
v1.25.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 29, 2024 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 36 Imported by: 0



Package utils add some context function

Package shortid enables the generation of short, unique, non-sequential and by default URL friendly Ids. The package is heavily inspired by the node.js https://github.com/dylang/shortid library.

Id Length

The standard Id length is 9 symbols when generated at a rate of 1 Id per millisecond, occasionally it reaches 11 (at the rate of a few thousand Ids per millisecond) and very-very rarely it can go beyond that during continuous generation at full throttle on high-performant hardware. A test generating 500k Ids at full throttle on conventional hardware generated the following Ids at the head and the tail (length > 9 is expected for this test):


Life span

The package guarantees the generation of unique Ids with zero collisions for 34 years (1/1/2016-1/1/2050) using the same worker Id within a single (although concurrent) application if application restarts take longer than 1 millisecond. The package supports up to 32 works, all providing unique sequences.

Implementation details

Although heavily inspired by the node.js shortid library this is not a simple Go port. In addition it

  • is safe to concurrency;
  • does not require any yearly version/epoch resets;
  • provides stable Id size over a long period at the rate of 1ms;
  • guarantees no collisions (due to guaranteed fixed size of Ids between milliseconds and because multiple requests within the same ms lead to longer Ids with the prefix unique to the ms);
  • supports 32 over 16 workers.

The algorithm uses less randomness than the original node.js implementation, which permits to extend the life span as well as reduce and guarantee the length. In general terms, each Id has the following 3 pieces of information encoded: the millisecond (first 8 symbols), the worker Id (9th symbol), running concurrent counter within the same millisecond, only if required, over all remaining symbols. The element of randomness per symbol is 1/2 for the worker and the millisecond and 0 for the counter. Here 0 means no randomness, i.e. every value is encoded using a 64-base alphabet; 1/2 means one of two matching symbols of the supplied alphabet, 1/4 one of four matching symbols. The original algorithm of the node.js module uses 1/4 throughout.

All methods accepting the parameters that govern the randomness are exported and can be used to directly implement an algorithm with e.g. more randomness, but with longer Ids and shorter life spans.



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const DefaultABC = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-"

DefaultABC is the default URL-friendly alphabet.

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const EarthRadius = 6371.0 // 地球半径(km)
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const SIGNKEY = "5506eb75f447d18a2ff9cfdd7d9820fe"
View Source
const Version = 1.1

Version defined the library version.


This section is empty.


func ByteToJson

func ByteToJson[T any](b []byte) (T, error)

func CalcAge added in v1.8.0

func CalcAge(birthdayStr string) (int32, error)

CalcAge Calculate birthday based on date, date format: yyyy MM DD

func CalcAgeWithoutErr added in v1.8.0

func CalcAgeWithoutErr(birthdayStr string) int32

CalcAgeWithoutErr Calculate birthday based on date, date format: yyyy-MM-DD, return without err

func CheckFileExist

func CheckFileExist(src string) bool

CheckFileExist check if the file exists

func CheckFileExt

func CheckFileExt(fileName string, allowExts []string) bool

CheckFileExt check image file ext

func CheckFileSize

func CheckFileSize(f multipart.File, fileSize int) bool

CheckFileSize check image size

func CheckNotExist

func CheckNotExist(src string) bool

CheckNotExist check if the file exists

func CheckPathExist

func CheckPathExist(path string) (bool, error)

CheckPathExist 检测文件夹路径时候存在

func CheckPermission

func CheckPermission(src string) bool

CheckPermission check if the file has permission

func CheckSign

func CheckSign() gin.HandlerFunc

func CopyFile

func CopyFile(src, dst string) (err error)

CopyFile copies a file from src to dst. If src and dst files exist, and are the same, then return success. Otherise, attempt to create a hard link between the two files. If that fail, copy the file contents from src to dst.

