save bookmark: pressed m + key1,key2,key3 and then release the m
load bookmark: pressed n + key1,key2,key3 and then release the n
pressed m (keeping) and then put down and up 1,2,3 save the bookmark named "123"
pressed n (keeping) and then put down and up 1,2,3 load the bookmark named "123"
2024/06/07(#2) [version: v0.0.6]
add mouse wheel support
2024/06/07(#1) [version: v0.0.5]
add hotkey for switch global hotkey hooker
ctrl/command+1,2,3 to switch
(hold ctrl/command;press(not hold) 1,2,3;release ctrl/command)
2024/06/06(#3) [version: v0.0.4]
add goreader version in help infomation
update go version to 1.20
2024/06/06(#2) [version: v0.0.3]
fix: use -g model when exit goreader left the hotkey which you have pressed in terminal
add Hot key hooker when the terminal is not in focus
Add -nb (not blank line mode)
Use the golang flag package instead os.Args
change Hot key for Next/Previous Chapter
Automatically save/restore the last read place of each book
just save chapter and page scroll_Y
the mark is named .{BookTitle}.mark, in the same path with the book.
add -d param for print debug log into file(same path with the book)
Terminal epub reader
Goreader is a minimal ereader application that runs in the terminal. Images are displayed as ASCII art. Commands are based on less.
go install[v0.0.1]
goreader [-h] [-d] [-g] [-nb] [epub_file]
# help print
goreader -h
# print debug info to log file, same path of the book
goreader -d [epub_file]
# none blank line mode
goreader -nb [epub_file]
# hook hotkey can without focus
goreader -g [epub_file]