Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type Hunter
- func (hunter *Hunter) AddPartyBuffs(_ *proto.PartyBuffs)
- func (hunter *Hunter) AddRaidBuffs(raidBuffs *proto.RaidBuffs)
- func (hunter *Hunter) AddStatDependencies()
- func (hunter *Hunter) ApplyBMTalents()
- func (hunter *Hunter) ApplyGlyphs()
- func (hunter *Hunter) ApplyMMTalents()
- func (hunter *Hunter) ApplySurvivalTalents()
- func (hunter *Hunter) ApplyTalents()
- func (hunter *Hunter) CritMultiplier(isRanged bool, isMFDSpell bool, doubleDipMS bool) float64
- func (hunter *Hunter) GetCharacter() *core.Character
- func (hunter *Hunter) GetHunter() *Hunter
- func (hunter *Hunter) HasMajorGlyph(glyph proto.HunterMajorGlyph) bool
- func (hunter *Hunter) HasMinorGlyph(glyph proto.HunterMinorGlyph) bool
- func (hunter *Hunter) HasPrimeGlyph(glyph proto.HunterPrimeGlyph) bool
- func (hunter *Hunter) Initialize()
- func (hunter *Hunter) NewHunterPet() *HunterPet
- func (hunter *Hunter) RegisterSpells()
- func (hunter *Hunter) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
- func (hunter *Hunter) TryRaptorStrike(_ *core.Simulation, mhSwingSpell *core.Spell) *core.Spell
- type HunterAgent
- type HunterPet
- func (hp *HunterPet) ApplyTalents()
- func (hp *HunterPet) ExecuteCustomRotation(sim *core.Simulation)
- func (hp *HunterPet) GetPet() *core.Pet
- func (hp *HunterPet) Initialize()
- func (hp *HunterPet) NewPetAbility(abilityType PetAbilityType, isPrimary bool) *core.Spell
- func (hp *HunterPet) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
- func (hp *HunterPet) Talents() *proto.HunterPetTalents
- type PetAbilityType
- type PetConfig
- type PetDebuffSpellConfig
- type PetSpecialAbilityConfig
Constants ¶
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const ( HunterSpellFlagsNone int64 = 0 SpellMaskSpellRanged int64 = 1 << iota HunterSpellAutoShot HunterSpellSteadyShot HunterSpellCobraShot HunterSpellArcaneShot HunterSpellKillCommand HunterSpellChimeraShot HunterSpellExplosiveShot HunterSpellExplosiveTrap HunterSpellBlackArrow HunterSpellMultiShot HunterSpellAimedShot HunterSpellSerpentSting HunterSpellKillShot HunterSpellRapidFire HunterSpellBestialWrath HunterPetFocusDump HunterSpellsAll = HunterSpellSteadyShot | HunterSpellCobraShot | HunterSpellArcaneShot | HunterSpellKillCommand | HunterSpellChimeraShot | HunterSpellExplosiveShot | HunterSpellExplosiveTrap | HunterSpellBlackArrow | HunterSpellMultiShot | HunterSpellAimedShot | HunterSpellSerpentSting | HunterSpellKillShot | HunterSpellRapidFire | HunterSpellBestialWrath )
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const BiteSpellID = 17253
These IDs are needed for certain talents.
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const ClawSpellID = 16827
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const PetExpertiseRatingScale = 3.25 * core.PhysicalHitRatingPerHitPercent
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const PetGCD = time.Millisecond * 1200
Pet AI doesn't use abilities immediately, so model this with a 1.2s GCD.
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const SmackSpellID = 49966
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const ThoridalTheStarsFuryItemID = 34334
Variables ¶
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var ItemSetAhnKaharBloodHuntersBattlegear = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Battlegear", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { hunter := agent.(HunterAgent).GetHunter() const procChance = 0.05 actionID := core.ActionID{SpellID: 70727} procAura := hunter.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "AhnKahar 2pc Proc", ActionID: actionID, Duration: time.Second * 10, OnGain: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Unit.PseudoStats.DamageDealtMultiplier *= 1.15 }, OnExpire: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Unit.PseudoStats.DamageDealtMultiplier /= 1.15 }, }) hunter.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "AhnKahar 2pc", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell == hunter.AutoAttacks.RangedAuto() && sim.RandomFloat("AhnKahar 2pc") < procChance { procAura.Activate(sim) } }, }) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { hunter := agent.(HunterAgent).GetHunter() const procChance = 0.05 actionID := core.ActionID{SpellID: 70730} var curBonus stats.Stats procAura := hunter.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "AhnKahar 4pc Proc", ActionID: actionID, Duration: time.Second * 10, OnGain: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { curBonus = stats.Stats{ stats.AttackPower: aura.Unit.GetStat(stats.AttackPower) * 0.1, stats.RangedAttackPower: aura.Unit.GetStat(stats.RangedAttackPower) * 0.1, } aura.Unit.AddStatsDynamic(sim, curBonus) }, OnExpire: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Unit.AddStatsDynamic(sim, curBonus.Invert()) }, }) hunter.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "AhnKahar 4pc", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnPeriodicDamageDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell == hunter.SerpentSting && sim.RandomFloat("AhnKahar 4pc") < procChance { procAura.Activate(sim) } }, }) }, }, })
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var ItemSetFlameWakersBattleGear = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Flamewaker's Battlegear", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { hunter := agent.(HunterAgent).GetHunter() var flamingArrowSpell = hunter.RegisterSpell(core.SpellConfig{ ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 99058}, SpellSchool: core.SpellSchoolFire, ProcMask: core.ProcMaskEmpty, Flags: core.SpellFlagNoOnCastComplete, DamageMultiplier: 0.8, CritMultiplier: hunter.CritMultiplier(false, false, false), ThreatMultiplier: 1, BonusCoefficient: 1, ApplyEffects: func(sim *core.Simulation, target *core.Unit, spell *core.Spell) { baseDamage := spell.Unit.RangedWeaponDamage(sim, spell.RangedAttackPower(target)) spell.CalcAndDealDamage(sim, target, baseDamage, spell.OutcomeRangedHitAndCrit) }, }) hunter.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "T12 2-set", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell != hunter.SteadyShot && spell != hunter.CobraShot { return } procChance := 0.1 if sim.RandomFloat("Flaming Arrow") < procChance { flamingArrowSpell.Cast(sim, result.Target) } }, }) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { hunter := agent.(HunterAgent).GetHunter() var baMod = hunter.AddDynamicMod(core.SpellModConfig{ Kind: core.SpellMod_PowerCost_Pct, ClassMask: HunterSpellsAll, FloatValue: -1, }) var burningAdrenaline = hunter.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Burning Adrenaline", Duration: time.Second * 15, ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 99060}, OnGain: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { baMod.Activate() }, OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell.ClassSpellMask&HunterSpellsAll != spell.ClassSpellMask { return } baMod.Deactivate() aura.Deactivate(sim) }, OnExpire: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { baMod.Deactivate() }, }) hunter.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "T12 4-set", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell != hunter.AutoAttacks.RangedAuto() { return } procChance := 0.1 if sim.RandomFloat("Burning Adrenaline") < procChance { burningAdrenaline.Activate(sim) } }, }) }, }, })
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var ItemSetGladiatorsPursuit = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ ID: 920, Name: "Gladiator's Pursuit", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { hunter := agent.(HunterAgent).GetHunter() hunter.AddStats(stats.Stats{ stats.Agility: 70, }) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { hunter := agent.(HunterAgent).GetHunter() hunter.AddStats(stats.Stats{ stats.Agility: 90, }) }, }, })
