Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BooleanFormat(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func DateRuleFunc(ctx context.Context, in RuleFuncInput) error
- func DateTimeRuleFunc(ctx context.Context, in RuleFuncInput) error
- func FloatFormat(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func IntegerFormat(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func JsonFormat(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchBankCard(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchDomain(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchEmail(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchIp(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchIpv4(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchIpv6(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchMac(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchPassport(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchPassword(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchPassword2(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchPassword3(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchPhone(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchPhoneLoose(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchPostCode(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchQQ(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchResidentId(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchTelephone(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RegexRuleMatchUrl(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RequiredLengthFunc(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RequiredPtrFunc(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func RequiredStringLengthFunc(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- type BetweenRuleNumber
- type CustomRuleInput
- type CustomValidRuleFunc
- type DateFormatRule
- type EqRule
- type Float
- type GtRuleNumber
- type GteRuleNumber
- type Integer
- type LtRuleNumber
- type LteRuleNumber
- type MaxRuleNumber
- type MinRuleNumber
- type NotEqRule
- type Number
- type RangeRule
- type RegexMatch
- type RegisterCustomRuleFunc
- type RequiredFieldsRule
- func (r *RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWith(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) (err error)
- func (r *RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWithAll(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) (err error)
- func (r *RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWithout(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) (err error)
- func (r *RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWithoutAll(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) (err error)
- type RequiredIfRule
- type RequiredIfRuleArg
- type RequiredUnlessRule
- type RequiredWithRuleArg
- type RuleFuncInput
- type SignedNumber
- type StringLengthRule
- type StringMaxLengthRule
- type StringMinLengthRule
- type StringSizeRule
- type TimeRule
- func (t *TimeRule) After(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func (t *TimeRule) AfterEqual(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func (t *TimeRule) Before(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- func (t *TimeRule) BeforeEqual(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
- type UnsignedNumber
- type ValidFunc
- type ValidFuncImpl
Constants ¶
const ( REGEX_DOMAIN = `^([0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z\-]{0,62}\.)+([a-zA-Z]{0,62})$` REGEX_EMAIL = `^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)+$` //========================= REGEX_URL = `(https?|ftp|file)://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]+[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]` REGEX_IP = "满足ipv4或者ipv6一个即可" REGEX_IPV4 = `^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)$` REGEX_IPV6 = `` /* 336-byte string literal not displayed */ REGEX_MAC = `^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[\-:]){5}[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}$` //============================================= REGEX_PASSPORT = `^[a-zA-Z]{1}\w{5,17}$` // 密码(以字母开头,长度在6~18之间,只能包含字母、数字和下划线): REGEX_PASSWORD = `^[\w\S]{6,18}$` // 强密码 REGEX_PASSWORD2 = `待实现` // 强密码(必须包含大小写字母和数字的组合,可以使用特殊字符,长度在8-16之间): REGEX_PASSWORD3 = `待实现` // 强密码(必须包含大小写字母和数字的组合,可以使用特殊字符(~!@#$%^&*),长度在8-16之间): REGEX_PASSWORD4 = `^(.*\d)(.*[a-z])(.*[A-Z])[a-zA-Z0-9~!@#$%^&*]{8,16}$` //============================================== REGEX_PHONE = `^13[\d]{9}$|^14[5,7]{1}\d{8}$|^15[^4]{1}\d{8}$|^16[\d]{9}$|^17[0,2,3,5,6,7,8]{1}\d{8}$|^18[\d]{9}$|^19[\d]{9}$` REGEX_PHONE_LOOSE = `^1(3|4|5|6|7|8|9)\d{9}$` REGEX_POST_CODE = `^\d{6}$` //============================================= REGEX_QQ = `^[1-9][0-9]{4,}$` REGEX_RESIDENT_ID = `` /* 166-byte string literal not displayed */ REGEX_TELPHONE = `^((\d{3,4})|\d{3,4}-)?\d{7,8}$` )
const ( Required = "required" RequiredIf = "required-if" RequiredUnless = "required-unless" RequiredWith = "required-with" RequiredWithAll = "required-with-all" RequiredWithout = "required-without" RequiredWithoutAll = "required-without-all" Between = "between" Size = "size" Length = "length" MaxLength = "max-length" MinLength = "min-length" Lte = "lte" Lt = "lt" Gte = "gte" Gt = "gt" NotEq = "not-eq" Eq = "eq" Different = "different" Same = "same" Max = "max" Min = "min" In = "in" NotIn = "not-in" //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Date = "date" DateTime = "datetime" DataFormat = "date-format" Before = "before" BeforeEqual = "before-equal" After = "after" AfterEqual = "after-equal" //============================================= Array = "#array" Enums = "#enums" // ============================================== RegexDomain = `domain` RegexEmail = `email` //========================= RegexUrl = `url` RegexIP = "ip" RegexIPV4 = "ipv4" RegexIPV6 = "ipv6" RegexMAC = `mac` //============================================= RegexPassport = `passport` RegexPassword = `password` RegexPassword2 = "password2" RegexPassword3 = "password3" //============================================== RegexPhone = `phone` RegexPhoneLoos = `phone-loose` RegexPostCode = `postcode` //============================================= RegexQQ = `qq` RegexResidentID = "resident-id" RegexTelephone = `telephone` RegexBankCard = "bank-card" // =============================================== JsonRuleName = "json" IntegerRuleName = "integer" FloatRuleName = "float" BooleanRuleName = "boolean" // ================================================== RegexRuleName = "regex" NotRegexRuleName = "not-regex" )
Variables ¶
var RegexRuleMapToFunc = map[string]ValidFuncImpl{ RegexQQ: RegexRuleMatchQQ, RegexDomain: RegexRuleMatchDomain, RegexUrl: RegexRuleMatchUrl, RegexMAC: RegexRuleMatchMac, RegexIP: RegexRuleMatchIp, RegexIPV4: RegexRuleMatchIpv4, RegexIPV6: RegexRuleMatchIpv6, RegexBankCard: RegexRuleMatchBankCard, RegexResidentID: RegexRuleMatchResidentId, RegexPostCode: RegexRuleMatchPostCode, RegexPassword: RegexRuleMatchPassword, RegexPassword2: RegexRuleMatchPassword2, RegexPassword3: RegexRuleMatchPassword3, RegexPassport: RegexRuleMatchPassport, RegexPhone: RegexRuleMatchPhone, RegexTelephone: RegexRuleMatchTelephone, RegexPhoneLoos: RegexRuleMatchPhoneLoose, RegexEmail: RegexRuleMatchEmail, }
var RuleMsgMap = map[string]string{
Required: `The {field} field is required`,
RequiredIf: "The {field} field is required",
RequiredUnless: "The {field} field is required",
RequiredWith: "The {field} field is required",
RequiredWithAll: "The {field} field is required",
RequiredWithout: "The {field} field is required",
RequiredWithoutAll: "The {field} field is required",
Between: "The {field} value `{value}` must be between {min} and {max}",
Size: "The {field} value `{value}` length must be {size}",
Length: "The {field} value `{value}` length must be between {min} and {max}",
MaxLength: "The {field} value `{value}` length must be equal or lesser than {max}",
MinLength: "The {field} value `{value}` length must be equal or greater than {min}",
Lte: "The {field} value `{value}` must be lesser than or equal to field {field1} value `{value1}`",
Lt: "The {field} value `{value}` must be lesser than field {field1} value `{value1}`",
Gte: "The {field} value `{value}` must be greater than or equal to field {field1} value `{value1}`",