func CreateSign

func CreateSign(param []byte) string

func CreateToken

func CreateToken(userNo string) string

func CreateTokenWithKey added in v1.16.0

func CreateTokenWithKey(userNo, tokenKey string) string

func Date2Time added in v1.21.0

func Date2Time(stringTime string) (time.Time, error)

func Decode

func Decode(input []byte, output interface{}) error

func DeepCopy

func DeepCopy(value interface{}) interface{}

DeepCopy Deprecated:未经过实际测试,可能存在无法预知的问题

func DeleteFile

func DeleteFile(filepath string) error

func Distance

func Distance(poi1, poi2 *DistanceOption) float64

func ExportExcel

func ExportExcel(name string, header []string, headerKV map[string]string, data []map[string]interface{}, filePath string) (fileNamePath string, err error)

ExportExcel 导出Excel表格 *

  • @param name {string} 导出的表名
  • @param header {[]string} 表头key,导出后显示的顺序
  • @param headerKV {map[string]string} 表头、数据kv对照
  • @param data {[]map[string]interface{}} 数据集合
  • @param filePath {string} 文件保存路径,需要带"/"
  • @return err {error} 异常

func FindIndex

func FindIndex(ids []int, x int) int

func FloatRetain

func FloatRetain(f float64, point int32) float64

FloatRetain 浮点型保留几位小数

func FormatLocation2String

func FormatLocation2String(longitude, latitude float64) string

func Generate

func Generate() (string, error)

Generate generates an Id using the default generator.

func GenerateCommonUniqueIdOnlyNumber added in v1.23.0

func GenerateCommonUniqueIdOnlyNumber(length int) string

GenerateCommonUniqueIdOnlyNumber General method to generate a unique ID (numeric only) based on length.

func GenerateCommonUniqueIdOnlyNumberReturnInteger added in v1.23.0

func GenerateCommonUniqueIdOnlyNumberReturnInteger(length int) int64

GenerateCommonUniqueIdOnlyNumberReturnInteger General method to generate a unique ID (numeric only) based on length.

func GenerateRandomBool added in v1.15.0

func GenerateRandomBool(prob float64) bool

GenerateRandomBool Generate boolean type values with a specified probability param prob,such as 0.5

func GenerateUniqueIdByUniqueStr added in v1.24.0

func GenerateUniqueIdByUniqueStr(s string) (int64, error)

GenerateUniqueIdByUniqueStr Generate an uuid of type int64 based on the specified unique string.

func GetCurrentDateTime added in v1.23.0

func GetCurrentDateTime() string

GetCurrentDateTime Get the 'yyyy-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format of the current time.

func GetCurrentTimestampInt added in v1.4.0

func GetCurrentTimestampInt() int64

func GetCurrentTimestampString added in v1.4.0

func GetCurrentTimestampString() string

func GetDate

func GetDate() string

func GetDateAndHour

func GetDateAndHour() string

func GetDateAndSec

func GetDateAndSec() string

func GetDateByTime

func GetDateByTime(someTime int64) string

func GetDateDetailString

func GetDateDetailString() string

func GetDateOnly

func GetDateOnly() string

func GetDayNumber added in v1.19.0

func GetDayNumber(t time.Time) int

GetDayNumber get the specified date as the day of the current year

func GetDayTime

func GetDayTime() int64

func GetExt

func GetExt(fileName string) string

GetExt get the file ext

func GetFileFullName

func GetFileFullName(name string) string

func GetFileModifyTime

func GetFileModifyTime(fileFullPath string) int64

func GetFileName

func GetFileName(fileFullPath string) string

func GetFileSize

func GetFileSize(filename string) (int, error)

func GetFilename

func GetFilename(filePath string) string

func GetFirstDateOfWeek

func GetFirstDateOfWeek(nowTime time.Time) time.Time

GetFirstDateOfWeek 计算本周周一的日期

func GetFullHourString

func GetFullHourString(timeIn int64) (string, string)

func GetHost

func GetHost(ctx *gin.Context) (host string)

