Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 blast-go ¶
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
MIT License ¶
Copyright (c) 2023 blast-go ¶
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func Bf16toD(n int, in []Bfloat16, incIn int, out []float64, incOut int)
- func Bf16toS(n int, in []Bfloat16, incIn int, out []float32, incOut int)
- func CTbsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []complex64, ...)
- func Caxpby(n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incx int, beta complex64, y []complex64, ...)
- func Caxpy(n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incx int, y []complex64, incy int)
- func Ccopy(n int, x []complex64, incx int, y []complex64, incy int)
- func Cdotc(n int, x []complex64, incX int, y []complex64, incY int) complex64
- func CdotcSub(n int, x []complex64, incX int, y []complex64, incY int, ret *complex64)
- func Cdotu(n int, x []complex64, incX int, y []complex64, incY int) complex64
- func CdotuSub(n int, x []complex64, incX int, y []complex64, incY int, ret *complex64)
- func Cgbmv(order Order, transA Transpose, m int, n int, kl int, ku int, alpha complex64, ...)
- func Cgeadd(order Order, rows, cols int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, ...)
- func Cgemm(order Order, transA, transB Transpose, m, n, k int, alpha complex64, ...)
- func Cgemv(order Order, trans Transpose, m, n int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, ...)
- func Cgerc(order Order, m, n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incX int, y []complex64, ...)
- func Cgeru(order Order, m, n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incX int, y []complex64, ...)
- func Chbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n, k int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, ...)
- func Chemm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m int, n int, alpha complex64, ...)
- func Chemv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, ...)
- func Cher(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, x []complex64, incX int, ...)
- func Cher2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incX int, ...)
- func Cher2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex64, ...)
- func Cherk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float32, ...)
- func Chpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex64, ap []complex64, x []complex64, ...)
- func Chpr(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, x []complex64, incX int, ...)
- func Chpr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incX int, ...)
- func CimatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, ...)
- func ComatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, ...)
- func Crotg(a *complex64, b *complex64, c *float32, s *complex64)
- func Cscal(n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incX int)
- func Csrot(n int, x []complex64, incX int, y []complex64, incY int, c float32, s float32)
- func Csscal(n int, alpha float32, x []complex64, incX int)
- func Cswap(n int, x []complex64, incx int, y []complex64, incy int)
- func Csymm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m, n int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, ...)
- func Csyr2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex64, ...)
- func Csyrk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex64, ...)
- func Ctbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []complex64, ...)
- func Ctpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []complex64, ...)
- func Ctpsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []complex64, ...)
- func Ctrmm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, ...)
- func Ctrmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []complex64, ...)
- func Ctrsm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, ...)
- func Ctrsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []complex64, ...)
- func DTbsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []float64, ...)
- func Dasum(n int, x []float64, incX int) float64
- func Daxpby(n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incx int, beta float64, y []float64, ...)
- func Daxpy(n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incx int, y []float64, incy int)
- func DbtoBf16(n int, in []float64, incIn int, out []Bfloat16, incOut int)
- func Dcopy(n int, x []float64, incx int, y []float64, incy int)
- func Ddot(n int, x []float64, incX int, y []float64, incY int) float64
- func Dgbmv(order Order, transA Transpose, m int, n int, kl int, ku int, alpha float64, ...)
- func Dgeadd(order Order, rows, cols int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, beta float64, ...)
- func Dgemm(order Order, transA, transB Transpose, m, n, k int, alpha float64, a []float64, ...)
- func Dgemv(order Order, trans Transpose, m, n int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, ...)
- func Dger(order Order, m, n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incX int, y []float64, ...)
- func DimatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha float64, a []float64, ...)
- func Dnrm2(N int, X []float64, incX int) float64
- func DomatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha float64, a []float64, ...)
- func Drot(n int, x []float64, incX int, y []float64, incY int, c float64, s float64)
- func Drotg(a *float64, b *float64, c *float64, s *float64)
- func Drotm(n int32, x []float64, incX int32, y []float64, incY int32, p []float64)
- func Drotmg(d1, d2, b1 *float64, b2 float64, p []float64)
- func Dsbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n, k int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, ...)
- func Dscal(n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incX int)
- func Dsdot(n int, x []float32, incX int, y []float32, incY int) float64
- func Dspmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, ap []float64, x []float64, ...)
- func Dspr(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incX int, ...)
- func Dspr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incX int, ...)
- func Dsum(n int, x []float64, incX int) float64
- func Dswap(n int, x []float64, incx int, y []float64, incy int)
- func Dsymm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m, n int, alpha float64, a []float64, ...)
- func Dsymv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, ...)
- func Dsyr(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incX int, ...)
- func Dsyr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incX int, ...)
- func Dsyr2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float64, a []float64, ...)
- func Dsyrk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float64, a []float64, ...)
- func Dtbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []float64, ...)
