
command module
v1.3.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 10, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 0


go-softpack-builder (gsb)

Go implementation of a softpack builder service.

After receiving a POST (see Testing section below) with desired environment details, this service does the following:

  1. A singularity definition file, singularity.def, is created and uploaded to an environment-specific subdirectory of your S3 build location. The definition uses a spack image to run spack commands that install the desired versions of the spack packages specified in the POST. The results are then copied in to a smaller final image.
  2. A job is supplied to wr add. This job essentially runs singularity build in a fuse mount of the environment-specific subdirectory of your S3 build location. Outputs of the build end up in S3: the built image itself (singularity.sif), stdout&err of the build attempt (builder.out), a list of the executables added to PATH as a result of installing the requested packages - not their dependencies - (executables), and the spack.lock file that spack generates containing the concrete versions of everything it installed.
  3. In the case of build failure, builder.out containing the error message will be in the S3 location, and it will also be sent to core, which should then indicate the failure on the softpack-web frontend. In the case of build success, the remaining steps are carried out.
  4. A tcl module file is generated and installed in your local installation dir. This file defines help (a combination of the description specified in the POST, and a list of the executables), whatis info (listing the desired packages), and prepends to PATH the local scripts directory for this environment.
  5. The singularity.sif is downloaded from S3 and placed in the scripts directory, along with symlinks for each executable to your wrapper script (which as per wrapper.example, should singularity run the sif file, supplying the exe basename and any other args).
  6. A softpack.yml file is generated, containing the help text from the module as the description, and the concrete desired packages from the lock file. A README.md is also generated, with simple usage instructions in it (module load [installed module path]). In case step 6 fails, these are uploaded to the S3 build location.
  7. The main files in S3 (singularity.def, spack.lock, builder.out, softpack.yml, README.md), along with the previously generated module file are sent to the core service, so it can add them to your softpack artifacts repo and make the new environment findable with the softpack-web frontend. Note that the image is not sent to core, so the repo doesn't get too large. It can be reproduced exactly at any time using the singularity.def, assuming you configure specific images (ie. not :latest) to use.

Initial setup

You'll need an S3 bucket to be a binary cache, which needs GPG keys. Here's one way this could be done:

cd /path/to
git clone --depth 1 -c feature.manyFiles=true https://github.com/spack/spack.git
source /software/hgi/installs/spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
spack gpg create "user" "<user@domain>"
s3cmd put ~/spack/opt/spack/gpg/pubring.* s3://spack/

You'll also need a wr cloud deployment in OpenStack running an image with singularity v3.10+ installed, to do singularity builds which need root.

With a wr config file such as /path/to/openstack/.wr_config.yml:

managerport: "46673"
managerweb: "46674"
managerhost: "hostname"
managerdir: "/path/to/openstack/.wr"
managerscheduler: "openstack"
cloudflavor: "^[mso].*$"
cloudflavorsets: "s4;m4;s2;m2;m1;o2"
clouddns: ",,"
cloudos: "image-with-singularity"
clouduser: "ubuntu"
cloudram: 2048
clouddisk: 1
cloudconfigfiles: "~/.s3cfg,~/.aws/credentials,~/.aws/config,/path/to/spack/gpg/trustdb.gpg:~/spack/opt/spack/gpg/trustdb.gpg,/path/to/spack/gpg/pubring.kbx:~/spack/opt/spack/gpg/pubring.kbx,/path/to/spack/gpg/private-keys-v1.d/[keyname].key:~/spack/opt/spack/gpg/private-keys-v1.d/[keyname].key"

You can do the deploy like:

source ~/.openrc.sh
export WR_CONFIG_DIR=/path/to/openstack
wr cloud deploy

Now jobs submitted to this wr manager will run in OpenStack on a node where your s3 credentials and gpg keys are copied to, and where singularity is installed, enabling builds that use the binary cache.

Finally, you'll need go1.21+ in your PATH to install gsb:

git clone https://github.com/wtsi-hgi/go-softpack-builder.git
cd go-softpack-builder
make install

Using gsb

Have a config file ~/.softpack/builder/gsb-config.yml that looks like this:

  binaryCache: "spack"
  buildBase: "spack/builds"

  moduleInstallDir:  "/path/to/tcl_modules/softpack"
  scriptsInstallDir: "/different/path/for/images_and_scripts"
  loadPath: "softpack"
    - "/path/to/modules/singularity/3.10.0"

customSpackRepo: "https://github.com/org/spack-repo.git"

  binaryCache: "https://binaries.spack.io/v0.20.1"
  buildImage: "spack/ubuntu-jammy:v0.20.1"
  finalImage: "ubuntu:22.04"
  processorTarget: "x86_64_v3"

coreURL: "http://x.y.z:9837/softpack"
listenURL: ""


  • s3.binaryCache is the name of your S3 bucket that will be used as a Spack binary cache and has the gpg files copied to it.
  • buildBase is the bucket and optional sub "directory" that builds will occur in.
  • moduleInstallDir is the absolute base path that modules will be installed to following a build. This directory needs to be accessible by your users. Directories and files that gsb creates within will be world readable and executable.
  • scriptsInstallDir is like moduleInstallDir, but will contain the images and wrapper script symlinks for your builds. These are kept separately from the tcl module files, because having large files alongside the tcl file will slow down the module system.
  • loadPath is the base that users module load.
  • dependencies are any module dependencies that need to be loaded because that software won't be part of the environments being built. Users will at least need singularity, since the modules created by softpack run singularity images.
  • customSpackRepo is your own repository of Spack packages containing your own custom recipies. It will be used in addition to Spack's build-in repo during builds.
  • spack.binaryCache is the URL of spack's binary cache. The version should match the spack version in your buildImage. You can find the URLs via https://cache.spack.io.
  • buildImage is spack's docker image from their docker hub with the desired version (don't use latest if you want reproducability) of spack and desired OS.
  • finalImage is the base image for the OS you want the software spack builds to installed inside (it should be the same OS as buildImage).
  • processorTarget should match the lowest common denominator CPU for the machines where builds will be used. For example, x86_64_v3.
  • coreURL is the URL of a running softpack core service, that will be used to send build artifacts to so that it can store them in a softpack environements git repository and make them visible on the softpack frontend.
  • listenURL is the address gsb will listen on for new build requests from core.

Start the builder service:

export WR_CONFIG_DIR=/path/to/openstack
gsb &


Without a core service running, you can trigger a build by preparing a bash script like this and running it while gsb & is running and your wr cloud deployment is up:



curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @- "$url" <<HEREDOC
	"name": "users/user/test-build",
	"version": "1.0",
	"model": {
		"description": "A simple description",
		"packages": [{
			"name": "xxhash",
			"version": "0.8.1"

This should result in a job running in your wr manager that creates the singularity image file and other artifacts in your S3 buildBase. The module wrapper for the image will be installed to your installDir.

Only the last step, when gsb tries to send the artifacts to the core, will fail, but you'll at least have a usable software installation of the environment that can be tested and used.


The Go Gopher

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL