Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CopySpellMultipliers(sourceSpell *core.Spell, targetSpell *core.Spell, target *core.Unit)
- type BloodwormPet
- type DeathKnight
- func (dk *DeathKnight) AddPartyBuffs(partyBuffs *proto.PartyBuffs)
- func (dk *DeathKnight) AddRaidBuffs(raidBuffs *proto.RaidBuffs)
- func (dk *DeathKnight) ApplyBloodTalents()
- func (dk *DeathKnight) ApplyFrostTalents()
- func (dk *DeathKnight) ApplyGlyphs()
- func (dk *DeathKnight) ApplyTalents()
- func (dk *DeathKnight) ApplyUnholyTalents()
- func (dk *DeathKnight) DiseasesAreActive(target *core.Unit) bool
- func (dk *DeathKnight) GetCharacter() *core.Character
- func (dk *DeathKnight) GetDeathKnight() *DeathKnight
- func (dk *DeathKnight) GetDiseaseMulti(target *core.Unit, base float64, increase float64) float64
- func (dk *DeathKnight) HasMajorGlyph(glyph proto.DeathKnightMajorGlyph) bool
- func (dk *DeathKnight) HasMinorGlyph(glyph proto.DeathKnightMinorGlyph) bool
- func (dk *DeathKnight) HasPrimeGlyph(glyph proto.DeathKnightPrimeGlyph) bool
- func (dk *DeathKnight) Initialize()
- func (dk *DeathKnight) NewArmyGhoulPet(_ int) *GhoulPet
- func (dk *DeathKnight) NewBloodwormPet(_ int) *BloodwormPet
- func (dk *DeathKnight) NewGargoyle() *GargoylePet
- func (dk *DeathKnight) NewGhoulPet(permanent bool) *GhoulPet
- func (dk *DeathKnight) NewRuneWeapon() *RuneWeaponPet
- func (dk *DeathKnight) Reset(sim *core.Simulation)
- func (dk *DeathKnight) SetupGhoul(ghoulPet *GhoulPet, apScaling float64)
- func (dk *DeathKnight) ThreatOfThassarianProc(sim *core.Simulation, result *core.SpellResult, ohSpell *core.Spell)
- type DeathKnightAgent
- type DeathKnightInputs
- type GargoylePet
- type GhoulPet
- type RuneWeaponPet
- func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) AddCopySpell(actionId core.ActionID, spell *core.Spell)
- func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) DiseasesAreActive(target *core.Unit) bool
- func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) ExecuteCustomRotation(_ *core.Simulation)
- func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) GetDiseaseMulti(target *core.Unit, base float64, increase float64) float64
- func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) GetPet() *core.Pet
- func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) Initialize()
- func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
Constants ¶
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const ( HitCapRatio = 17.0 / 8.0 // 2.125 ExpertiseCapRatio = 6.5 / 8.0 // 0.8125 PetExpertiseRatingScale = ExpertiseCapRatio * (4 * core.ExpertisePerQuarterPercentReduction) )
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const ( DDBC_MercilessCombat int = 0 DDBC_EbonPlaguebringer = iota DDBC_RuneOfRazorice DDBC_Total )
Damage Done By Caster setup
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const ( DeathKnightSpellFlagNone int64 = 0 DeathKnightSpellIcyTouch int64 = 1 << iota DeathKnightSpellDeathCoil DeathKnightSpellDeathAndDecay DeathKnightSpellOutbreak DeathKnightSpellEmpowerRuneWeapon DeathKnightSpellUnholyFrenzy DeathKnightSpellDarkTransformation DeathKnightSpellSummonGargoyle DeathKnightSpellArmyOfTheDead DeathKnightSpellRaiseDead DeathKnightSpellBloodTap DeathKnightSpellObliterate DeathKnightSpellFrostStrike DeathKnightSpellRuneStrike DeathKnightSpellPlagueStrike DeathKnightSpellFesteringStrike DeathKnightSpellScourgeStrike DeathKnightSpellScourgeStrikeShadow DeathKnightSpellHeartStrike DeathKnightSpellDeathStrike DeathKnightSpellDeathStrikeHeal DeathKnightSpellFrostFever DeathKnightSpellBloodPlague DeathKnightSpellHowlingBlast DeathKnightSpellHornOfWinter DeathKnightSpellPillarOfFrost DeathKnightSpellPestilence DeathKnightSpellBloodBoil DeathKnightSpellRuneTap DeathKnightSpellVampiricBlood DeathKnightSpellIceboundFortitude DeathKnightSpellBoneShield DeathKnightSpellDancingRuneWeapon DeathKnightSpellDeathPact DeathKnightSpellKillingMachine // Used to react to km procs DeathKnightSpellConvertToDeathRune // Used to react to death rune gains DeathKnightSpellLast DeathKnightSpellsAll = DeathKnightSpellLast<<1 - 1 DeathKnightSpellDisease = DeathKnightSpellFrostFever | DeathKnightSpellBloodPlague )
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const ( GhoulSpellNone int64 = 0 GhoulSpellClaw int64 = 1 << iota GhoulSpellLast GhoulSpellsAll = DeathKnightSpellLast<<1 - 1 )
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const DeathKnightChillOfTheGrave = DeathKnightSpellIcyTouch | DeathKnightSpellHowlingBlast | DeathKnightSpellObliterate
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const DeathKnightSpellMercilessCombat = DeathKnightSpellIcyTouch | DeathKnightSpellObliterate | DeathKnightSpellFrostStrike | DeathKnightSpellHowlingBlast
Variables ¶
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var BloodBoilActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 48721}
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var DeathCoilActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 47541}
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var DeathStrikeActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 49998}
TODO: Cleanup death strike the same way we did for plague strike
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var FesteringStrikeActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 85948}
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var HowlingBlastActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 49184}
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var IcyTouchActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 45477}
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var ItemSetElementiumDeathplateBattlearmor = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Elementium Deathplate Battlearmor", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { dk := agent.(DeathKnightAgent).GetDeathKnight() dk.BurningBloodSpell = dk.RegisterSpell(core.SpellConfig{ ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 98957}, SpellSchool: core.SpellSchoolFire, Flags: core.SpellFlagIgnoreModifiers | core.SpellFlagAPL | core.SpellFlagPassiveSpell, ProcMask: core.ProcMaskEmpty, DamageMultiplier: 1, CritMultiplier: dk.DefaultMeleeCritMultiplier(), ThreatMultiplier: 1, Dot: core.DotConfig{ Aura: core.Aura{ Label: "Burning Blood" + dk.Label, }, NumberOfTicks: 3, TickLength: time.Second * 2, OnSnapshot: func(sim *core.Simulation, target *core.Unit, dot *core.Dot, isRollover bool) { baseDamage := 800.0 if target.HasActiveAuraWithTag(core.SpellDamageEffectAuraTag) { baseDamage *= 1.08 } dot.Snapshot(target, baseDamage) }, OnTick: func(sim *core.Simulation, target *core.Unit, dot *core.Dot) { dot.CalcAndDealPeriodicSnapshotDamage(sim, target, dot.OutcomeSnapshotCrit) }, }, ApplyEffects: func(sim *core.Simulation, target *core.Unit, spell *core.Spell) { spell.Dot(target).Apply(sim) }, }) core.MakeProcTriggerAura(&dk.Unit, core.ProcTrigger{ Name: "Burning Blood Trigger", ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 98956}, ProcMask: core.ProcMaskMelee, Callback: core.CallbackOnSpellHitDealt, Outcome: core.OutcomeLanded, ProcChance: 1, Harmful: true, Handler: func(sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { dk.BurningBloodSpell.Cast(sim, result.Target) }, }) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { }, }, })
T12 - Tank