- func Dtpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []float64, ...)
- func Dtpsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []float64, ...)
- func Dtrmm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, ...)
- func Dtrmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []float64, ...)
- func Dtrsm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, ...)
- func Dtrsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []float64, ...)
- func Dzasum(n int, x []complex128, incX int) float64
- func Dznrm2(N int, X []complex128, incX int) float64
- func Dzsum(n int, x []complex128, incX int) float64
- func GetConfig() string
- func GetCorename() string
- func GetNumProcs() int32
- func GetNumThreads() int32
- func GetParallel() int32
- func GotoSetNumThreads(numThreads int32)
- func Icamax(n int, x []complex64, incx int) int
- func Icamin(n int, x []complex64, incx int) int
- func Icmax(n int, x []complex64, incx int) int
- func Icmin(n int, x []complex64, incx int) int
- func Idamax(n int, x []float64, incx int) int
- func Idamin(n int, x []float64, incx int) int
- func Idmax(n int, x []float64, incx int) int
- func Idmin(n int, x []float64, incx int) int
- func Isamax(n int, x []float32, incx int) int
- func Isamin(n int, x []float32, incx int) int
- func Ismax(n int, x []float32, incx int) int
- func Ismin(n int, x []float32, incx int) int
- func Izamax(n int, x []complex128, incx int) int
- func Izamin(n int, x []complex128, incx int) int
- func Izmax(n int, x []complex128, incx int) int
- func Izmin(n int, x []complex128, incx int) int
- func Sasum(n int, x []float32, incX int) float32
- func Saxpby(n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incx int, beta float32, y []float32, ...)
- func Saxpy(n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incx int, y []float32, incy int)
- func SbDot(n int, x []Bfloat16, incx int, y []Bfloat16, incy int) float32
- func SbGemM(order Order, transA, transB Transpose, m, n, k int, alpha float32, ...)
- func SbGemv(order Order, trans Transpose, m, n int, alpha float32, a []Bfloat16, lda int, ...)
- func SbstoBf16(n int, in []float32, incIn int, out []Bfloat16, incOut int)
- func Scasum(n int, x []complex64, incX int) float32
- func Scnrm2(N int, X []complex64, incX int) float32
- func Scopy(n int, x []float32, incx int, y []float32, incy int)
- func Scsum(n int, x []complex64, incX int) float32
- func Sdot(n int, x []float32, incX int, y []float32, incY int) float32
- func Sdsdot(n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incX int, y []float32, incY int) float32
- func SetNumThreads(numThreads int32)
- func Sgbmv(order Order, transA Transpose, m int, n int, kl int, ku int, alpha float32, ...)
- func Sgeadd(order Order, rows, cols int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, beta float32, ...)
- func Sgemm(order Order, transA, transB Transpose, m, n, k int, alpha float32, a []float32, ...)
- func Sgemv(order Order, trans Transpose, m, n int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, ...)
- func Sger(order Order, m, n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incX int, y []float32, ...)
- func SimatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha float32, a []float32, ...)
- func Snrm2(N int, X []float32, incX int) float32
- func SomatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha float32, a []float32, ...)
- func Srot(n int, x []float32, incX int, y []float32, incY int, c float32, s float32)
- func Srotg(a *float32, b *float32, c *float32, s *float32)
- func Srotm(n int32, x []float32, incX int32, y []float32, incY int32, p []float32)
- func Srotmg(d1, d2, b1 *float32, b2 float32, p []float32)
- func Ssbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n, k int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, ...)
- func Sscal(n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incX int)
- func Sspmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, ap []float32, x []float32, ...)
- func Sspr(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incX int, ...)
- func Sspr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incX int, ...)
- func Ssum(n int, x []float32, incX int) float32
- func Sswap(n int, x []float32, incx int, y []float32, incy int)
- func Ssymm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m, n int, alpha float32, a []float32, ...)
- func Ssymv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, ...)
- func Ssyr(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incX int, ...)
- func Ssyr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incX int, ...)
- func Ssyr2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float32, a []float32, ...)
- func Ssyrk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float32, a []float32, ...)
- func Stbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []float32, ...)
- func Stbsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []float32, ...)
- func Stpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []float32, ...)
- func Stpsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []float32, ...)
- func Strmm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, ...)
- func Strmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []float32, ...)
- func Strsm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, ...)
- func Strsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []float32, ...)
- func Zaxpby(n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incx int, beta complex128, ...)
- func Zaxpy(n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incx int, y []complex128, incy int)
- func Zcopy(n int, x []complex128, incx int, y []complex128, incy int)
- func Zdotc(n int, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int) complex128
- func ZdotcSub(n int, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int, ret *complex128)
- func Zdotu(n int, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int) complex128
- func ZdotuSub(n int, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int, ret *complex128)
- func Zdrot(n int, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int, c float64, ...)
