[Updated] A pure Go library for reading and writing dBase/xBase database files.
Fork from "code.google.com/p/go-dbf"
Removed dependency: "code.google.com/p/mahonia".
go get github.com/wolfmetr/go-dbf/godbf
import (
There's no real documentation as yet. Here is a very simple snippet of example 'load' code to get you going:
type MyRow struct {
ColumnId string
ColumnValue string
dbfTable, err := godbf.NewFromFile("example_file.dbf", "cp866")
resultList := make([]MyRow, dbfTable.NumberOfRecords())
for i := 0; i < dbfTable.NumberOfRecords(); i++ {
resultList[i] = new(MyRow)
resultList[i].ColumnId, err = dbfTable.FieldValueByName(i, "COLUMN_ID")
resultList[i].ColumnValue, err = dbfTable.FieldValueByName(i, "COLUMN_VALUE")