Multisig module
Normal Operation
Alice creates a multisig contract and contributes 10wire, requiring Bob to deposit the same amount.
$ regcli tx multisig init test1 10wire 10wire $(regcli keys show bob --address) --from=$(regcli keys show alice --address) --chain-id=wireline
Anyone can view the state of the contract.
$ regcli query multisig view test1 --chain-id=wireline
Bob joins the contract.
$ regcli tx multisig join test1 10wire --from=$(regcli keys show bob --address) --chain-id=wireline
Spending funds from the contract now requires both Alice's and Bob's signatures.
$ regcli tx multisig spend test1 5wire $(regcli keys show charlie --address) $(regcli keys show bob --address) --from=$(regcli keys show alice --address) --chain-id=wireline
Password to sign with 'alice':
ERROR: {"codespace":"sdk","code":4,"message":"wrong number of signers"}
To spend the funds, Alice must first generate a transaction and save it to a file.
$ regcli tx multisig spend test1 5wire $(regcli keys show charlie --address) $(regcli keys show bob --address) --from=$(regcli keys show alice --address) --chain-id=wireline --generate-only > tx.json
Alice must then sign the transaction, saving the result to another file.
$ regcli tx sign tx.json --chain-id=wireline --name=alice > tx_signed_alice.json
Alice sends this file to Bob to get his signature (e.g. over email or chat). Bob inspects the file and verifies the contract ID, amount and target address.
"type": "auth/StdTx",
"value": {
"msg": [
"type": "multisig/SpendMultiSig",
"value": {
"ID": "test1",
"Amount": {
"denom": "wire",
"amount": "5"
"ToAddress": "cosmos1nfagqae3hmph7ac88tzc0vwsp9msn4hn57svl2",
"AliceAddress": "cosmos1gq9vx70vqlcnak37sh4mva5lece576zdrt4nzv",
"BobAddress": "cosmos1pdqu33vnu8y98q9yqy3x8jlcusxeuezx8rutan"
"fee": {
"amount": [
"denom": "",
"amount": "0"
"gas": "200000"
"signatures": [
"pub_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
"value": "AmyY3MoPUJ1rpYE+snIvfSGPEoxCmo3XYm2h0L3W1JaF"
"signature": "eCXBtG/44KipehmzS5Scule29IBT82+aY+0BCZKWm34epVveHZ9HTPzRdjHhzXrzpYy54WarI/+pAHhQuBDgIg==",
"account_number": "0",
"sequence": "19"
"memo": ""
Bob signs the transaction, saving the result to another file.
$ regcli tx sign tx_signed_alice.json --chain-id=wireline --name=bob > tx_signed_alice_and_bob.json
The transaction can now be broadcast to the blockchain by any party and doesn't need further signatures.
$ regcli tx broadcast tx_signed_alice_and_bob.json --chain-id=wireline
Verify that the target account (Charlie) has got the funds.
$ regcli query account $(regcli keys show charlie --address) --indent --chain-id=wireline
Check that the funds have been deducted from the contract.
$ regcli query multisig view test1 --chain-id=wireline
Contract Abort
Alice creates another multisig contract and contributes 10wire, requiring Bob to deposit 100wire.
$ regcli tx multisig init test2 10wire 100wire $(regcli keys show bob --address) --from=$(regcli keys show alice --address) --chain-id=wireline
Note the contract details, especially the 'State', and Alice's balance.
$ regcli query multisig view test2 --chain-id=wireline
$ regcli query account $(regcli keys show alice --address) --indent --chain-id=wireline
Before Bob joins, Alice can abort the contract and recover her funds.
$ regcli tx multisig abort test2 --from=$(regcli keys show alice --address) --chain-id=wireline
Confirm that the contract is deleted and Alice has been refunded the funds locked in the contract.
$ regcli query multisig view test2 --chain-id=wireline
$ regcli query account $(regcli keys show alice --address) --indent --chain-id=wireline