- func Zdscal(n int, alpha float64, x []complex128, incX int)
- func Zgbmv(order Order, transA Transpose, m int, n int, kl int, ku int, alpha complex128, ...)
- func Zgeadd(order Order, rows, cols int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, ...)
- func Zgemm(order Order, transA, transB Transpose, m, n, k int, alpha complex128, ...)
- func Zgemv(order Order, trans Transpose, m, n int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, ...)
- func Zgerc(order Order, m, n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incX int, ...)
- func Zgeru(order Order, m, n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incX int, ...)
- func Zhbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n, k int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, ...)
- func Zhemm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m int, n int, alpha complex128, ...)
- func Zhemv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, ...)
- func Zher(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, x []complex128, incX int, ...)
- func Zher2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incX int, ...)
- func Zher2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex128, ...)
- func Zherk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float64, ...)
- func Zhpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex128, ap []complex128, ...)
- func Zhpr(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, x []complex128, incX int, ...)
- func Zhpr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incX int, ...)
- func ZimatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, ...)
- func ZomatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, ...)
- func Zrotg(a *complex128, b *complex128, c *float64, s *complex128)
- func Zscal(n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incX int)
- func Zswap(n int, x []complex128, incx int, y []complex128, incy int)
- func Zsymm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m, n int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, ...)
- func Zsyr2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex128, ...)
- func Zsyrk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex128, ...)
- func Ztbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []complex128, ...)
- func Ztbsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []complex128, ...)
- func Ztpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []complex128, ...)
- func Ztpsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []complex128, ...)
- func Ztrmm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, ...)
- func Ztrmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []complex128, ...)
- func Ztrsm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, ...)
- func Ztrsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []complex128, ...)
- type Bfloat16
- type Diag
- type Layout
- type Order
- type Side
- type Transpose
- type UpLo
Constants ¶
const ( Sequential = 0 Thread = 1 OpenMP = 2 )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CTbsv ¶
func CTbsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []complex64, lda int, x []complex64, incX int)
Ctbsv solves a banded triangular system of equations with a general matrix.
func Caxpby ¶
func Caxpby(n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incx int, beta complex64, y []complex64, incy int)
Caxpby computes y := alpha*x + beta*y for complex float arrays x and y.
func Caxpy ¶
Caxpy adds a multiple of a complex single-precision vector to another complex single-precision vector.
func Ccopy ¶
Ccopy copies a complex single-precision vector x to a complex single-precision vector y.
func Cdotc ¶
Cdotc returns the dot product of two complex single-precision vectors conjugating the first.
func CdotcSub ¶
CdotcSub returns the dot product of two complex single-precision vectors conjugating the first and stores the result in ret.
func CdotuSub ¶
CdotuSub returns the dot product of two complex single-precision vectors and stores the result in ret.
func Cgbmv ¶
func Cgbmv(order Order, transA Transpose, m int, n int, kl int, ku int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, x []complex64, incX int, beta complex64, y []complex64, incY int)
Cgbmv applies a general banded matrix to a vector (single precision).
func Cgeadd ¶
func Cgeadd(order Order, rows, cols int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, beta complex64, c []complex64, ldc int)
Cgeadd adds a matrix A to a matrix C with complex scalar alpha and beta.
func Cgemm ¶
func Cgemm(order Order, transA, transB Transpose, m, n, k int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, b []complex64, ldb int, beta complex64, c []complex64, ldc int)
Cgemm performs matrix-matrix multiplication with complex single-precision matrix A and matrix B and stores the result in matrix C.
func Cgemv ¶
func Cgemv(order Order, trans Transpose, m, n int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, x []complex64, incx int, beta complex64, y []complex64, incy int)
Cgemv performs a matrix-vector operation with a general rectangular matrix, for complex single precision elements.
func Cgerc ¶
func Cgerc(order Order, m, n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incX int, y []complex64, incY int, a []complex64, lda int)
Cgerc performs a rank-1 update of matrix A. A = alpha * X * conj(Y)^T + A
func Cgeru ¶
func Cgeru(order Order, m, n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incX int, y []complex64, incY int, a []complex64, lda int)
Cgeru performs a rank-1 update of matrix A. A = alpha * X * Y^H + A
func Chbmv ¶
func Chbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n, k int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, x []complex64, incX int, beta complex64, y []complex64, incY int)
CHbmv performs the matrix-vector operation: y = alpha*A*x + beta*y.
func Chemm ¶
func Chemm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m int, n int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, b []complex64, ldb int, beta complex64, c []complex64, ldc int)
Multiply a Hermitian matrix with a general matrix. C = alpha * A * B + beta * C
func Chemv ¶
func Chemv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, x []complex64, incX int, beta complex64, y []complex64, incY int)
Chemv computes y := alpha*A*x + beta*y for complex Hermitian matrix A
func Cher ¶
func Cher(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, x []complex64, incX int, a []complex64, lda int)
Cher performs a hermitian rank-1 update of a complex hermitian matrix.