Gt: "The {field} value `{value}` must be greater than field {field1} value `{value1}`",
NotEq: "The {field} value `{value}` must not be equal to field {field1} value `{value1}`",
Eq: "The {field} value `{value}` must be equal to field {field1} value `{value1}`",
Different: "The {field} value `{value}` must be different from field {field1} value `{value1}`",
Same: "The {field} value `{value}` must be the same as field {field1} value `{value1}`",
Max: "The {field} value `{value}` must be equal or lesser than {max}",
Min: "The {field} value `{value}` must be equal or greater than {min}",
In: "The {field} value `{value}` is not in acceptable range: {pattern}",
NotIn: "The {field} value `{value}` must not be in range: {pattern}",
RegexDomain: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid domain format",
RegexEmail: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid email address",
RegexUrl: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid URL address",
RegexIP: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid IP address",
RegexIPV4: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid IPv4 address",
RegexIPV6: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid IPv6 address",
RegexMAC: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid MAC address",
RegexPassport: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid passport format",
RegexPassword: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid password format",
RegexPassword2: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid password format",
RegexPassword3: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid password format",
RegexPhone: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid phone number",
RegexPhoneLoos: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid phone number",
RegexPostCode: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid postcode format",
RegexQQ: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid QQ number",
RegexResidentID: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid resident id number",
RegexTelephone: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid telephone number",
RegexBankCard: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid bank card number",
JsonRuleName: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid JSON string",
IntegerRuleName: "The {field} value `{value}` is not an integer",
FloatRuleName: "The {field} value `{value}` is not of valid float type",
BooleanRuleName: "The {field} value `{value}` field must be true or false",
RegexRuleName: "The {field} value `{value}` must be in regex of: {pattern}",
NotRegexRuleName: "The {field} value `{value}` should not be in regex of: {pattern}",
Date: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid date",
DataFormat: "The {field} value `{value}` does not match the format: {pattern}",
DateTime: "The {field} value `{value}` is not a valid datetime",
After: "The {field} value `{value}` must be after field {field1} value `{value1}`",
AfterEqual: "The {field} value `{value}` must be after or equal to field {field1} value `{value1}`",
Before: "The {field} value `{value}` must be before field {field1} value `{value1}`",
BeforeEqual: "The {field} value `{value}` must be before or equal to field {field1} value `{value1}`",
Functions ¶
func BooleanFormat ¶
func BooleanFormat(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func DateRuleFunc ¶
func DateRuleFunc(ctx context.Context, in RuleFuncInput) error
格式: date 说明:参数为常用日期类型,日期之间支持的连接符号-或/或., 也支持不带连接符号的8位长度日期,格式如: 2006-01-02, 2006/01/02, 2006.01.02, 20060102
func DateTimeRuleFunc ¶
func DateTimeRuleFunc(ctx context.Context, in RuleFuncInput) error
格式: datetime 说明:参数为常用日期时间类型,其中日期之间支持的连接符号只支持-,格式如: 2006-01-02 12:00:00
func FloatFormat ¶
func FloatFormat(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func IntegerFormat ¶
func IntegerFormat(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func JsonFormat ¶
func JsonFormat(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchBankCard ¶
func RegexRuleMatchBankCard(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchDomain ¶
func RegexRuleMatchDomain(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchEmail ¶
func RegexRuleMatchEmail(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchIp ¶
func RegexRuleMatchIp(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchIpv4 ¶
func RegexRuleMatchIpv4(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchIpv6 ¶
func RegexRuleMatchIpv6(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchMac ¶
func RegexRuleMatchMac(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchPassport ¶
func RegexRuleMatchPassport(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchPassword ¶
func RegexRuleMatchPassword(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchPassword2 ¶
func RegexRuleMatchPassword2(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: password2 说明:中等强度密码(在通用密码规则的基础上,要求密码必须包含大小写字母和数字)。
func RegexRuleMatchPassword3 ¶
func RegexRuleMatchPassword3(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: password3 说明:强等强度密码(在通用密码规则的基础上,必须包含大小写字母、数字和特殊字符)。
func RegexRuleMatchPhone ¶
func RegexRuleMatchPhone(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchPhoneLoose ¶
func RegexRuleMatchPhoneLoose(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchPostCode ¶
func RegexRuleMatchPostCode(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchQQ ¶
func RegexRuleMatchQQ(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchResidentId ¶
func RegexRuleMatchResidentId(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchTelephone ¶
func RegexRuleMatchTelephone(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RegexRuleMatchUrl ¶
func RegexRuleMatchUrl(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RequiredLengthFunc ¶
func RequiredLengthFunc(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RequiredPtrFunc ¶
func RequiredPtrFunc(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func RequiredStringLengthFunc ¶
func RequiredStringLengthFunc(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
Types ¶
type BetweenRuleNumber ¶
type BetweenRuleNumber[T Number] struct { Min T Max T // 当前字段的转换函数 FieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T }
func (*BetweenRuleNumber[T]) Run ¶
func (b *BetweenRuleNumber[T]) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
这里的input按照顺序就是min,max,其他规则同理 格式: between:min,max 说明:参数大小为min到max(支持整形和浮点类型参数)。
type CustomRuleInput ¶
type CustomValidRuleFunc ¶
type CustomValidRuleFunc func(ctx context.Context, args *CustomRuleInput) error
type DateFormatRule ¶
type DateFormatRule struct {
Format string
func (*DateFormatRule) Run ¶
func (t *DateFormatRule) Run(ctx context.Context, in RuleFuncInput) error
格式: date-format:format 说明:判断日期是否为指定的日期/时间格式,format参数格式为gtime日期格式(可以包含日期及时间),格式说明参考章节:gtime模块 示例:date-format:Y-m-d H:i:s
type EqRule ¶
type EqRule[T Number | string | bool] struct { // TODO FieldName待删除,直接在解析阶段替换为字段名 FieldName string // 依赖字段的转换函数 AssocFieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 当前字段的转换函数,数字类型转到float64,字符串不转 FieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 关联字段索引 AssocFieldIndex int }
比较大小 T 的类型可以是 comparable 这样可以比较任意值类型
func (*EqRule[T]) EqBool ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (e *EqRule[T]) EqBool(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: eq:field 说明:参数值必需与field字段参数的值相同。same规则的别名,功能同same规则。 版本:框架版本>=v2.2.0
type GtRuleNumber ¶
type GtRuleNumber[T Number] struct { // TODO FieldName待删除,直接在解析阶段替换为字段名 FieldName string // 依赖字段的转换函数 AssocFieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 当前字段的转换函数,数字类型转到float64,字符串不转 FieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 关联字段索引 AssocFieldIndex int }
func (*GtRuleNumber[T]) Run ¶
func (g *GtRuleNumber[T]) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: gt:field 说明:参数值必需大于给定字段对应的值。 版本:框架版本>=v2.2.0
type GteRuleNumber ¶
type GteRuleNumber[T Number] struct { // TODO FieldName待删除,直接在解析阶段替换为字段名 FieldName string // 依赖字段的转换函数 AssocFieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 当前字段的转换函数,数字类型转到float64,字符串不转 FieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 关联字段索引 AssocFieldIndex int }
func (*GteRuleNumber[T]) Run ¶