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var ItemSetLightningChargedBattleGear = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Lightning-Charged Battlegear", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { agent.GetCharacter().AddStaticMod(core.SpellModConfig{ Kind: core.SpellMod_BonusCrit_Percent, ClassMask: HunterSpellSerpentSting, FloatValue: 5, }) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { }, }, })
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var ItemSetWyrmstalkerBattleGear = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Wyrmstalker Battlegear", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { hunter := agent.(HunterAgent).GetHunter() var chronoHunter = hunter.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Chronohunter", Duration: time.Second * 15, ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 105919}, Icd: &core.Cooldown{ Duration: time.Second * 113, Timer: hunter.NewTimer(), }, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnGain: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Unit.MultiplyRangedSpeed(sim, 1.3) }, OnExpire: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Unit.MultiplyRangedSpeed(sim, 1/1.3) }, }) hunter.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "T13 4-set", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell != hunter.ArcaneShot { return } procChance := 0.4 if sim.RandomFloat("Chronohunter") < procChance { chronoHunter.Activate(sim) } }, }) }, }, })
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var PetConfigs = map[proto.HunterOptions_PetType]PetConfig{ proto.HunterOptions_Bat: { Name: "Bat", FocusDump: Claw, }, proto.HunterOptions_Bear: { Name: "Bear", FocusDump: Claw, SpecialAbility: DemoralizingScreech, }, proto.HunterOptions_BirdOfPrey: { Name: "Bird of Prey", FocusDump: Claw, SpecialAbility: DemoralizingScreech, }, proto.HunterOptions_Boar: { Name: "Boar", FocusDump: Bite, SpecialAbility: Stampede, }, proto.HunterOptions_CarrionBird: { Name: "Carrion Bird", FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_Cat: { Name: "Cat", FocusDump: Claw, }, proto.HunterOptions_Chimaera: { Name: "Chimaera", FocusDump: Bite, ExoticAbility: FrostStormBreath, }, proto.HunterOptions_CoreHound: { Name: "Core Hound", FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_Crab: { Name: "Crab", FocusDump: Claw, }, proto.HunterOptions_Crocolisk: { Name: "Crocolisk", FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_Devilsaur: { Name: "Devilsaur", FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_Fox: { Name: "Fox", FocusDump: Claw, }, proto.HunterOptions_ShaleSpider: { Name: "Shale Spider", FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_Dragonhawk: { Name: "Dragonhawk", FocusDump: Bite, SpecialAbility: FireBreath, }, proto.HunterOptions_Gorilla: { Name: "Gorilla", FocusDump: Smack, }, proto.HunterOptions_Hyena: { Name: "Hyena", SpecialAbility: Stampede, FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_Moth: { Name: "Moth", FocusDump: Smack, }, proto.HunterOptions_NetherRay: { Name: "Nether Ray", FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_Raptor: { Name: "Raptor", FocusDump: Claw, SpecialAbility: CorrosiveSpit, }, proto.HunterOptions_Ravager: { Name: "Ravager", FocusDump: Bite, SpecialAbility: AcidSpit, }, proto.HunterOptions_Rhino: { Name: "Rhino", FocusDump: Bite, SpecialAbility: Stampede, }, proto.HunterOptions_Scorpid: { Name: "Scorpid", FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_Serpent: { Name: "Serpent", FocusDump: Bite, SpecialAbility: CorrosiveSpit, }, proto.HunterOptions_Silithid: { Name: "Silithid", FocusDump: Claw, }, proto.HunterOptions_Spider: { Name: "Spider", FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_SpiritBeast: { Name: "Spirit Beast", FocusDump: Claw, }, proto.HunterOptions_SporeBat: { Name: "Spore Bat", FocusDump: Smack, }, proto.HunterOptions_Tallstrider: { Name: "Tallstrider", FocusDump: Claw, }, proto.HunterOptions_Turtle: { Name: "Turtle", FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_WarpStalker: { Name: "Warp Stalker", FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_Wasp: { Name: "Wasp", FocusDump: Smack, }, proto.HunterOptions_WindSerpent: { Name: "Wind Serpent", FocusDump: Bite, SpecialAbility: FireBreath, }, proto.HunterOptions_Wolf: { Name: "Wolf", FocusDump: Bite, }, proto.HunterOptions_Worm: { Name: "Worm", FocusDump: Bite, SpecialAbility: AcidSpit, }, }
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var TalentTreeSizes = [3]int{19, 19, 20}
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Hunter ¶