func Cher2 ¶
func Cher2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incX int, y []complex64, incY int, a []complex64, lda int)
Cher2 performs the Hermitian rank-2 update
func Cher2k ¶
func Cher2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, b []complex64, ldb, beta float32, c []complex64, ldc int)
Cher2k performs a Hermitian rank-2k update.
func Cherk ¶
func Cherk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float32, a []complex64, lda int, beta float32, c []complex64, ldc int)
Cherk performs a Hermitian rank-k update.
func Chpmv ¶
func Chpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex64, ap []complex64, x []complex64, incX int, beta complex64, y []complex64, incY int)
CHpmv performs the matrix-vector operation: y = alpha*A*x + beta*y.
func Chpr ¶
Chpr Perform a Hermitian rank-1 update of a Hermitian packed matrix with a complex Hermitian vector
func Chpr2 ¶
func Chpr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex64, x []complex64, incX int, y []complex64, incY int, ap []complex64)
Chpr2 performs the Hermitian rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*y**H + conjg(alpha)*y*x**H + A,
func CimatCopy ¶
func CimatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, ldb int)
CimatCopy performs scaling and in-place transposition/copying of matrices.
func ComatCopy ¶
func ComatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, b []complex64, ldb int)
ComatCopy performs scaling and out-place transposition/copying of matrices.
func Cscal ¶
Scalar multiplication of a complex single-precision float vector X by a complex scalar alpha.
func Csscal ¶
Scalar multiplication of a complex single-precision float vector X by a real scalar alpha.
func Csymm ¶
func Csymm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m, n int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, b []complex64, ldb int, beta complex64, c []complex64, ldc int)
Csymm multiplies symmetric matrix A by matrix B and scales the result by beta, and accumulates the result into matrix C.
func Csyr2k ¶
func Csyr2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, b []complex64, ldb int, beta complex64, c []complex64, ldc int)
Csyr2k performs symmetric rank-2k update of a real symmetric matrix. C := alpha * A * B^T + alpha * B * A^T + beta * C
func Csyrk ¶
func Csyrk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, beta complex64, c []complex64, ldc int)
Csyrk performs a symmetric rank-k operation on a complex float matrix.
func Ctbmv ¶
func Ctbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []complex64, lda int, x []complex64, incX int)
Ctbmv multiplies a triangular banded matrix with a vector.
func Ctpmv ¶
func Ctpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []complex64, x []complex64, incX int)
Ctpmv Multiplies a packed triangular matrix by a vector.
func Ctpsv ¶
func Ctpsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []complex64, x []complex64, incX int)
Ctpsv Multiplies a packed triangular matrix by a vector
func Ctrmm ¶
func Ctrmm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, b []complex64, ldb int)
Ctrmm performs a matrix-matrix operation with a triangular matrix.
func Ctrmv ¶
func Ctrmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []complex64, lda int, x []complex64, incX int)
Ctrmv performs one of the matrix-vector operations x = A*x or x = Aᵀ*x where A is a triangular matrix.
func Ctrsm ¶
func Ctrsm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, alpha complex64, a []complex64, lda int, b []complex64, ldb int)
Ctrsm solves a triangular system of equations with multiple values for the right side.
func Ctrsv ¶
func Ctrsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []complex64, lda int, x []complex64, incX int)
Ctrsv solves a system of linear equations with a triangular matrix stored in packed format.
func DTbsv ¶
func DTbsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, x []float64, incX int)
Dtbsv solves a banded triangular system of equations with a general matrix.
func Dgbmv ¶
func Dgbmv(order Order, transA Transpose, m int, n int, kl int, ku int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, x []float64, incX int, beta float64, y []float64, incY int)
Dgbmv applies a general banded matrix to a vector (double precision).
func Dgeadd ¶
func Dgeadd(order Order, rows, cols int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, beta float64, c []float64, ldc int)
Dgeadd adds a matrix A to a matrix C with scalar alpha and beta.
func Dgemm ¶
func Dgemm(order Order, transA, transB Transpose, m, n, k int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, beta float64, c []float64, ldc int)
Dgemm computes the matrix-matrix product where the matrices are
func Dgemv ¶
func Dgemv(order Order, trans Transpose, m, n int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, x []float64, incx int, beta float64, y []float64, incy int)
Dgemv performs a matrix-vector operation with a general rectangular matrix, for real double precision elements.
func Dger ¶
func Dger(order Order, m, n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incX int, y []float64, incY int, a []float64, lda int)
Dger performs a rank-1 update of matrix A. A = alpha * X * Y^T + A
func DimatCopy ¶
func DimatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, ldb int)
DimatCopy performs scaling and in-place transposition/copying of matrices.
func DomatCopy ¶
func DomatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int)
DomatCopy performs scaling and out-place transposition/copying of matrices.
