echo '{{if (datasourceExists "test")}}{{datasource "test"}}{{else}}no worries{{end}}' | gomplate
no worries

Alias to datasource


Queries AWS EC2 Instance Metadata for information. This only retrieves data in the meta-data path -- for data in the dynamic path use ec2dynamic.

This only works when running gomplate on an EC2 instance. If the EC2 instance metadata API isn't available, the tool will timeout and fail.

$ echo '{{ec2meta "instance-id"}}' | gomplate

Queries AWS EC2 Instance Dynamic Metadata for information. This only retrieves data in the dynamic path -- for data in the meta-data path use ec2meta.

This only works when running gomplate on an EC2 instance. If the EC2 instance metadata API isn't available, the tool will timeout and fail.

$ echo '{{ (ec2dynamic "instance-identity/document" | json).region }}' | ./gomplate

Queries AWS to get the region. An optional default can be provided, or returns unknown if it can't be determined for some reason.


In EC2

$ echo '{{ ec2region }}' | ./gomplate

Not in EC2

$ echo '{{ ec2region }}' | ./gomplate
$ echo '{{ ec2region "foo" }}' | ./gomplate

Queries the AWS EC2 API to find the value of the given user-defined tag. An optional default can be provided.

$ echo 'This server is in the {{ ec2tag "Account" }} account.' | ./gomplate
$ echo 'I am a {{ ec2tag "classification" "meat popsicle" }}.' | ./gomplate
I am a meat popsicle.
Some more complex examples
Variable assignment and if/else


{{ $u := getenv "USER" }}
{{ if eq $u "root" -}}
You are root!
{{- else -}}
You are not root :(
{{- end}}
$ gomplate < input.tmpl
You are not root :(
$ sudo gomplate < input.tmpl
You are root!


Right now the release process is semi-automatic.

  1. Create a release tag: git tag -a v0.0.9 -m "Releasing v0.9.9" && git push --tags
  2. Build binaries & compress most of them: make build-release
  3. Create a release in github!


The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Dave Henderson



The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL