This is a tool for performing a series of web tasks, based on the chromedp(https://github.com/chromedp/chromedp) golang version.
You can run the following command to view full help:
webflow v0.5.1
click <selector> Click element by <selector>, like document.querySelector
debug <true|false> Show chromedp debug verbose log
eval [$variable] <{Javascript Code}> Evaluate Javascript code and save result to $variable
flag <string> <string|bool> Custom browser flags.
focus <selector> Focus element by <selector>, like document.querySelector
getcookie $variable [domain] [name] Get all cookies, by [domain] or by [name], and save to $variable
headless <true|false> Set headless flag to chromedp, default is true means don't show browser window
import <script|javascript_file> Import <script|javascript_file> to evaluate on new document created
keys <selector> <keys|$variable> Type <keys> or $variable to element <selector>, use chromedp.SendKeys method
loadcookie <@file> [domain] Load cookies saved in <@file> with <domain>
log <true|false> Set enable/disable flow verbose log.
open <url> Open <url> in browser
poll <expressions> [milliseconds] Poll result of <expressions>, timeout with <milliseconds> is optional
print <string|$variable> Print out <string> or $variable value
printf <format> <field1> <$variable> ... Print format string, bridge to fmt.Printf function
save <@file> <string|$variable> Save strings or $variable value to <@file>
screen <width>x<height> Setup chrome window size, eg: screen 1080x720
screenshot <selector> <path> [interval] Take screenshot of <selector> and save to <path>, [interval] is optional
setcookie <name> <value> <domain> Set cookie key/value to browser context with <domain>
setupload <selector> <file1> <file2> ... Set files of element <selector> for upload
setvalue <selector> <string|$variable> Set the value of element <selector> with <string> or $variable
shell <script|$variable> Run custom shell scripts, support $variable
switch <URL> Switch context which URL contains <URL>.
timeout <milliseconds> Setup timeout duration, by milliseconds
useragent <string> Setup browser UserAgent string
userdata <string> Setup browser userdata storage path.
var $variable <string> Define $variable with value <string>
wait <selector|milliseconds> Wait for target with <selector> OR timeout with <milliseconds>
[..] Parameter is optional;
<..> Parameter is required;
... Follow with one or more parameters;
-f, --file Specify Flowfile path.
-c, --flow Using raw flow content string.
-i, --insert Insert new flow before the flow content.
-a, --append Append new flow to the end of flow content.
-v, --version Print webflow version.
-d, --verbose Verbose detail mode.
-h, --help Show help.
Simple Examples
- Open www.baidu.com and print 'It works':
webflow -c 'headless false; open "https://www.baidu.com"; print "It works!";'
- Open www.baidu.com and search 'hello':
webflow -c 'headless false; open "https://www.baidu.com/"; wait "#kw"; keys "#kw" "hello"; click "#su"; wait 10000;'
- Open www.baidu.com and print web content:
webflow -c 'headless false; open "https://www.baidu.com/"; wait "#kw"; eval $output "document.body.textContent"; print $output;'