func Drotmg ¶
Given the scalars d1, d2, and b2, constructs the modified Givens transformation matrix H which zeros the second component of the 2-vector transpose(d1,d2)
func Dsbmv ¶
func Dsbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n, k int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, x []float64, incX int, beta float64, y []float64, incY int)
Dsbmv computes the matrix-vector product using a symmetric band matrix.
func Dspmv ¶
func Dspmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, ap []float64, x []float64, incX int, beta float64, y []float64, incY int)
Dspmv performs a symmetric packed matrix-vector multiplication.
func Dspr ¶
Dspr Perform a symmetric rank-1 update of a symmetric packed matrix with a real symmetric vector
func Dspr2 ¶
func Dspr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incX int, y []float64, incY int, ap []float64)
Dspr2 computes the symmetric rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*y**T + alpha*y*x**T + A,
func Dsymm ¶
func Dsymm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m, n int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, beta float64, c []float64, ldc int)
Dsymm multiplies symmetric matrix A by matrix B and scales the result by beta, and accumulates the result into matrix C.
func Dsymv ¶
func Dsymv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, x []float64, incX int, beta float64, y []float64, incY int)
Dsymv computes y := alpha*A*x + beta*y for real symmetric matrix A
func Dsyr ¶
func Dsyr(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incX int, a []float64, lda int)
Dsyr performs a symmetric rank-1 update of a real symmetric matrix.
func Dsyr2 ¶
func Dsyr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, x []float64, incX int, y []float64, incY int, a []float64, lda int)
Dsyr2 performs the symmetric rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*y^T + alpha*y*x^T + A, where alpha is a scalar, x and y are n element vectors, and A is an n by n symmetric matrix, supplied in packed form.
func Dsyr2k ¶
func Dsyr2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, beta float64, c []float64, ldc int)
Dsyr2k performs symmetric rank-2k update of a real symmetric matrix. C := alpha * A * B^T + alpha * B * A^T + beta * C
func Dsyrk ¶
func Dsyrk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, beta float64, c []float64, ldc int)
Dsyrk performs a symmetric rank-k operation on a double matrix.
func Dtbmv ¶
func Dtbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, x []float64, incX int)
Dtbmv multiplies a triangular banded matrix with a vector.
func Dtpmv ¶
func Dtpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []float64, x []float64, incX int)
Dtpmv Multiplies a packed triangular matrix by a vector.
func Dtpsv ¶
func Dtpsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []float64, x []float64, incX int)
Dtpsv Multiplies a packed triangular matrix by a vector
func Dtrmm ¶
func Dtrmm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int)
Dtrmm performs a matrix-matrix operation with a triangular matrix.
func Dtrmv ¶
func Dtrmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []float64, lda int, x []float64, incX int)
Dtrmv performs one of the matrix-vector operations x = A*x or x = Aᵀ*x where A is a triangular matrix.
func Dtrsm ¶
func Dtrsm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, alpha float64, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int)
Dtrsm solves a triangular system of equations with multiple values for the right side.
func Dtrsv ¶
func Dtrsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []float64, lda int, x []float64, incX int)
Dtrsv solves a system of linear equations with a triangular matrix stored in packed format.
func Dzasum ¶
func Dzasum(n int, x []complex128, incX int) float64
Dzasum returns the sum of the absolute values of the real and imaginary components of a complex double-precision vector.
func Dznrm2 ¶
func Dznrm2(N int, X []complex128, incX int) float64
Dznrm2 returns the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of a complex double-precision vector.
func Dzsum ¶
func Dzsum(n int, x []complex128, incX int) float64
Dzsum returns the sum of the real and imaginary components of a complex double-precision vector.
func GetCorename ¶
func GetCorename() string
func GetNumProcs ¶
func GetNumProcs() int32
func GetNumThreads ¶
func GetNumThreads() int32
func GetParallel ¶
func GetParallel() int32
func GotoSetNumThreads ¶
func GotoSetNumThreads(numThreads int32)
func Icamax ¶
Icamax returns the index of the element with the largest absolute value in a complex single-precision vector.
func Icamin ¶
Icamin returns the index of the element with the smallest absolute value in a complex single-precision vector.
func Icmax ¶
Icmax returns the index of the element with the largest absolute value in a complex single-precision vector.
func Icmin ¶
Icmin returns the index of the element with the smallest value in a complex single-precision vector.
func Idamax ¶
Idamax returns the index of the element with the largest absolute value in a double-precision vector.
func Idamin ¶
Idamin returns the index of the element with the smallest absolute value in a double-precision vector.
func Idmax ¶
Idmax returns the index of the element with the largest absolute value in a double-precision vector.
func Idmin ¶
Idmin returns the index of the element with the smallest value in a double-precision vector.
func Isamax ¶
Isamax returns the index of the element with the largest absolute value in a single-precision vector.
func Isamin ¶
Isamin returns the index of the element with the smallest absolute value in a single-precision vector.
func Ismax ¶
Ismax returns the index of the element with the largest absolute value in a single-precision vector.
func Ismin ¶
Ismin returns the index of the element with the smallest value in a single-precision vector.
func Izamax ¶
func Izamax(n int, x []complex128, incx int) int
Izamax returns the index of the element with the largest absolute value in a complex double-precision vector.
func Izamin ¶
func Izamin(n int, x []complex128, incx int) int
Izamin returns the index of the element with the smallest absolute value in a complex double-precision vector.
func Izmax ¶
func Izmax(n int, x []complex128, incx int) int
Izmax returns the index of the element with the largest absolute value in a complex double-precision vector.
func Izmin ¶
func Izmin(n int, x []complex128, incx int) int
Izmin returns the index of the element with the smallest value in a complex double-precision vector.
func SbGemM ¶
func SbGemM(order Order, transA, transB Transpose, m, n, k int, alpha float32, a []Bfloat16, lda int, b []Bfloat16, ldb int, beta float32, c []float32, ldc int)
Performs a matrix-matrix multiplication with bfloat16 matrices and a float output matrix
func SbGemv ¶
func SbGemv(order Order, trans Transpose, m, n int, alpha float32, a []Bfloat16, lda int, x []Bfloat16, incx int, beta float32, y []float32, incy int)
Performs a matrix-vector multiplication with a bfloat16 matrix and a float vector
func Scasum ¶
Scasum returns the sum of the absolute values of the real and imaginary components of a complex single-precision vector.
func Scsum ¶
Scsum returns the sum of the real and imaginary components of a complex single-precision vector.
func Sdsdot ¶
Sdsdot returns the dot product of two single-precision vectors with a correction term.
func SetNumThreads ¶
func SetNumThreads(numThreads int32)
func Sgbmv ¶
func Sgbmv(order Order, transA Transpose, m int, n int, kl int, ku int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, x []float32, incX int, beta float32, y []float32, incY int)
Sgbmv applies a general banded matrix to a vector (single precision).
func Sgeadd ¶
func Sgeadd(order Order, rows, cols int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, beta float32, c []float32, ldc int)
Sgeadd adds a matrix A to a matrix C with scalar alpha and beta.
func Sgemm ¶
func Sgemm(order Order, transA, transB Transpose, m, n, k int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, b []float32, ldb int, beta float32, c []float32, ldc int)
Sgemm computes the matrix-matrix product where the matrices are
func Sgemv ¶
func Sgemv(order Order, trans Transpose, m, n int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, x []float32, incx int, beta float32, y []float32, incy int)
Sgemv performs a matrix-vector operation with a general rectangular matrix, for real single precision elements.
func Sger ¶
func Sger(order Order, m, n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incX int, y []float32, incY int, a []float32, lda int)
Sger performs a rank-1 update of matrix A. A = alpha * X * Y^T + A
func SimatCopy ¶
func SimatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, ldb int)
SimatCopy performs scaling and in-place transposition/copying of matrices.
func SomatCopy ¶
func SomatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, b []float32, ldb int)
SomatCopy performs scaling and out-place transposition/copying of matrices.
func Srotmg ¶
Given the scalars d1, d2, and b2, constructs the modified Givens transformation matrix H which zeros the second component of the 2-vector transpose(d1,d2)
func Ssbmv ¶
func Ssbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n, k int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, x []float32, incX int, beta float32, y []float32, incY int)
Ssbmv computes the matrix-vector product using a symmetric band matrix.
func Sspmv ¶
func Sspmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, ap []float32, x []float32, incX int, beta float32, y []float32, incY int)
Sspmv performs a symmetric packed matrix-vector multiplication.
func Sspr ¶
Sspr Perform a symmetric rank-1 update of a symmetric packed matrix with a real symmetric vector
func Sspr2 ¶
func Sspr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incX int, y []float32, incY int, ap []float32)
Sspr2 computes the symmetric rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*y**T + alpha*y*x**T + A,
func Ssymm ¶
func Ssymm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m, n int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, b []float32, ldb int, beta float32, c []float32, ldc int)
Ssymm multiplies symmetric matrix A by matrix B and scales the result by beta, and accumulates the result into matrix C.
func Ssymv ¶
func Ssymv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, x []float32, incX int, beta float32, y []float32, incY int)
Ssymv computes y := alpha*A*x + beta*y for real symmetric matrix A
func Ssyr ¶
func Ssyr(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incX int, a []float32, lda int)
Ssyr performs a symmetric rank-1 update of a real symmetric matrix.
func Ssyr2 ¶
func Ssyr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float32, x []float32, incX int, y []float32, incY int, a []float32, lda int)
Ssyr2 performs the symmetric rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*y^T + alpha*y*x^T + A, where alpha is a scalar, x and y are n element vectors, and A is an n by n symmetric matrix, supplied in packed form.