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var ItemSetElementiumDeathplateBattlegear = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Elementium Deathplate Battlegear", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { dk := agent.(DeathKnightAgent).GetDeathKnight() actionID := core.ActionID{SpellID: 98971} rpMetrics := dk.NewRunicPowerMetrics(actionID) var pa *core.PendingAction buff := dk.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Smoldering Rune", ActionID: actionID, Duration: time.Minute * 2, OnGain: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { pa = core.StartPeriodicAction(sim, core.PeriodicActionOptions{ Period: time.Second * 5, OnAction: func(sim *core.Simulation) { runicMulti := dk.GetRunicRegenMultiplier() dk.MultiplyRunicRegen(1 / runicMulti) dk.AddRunicPower(sim, 3, rpMetrics) dk.MultiplyRunicRegen(runicMulti) }, }) }, OnExpire: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { pa.Cancel(sim) }, }) core.MakeProcTriggerAura(&dk.Unit, core.ProcTrigger{ Name: "Smolering Rune Trigger", ActionID: actionID, ClassSpellMask: DeathKnightSpellHornOfWinter, Callback: core.CallbackOnCastComplete, Handler: func(sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { buff.Activate(sim) }, }) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { dk := agent.(DeathKnightAgent).GetDeathKnight() damage := 0.0 newFlamingTormentSpell := func(spellID int32) core.SpellConfig { actionID := core.ActionID{SpellID: spellID} return core.SpellConfig{ ActionID: actionID.WithTag(3), SpellSchool: core.SpellSchoolFire, ProcMask: core.ProcMaskEmpty, Flags: core.SpellFlagMeleeMetrics | core.SpellFlagNoOnCastComplete | core.SpellFlagNoOnDamageDealt | core.SpellFlagIgnoreModifiers | core.SpellFlagPassiveSpell, DamageMultiplier: 1, ThreatMultiplier: 1, ApplyEffects: func(sim *core.Simulation, target *core.Unit, spell *core.Spell) { spell.CalcAndDealDamage(sim, spell.Unit.CurrentTarget, damage, spell.OutcomeAlwaysHit) }, } } var flamingTormentSpellForObliterate = dk.RegisterSpell(newFlamingTormentSpell(49020)) var flamingTormentSpellForScourgeStrike = dk.RegisterSpell(newFlamingTormentSpell(55090)) core.MakeProcTriggerAura(&dk.Unit, core.ProcTrigger{ Name: "Flaming Torment Trigger", Callback: core.CallbackOnSpellHitDealt, ClassSpellMask: DeathKnightSpellObliterate | DeathKnightSpellScourgeStrike | DeathKnightSpellScourgeStrikeShadow, Outcome: core.OutcomeLanded, Handler: func(sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { damage = result.Damage * 0.06 if spell.ClassSpellMask == DeathKnightSpellObliterate { flamingTormentSpellForObliterate.Cast(sim, result.Target) } else { flamingTormentSpellForScourgeStrike.Cast(sim, result.Target) } }, }) }, }, })
T12 - DPS
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var ItemSetMagmaPlatedBattlearmor = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Magma Plated Battlearmor", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { agent.GetCharacter().AddStaticMod(core.SpellModConfig{ Kind: core.SpellMod_DamageDone_Flat, ClassMask: DeathKnightSpellDeathStrike, FloatValue: 0.05, }) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { }, }, })
T11 - Tank
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var ItemSetMagmaPlatedBattlegear = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Magma Plated Battlegear", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { agent.GetCharacter().AddStaticMod(core.SpellModConfig{ Kind: core.SpellMod_BonusCrit_Percent, ClassMask: DeathKnightSpellDeathCoil | DeathKnightSpellFrostStrike, FloatValue: 5, }) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { character := agent.GetCharacter() apDep := make([]*stats.StatDependency, 3) for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ { apDep[i-1] = character.NewDynamicMultiplyStat(stats.AttackPower, 1.0+float64(i)*0.01) } aura := character.GetOrRegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Death Eater", ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 90507}, Duration: time.Second * 30, MaxStacks: 3, OnStacksChange: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, oldStacks, newStacks int32) { if oldStacks > 0 { character.DisableDynamicStatDep(sim, apDep[oldStacks-1]) } if newStacks > 0 { character.EnableDynamicStatDep(sim, apDep[newStacks-1]) } }, }) core.MakeProcTriggerAura(&agent.GetCharacter().Unit, core.ProcTrigger{ Name: "Magma Plated Battlegear", Callback: core.CallbackOnCastComplete, ClassSpellMask: DeathKnightSpellConvertToDeathRune | DeathKnightSpellKillingMachine, ICD: time.Millisecond * 10, Handler: func(sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { aura.Activate(sim) aura.AddStack(sim) }, }) }, }, })
