Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type APLValueWarlockCurrentPetMana
- type APLValueWarlockCurrentPetManaPercent
- type APLValueWarlockPetIsActive
- type APLValueWarlockShouldRecastDrainSoul
- type APLValueWarlockShouldRefreshCorruption
- type OnPetDisable
- type PetConfig
- type Warlock
- func (warlock *Warlock) AddRaidBuffs(raidBuffs *proto.RaidBuffs)
- func (warlock *Warlock) ApplyRunes()
- func (warlock *Warlock) ApplyTalents()
- func (warlock *Warlock) GetCharacter() *core.Character
- func (warlock *Warlock) GetWarlock() *Warlock
- func (warlock *Warlock) HasRune(rune proto.WarlockRune) bool
- func (warlock *Warlock) Initialize()
- func (warlock *Warlock) InvocationRefresh(sim *core.Simulation, dot *core.Dot)
- func (warlock *Warlock) NewAPLValue(rot *core.APLRotation, config *proto.APLValue) core.APLValue
- func (warlock *Warlock) OnGCDReady(_ *core.Simulation)
- func (warlock *Warlock) Reset(sim *core.Simulation)
- type WarlockAgent
- type WarlockPet
- func (wp *WarlockPet) ApplyOnPetDisable(newOnPetDisable OnPetDisable)
- func (wp *WarlockPet) Disable(sim *core.Simulation, isSacrifice bool)
- func (wp *WarlockPet) ExecuteCustomRotation(sim *core.Simulation)
- func (wp *WarlockPet) GetPet() *core.Pet
- func (wp *WarlockPet) Initialize()
- func (wp *WarlockPet) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
Constants ¶
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const ( InfernalPactEssence = 216509 ZIlaGular = 223214 ScytheOfChaos = 229910 TheBlackBook = 230238 HazzarahsCharmOfDestruction = 231284 KezansUnstoppableTaint = 231346 )
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const ( WarlockFlagAffliction = core.SpellFlagAgentReserved1 WarlockFlagDemonology = core.SpellFlagAgentReserved2 WarlockFlagDestruction = core.SpellFlagAgentReserved3 WarlockFlagHaunt = core.SpellFlagAgentReserved4 SpellFlagWarlock = WarlockFlagAffliction | WarlockFlagDemonology | WarlockFlagDestruction )
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const ( SpellCode_WarlockNone int32 = iota SpellCode_WarlockChaosBolt SpellCode_WarlockConflagrate SpellCode_WarlockCorruption SpellCode_WarlockCurseOfAgony SpellCode_WarlockCurseOfDoom SpellCode_WarlockDeathCoil SpellCode_WarlockDemonicSacrifice SpellCode_WarlockDrainLife SpellCode_WarlockDrainSoul SpellCode_WarlockHaunt SpellCode_WarlockImmolate SpellCode_WarlockIncinerate SpellCode_WarlockLifeTap SpellCode_WarlockSearingPain SpellCode_WarlockShadowflame SpellCode_WarlockShadowCleave SpellCode_WarlockShadowBolt SpellCode_WarlockShadowburn SpellCode_WarlockSoulFire SpellCode_WarlockUnstableAffliction )
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const ConflagrateRanks = 4
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const CorruptionRanks = 7
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const CurseOfAgonyRanks = 6
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const DeathCoilRanks = 3
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const DrainLifeRanks = 6
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const DrainSoulRanks = 4
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const ImmolateCastTime = time.Millisecond * 2000
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const ImmolateRanks = 8
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const IncinerateCastTime = time.Millisecond * 2250
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const LifeTapRanks = 6
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const RainOfFireRanks = 4
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const SearingPainRanks = 6
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const ShadowBoltRanks = 10
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const ShadowburnRanks = 6
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const ShadowflameCastTime = time.Second * 2
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const SiphonLifeRanks = 4
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const SoulFireCastTime = time.Millisecond * 6000
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const SoulFireRanks = 2
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const SoulSiphonDoTMultiplier = 0.06 Causes your Drain Soul to to deal damage 3 times faster and increases the amount drained by your Drain Life and Drain Soul spells by an additional 6% for each of your Warlock Shadow effects afflicting the target, up to a maximum of 18% additional effect. When Drain Soul is cast on a target below 20% health, it instead gains 50% per effect, up to a maximum of 150%.