func Ssyr2k ¶
func Ssyr2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, b []float32, ldb int, beta float32, c []float32, ldc int)
Ssyr2k performs symmetric rank-2k update of a real symmetric matrix. C := alpha * A * B^T + alpha * B * A^T + beta * C
func Ssyrk ¶
func Ssyrk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, beta float32, c []float32, ldc int)
Ssyrk performs a symmetric rank-k operation on a float matrix.
func Stbmv ¶
func Stbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []float32, lda int, x []float32, incX int)
Stbmv multiplies a triangular banded matrix with a vector.
func Stbsv ¶
func Stbsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []float32, lda int, x []float32, incX int)
Stbsv solves a banded triangular system of equations with a general matrix.
func Stpmv ¶
func Stpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []float32, x []float32, incX int)
Stpmv Multiplies a packed triangular matrix by a vector.
func Stpsv ¶
func Stpsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []float32, x []float32, incX int)
Stpsv Multiplies a packed triangular matrix by a vector
func Strmm ¶
func Strmm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, b []float32, ldb int)
Strmm performs a matrix-matrix operation with a triangular matrix.
func Strmv ¶
func Strmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []float32, lda int, x []float32, incX int)
Strmv performs one of the matrix-vector operations x = A*x or x = Aᵀ*x where A is a triangular matrix.
func Strsm ¶
func Strsm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, alpha float32, a []float32, lda int, b []float32, ldb int)
Strsm solves a triangular system of equations with multiple values for the right side.
func Strsv ¶
func Strsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []float32, lda int, x []float32, incX int)
Strsv solves a system of linear equations with a triangular matrix stored in packed format.
func Zaxpby ¶
func Zaxpby(n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incx int, beta complex128, y []complex128, incy int)
Zaxpby computes y := alpha*x + beta*y for complex double arrays x and y.
func Zaxpy ¶
func Zaxpy(n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incx int, y []complex128, incy int)
Zaxpy adds a multiple of a complex double-precision vector to another complex double-precision vector.
func Zcopy ¶
func Zcopy(n int, x []complex128, incx int, y []complex128, incy int)
Zcopy copies a complex double-precision vector x to a complex double-precision vector y.
func Zdotc ¶
func Zdotc(n int, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int) complex128
Zdotc returns the dot product of two complex double-precision vectors conjugating the first.
func ZdotcSub ¶
func ZdotcSub(n int, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int, ret *complex128)
ZdotcSub returns the dot product of two complex double-precision vectors conjugating the first and stores the result in ret.
func Zdotu ¶
func Zdotu(n int, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int) complex128
Zdotu returns the dot product of two complex double-precision vectors.
func ZdotuSub ¶
func ZdotuSub(n int, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int, ret *complex128)
ZdotuSub returns the dot product of two complex double-precision vectors and stores the result in ret.
func Zdrot ¶
func Zdrot(n int, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int, c float64, s float64)
Zdrot applies a plane rotation to complex double-precision vectors x and y.
func Zdscal ¶
func Zdscal(n int, alpha float64, x []complex128, incX int)
Scalar multiplication of a complex double-precision float vector X by a real scalar alpha.
func Zgbmv ¶
func Zgbmv(order Order, transA Transpose, m int, n int, kl int, ku int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, x []complex128, incX int, beta complex128, y []complex128, incY int)
Zgbmv applies a general banded matrix to a vector (double precision).
func Zgeadd ¶
func Zgeadd(order Order, rows, cols int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, beta complex128, c []complex128, ldc int)
Zgeadd adds a matrix A to a matrix C with complex scalar alpha and beta.
func Zgemm ¶
func Zgemm(order Order, transA, transB Transpose, m, n, k int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, b []complex128, ldb int, beta complex128, c []complex128, ldc int)
Zgemm performs matrix-matrix multiplication with complex double-precision matrix A and matrix B and stores the result in matrix C.
func Zgemv ¶
func Zgemv(order Order, trans Transpose, m, n int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, x []complex128, incx int, beta complex128, y []complex128, incy int)
Zgemv performs a matrix-vector operation with a general rectangular matrix, for complex double precision elements.
func Zgerc ¶
func Zgerc(order Order, m, n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int, a []complex128, lda int)
Zgerc performs a rank-1 update of matrix A. A = alpha * X * conj(Y)^T + A
func Zgeru ¶
func Zgeru(order Order, m, n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int, a []complex128, lda int)
Zgeru performs a rank-1 update of matrix A. A = alpha * X * Y^H + A
func Zhbmv ¶
func Zhbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n, k int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, x []complex128, incX int, beta complex128, y []complex128, incY int)
ZHbmv performs the matrix-vector operation: y = alpha*A*x + beta*y.