T11 - DPS
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var OutbreakActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 77575}
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var PestilenceActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 50842}
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var PlagueStrikeActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 45462}
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var RuneStrikeActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 56815}
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var RuneTapActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 48982}
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var TalentTreeSizes = [3]int{20, 20, 20}
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type BloodwormPet ¶
func (*BloodwormPet) ExecuteCustomRotation ¶
func (bloodworm *BloodwormPet) ExecuteCustomRotation(_ *core.Simulation)
func (*BloodwormPet) GetPet ¶
func (bloodworm *BloodwormPet) GetPet() *core.Pet
func (*BloodwormPet) Initialize ¶
func (bloodworm *BloodwormPet) Initialize()
func (*BloodwormPet) Reset ¶
func (bloodworm *BloodwormPet) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
type DeathKnight ¶
type DeathKnight struct { core.Character Talents *proto.DeathKnightTalents ClassSpellScaling float64 Inputs DeathKnightInputs // Pets Ghoul *GhoulPet Gargoyle *GargoylePet ArmyGhoul []*GhoulPet RuneWeapon *RuneWeaponPet Bloodworm []*BloodwormPet // Diseases FrostFeverSpell *core.Spell BloodPlagueSpell *core.Spell EbonPlagueAura core.AuraArray ScarletFeverAura core.AuraArray // T12 spell BurningBloodSpell *core.Spell }
func NewDeathKnight ¶
func NewDeathKnight(character *core.Character, inputs DeathKnightInputs, talents string, deathRuneConvertSpellId int32) *DeathKnight
func (*DeathKnight) AddPartyBuffs ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) AddPartyBuffs(partyBuffs *proto.PartyBuffs)
func (*DeathKnight) AddRaidBuffs ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) AddRaidBuffs(raidBuffs *proto.RaidBuffs)
func (*DeathKnight) ApplyBloodTalents ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) ApplyBloodTalents()
func (*DeathKnight) ApplyFrostTalents ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) ApplyFrostTalents()
func (*DeathKnight) ApplyGlyphs ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) ApplyGlyphs()
func (*DeathKnight) ApplyTalents ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) ApplyTalents()
func (*DeathKnight) ApplyUnholyTalents ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) ApplyUnholyTalents()
func (*DeathKnight) DiseasesAreActive ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) DiseasesAreActive(target *core.Unit) bool
func (*DeathKnight) GetCharacter ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) GetCharacter() *core.Character
func (*DeathKnight) GetDeathKnight ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) GetDeathKnight() *DeathKnight
func (*DeathKnight) GetDiseaseMulti ¶
func (*DeathKnight) HasMajorGlyph ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) HasMajorGlyph(glyph proto.DeathKnightMajorGlyph) bool
func (*DeathKnight) HasMinorGlyph ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) HasMinorGlyph(glyph proto.DeathKnightMinorGlyph) bool
func (*DeathKnight) HasPrimeGlyph ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) HasPrimeGlyph(glyph proto.DeathKnightPrimeGlyph) bool