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const SoulSiphonDoTMultiplierExecute = 1.00
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const SoulSiphonDoTMultiplierMax = 0.18
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const SoulSiphonDoTMultiplierMaxExecute = 3.00
Variables ¶
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var ItemSetChampionsThreads = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Champion's Threads", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStat(stats.SpellPower, 23) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() warlock.GetOrRegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Immolate Cast Time Reduction", OnInit: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, spell := range warlock.Immolate { spell.DefaultCast.CastTime -= time.Millisecond * 200 } }, }) }, 6: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStat(stats.Stamina, 20) }, }, })
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var ItemSetCorruptedFelheart = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Corrupted Felheart", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() core.MakePermanent(warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - T1 - Warlock - Damage 2P Bonus", OnGain: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, spell := range warlock.LifeTap { spell.DamageMultiplier *= 1.5 spell.ThreatMultiplier *= -1 } }, OnExpire: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, spell := range warlock.LifeTap { spell.DamageMultiplier /= 1.5 spell.ThreatMultiplier *= -1 } }, })) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStats(stats.Stats{ stats.MeleeCrit: 2 * core.CritRatingPerCritChance, stats.SpellCrit: 2 * core.CritRatingPerCritChance, }) }, 6: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() warlock6pt1Aura := warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - T1 - Warlock - Damage 6P Bonus", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnGain: func(_ *core.Aura, _ *core.Simulation) { warlock.nightfallProcChance += 0.04 }, OnExpire: func(_ *core.Aura, _ *core.Simulation) { warlock.nightfallProcChance -= 0.04 }, }) if !warlock.HasRune(proto.WarlockRune_RuneBracerIncinerate) || !warlock.HasRune(proto.WarlockRune_RuneBootsDecimation) { return } warlock6pt1Aura.OnSpellHitDealt = func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockIncinerate && result.Landed() && sim.Proc(.04, "T1 6P Incinerate Proc") { warlock.DecimationAura.Activate(sim) } } }, }, })
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var ItemSetCorruptedNemesis = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Corrupted Nemesis", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() if warlock.HasRune(proto.WarlockRune_RuneBracerSummonFelguard) { warlock.Felguard.PseudoStats.DamageDealtMultiplier *= 1.10 } core.MakePermanent(warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - T2 - Warlock - Damage 2P Bonus", OnInit: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, spell := range warlock.Spellbook { if spell.Flags.Matches(SpellFlagWarlock) && len(spell.Dots()) > 0 { spell.PeriodicDamageMultiplierAdditive += 0.10 } } }, })) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() procChance := 0.04 affectedSpellCodes := []int32{SpellCode_WarlockCurseOfAgony, SpellCode_WarlockShadowflame, SpellCode_WarlockUnstableAffliction} core.MakePermanent(warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - T2 - Warlock - Damage 4P Bonus", OnPeriodicDamageDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if slices.Contains(affectedSpellCodes, spell.SpellCode) && sim.Proc(procChance, "Proc Shadow Trance") { warlock.ShadowTranceAura.Activate(sim) } }, })) if !warlock.HasRune(proto.WarlockRune_RuneBracerSummonFelguard) { return } core.MakePermanent(warlock.Felguard.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - T2 - Warlock - Damage 4P Bonus - Felguard Bonus", OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if result.Landed() && sim.Proc(procChance, "Proc Shadow Trance") { warlock.ShadowTranceAura.Activate(sim) } }, })) }, 6: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() warlock.shadowBoltActiveEffectModifierPer = 0.10 warlock.shadowBoltActiveEffectModifierMax = 0.30 }, }, })
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var ItemSetDeathmistRaiment = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Deathmist Raiment", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStat(stats.SpellPower, 23) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() manaMetrics := c.NewManaMetrics(core.ActionID{SpellID: 450583}) handler := func(sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, _ *core.SpellResult) { if c.HasManaBar() { c.AddMana(sim, sim.Roll(270, 300), manaMetrics) } } core.MakeProcTriggerAura(&c.Unit, core.ProcTrigger{ Name: "S03 - Heal Proc on Cast - Dreadmist Raiment (Melee Auto)", Callback: core.CallbackOnSpellHitDealt, Outcome: core.OutcomeLanded, ProcMask: core.ProcMaskWhiteHit, ProcChance: 0.06, Handler: handler, }) core.MakeProcTriggerAura(&c.Unit, core.ProcTrigger{ Name: "S03 - Heal Proc on Cast - Dreadmist Raiment (Spell Cast)", Callback: core.CallbackOnCastComplete, ProcMask: core.ProcMaskSpellDamage | core.ProcMaskSpellHealing, ProcChance: 0.06, Handler: handler, }) }, 6: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddResistances(8) }, 8: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStat(stats.Armor, 200) }, }, })
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var ItemSetDemoniacsThreads = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Demoniac's Threads", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() warlock.AddStat(stats.SpellPower, 12) }, 3: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() core.MakePermanent(warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - ZG - Warlock - Demonology 3P Bonus", OnInit: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, pet := range warlock.BasePets { oldStatInheritance := pet.GetStatInheritance() pet.UpdateStatInheritance( func(ownerStats stats.Stats) stats.Stats { s := oldStatInheritance(ownerStats) s[stats.AttackPower] *= 1.20 s[stats.SpellPower] *= 1.20 return s }, ) } }, })) }, 5: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() warlock.masterDemonologistBonus += .50 }, }, })
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var ItemSetDoomcallersCorruption = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Doomcaller's Corruption", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() hasChaosBoltRune := warlock.HasRune(proto.WarlockRune_RuneHandsChaosBolt) aura := warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - TAQ - Warlock - Damage 2P Bonus", OnInit: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, spell := range warlock.ShadowBolt { spell.DamageMultiplierAdditive += 0.10 } if warlock.ChaosBolt != nil { warlock.ChaosBolt.CD.Duration /= 2 warlock.ChaosBolt.DamageMultiplierAdditive += 0.10 } }, }) if !hasChaosBoltRune { return } core.MakePermanent(aura) aura.OnSpellHitDealt = func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if result.Landed() && result.DidCrit() && spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockChaosBolt { isbAura := warlock.ImprovedShadowBoltAuras.Get(result.Target) isbAura.Activate(sim) isbAura.SetStacks(sim, core.ISBNumStacksShadowflame) } } }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() if !warlock.Talents.Conflagrate { return } buffAura := warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 1214088}, Label: "Infernalist", Duration: time.Second * 20, MaxStacks: 2, OnStacksChange: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, oldStacks, newStacks int32) { warlock.PseudoStats.SchoolDamageDealtMultiplier[stats.SchoolIndexFire] *= 1 + 0.05*(float64(newStacks-oldStacks)) }, }) core.MakePermanent(warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - TAQ - Warlock - Damage 4P Bonus", OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockConflagrate && result.Landed() { buffAura.Activate(sim) buffAura.AddStack(sim) } }, })) }, }, })
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var ItemSetDoomcallersMalevolence = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Doomcaller's Malevolence", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() if !warlock.HasRune(proto.WarlockRune_RuneHandsMetamorphosis) { return } warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - TAQ - Warlock - Tank 2P Bonus", OnInit: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, spell := range warlock.ShadowCleave { spell.CD.Duration -= time.Millisecond * 1500 } }, }) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() core.MakePermanent(warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - TAQ - Warlock - Tank 4P Bonus", OnInit: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { warlock.maintainBuffsOnSacrifice = true }, })) }, }, })
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var ItemSetFieldMarshalsThreads = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Field Marshal's Threads", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStat(stats.Stamina, 20) }, 3: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() warlock.GetOrRegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Immolate Cast Time Reduction", OnInit: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, spell := range warlock.Immolate { spell.DefaultCast.CastTime -= time.Millisecond * 200 } }, }) }, 6: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStat(stats.SpellPower, 23) }, }, })
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var ItemSetImplementsOfUnspokenNames = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Implements of Unspoken Names", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 3: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() if !warlock.HasRune(proto.WarlockRune_RuneHandsMetamorphosis) || len(warlock.Env.Encounter.TargetUnits) <= 1 { return } buffAura := warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 1214156}, Label: "Spreading Pain", Duration: time.Second * 6, OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockSearingPain { aura.Deactivate(sim) spell.ApplyEffects(sim, warlock.Env.NextTargetUnit(result.Target), spell) } }, }) core.MakePermanent(warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - RAQ - Warlock - Tank 3P Bonus", OnCastComplete: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell) { if spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockShadowCleave { buffAura.Activate(sim) } }, })) }, }, })
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var ItemSetLieutenantCommandersThreads = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Lieutenant Commander's Threads", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStat(stats.SpellPower, 23) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() warlock.GetOrRegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Immolate Cast Time Reduction", ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 23047}, OnInit: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, spell := range warlock.Immolate { spell.DefaultCast.CastTime -= time.Millisecond * 200 } }, }) }, 6: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStat(stats.Stamina, 20) }, }, })
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var ItemSetNightmareProphetsGarb = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Nightmare Prophet's Garb", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStat(stats.MeleeHit, 1) c.AddStat(stats.SpellHit, 1) }, 3: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() warlock.shadowSparkAura = warlock.GetOrRegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Shadow Spark Proc", ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 450013}, Duration: time.Second * 12, MaxStacks: 2, }) core.MakePermanent(warlock.GetOrRegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Shadow Spark", OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockShadowCleave && result.Landed() { warlock.shadowSparkAura.Activate(sim) warlock.shadowSparkAura.AddStack(sim) } }, })) }, }, })
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var ItemSetWarlordsThreads = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Warlord's Threads", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStat(stats.Stamina, 20) }, 3: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() warlock.GetOrRegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Immolate Cast Time Reduction", OnInit: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, spell := range warlock.Immolate { spell.DefaultCast.CastTime -= time.Millisecond * 200 } }, }) }, 6: func(agent core.Agent) { c := agent.GetCharacter() c.AddStat(stats.SpellPower, 23) }, }, })