func GetHourByString

func GetHourByString(stringTime string) (error, time.Time)

func GetHourString

func GetHourString(timeIn int64) string

func GetIntNotZeroOrDefault

func GetIntNotZeroOrDefault(i *int, dft int) int

func GetIntOrDefault

func GetIntOrDefault(i *int, dft int) int

func GetLastDayString

func GetLastDayString(timeIn int64) (string, string)

func GetMaxDateTime added in v1.9.0

func GetMaxDateTime() string

GetMaxDateTime Retrieve the maximum date formats for the current time's day

func GetMessageId

func GetMessageId() string

func GetMinDateTime added in v1.9.0

func GetMinDateTime() string

GetMinDateTime Get the minimum date formats for the current time's day

func GetRandomInt

func GetRandomInt(min, max int) int

GetRandomInt 获取随机数

func GetSize

func GetSize(f multipart.File) (int, error)

GetSize get the file size

func GetWeekNumber added in v1.19.0

func GetWeekNumber(t time.Time) int

GetWeekNumber get the specified week of the current year for the specified time

func In added in v1.11.0

func In(s string, lst []string) bool

func InArray

func InArray(num int, slice []int) bool

func Interface2String

func Interface2String(inter interface{}, param ...int) string

func Intersect

func Intersect(sliceA []int, sliceB []int) []int

Intersect 交集

func IsAllWhiteSpace

func IsAllWhiteSpace(s string) bool

IsAllWhiteSpace 检查是否是空白符或只包含空格

func IsNil

func IsNil(i interface{}) bool

IsNil 判断interface是否为nil

func IsNotExistMkDir

func IsNotExistMkDir(src string) error

IsNotExistMkDir create a directory if it does not exist

func Join

func Join(arr []int, split string) string

func JoinStringArray added in v1.3.0

func JoinStringArray(arr []string, sep string) string

JoinStringArray 将字符串数组,用指定分隔符连接

func MapToJson

func MapToJson[T any](m map[string]interface{}) (T, error)

func MkDir

func MkDir(src string) error

MkDir create a directory

func MustGenerate

func MustGenerate() string

MustGenerate acts just like Generate, but panics instead of returning errors.

func MustOpen

func MustOpen(fileName, filePath string) (*os.File, error)

MustOpen maximize trying to open the file

func Open

func Open(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error)

Open a file according to a specific mode

func PbJson2String added in v1.7.0

func PbJson2String(ctx context.Context, pbStruct any) string

PbJson2String Output pb parameters in the form of JSON strings

func ReadExcel

func ReadExcel(filename, sheetName string) (rows [][]string, err error)

ReadExcel 读取excel数据

func ReadFile

func ReadFile(file string) string

ReadFile 获取本地文件内容

func ReadJsonFile

func ReadJsonFile(filePath string) (result string)

func SaveFile

func SaveFile(filepath, content string) error

SaveFile 将文本内容保存到本地

func SaveJson

func SaveJson(marshal []byte, jsonFile string) (err error)

func SetDefault

func SetDefault(sid *Shortid)

SetDefault overwrites the default generator.

func SetEmpty

func SetEmpty(s string) string

SetEmpty 不规则空字符串,设置为标准空字符串

func StrictStructCopy

func StrictStructCopy(src interface{}, dst interface{})

StrictStructCopy 严格的struct拷贝 Deprecated:未经过实际测试,可能存在无法预知的问题

func String2Float64 added in v1.3.0

func String2Float64(s string) float64

func String2Float64WithDefaultError added in v1.3.0

func String2Float64WithDefaultError(s string) float64

func String2Int32 added in v1.3.0

func String2Int32(s string) int32

func String2Int64

func String2Int64(s string) int64

func StringToJson

func StringToJson[T any](s string) (T, error)

func StructCopyUseJson

func StructCopyUseJson(src interface{}, dst interface{})