func (*DeathKnight) Initialize ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) Initialize()
func (*DeathKnight) NewArmyGhoulPet ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) NewArmyGhoulPet(_ int) *GhoulPet
func (*DeathKnight) NewBloodwormPet ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) NewBloodwormPet(_ int) *BloodwormPet
func (*DeathKnight) NewGargoyle ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) NewGargoyle() *GargoylePet
func (*DeathKnight) NewGhoulPet ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) NewGhoulPet(permanent bool) *GhoulPet
func (*DeathKnight) NewRuneWeapon ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) NewRuneWeapon() *RuneWeaponPet
func (*DeathKnight) Reset ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) Reset(sim *core.Simulation)
func (*DeathKnight) SetupGhoul ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) SetupGhoul(ghoulPet *GhoulPet, apScaling float64)
func (*DeathKnight) ThreatOfThassarianProc ¶
func (dk *DeathKnight) ThreatOfThassarianProc(sim *core.Simulation, result *core.SpellResult, ohSpell *core.Spell)
type DeathKnightAgent ¶
type DeathKnightAgent interface {
GetDeathKnight() *DeathKnight
type DeathKnightInputs ¶
type GargoylePet ¶
type GargoylePet struct { core.Pet GargoyleStrike *core.Spell // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GargoylePet) ExecuteCustomRotation ¶
func (garg *GargoylePet) ExecuteCustomRotation(sim *core.Simulation)
func (*GargoylePet) GetPet ¶
func (garg *GargoylePet) GetPet() *core.Pet
func (*GargoylePet) Initialize ¶
func (garg *GargoylePet) Initialize()
func (*GargoylePet) Reset ¶
func (garg *GargoylePet) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
type GhoulPet ¶
type GhoulPet struct { core.Pet DarkTransformationAura *core.Aura Claw *core.Spell // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GhoulPet) ExecuteCustomRotation ¶
func (ghoulPet *GhoulPet) ExecuteCustomRotation(sim *core.Simulation)
func (*GhoulPet) Initialize ¶
func (ghoulPet *GhoulPet) Initialize()
func (*GhoulPet) Reset ¶
func (ghoulPet *GhoulPet) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
type RuneWeaponPet ¶
type RuneWeaponPet struct { core.Pet // Diseases FrostFeverSpell *core.Spell BloodPlagueSpell *core.Spell // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RuneWeaponPet) AddCopySpell ¶
func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) AddCopySpell(actionId core.ActionID, spell *core.Spell)
func (*RuneWeaponPet) DiseasesAreActive ¶
func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) DiseasesAreActive(target *core.Unit) bool
func (*RuneWeaponPet) ExecuteCustomRotation ¶
func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) ExecuteCustomRotation(_ *core.Simulation)
func (*RuneWeaponPet) GetDiseaseMulti ¶
func (*RuneWeaponPet) GetPet ¶
func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) GetPet() *core.Pet
func (*RuneWeaponPet) Initialize ¶
func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) Initialize()
func (*RuneWeaponPet) Reset ¶
func (runeWeapon *RuneWeaponPet) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
Source Files
- anti_magic_shell.go
- army_of_the_dead.go
- blood_boil.go
- blood_tap.go
- bloodworm_pet.go
- bone_shield.go
- dancing_rune_weapon.go
- death_and_decay.go
- death_coil.go
- death_knight.go
- death_pact.go
- death_strike.go
- diseases.go
- empower_rune_weapon.go
- festering_strike.go
- ghoul_pet.go
- glyphs.go
- horn_of_winter.go
- howling_blast.go
- icebound_fortitude.go
- icy_touch.go
- items.go
- obliterate.go
- pestilence.go
- pillar_of_frost.go
- plague_strike.go
- presences.go
- raise_dead.go
- rune_strike.go
- rune_tap.go
- runeforging.go
- summon_gargoyle.go
- talents_blood.go
- talents_frost.go
- talents_unholy.go
- unholy_frenzy.go
- vampiric_blood.go
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