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var ItemSetWickedFelheart = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Wicked Felheart", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() actionID := core.ActionID{SpellID: 457572} icd := core.Cooldown{ Timer: warlock.NewTimer(), Duration: time.Millisecond * 3500, } manaMetrics := warlock.NewManaMetrics(actionID) for _, pet := range warlock.BasePets { pet.T1Tank4PManaMetrics = pet.NewManaMetrics(actionID) } warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - T1 - Warlock - Tank 4P Bonus", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnSpellHitTaken: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if icd.IsReady(sim) { restoreAmount := min(result.Damage, 420) warlock.AddMana(sim, restoreAmount, manaMetrics) if warlock.ActivePet != nil { warlock.ActivePet.AddMana(sim, restoreAmount, warlock.ActivePet.T1Tank4PManaMetrics) } } }, }) }, 6: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() soulFireCastTime := SoulFireCastTime procAura := warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 457643}, Label: "Soul Fire!", Duration: time.Second * 10, OnGain: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, spell := range warlock.SoulFire { spell.DefaultCast.CastTime = 0 } }, OnExpire: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { for _, spell := range warlock.SoulFire { spell.DefaultCast.CastTime = soulFireCastTime } }, OnCastComplete: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell) { if spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockSoulFire { aura.Deactivate(sim) } }, }) icd := core.Cooldown{ Timer: warlock.NewTimer(), Duration: time.Millisecond * 100, } warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - T1 - Warlock - Tank 6P Bonus", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) soulFireCastTime = warlock.SoulFire[0].DefaultCast.CastTime }, OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if result.Landed() && spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockShadowCleave && icd.IsReady(sim) && sim.Proc(0.2, "Soul Fire! Proc") { procAura.Activate(sim) icd.Use(sim) } }, }) }, }, })
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var ItemSetWickedNemesis = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Wicked Nemesis", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() var healthMetrics [LifeTapRanks + 1]*core.ResourceMetrics for i, spellId := range LifeTapSpellId { healthMetrics[i] = warlock.NewHealthMetrics(core.ActionID{SpellID: spellId}) } warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - T2 - Warlock - Tank 2P Bonus", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnSpellHitTaken: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockLifeTap { warlock.GainHealth(sim, result.Damage, healthMetrics[spell.Rank]) } }, OnCastComplete: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell) { if spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockLifeTap && warlock.CurrentTarget != nil { spell.Flags &= ^core.SpellFlagBinary spell.DamageMultiplier /= 2 damageResult := spell.CalcDamage(sim, warlock.CurrentTarget, LifeTapBaseDamage[spell.Rank], spell.OutcomeMagicHit) spell.DealDamage(sim, damageResult) spell.DamageMultiplier *= 2 spell.Flags |= core.SpellFlagBinary } }, }, ) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() healingSpell := warlock.GetOrRegisterSpell(core.SpellConfig{ ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 468062}, SpellSchool: core.SpellSchoolPhysical, ProcMask: core.ProcMaskSpellHealing, Flags: core.SpellFlagPassiveSpell | core.SpellFlagHelpful, DamageMultiplier: 1, ThreatMultiplier: 0, }) warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "S03 - Item - T2 - Warlock - Tank 4P Bonus", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockShadowburn && result.Landed() { healAmount := warlock.MaxHealth() * 0.15 healingSpell.CalcAndDealHealing(sim, healingSpell.Unit, healAmount, healingSpell.OutcomeHealing) } }, }) }, 6: func(agent core.Agent) { warlock := agent.(WarlockAgent).GetWarlock() shieldIncreaseAmount := 0.0 currentShieldAmount := 0.0 shieldSpell := warlock.GetOrRegisterSpell(core.SpellConfig{ ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 470279}, ProcMask: core.ProcMaskSpellHealing, SpellSchool: core.SpellSchoolShadow, Flags: core.SpellFlagPassiveSpell, DamageMultiplier: 1, ThreatMultiplier: 1, Shield: core.ShieldConfig{ SelfOnly: true, Aura: core.Aura{ Label: "Demonic Aegis", Duration: 12 * time.Second, }, }, ApplyEffects: func(sim *core.Simulation, target *core.Unit, spell *core.Spell) { spell.SelfShield().Apply(sim, currentShieldAmount) }, }) warlock.