StructCopyUseJson 利用json做中间值进行拷贝

func StructCopyUseReflect

func StructCopyUseReflect(dst interface{}, src interface{}) (err error)

StructCopyUseReflect 利用反射进行拷贝 已知问题:对组合型结构体拷贝存在问题

func StructToJSONKeyValueSorted added in v1.4.0

func StructToJSONKeyValueSorted(s interface{}) string


Concatenate the structure tag into a key=value format for parameters, and sort them in ASCII lexicographic order by parameter name

func StructToKeyValueSorted added in v1.4.0

func StructToKeyValueSorted(s any) string


Concatenate the structure into a key=value format for parameters, and sort them in ASCII lexicographic order by parameter name

func StructToMap

func StructToMap(st interface{}) map[string]interface{}

StructToMap Deprecated:未经过实际测试,可能存在无法预知的问题

func StructToMapUseJson

func StructToMapUseJson(st interface{}) map[string]interface{}

StructToMapUseJson 结构体转KV

func StructToXMLKeyValueSorted added in v1.4.0

func StructToXMLKeyValueSorted(s interface{}, skipKeys []string) string


Concatenate the structure tag into a key=value format for parameters, and sort them in ASCII lexicographic order by parameter name

func Subtract

func Subtract(sa []int, sb []int) []int

Subtract 差集

func Time2Date

func Time2Date(timeStr time.Time) string

Time2Date 2006-01-02

func Time2DateMonthOnly

func Time2DateMonthOnly(timeStr time.Time) string

func Time2FullDateTime added in v1.25.0

func Time2FullDateTime(timeStr time.Time) string

Time2FullDateTime 2006-01-02 15:04:05

func TimeCompare

func TimeCompare(timeBefore, timeAfter string) bool

func ToInt

func ToInt(i interface{}) int

func ToIntSlice

func ToIntSlice(str string, separator string) (rst []int)

func ToJsonByte

func ToJsonByte(v any) ([]byte, error)

func ToJsonSortedString added in v1.12.0

func ToJsonSortedString(v any) (string, error)

ToJsonSortedString Sort the structure into a JSON string in ascending order according to the first letter ASCII code

func ToJsonString

func ToJsonString(v any) (string, error)

func VerifyCarLicenseFormat

func VerifyCarLicenseFormat(license string) bool

func VerifyIPFormat

func VerifyIPFormat(ip string) bool

func VerifyMobileFormat

func VerifyMobileFormat(mobileNum string) bool


type Abc

type Abc struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Abc represents a shuffled alphabet used to generate the Ids and provides methods to encode data.

func MustNewAbc

func MustNewAbc(alphabet string, seed uint64) Abc

MustNewAbc acts just like NewAbc, but panics instead of returning errors.

func NewAbc

func NewAbc(alphabet string, seed uint64) (Abc, error)

NewAbc constructs a new instance of shuffled alphabet to be used for Id representation.

func (Abc) Alphabet

func (abc Abc) Alphabet() string

Alphabet returns the alphabet used as an immutable string.

func (*Abc) Encode

func (abc *Abc) Encode(val, nsymbols, digits uint) ([]rune, error)

Encode encodes a given value into a slice of runes of length nsymbols. In case nsymbols==0, the length of the result is automatically computed from data. Even if fewer symbols is required to encode the data than nsymbols, all positions are used encoding 0 where required to guarantee uniqueness in case further data is added to the sequence. The value of digits [4,6] represents represents n in 2^n, which defines how much randomness flows into the algorithm: 4 -- every value can be represented by 4 symbols in the alphabet (permitting at most 16 values), 5 -- every value can be represented by 2 symbols in the alphabet (permitting at most 32 values), 6 -- every value is represented by exactly 1 symbol with no randomness (permitting 64 values).

func (*Abc) MustEncode

func (abc *Abc) MustEncode(val, size, digits uint) []rune

MustEncode acts just like Encode, but panics instead of returning errors.

func (Abc) String

func (abc Abc) String() string

String returns a string representation of the Abc instance.

