tweetArchive: Simple tool for archiving tweets in a Couchbase store
Downloads the full timelime of tweets offered by the twitter API for a user
Subsequent loads only download the newest tweets not present in the store
Supports loading tweets for a single user, as well as a batch mode for loading multiple users
Ability to dump the stored tweets for a user to stdout
I wanted an analysis of the tweets of the 2016 Presidential candidates, but was unable to find a simple archive of historical tweets that have since been dropped off the twitter API. I decided to start capturing them for current+future analysis.
Current usage
I'm currently running the batch mode as a periodic(every 30 mins) cron job on a VPS, grabbing the latest tweets for the Presidential candidates
Latest version
Currently in alpha/development.
A Couchbase installation (hint: the Docker-based install works pretty great for dev purposes)
Go installed on your system (godep strongly recommended)
Twitter account with your API keys and secrets
Getting started
Optional: Create a new Couchbase bucket to hold your tweets
Clone or download the repo
Copy the supplied tweetArchive.yml.sample to $HOME/.tweetArchive.yml
Edit the couchbase and twitter sections $HOME/tweetArchive.yml to reflect your environment
Configuration can also be supplied as env variables (e.g. COUCHBASE.URL, COUCHBASE.BUCKET, etc.)
Run godep go install in the root of the cloned repo to install
Run tweetArchive help from your $GOPATH/bin to get usage info
tweetArchive load will pull in all tweets for a user
Usage modes
Run tweetArchive help for general help or tweetArchive --help for help about a specific command
tweetArchive has 3 commands:
Batch command
tweetArchive batch will load and persist all the tweets for the list of users configured in your yaml config in the handles key
Can also be configured using the HANDLES env variable
Load command
tweetArchive load [handle] will load and persist all the tweets for the given twitter user
Query command
tweetArchive query [handle] will query and dump to stdout all the tweets for the given twitter user (one tweet per line, newlines replaced with spaces)
Different MAJOR versions are not guaranteed to be API compatible (e.g. existing commands have changed)
Incrementing MINOR versions within the same MAJOR version contain additional functionality, with existing calls being compatible (e.g. new commands added)
Different PATCH versions withing the same MAJOR.MINOR version are completely API compatible (e.g. bugfixes, no changes to commands themselves)
master is the stable branch which releases are built from
other branches are not guaranteed to be stable and assumed to be under active feature development
See for a full history of release changes