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Duration: core.NeverExpires, Label: "S03 - Item - T2 - Warlock - Tank 6P Bonus", OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { shieldIncreaseAmount = 0.0 currentShieldAmount = 0.0 aura.Activate(sim) }, OnSpellHitTaken: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if currentShieldAmount <= 0 || result.Damage <= 0 || spell.SpellCode == SpellCode_WarlockLifeTap { return } damageAbsorbed := min(result.Damage, currentShieldAmount) currentShieldAmount -= damageAbsorbed warlock.GainHealth(sim, damageAbsorbed, shieldSpell.HealthMetrics(result.Target)) if currentShieldAmount <= 0 { currentShieldAmount = 0 shieldSpell.SelfShield().Deactivate(sim) } }, OnHealDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { shieldIncreaseAmount = result.Damage + warlock.CurrentHealth() - warlock.MaxHealth() if shieldIncreaseAmount > 0 { currentShieldAmount += shieldIncreaseAmount currentShieldAmount = min(warlock.MaxHealth()*0.30, currentShieldAmount) shieldSpell.Cast(sim, result.Target) } }, }) }, }, })
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var LifeTapBaseDamage = [LifeTapRanks + 1]float64{0, 30, 75, 140, 220, 310, 424}
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var LifeTapSpellId = [LifeTapRanks + 1]int32{0, 1454, 1455, 1456, 11687, 11688, 11689}
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var TalentTreeSizes = [3]int{17, 17, 16}
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type APLValueWarlockCurrentPetMana ¶ added in v0.0.6
type APLValueWarlockCurrentPetMana struct { core.DefaultAPLValueImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*APLValueWarlockCurrentPetMana) GetFloat ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (value *APLValueWarlockCurrentPetMana) GetFloat(sim *core.Simulation) float64
func (*APLValueWarlockCurrentPetMana) String ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (value *APLValueWarlockCurrentPetMana) String() string
func (*APLValueWarlockCurrentPetMana) Type ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (value *APLValueWarlockCurrentPetMana) Type() proto.APLValueType
type APLValueWarlockCurrentPetManaPercent ¶ added in v0.0.6
type APLValueWarlockCurrentPetManaPercent struct { core.DefaultAPLValueImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*APLValueWarlockCurrentPetManaPercent) GetFloat ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (value *APLValueWarlockCurrentPetManaPercent) GetFloat(sim *core.Simulation) float64
func (*APLValueWarlockCurrentPetManaPercent) String ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (value *APLValueWarlockCurrentPetManaPercent) String() string
func (*APLValueWarlockCurrentPetManaPercent) Type ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (value *APLValueWarlockCurrentPetManaPercent) Type() proto.APLValueType
type APLValueWarlockPetIsActive ¶ added in v0.0.25
type APLValueWarlockPetIsActive struct { core.DefaultAPLValueImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*APLValueWarlockPetIsActive) GetBool ¶ added in v0.0.25
func (value *APLValueWarlockPetIsActive) GetBool(sim *core.Simulation) bool
func (*APLValueWarlockPetIsActive) String ¶ added in v0.0.25
func (value *APLValueWarlockPetIsActive) String() string
func (*APLValueWarlockPetIsActive) Type ¶ added in v0.0.25
func (value *APLValueWarlockPetIsActive) Type() proto.APLValueType
type APLValueWarlockShouldRecastDrainSoul ¶
type APLValueWarlockShouldRecastDrainSoul struct { core.DefaultAPLValueImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*APLValueWarlockShouldRecastDrainSoul) GetBool ¶
func (value *APLValueWarlockShouldRecastDrainSoul) GetBool(sim *core.Simulation) bool
func (*APLValueWarlockShouldRecastDrainSoul) String ¶
func (value *APLValueWarlockShouldRecastDrainSoul) String() string
func (*APLValueWarlockShouldRecastDrainSoul) Type ¶
func (value *APLValueWarlockShouldRecastDrainSoul) Type() proto.APLValueType
type APLValueWarlockShouldRefreshCorruption ¶
type APLValueWarlockShouldRefreshCorruption struct { core.DefaultAPLValueImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*APLValueWarlockShouldRefreshCorruption) GetBool ¶
func (value *APLValueWarlockShouldRefreshCorruption) GetBool(sim *core.Simulation) bool
func (*APLValueWarlockShouldRefreshCorruption) String ¶
func (value *APLValueWarlockShouldRefreshCorruption) String() string
func (*APLValueWarlockShouldRefreshCorruption) Type ¶
func (value *APLValueWarlockShouldRefreshCorruption) Type() proto.APLValueType
type OnPetDisable ¶ added in v0.0.34
type OnPetDisable func(sim *core.Simulation, isSacrifice bool)
type Warlock ¶
