Kubernetes CSI for Dropbox 
Kubernetes Dropbox-CSI plugin is developed to manage dropbox on kubernetes.
How to use
Create Secret
To connect your dropbox as persistent volume, you need to generate your dropbox access token.
- visit link: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps
- Create an app with
Full Dropbox
access type
- Generate Access Token
- Run command:
kubectl create secret generic dropbox-csi --from-literal=token={YOUR_TOKEN_HERE}
Deploy Dropbox-CSI Plugin
Deploy Dropbox-CSI plugin using Kubectl command.
kubectl create -f ./deploy/k8s-1.17/rbac.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/k8s-1.17/csi-dropbox-plugin.yaml
kubectl create -f ./deploy/k8s-1.17/csi-dropbox-attacher.yaml
For now, you can make persistent volume with dropbox.csi.k8s.io
kubectl create -f deploy/pod.yaml
Please submit an issue at Issues.
You can use both english and korean. If you have other questions please contact: Woohyung Han (woohhan@gmail.com)