type Hunter struct { core.Character ClassSpellScaling float64 Talents *proto.HunterTalents Options *proto.HunterOptions BeastMasteryOptions *proto.BeastMasteryHunter_Options MarksmanshipOptions *proto.MarksmanshipHunter_Options SurvivalOptions *proto.SurvivalHunter_Options Pet *HunterPet AspectOfTheHawk *core.Spell AspectOfTheFox *core.Spell FireTrapTimer *core.Timer // Hunter spells KillCommand *core.Spell ArcaneShot *core.Spell ExplosiveTrap *core.Spell KillShot *core.Spell RapidFire *core.Spell MultiShot *core.Spell RaptorStrike *core.Spell SerpentSting *core.Spell SteadyShot *core.Spell ScorpidSting *core.Spell SilencingShot *core.Spell TrapLauncher *core.Spell // MM only spells AimedShot *core.Spell ChimeraShot *core.Spell // Survival only spells ExplosiveShot *core.Spell BlackArrow *core.Spell CobraShot *core.Spell // Fake spells to encapsulate weaving logic. TrapWeaveSpell *core.Spell ImprovedSerpentSting *core.Spell AspectOfTheHawkAura *core.Aura AspectOfTheFoxAura *core.Aura ImprovedSteadyShotAura *core.Aura ImprovedSteadyShotAuraCounter *core.Aura LockAndLoadAura *core.Aura RapidFireAura *core.Aura ScorpidStingAuras core.AuraArray KillingStreakCounterAura *core.Aura KillingStreakAura *core.Aura MasterMarksmanAura *core.Aura MasterMarksmanCounterAura *core.Aura TrapLauncherAura *core.Aura // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Hunter) AddPartyBuffs ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) AddPartyBuffs(_ *proto.PartyBuffs)
func (*Hunter) AddRaidBuffs ¶
func (*Hunter) AddStatDependencies ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) AddStatDependencies()
func (*Hunter) ApplyBMTalents ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) ApplyBMTalents()
func (*Hunter) ApplyGlyphs ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) ApplyGlyphs()
func (*Hunter) ApplyMMTalents ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) ApplyMMTalents()
func (*Hunter) ApplySurvivalTalents ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) ApplySurvivalTalents()
func (*Hunter) ApplyTalents ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) ApplyTalents()
func (*Hunter) CritMultiplier ¶
func (*Hunter) GetCharacter ¶
func (*Hunter) HasMajorGlyph ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) HasMajorGlyph(glyph proto.HunterMajorGlyph) bool
func (*Hunter) HasMinorGlyph ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) HasMinorGlyph(glyph proto.HunterMinorGlyph) bool
func (*Hunter) HasPrimeGlyph ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) HasPrimeGlyph(glyph proto.HunterPrimeGlyph) bool
func (*Hunter) Initialize ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) Initialize()
func (*Hunter) NewHunterPet ¶
func (*Hunter) RegisterSpells ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) RegisterSpells()
func (*Hunter) Reset ¶
func (hunter *Hunter) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
func (*Hunter) TryRaptorStrike ¶
Returns true if the regular melee swing should be used, false otherwise.
type HunterAgent ¶
type HunterAgent interface {
GetHunter() *Hunter
Agent is a generic way to access underlying hunter on any of the agents.
type HunterPet ¶
type HunterPet struct { core.Pet CobraStrikesAura *core.Aura KillCommandAura *core.Aura FrenzyStacksSnapshot float64 FrenzyAura *core.Aura // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HunterPet) ApplyTalents ¶
func (hp *HunterPet) ApplyTalents()
func (*HunterPet) ExecuteCustomRotation ¶
func (hp *HunterPet) ExecuteCustomRotation(sim *core.Simulation)
func (*HunterPet) Initialize ¶
func (hp *HunterPet) Initialize()
func (*HunterPet) NewPetAbility ¶
func (hp *HunterPet) NewPetAbility(abilityType PetAbilityType, isPrimary bool) *core.Spell
func (*HunterPet) Reset ¶
func (hp *HunterPet) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
func (*HunterPet) Talents ¶
func (hp *HunterPet) Talents() *proto.HunterPetTalents
type PetAbilityType ¶
type PetAbilityType int
const ( Unknown PetAbilityType = iota AcidSpit Bite Claw DemoralizingScreech FireBreath Smack Stampede CorrosiveSpit TailSpin FrostStormBreath )
type PetConfig ¶
type PetConfig struct { Name string SpecialAbility PetAbilityType FocusDump PetAbilityType ExoticAbility PetAbilityType // Randomly select between abilities instead of using a prio. RandomSelection bool }
type PetDebuffSpellConfig ¶
type PetSpecialAbilityConfig ¶
type PetSpecialAbilityConfig struct { Type PetAbilityType SpellID int32 School core.SpellSchool GCD time.Duration CD time.Duration OnSpellHitDealt func(*core.Simulation, *core.Spell, *core.SpellResult) }
Source Files
- arcane_shot.go
- aspects.go
- bm_talents.go
- cata_items.go
- cobra_shot.go
- explosive_trap.go
- glyphs.go
- hunter.go
- hunters_mark.go
- kill_command.go
- kill_shot.go
- mm_talents.go
- multi_shot.go
- pet.go
- pet_abilities.go
- pet_talents.go
- rapid_fire.go
- raptor_strike.go
- serpent_sting.go
- silencing_shot.go
- steady_shot.go
- survival_talents.go
- talents.go
- trap_launcher.go
- wotlk_items.go
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