type Warlock struct { core.Character Talents *proto.WarlockTalents Options *proto.WarlockOptions BasePets []*WarlockPet Felhunter *WarlockPet Felguard *WarlockPet Imp *WarlockPet Succubus *WarlockPet Voidwalker *WarlockPet ActivePet *WarlockPet // The Warlock's current pet SacrificedPet *WarlockPet // Stored reference to the Warlock's most recently-sacrified pet ChaosBolt *core.Spell Conflagrate []*core.Spell Corruption []*core.Spell DarkPact *core.Spell DrainSoul []*core.Spell Haunt *core.Spell Immolate []*core.Spell Incinerate *core.Spell LifeTap []*core.Spell SearingPain []*core.Spell ShadowBolt []*core.Spell ShadowCleave []*core.Spell Shadowburn []*core.Spell SoulFire []*core.Spell DemonicGrace *core.Spell DrainLife []*core.Spell RainOfFire []*core.Spell SiphonLife []*core.Spell DeathCoil []*core.Spell Shadowflame *core.Spell UnstableAffliction *core.Spell ActiveCurseAura core.AuraArray CurseOfElements *core.Spell CurseOfElementsAuras core.AuraArray CurseOfShadow *core.Spell CurseOfShadowAuras core.AuraArray CurseOfRecklessness *core.Spell CurseOfRecklessnessAuras core.AuraArray CurseOfWeakness *core.Spell CurseOfWeaknessAuras core.AuraArray CurseOfTongues *core.Spell CurseOfTonguesAuras core.AuraArray CurseOfAgony []*core.Spell CurseOfDoom *core.Spell AmplifyCurse *core.Spell // Track all DoT spells for effecrs that add multipliers based on active effects DoTSpells []*core.Spell DebuffSpells []*core.Spell SummonDemonSpells []*core.Spell DemonicKnowledgeAura *core.Aura HauntDebuffAuras core.AuraArray ImmolationAura *core.Spell IncinerateAura *core.Aura Metamorphosis *core.Spell MetamorphosisAura *core.Aura ShadowTranceAura *core.Aura PyroclasmAura *core.Aura DemonicGraceAura *core.Aura AmplifyCurseAura *core.Aura BackdraftAura *core.Aura ImprovedShadowBoltAuras core.AuraArray MarkOfChaosAuras core.AuraArray SoulLinkAura *core.Aura DecimationAura *core.Aura MasterDemonologistAura *core.Aura // The sum total of demonic pact spell power * seconds. DPSPAggregate float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewWarlock ¶
func (*Warlock) AddRaidBuffs ¶
func (*Warlock) ApplyRunes ¶
func (warlock *Warlock) ApplyRunes()
func (*Warlock) ApplyTalents ¶
func (warlock *Warlock) ApplyTalents()
func (*Warlock) GetCharacter ¶
func (*Warlock) GetWarlock ¶
func (*Warlock) Initialize ¶
func (warlock *Warlock) Initialize()
func (*Warlock) InvocationRefresh ¶
func (warlock *Warlock) InvocationRefresh(sim *core.Simulation, dot *core.Dot)
func (*Warlock) NewAPLValue ¶
func (*Warlock) OnGCDReady ¶
func (warlock *Warlock) OnGCDReady(_ *core.Simulation)
func (*Warlock) Reset ¶
func (warlock *Warlock) Reset(sim *core.Simulation)
type WarlockAgent ¶
type WarlockAgent interface {
GetWarlock() *Warlock
Agent is a generic way to access underlying warlock on any of the agents.
type WarlockPet ¶
type WarlockPet struct { core.Pet OnPetDisable OnPetDisable SoulLinkAura *core.Aura DemonicEmpowermentAura *core.Aura DanceOfTheWickedManaMetrics *core.ResourceMetrics LifeTapManaMetrics *core.ResourceMetrics T1Tank4PManaMetrics *core.ResourceMetrics // // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WarlockPet) ApplyOnPetDisable ¶ added in v0.0.34
func (wp *WarlockPet) ApplyOnPetDisable(newOnPetDisable OnPetDisable)
func (*WarlockPet) Disable ¶ added in v0.0.34
func (wp *WarlockPet) Disable(sim *core.Simulation, isSacrifice bool)
func (*WarlockPet) ExecuteCustomRotation ¶
func (wp *WarlockPet) ExecuteCustomRotation(sim *core.Simulation)
func (*WarlockPet) GetPet ¶
func (wp *WarlockPet) GetPet() *core.Pet
func (*WarlockPet) Initialize ¶
func (wp *WarlockPet) Initialize()
func (*WarlockPet) Reset ¶
func (wp *WarlockPet) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
Source Files
- apl_values.go
- armors.go
- chaos_bolt.go
- conflagrate.go
- corruption.go
- curses.go
- dark_pact.go
- death_coil.go
- demonic_grace.go
- drain_life.go
- drain_soul.go
- fel_domination.go
- felguard.go
- felhunter.go
- haunt.go
- immolate.go
- immolation_aura.go
- imp.go
- incinerate.go
- infernal_armor.go
- item_sets_pve.go
- item_sets_pvp.go
- items.go
- lifetap.go
- metamorphosis.go
- pet.go
- rain_of_fire.go
- runes.go
- searing_pain.go
- shadow_cleave.go
- shadowbolt.go
- shadowburn.go
- shadowflame.go
- siphon_life.go
- soul_fire.go
- succubus.go
- summon_demon.go
- talents.go
- unstable_affliction.go
- voidwalker.go
- warlock.go
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