Overview ¶
Package gondola provides a full featured web framework - see the documentation on the different subpackages for details.
Path | Synopsis |
Package app provides a mux implementation which does regexp based URL routing and provides functions for managing the lifecycle of a request at different points.
Package app provides a mux implementation which does regexp based URL routing and provides functions for managing the lifecycle of a request at different points. |
Package cookies contains helper functions for setting and retrieving cookies, including signed and encrypted ones.
Package cookies contains helper functions for setting and retrieving cookies, including signed and encrypted ones. |
Package pagination implements helper functions for request handlers which present results organized in numbered pages.
Package pagination implements helper functions for request handlers which present results organized in numbered pages. |
Package reusableapp contains types and functions for writing reusable Gondola apps.
Package reusableapp contains types and functions for writing reusable Gondola apps. |
Package serialize provides conveniency functions for serializing values to either JSON or XML
Package serialize provides conveniency functions for serializing values to either JSON or XML |
Package tester implements functions for testing and benchmarking Gondola applications.
Package tester implements functions for testing and benchmarking Gondola applications. |
Package articles implements an app for displaying articles from files.
Package articles implements an app for displaying articles from files. |
Package article includes common types and functions for the articles app and command.
Package article includes common types and functions for the articles app and command. |
The articles command is used for easily managing article files.
The articles command is used for easily managing article files. |
Package docs implements a Gondola application for browsing package documentation.
Package docs implements a Gondola application for browsing package documentation. |
Package printer implements printing of AST nodes.
Package printer implements printing of AST nodes. |
Package users implements an application for registering and authenticating users, including social sign ins.
Package users implements an application for registering and authenticating users, including social sign ins. |
Package blobstore implements a blob storage system with pluggable backends.
Package blobstore implements a blob storage system with pluggable backends. |
Package chunk includes several data chunking algorithms.
Package chunk includes several data chunking algorithms. |
Package fixed implements a chunker which returns chunks of fixed size (except for the last one).
Package fixed implements a chunker which returns chunks of fixed size (except for the last one). |
Package driver includes the interfaces required to implement a blobstore driver.
Package driver includes the interfaces required to implement a blobstore driver. |
Package file implements the file driver for the blobstore.
Package file implements the file driver for the blobstore. |
Package gcs provides a Google Cloud Storage driver for the Blobstore.
Package gcs provides a Google Cloud Storage driver for the Blobstore. |
Package gridfs implements a GridFS driver for the blobstore.
Package gridfs implements a GridFS driver for the blobstore. |
Package leveldb implements the levelb driver for the blobstore.
Package leveldb implements the levelb driver for the blobstore. |
Package s3 implements an s3 driver for the blobstore.
Package s3 implements an s3 driver for the blobstore. |
Package cache implements a caching system with pluggable backends.
Package cache implements a caching system with pluggable backends. |
Package driver includes the interfaces required to implement a Gondola cache driver, as well as the dummy, memory and file drivers.
Package driver includes the interfaces required to implement a Gondola cache driver, as well as the dummy, memory and file drivers. |
Package memcache implements a Gondola cache driver using memcache.
Package memcache implements a Gondola cache driver using memcache. |
Package redis implements a Gondola cache driver using redis.
Package redis implements a Gondola cache driver using redis. |
Package layer implements a cache layer which allows caching of complete responses.
Package layer implements a cache layer which allows caching of complete responses. |
Package commands provides functions for registering and executing administrative commands.
Package commands provides functions for registering and executing administrative commands. |
Package config implements a file/command line based configuration.
Package config implements a file/command line based configuration. |
Package cryptoutil implements utility functions for signing, checking, encrypting and decrypting values.
Package cryptoutil implements utility functions for signing, checking, encrypting and decrypting values. |
Package hashutil provides utility functions for hashing data.
Package hashutil provides utility functions for hashing data. |
Package password contains functions for securely storing and checking passwords.
Package password contains functions for securely storing and checking passwords. |
Package base64 implements base64 encoding/decoding stripping any = used for padding, thus producing invalid base64 but saving a few bytes.
Package base64 implements base64 encoding/decoding stripping any = used for padding, thus producing invalid base64 but saving a few bytes. |
Package binary implements simple translation between numbers and byte sequences and encoding and decoding of varints.
Package binary implements simple translation between numbers and byte sequences and encoding and decoding of varints. |
Package codec implements functions for encoding and decoding objects in several formats Any registered codec can be used by both gondola/cache and gondola/orm.
Package codec implements functions for encoding and decoding objects in several formats Any registered codec can be used by both gondola/cache and gondola/orm. |
Package msgpack provides a codec implementation using msgpack.