func Zhemm ¶
func Zhemm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m int, n int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, b []complex128, ldb int, beta complex128, c []complex128, ldc int)
Multiply a Hermitian matrix with a general matrix. C = alpha * A * B + beta * C
func Zhemv ¶
func Zhemv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, x []complex128, incX int, beta complex128, y []complex128, incY int)
Zhemv computes y := alpha*A*x + beta*y for complex Hermitian matrix A
func Zher ¶
func Zher(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, x []complex128, incX int, a []complex128, lda int)
Zher performs a hermitian rank-1 update of a complex hermitian matrix.
func Zher2 ¶
func Zher2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int, a []complex128, lda int)
Zher2 performs the Hermitian rank-2 update
func Zher2k ¶
func Zher2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, b []complex128, ldb, beta float64, c []complex128, ldc int)
Zher2k performs a Hermitian rank-2k update.
func Zherk ¶
func Zherk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha float64, a []complex128, lda int, beta float64, c []complex128, ldc int)
Zherk performs a Hermitian rank-k update.
func Zhpmv ¶
func Zhpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex128, ap []complex128, x []complex128, incX int, beta complex128, y []complex128, incY int)
ZHpmv performs the matrix-vector operation: y = alpha*A*x + beta*y.
func Zhpr ¶
func Zhpr(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha float64, x []complex128, incX int, ap []complex128)
Zhpr Perform a Hermitian rank-1 update of a Hermitian packed matrix with a complex Hermitian vector
func Zhpr2 ¶
func Zhpr2(order Order, upLo UpLo, n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incX int, y []complex128, incY int, ap []complex128)
Zhpr2 performs the Hermitian rank 2 operation A := alpha*x*y**H + conjg(alpha)*y*x**H + A,
func ZimatCopy ¶
func ZimatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, ldb int)
ZimatCopy performs scaling and in-place transposition/copying of matrices.
func ZomatCopy ¶
func ZomatCopy(order Order, trans Transpose, rows, cols int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, b []complex128, ldb int)
ZomatCopy performs scaling and out-place transposition/copying of matrices.
func Zrotg ¶
func Zrotg(a *complex128, b *complex128, c *float64, s *complex128)
cblas_zrotg computes the parameters for a Givens rotation matrix.
func Zscal ¶
func Zscal(n int, alpha complex128, x []complex128, incX int)
Scalar multiplication of a complex double-precision float vector X by a complex scalar alpha.
func Zswap ¶
func Zswap(n int, x []complex128, incx int, y []complex128, incy int)
Zswap interchanges two complex double-precision vectors.
func Zsymm ¶
func Zsymm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, m, n int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, b []complex128, ldb int, beta complex128, c []complex128, ldc int)
Zsymm multiplies symmetric matrix A by matrix B and scales the result by beta, and accumulates the result into matrix C.
func Zsyr2k ¶
func Zsyr2k(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, b []complex128, ldb int, beta complex128, c []complex128, ldc int)
Zsyr2k performs symmetric rank-2k update of a real symmetric matrix. C := alpha * A * B^T + alpha * B * A^T + beta * C
func Zsyrk ¶
func Zsyrk(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, n, k int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, beta complex128, c []complex128, ldc int)
Zsyrk performs a symmetric rank-k operation on a complex double matrix.
func Ztbmv ¶
func Ztbmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []complex128, lda int, x []complex128, incX int)
Ztbmv multiplies a triangular banded matrix with a vector.
func Ztbsv ¶
func Ztbsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n, k int, a []complex128, lda int, x []complex128, incX int)
Ztbsv solves a banded triangular system of equations with a general matrix.
func Ztpmv ¶
func Ztpmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []complex128, x []complex128, incX int)
Ztpmv Multiplies a packed triangular matrix by a vector.
func Ztpsv ¶
func Ztpsv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, ap []complex128, x []complex128, incX int)
Ztpsv Multiplies a packed triangular matrix by a vector
func Ztrmm ¶
func Ztrmm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, b []complex128, ldb int)
Ztrmm performs a matrix-matrix operation with a triangular matrix.
func Ztrmv ¶
func Ztrmv(order Order, upLo UpLo, trans Transpose, diag Diag, n int, a []complex128, lda int, x []complex128, incX int)
Ztrmv performs one of the matrix-vector operations x = A*x or x = Aᵀ*x where A is a triangular matrix.
func Ztrsm ¶
func Ztrsm(order Order, side Side, upLo UpLo, transA Transpose, diag Diag, m, n int, alpha complex128, a []complex128, lda int, b []complex128, ldb int)
Ztrsm solves a triangular system of equations with multiple values for the right side.
Types ¶
type Order ¶
type Order int32
const ( Rowmajor Order = C.CblasRowMajor Colmajor Order = C.CblasColMajor )
type Transpose ¶
type Transpose int32
const ( Notrans Transpose = C.CblasNoTrans Trans Transpose = C.CblasTrans Conjtrans Transpose = C.CblasConjTrans Conjnotrans Transpose = C.CblasConjNoTrans )