func (g *GteRuleNumber[T]) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: gte:field 说明:参数值必需大于或等于给定字段对应的值。 版本:框架版本>=v2.2.0
type Integer ¶
type Integer interface { UnsignedNumber | SignedNumber }
type LtRuleNumber ¶
type LtRuleNumber[T Number] struct { // TODO FieldName待删除,直接在解析阶段替换为字段名 FieldName string // 依赖字段的转换函数 AssocFieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 当前字段的转换函数,数字类型转到float64,字符串不转 FieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 关联字段索引 AssocFieldIndex int }
func (*LtRuleNumber[T]) Run ¶
func (g *LtRuleNumber[T]) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: lt:field 说明:参数值必需小于给定字段对应的值。 版本:框架版本>=v2.2.0
type LteRuleNumber ¶
type LteRuleNumber[T Number] struct { // TODO FieldName待删除,直接在解析阶段替换为字段名 FieldName string // 依赖字段的转换函数 AssocFieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 当前字段的转换函数,数字类型转到float64,字符串不转 FieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 关联字段索引 AssocFieldIndex int }
func (*LteRuleNumber[T]) Run ¶
func (g *LteRuleNumber[T]) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: lte:field 说明:参数值必需小于或等于给定字段对应的值。 版本:框架版本>=v2.2.0
type MaxRuleNumber ¶
type MaxRuleNumber[T Number] struct { Max T // 当前字段的转换函数 FieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T }
int64 uint64 float64
func (*MaxRuleNumber[T]) Run ¶
func (b *MaxRuleNumber[T]) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: max:max 说明:参数大小最大为max(支持整形和浮点类型参数)。
type MinRuleNumber ¶
type MinRuleNumber[T Number] struct { Min T // 当前字段的转换函数 FieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T }
int64 uint64 float64
func (*MinRuleNumber[T]) Run ¶
func (b *MinRuleNumber[T]) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: max:max 说明:参数大小最大为max(支持整形和浮点类型参数)。
type NotEqRule ¶
type NotEqRule[T Number | string | bool] struct { // TODO FieldName待删除,直接在解析阶段替换为字段名 FieldName string // 依赖字段的转换函数 AssocFieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 当前字段的转换函数,数字类型转到float64,字符串不转 FieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T // 关联字段索引 AssocFieldIndex int }
格式: not-eq:field 说明:参数值必需与field字段参数的值不相同。different规则的别名,功能同different规则。 版本:框架版本>=v2.2.0
func (*NotEqRule[T]) NotEqBool ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (e *NotEqRule[T]) NotEqBool(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: same:field 说明:参数值必需与field字段参数的值相同。 示例:在用户注册时,提交密码Password和确认密码Password2必须相等(服务端校验)。
func (*NotEqRule[T]) NotEqNumber ¶
func (e *NotEqRule[T]) NotEqNumber(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: same:field 说明:参数值必需与field字段参数的值相同。 示例:在用户注册时,提交密码Password和确认密码Password2必须相等(服务端校验)。
func (*NotEqRule[T]) NotEqString ¶
func (e *NotEqRule[T]) NotEqString(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: same:field 说明:参数值必需与field字段参数的值相同。 示例:在用户注册时,提交密码Password和确认密码Password2必须相等(服务端校验)。
type RangeRule ¶
type RangeRule[T Number] struct { Values []T // 当前字段的转换函数 FieldConvertFunc func(from reflect.Value) T }
Format: not-in:value1,value2,... Format: in:value1,value2,...
type RegexMatch ¶
func (*RegexMatch) RegexRuleMatch ¶
func (r *RegexMatch) RegexRuleMatch(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func (*RegexMatch) RegexRuleNoMatch ¶
func (r *RegexMatch) RegexRuleNoMatch(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
type RegisterCustomRuleFunc ¶
type RegisterCustomRuleFunc struct { Args string RuleName string FieldName string FieldType reflect.Type Fn CustomValidRuleFunc }
func (*RegisterCustomRuleFunc) RunWithError ¶
func (c *RegisterCustomRuleFunc) RunWithError(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
type RequiredFieldsRule ¶
type RequiredFieldsRule struct { //required-without-all: field1,field2,... //required-without: field1,field2,... //required-with-all: field1,field2,... //required-with: field1,field2,... // 校验依赖字段是否有值的函数 // map[依赖字段]=> 依赖字段验证是否有值的函数 // AssocFieldValidFunc map[string]ValidFunc // 依赖的字段名字 // 判定当前字段是否有值的函数 IsEmpty ValidFunc // 直接存储依赖字段的索引,如果提前满足条件,可以跳过后面的,延迟求值 AssocFields []RequiredWithRuleArg }
func (*RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWith ¶
func (r *RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWith(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) (err error)
RequiredWith 格式: required-with:field1,field2,... 说明:必需参数(只要有一个字段有值)。当前字段必须有值
func (*RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWithAll ¶
func (r *RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWithAll(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) (err error)
RequiredWithAll 格式: required-with-all:field1,field2,... 说明:必须参数(全部字段都得有值)。当前字段必须有值 示例:当Id,Name,Gender,WifeName全部不为空时,HusbandName必须不为空。
func (*RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWithout ¶
func (r *RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWithout(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) (err error)
RequiredWithout 格式: required-without:field1,field2,... 说明:必需参数(只要有一个字段为空)。当前字段必须有值 示例:当Id或WifeName为空时,HusbandName必须不为空
func (*RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWithoutAll ¶
func (r *RequiredFieldsRule) RequiredWithoutAll(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) (err error)
RequiredWithoutAll 格式: required-without-all:field1,field2,... 说明:必须参数(所有字段都为空时)。当前字段必须有值 示例:当Id和WifeName都为空时,HusbandName必须不为空。当前字段必须有值
type RequiredIfRule ¶
type RequiredIfRule struct { // filed => value // 校验依赖字段是否有值的函数 // map[依赖字段]=> val //AssocFieldValues map[string]any // 判定当前字段是否有值的函数 IsEmpty ValidFunc // 直接存储依赖字段的索引,如果提前满足条件,可以跳过后面的,延迟求值 AssocFields []RequiredIfRuleArg }
func (*RequiredIfRule) Run ¶
func (r *RequiredIfRule) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
Run 格式: required-if:field,value,... 说明:必需参数(当field=value时,当前字段必须有值)。多个字段以,号分隔。 当前字段类型: 符合required规则即可 field类型:基础类型(数字类型,布尔类型,字符串类型) value类型:必须是字面量类型,例如1 false hello,不能是变量
type RequiredIfRuleArg ¶
type RequiredUnlessRule ¶
type RequiredUnlessRule struct { // filed => value // 校验依赖字段是否有值的函数 // map[依赖字段]=> 依赖字段验证是否有值的函数 //AssocFieldValues map[string]any // 判定当前字段是否有值的函数 IsEmpty ValidFunc // 直接存储依赖字段的索引,如果提前满足条件,可以跳过后面的,延迟求值 AssocFields []RequiredIfRuleArg }
func (*RequiredUnlessRule) Run ¶
func (r *RequiredUnlessRule) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
Run 格式: required-unless:field,value,... 说明:必需参数(当field!=value时,当前字段必须有值)。多个字段以,号分隔。 当前字段类型: 符合required规则即可 field类型:基础类型(数字类型,布尔类型,字符串类型) value类型:必须是字面量类型,例如1 false hello,不能是变量
type RequiredWithRuleArg ¶
type RuleFuncInput ¶
type StringLengthRule ¶
func (*StringLengthRule) Run ¶
func (s *StringLengthRule) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: length:min,max 说明:参数长度为min到max(长度参数为整形),注意底层使用Unicode计算长度,因此中文一个汉字占1个长度单位。
type StringMaxLengthRule ¶
type StringMaxLengthRule struct {
Max int
func (*StringMaxLengthRule) Run ¶
func (s *StringMaxLengthRule) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: max-length:max 说明:参数长度最大为max(长度参数为整形),注意底层使用Unicode计算长度,因此中文一个汉字占1个长度单位。
type StringMinLengthRule ¶
type StringMinLengthRule struct {
Min int
func (*StringMinLengthRule) Run ¶
func (s *StringMinLengthRule) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: min-length:min 说明:参数长度最小为min(长度参数为整形),注意底层使用Unicode计算长度,因此中文一个汉字占1个长度单位。
type StringSizeRule ¶
type StringSizeRule struct {
Size int
func (*StringSizeRule) Run ¶
func (s *StringSizeRule) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: size:size 说明:参数长度为 size (长度参数为整形),注意底层使用Unicode计算长度,因此中文一个汉字占1个长度单位。
type TimeRule ¶
func (*TimeRule) After ¶
func (t *TimeRule) After(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: after:field 说明:判断给定的日期/时间是否在指定字段的日期/时间之后。 版本:框架版本>=v2.2.0
func (*TimeRule) AfterEqual ¶
func (t *TimeRule) AfterEqual(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: after-equal:field 说明:判断给定的日期/时间是否在指定字段的日期/时间之后,或者与指定字段的日期/时间相等。 版本:框架版本>=v2.2.0
func (*TimeRule) Before ¶
func (t *TimeRule) Before(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: before:field 说明:判断给定的日期/时间是否在指定字段的日期/时间之前。 版本:框架版本>=v2.2.0
func (*TimeRule) BeforeEqual ¶
func (t *TimeRule) BeforeEqual(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
格式: before-equal:field 说明:判断给定的日期/时间是否在指定字段的日期/时间之前,或者与指定字段的日期/时间相等。 版本:框架版本>=v2.2.0
type UnsignedNumber ¶
type ValidFuncImpl ¶
type ValidFuncImpl func(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error
func (ValidFuncImpl) Run ¶
func (f ValidFuncImpl) Run(ctx context.Context, input RuleFuncInput) error