Package msgpack provides a codec implementation using msgpack. |
Package pipe implements pipes which transform data, generally for compressing it.
Package pipe implements pipes which transform data, generally for compressing it. |
Package bootstrap3 implements some helper functions intended to be used with the Bootstrap front-end framework, version 3.
Package bootstrap3 implements some helper functions intended to be used with the Bootstrap front-end framework, version 3. |
Package fontawesome defines template assets and functions for using fontawesome (see
Package fontawesome defines template assets and functions for using fontawesome (see |
Package html provides some basic data structures for declaring HTML elements using Go code.
Package html provides some basic data structures for declaring HTML elements using Go code. |
Package i18n implements support for translation and localization of Go applications.
Package i18n implements support for translation and localization of Go applications. |
Package messages implements functions for extracting messages from source code files and compiling them to Go code.
Package messages implements functions for extracting messages from source code files and compiling them to Go code. |
Package internal contains low-level utilities used by several parts of Gondola.
Package internal contains low-level utilities used by several parts of Gondola. |
Package astutil constains some small utilities for working with Go syntax trees.
Package astutil constains some small utilities for working with Go syntax trees. |
Package bson is an implementation of the BSON specification for Go: It was created as part of the mgo MongoDB driver for Go, but is standalone and may be used on its own without the driver.
Package bson is an implementation of the BSON specification for Go: It was created as part of the mgo MongoDB driver for Go, but is standalone and may be used on its own without the driver. |
Package gen does code generation to automate tedious tasks.
Package gen does code generation to automate tedious tasks. |
Package genutil contains helper functions for autogenerating code.
Package genutil contains helper functions for autogenerating code. |
Package httpserve contains constants and utility functions for serving HTTP content.
Package httpserve contains constants and utility functions for serving HTTP content. |
Package pkgutil contains some small utilities for working with go packages.
Package pkgutil contains some small utilities for working with go packages. |
Package runtimeutil contains some utility functions for formatting stack traces and source code.
Package runtimeutil contains some utility functions for formatting stack traces and source code. |
Package templateutil contains functions for parsing and walking go template trees.
Package templateutil contains functions for parsing and walking go template trees. |
Package kvs implements a generic container for assocciating keys with values and easily obtaining type safe-functions for setting and retrieving them.
Package kvs implements a generic container for assocciating keys with values and easily obtaining type safe-functions for setting and retrieving them. |
Package log implements low-level logging.
Package log implements low-level logging. |
Package httpclient provides an HTTP client with several conveniency functions.
Package httpclient provides an HTTP client with several conveniency functions. |
Package mail provides a conveniency interface over net/smtp, to facilitate the most common tasks when sending emails.
Package mail provides a conveniency interface over net/smtp, to facilitate the most common tasks when sending emails. |
Package oauth implements a oAuth 1.0a client.
Package oauth implements a oAuth 1.0a client. |
Package oauth2 implements an oAuth 2 client.
Package oauth2 implements an oAuth 2 client. |
Package urlutil contains utility functions related to URLs.
Package urlutil contains utility functions related to URLs. |
Package datastore implements an App Engine datastore driver the Gondola's ORM.
Package datastore implements an App Engine datastore driver the Gondola's ORM. |
Package signals implements functions for emitting and receiving synchronous signals.
Package signals implements functions for emitting and receiving synchronous signals. |
Package tasks provides functions for scheduling periodic tasks (e.g.
Package tasks provides functions for scheduling periodic tasks (e.g. |
Package sass implements a sass compiler for assets.
Package sass implements a sass compiler for assets. |
Package template (html/template) implements data-driven templates for generating HTML output safe against code injection.
Package template (html/template) implements data-driven templates for generating HTML output safe against code injection. |
Package markdown implements a Markdown template converter.
Package markdown implements a Markdown template converter. |
Package fileutil contains small utility functions for working with files.
Package fileutil contains small utility functions for working with files. |
Package generic implements some utility functions which work on any type.
Package generic implements some utility functions which work on any type. |
Package geoip provides allows retrieving geographical information from an incoming request.
Package geoip provides allows retrieving geographical information from an incoming request. |
Package stringutil contains small utility functions for string manipulation and parsing.
Package stringutil contains small utility functions for string manipulation and parsing. |
Package vfsutil contains small utility functions for working with virtual filesystems.
Package vfsutil contains small utility functions for working with virtual filesystems. |
Package yaml provides functions for encoding/decoding YAML.
Package yaml provides functions for encoding/decoding YAML. |
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