type Cmp

type Cmp[T any] func(p1, p2 *T) bool

Cmp 比较函数,比较 *T 类型的 p1 是否大于 p2

func (Cmp[T]) Sort

func (cmp Cmp[T]) Sort(data []T)

Sort is a method on the function type, Cmp, that sorts the argument slice according to the function.

type DistanceOption

type DistanceOption struct {
	Longitude float64
	Latitude  float64

type Shortid

type Shortid struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Shortid type represents a short Id generator working with a given alphabet.

func GetDefault

func GetDefault() *Shortid

GetDefault retrieves the default short Id generator initialised with the default alphabet, worker=0 and seed=1. The default can be overwritten using SetDefault.

func MustNew

func MustNew(worker uint8, alphabet string, seed uint64) *Shortid

MustNew acts just like New, but panics instead of returning errors.

func New

func New(worker uint8, alphabet string, seed uint64) (*Shortid, error)

New constructs an instance of the short Id generator for the given worker number [0,31], alphabet (64 unique symbols) and seed value (to shuffle the alphabet). The worker number should be different for multiple or distributed processes generating Ids into the same data space. The seed, on contrary, should be identical.

func (*Shortid) Abc

func (sid *Shortid) Abc() Abc

Abc returns the instance of alphabet used for representing the Ids.

func (*Shortid) Epoch

func (sid *Shortid) Epoch() time.Time

Epoch returns the value of epoch used as the beginning of millisecond counting (normally 2016-01-01 00:00:00 local time)

func (*Shortid) Generate

func (sid *Shortid) Generate() (string, error)

Generate generates a new short Id.

func (*Shortid) GenerateInternal

func (sid *Shortid) GenerateInternal(tm *time.Time, epoch time.Time) (string, error)

GenerateInternal should only be used for testing purposes.

func (*Shortid) MustGenerate

func (sid *Shortid) MustGenerate() string

MustGenerate acts just like Generate, but panics instead of returning errors.

func (*Shortid) String

func (sid *Shortid) String() string

String returns a string representation of the short Id generator.

func (*Shortid) Worker

func (sid *Shortid) Worker() uint

Worker returns the value of worker for this short Id generator.

type SignPrams

type SignPrams struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SignPrams) GetSign

func (p *SignPrams) GetSign() string

func (*SignPrams) InitSign

func (p *SignPrams) InitSign() string


type Snowflake added in v1.4.0

type Snowflake struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSnowflake added in v1.4.0

func NewSnowflake(workerID, datacenterID int64) (*Snowflake, error)

NewSnowflake Init Snow-Flake worker

func (*Snowflake) NextID added in v1.4.0

func (s *Snowflake) NextID() int64

NextID control concurrent frequency to generate the latest ID

type TimeDetail

type TimeDetail struct {
	Year   string `json:"year"`
	Month  string `json:"month"`
	Date   string `json:"date"`
	Hour   string `json:"hour"`
	Minute string `json:"minute"`
	Second string `json:"second"`

func GetTimeDetail

func GetTimeDetail(someTime int64) (detail TimeDetail)

type TokenInfo

type TokenInfo struct {
	Raw               string // The original string of the token
	Sub               string `json:"sub"`
	UserId            string `json:"user_id"`
	CurrentTimeMillis string `json:"currentTimeMillis"`
	Exp               int64  `json:"exp"`
	Iat               int64  `json:"iat"`
	Jti               string `json:"jti"`

func GetOriginalsInfo

func GetOriginalsInfo(claims interface{}) *TokenInfo

func ParseToken

func ParseToken(tokenString string) (*TokenInfo, error)

func ParseTokenWithKey added in v1.16.0

func ParseTokenWithKey(tokenString, tokenKey string) (*TokenInfo, error)

func ParseTokenWithoutVerify

func ParseTokenWithoutVerify(tokenString string) (*TokenInfo, error)



Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL