Overview ¶
Package dml handles the SQL DML for super fast performance, type safety and convenience.
Aim: Allow a developer to easily modify a SQL query without type assertion of parts of the query. No reflection magic has been used so we must achieve type safety with code generation.
This package works only with MySQL and its derivates like MariaDB or Percona.
Abbreviations ¶
DML ( Select, Insert, Update and Delete.
DDL ( Create, Drop, Alter, and Rename.
DCL ( Grant and Revoke.
CRUD (,_read,_update_and_delete) Create, Read, Update and Delete.
Practical Guide to SQL Transaction Isolation:
NetSPI SQL Injection Wiki:
TODO(CyS) think about named locks: Database locks should not be used by the average developer. Understand optimistic concurrency and use serializable isolation.
TODO(CyS) refactor some parts of the code once Go implements generics ;-)
TODO(CyS) implement usage of window functions:
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ExecValidateOneAffectedRow(res sql.Result, err error) error
- func Interpolate(sql string) *ip
- func IsValidIdentifier(objectName string) (err error)
- func MakeIdentifier(name string) id
- func MySQLMessageFromError(err error) string
- func MySQLNumberFromError(err error) uint16
- func WithContextQueryOptions(ctx context.Context, qo QueryOptions) context.Context
- type BuilderBase
- type BuilderConditional
- type ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Binary(enc interface{ ... }) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Bool(ptr *bool) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Byte(ptr *[]byte) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Column() string
- func (b *ColumnMap) Debug(w ioWriter) (err error)
- func (b *ColumnMap) Decimal(ptr *null.Decimal) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Err() error
- func (b *ColumnMap) Float64(ptr *float64) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Int(ptr *int) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Int16(ptr *int16) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Int16s(values ...int16) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Int32(ptr *int32) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Int32s(values ...int32) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Int64(ptr *int64) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Int64s(values ...int64) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Int8(ptr *int8) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Int8s(values ...int8) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Mode() (m columnMapMode)
- func (b *ColumnMap) Next(fieldCount int) bool
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullBool(ptr *null.Bool) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullFloat64(ptr *null.Float64) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullInt16(ptr *null.Int16) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullInt32(ptr *null.Int32) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullInt64(ptr *null.Int64) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullInt8(ptr *null.Int8) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullString(ptr *null.String) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullStrings(values ...null.String) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullTime(ptr *null.Time) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullUint16(ptr *null.Uint16) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullUint32(ptr *null.Uint32) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullUint64(ptr *null.Uint64) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) NullUint8(ptr *null.Uint8) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Scan(r *sql.Rows) error
- func (b *ColumnMap) String(ptr *string) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Strings(values ...string) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Text(enc interface{ ... }) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Time(ptr *time.Time) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Times(values ...time.Time) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Uint(ptr *uint) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Uint16(ptr *uint16) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Uint16s(values ...uint16) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Uint32(ptr *uint32) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Uint32s(values ...uint32) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Uint64(ptr *uint64) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Uint64s(values ...uint64) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Uint8(ptr *uint8) *ColumnMap
- func (b *ColumnMap) Uint8s(values ...uint8) *ColumnMap
- type ColumnMapper
- type Condition
- func Column(columnName string) *Condition
- func Columns(columns ...string) *Condition
- func Expr(expression string) *Condition
- func ParenthesisClose() *Condition
- func ParenthesisOpen() *Condition
- func SQLCase(value, defaultValue string, compareResult ...string) *Condition
- func SQLIf(expression, true, false string) *Condition
- func SQLIfNull(expression ...string) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Alias(a string) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) And() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Between() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Bool(b bool) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Bools(b ...bool) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Bytes(p []byte) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) BytesSlice(p ...[]byte) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Clone() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Coalesce() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Column(col string) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Decimal(d null.Decimal) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) DriverValue(dv ...driver.Valuer) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) DriverValues(dv ...driver.Valuer) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Equal() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Exists() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Expr(expression string) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Float64(f float64) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Float64s(f ...float64) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Greater() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) GreaterOrEqual() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Greatest() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) In() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Int(i int) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Int64(i int64) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Int64s(i ...int64) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Ints(i *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Least() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Less() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) LessOrEqual() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Like() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NamedArg(n string) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NotBetween() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NotEqual() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NotExists() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NotIn() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NotLike() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NotNull() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NotRegexp() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Null() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NullBool(nv null.Bool) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NullBools(nv ...null.Bool) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NullFloat64(nv null.Float64) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NullFloat64s(nv ...null.Float64) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NullInt64(nv null.Int64) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NullInt64s(nv ...null.Int64) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NullString(nv null.String) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NullStrings(nv ...null.String) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NullTime(nv null.Time) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) NullTimes(nv ...null.Time) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Op(o Op) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Or() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) PlaceHolder() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) PlaceHolders(count int) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Regexp() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) SQLCase(value, defaultValue string, compareResult ...string) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) SQLIfNull(expression ...string) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) SpaceShip() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Str(s string) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Strs(s ...string) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Sub(sub *Select) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Time(t time.Time) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Times(t ...time.Time) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Tuples() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Uint64(i uint64) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Uint64s(i ...uint64) *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Values() *Condition
- func (c *Condition) Xor() *Condition
- type Conditions
- type Conn
- func (c *Conn) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (*Tx, error)
- func (c *Conn) CacheKeyExists(cacheKey string) bool
- func (c *Conn) Close() error
- func (c *Conn) Transaction(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions, f func(*Tx) error) error
- func (c *Conn) WithCacheKey(cacheKey string, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- func (c *Conn) WithPrepare(ctx context.Context, qb QueryBuilder, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- func (c *Conn) WithPrepareCacheKey(ctx context.Context, cacheKey string, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- func (c *Conn) WithQueryBuilder(qb QueryBuilder, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- type ConnPool
- func (c *ConnPool) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (*Tx, error)
- func (c *ConnPool) CacheKeyExists(cacheKey string) bool
- func (c *ConnPool) CachedQueries() map[string]string
- func (c *ConnPool) Close() (err error)
- func (c *ConnPool) Conn(ctx context.Context) (*Conn, error)
- func (c *ConnPool) DSN() string
- func (c *ConnPool) DeregisterByCacheKey(cacheKey string) error
- func (c *ConnPool) RegisterByQueryBuilder(cacheKeyQB map[string]QueryBuilder) error
- func (c *ConnPool) Schema() string
- func (c *ConnPool) Transaction(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions, fn func(*Tx) error) (err error)
- func (c *ConnPool) WithCacheKey(cacheKey string, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- func (c *ConnPool) WithDisabledForeignKeyChecks(ctx context.Context, callBack func(*Conn) error) (err error)
- func (c *ConnPool) WithPrepare(ctx context.Context, qb QueryBuilder, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- func (c *ConnPool) WithPrepareCacheKey(ctx context.Context, cacheKey string, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- func (c *ConnPool) WithQueryBuilder(qb QueryBuilder, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- type ConnPoolOption
- func WithCreateDatabase(ctx context.Context, databaseName string) ConnPoolOption
- func WithDB(db *sql.DB) ConnPoolOption
- func WithDSN(dsn string) ConnPoolOption
- func WithDSNFromEnv(dsnEnvName string) ConnPoolOption
- func WithDriverCallBack(cb DriverCallBack) ConnPoolOption
- func WithExecSQLOnConnClose(ctx context.Context, sqlQuery ...string) ConnPoolOption
- func WithExecSQLOnConnOpen(ctx context.Context, sqlQuery ...string) ConnPoolOption
- func WithLogger(l log.Logger, uniqueIDFn func() string) ConnPoolOption
- func WithSetNamesUTF8MB4() ConnPoolOption
- func WithVerifyConnection(ctx context.Context, pingRetry time.Duration) ConnPoolOption
- type DBR
- func (bc *DBR) CacheKey() string
- func (a *DBR) Close() error
- func (a *DBR) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
- func (a *DBR) ExpandPlaceHolders() *DBR
- func (a *DBR) Interpolate() *DBR
- func (a *DBR) IterateParallel(ctx context.Context, concurrencyLevel int, callBack func(*ColumnMap) error, ...) (err error)
- func (a *DBR) IterateSerial(ctx context.Context, callBack func(*ColumnMap) error, args ...interface{}) (err error)
- func (a *DBR) Limit(offset, limit uint64) *DBR
- func (a *DBR) Load(ctx context.Context, s ColumnMapper, args ...interface{}) (rowCount uint64, err error)
- func (a *DBR) LoadDecimal(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.Decimal, found bool, err error)
- func (a *DBR) LoadFloat64s(ctx context.Context, dest []float64, args ...interface{}) (_ []float64, err error)
- func (a *DBR) LoadInt64s(ctx context.Context, dest []int64, args ...interface{}) (_ []int64, err error)
- func (a *DBR) LoadNullFloat64(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.Float64, found bool, err error)
- func (a *DBR) LoadNullInt64(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.Int64, found bool, err error)
- func (a *DBR) LoadNullString(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.String, found bool, err error)
- func (a *DBR) LoadNullTime(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.Time, found bool, err error)
- func (a *DBR) LoadNullUint64(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.Uint64, found bool, err error)
- func (a *DBR) LoadStrings(ctx context.Context, dest []string, args ...interface{}) (_ []string, err error)
- func (a *DBR) LoadUint64s(ctx context.Context, dest []uint64, args ...interface{}) (_ []uint64, err error)
- func (a *DBR) OrderBy(columns ...string) *DBR
- func (a *DBR) OrderByDesc(columns ...string) *DBR
- func (a *DBR) Paginate(page, perPage uint64) *DBR
- func (a *DBR) Prepare(ctx context.Context) (*DBR, error)
- func (a *DBR) PreviousError() error
- func (a *DBR) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
- func (a *DBR) QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
- func (a *DBR) Reset() *DBR
- func (a *DBR) TestWithArgs(args ...interface{}) QueryBuilder
- func (a *DBR) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (a *DBR) TupleCount(tuples, rows uint) *DBR
- func (bc *DBR) WithCacheKey(cacheKey string) *DBR
- func (a *DBR) WithDB(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
- func (a *DBR) WithPreparedStmt(stmt *sql.Stmt) *DBR
- func (a *DBR) WithQualifiedColumnsAliases(aliases ...string) *DBR
- func (a *DBR) WithTx(tx *Tx) *DBR
- type DBRFunc
- type Delete
- func (b *Delete) Alias(alias string) *Delete
- func (b *Delete) Clone() *Delete
- func (b *Delete) CrossJoin(table id, onConditions ...*Condition) *Delete
- func (b *Delete) FromTables(tables ...string) *Delete
- func (b *Delete) Join(table id, onConditions ...*Condition) *Delete
- func (b *Delete) LeftJoin(table id, onConditions ...*Condition) *Delete
- func (b *Delete) Limit(limit uint64) *Delete
- func (b *Delete) OrderBy(columns ...string) *Delete
- func (b *Delete) OrderByDesc(columns ...string) *Delete
- func (b *Delete) OuterJoin(table id, onConditions ...*Condition) *Delete
- func (b *Delete) RightJoin(table id, onConditions ...*Condition) *Delete
- func (b *Delete) String() string
- func (b *Delete) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (b *Delete) Unsafe() *Delete
- func (b *Delete) Where(wf ...*Condition) *Delete
- func (b *Delete) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
- type DriverCallBack
- type EventFlag
- type Execer
- type Insert
- func (b *Insert) AddColumns(columns ...string) *Insert
- func (b *Insert) AddOnDuplicateKey(c ...*Condition) *Insert
- func (b *Insert) AddOnDuplicateKeyExclude(columns ...string) *Insert
- func (b *Insert) BuildValues() *Insert
- func (b *Insert) Clone() *Insert
- func (b *Insert) FromSelect(s *Select) *Insert
- func (b *Insert) Ignore() *Insert
- func (b *Insert) OnDuplicateKey() *Insert
- func (b *Insert) Replace() *Insert
- func (b *Insert) SetRecordPlaceHolderCount(valueCount int) *Insert
- func (b *Insert) SetRowCount(rows int) *Insert
- func (b *Insert) String() string
- func (b *Insert) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (b *Insert) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
- func (b *Insert) WithPairs(cvs ...*Condition) *Insert
- type Joins
- type LastInsertIDAssigner
- type MysqlQuoter
- func (mq MysqlQuoter) ColumnsWithQualifier(t string, cols ...string) []string
- func (mq MysqlQuoter) Name(n string) string
- func (mq MysqlQuoter) NameAlias(name, alias string) string
- func (mq MysqlQuoter) QualifierName(q, n string) string
- func (mq MysqlQuoter) WriteIdentifier(w *bytes.Buffer, name string)
- func (mq MysqlQuoter) WriteQualifierName(w *bytes.Buffer, qualifier, name string)
- type Op
- type Preparer
- type QualifiedRecord
- type Querier
- type QueryBuilder
- type QueryExecPreparer
- type QueryOptions
- type QuerySQL
- type QuerySQLFn
- type Select
- func (b *Select) AddColumns(cols ...string) *Select
- func (b *Select) AddColumnsAliases(columnAliases ...string) *Select
- func (b *Select) AddColumnsConditions(expressions ...*Condition) *Select
- func (b *Select) Clone() *Select
- func (b *Select) Count() *Select
- func (b *Select) CrossJoin(table id, onConditions ...*Condition) *Select
- func (b *Select) Distinct() *Select
- func (b *Select) ForUpdate() *Select
- func (b *Select) From(from string) *Select
- func (b *Select) FromAlias(from, alias string) *Select
- func (b *Select) GroupBy(columns ...string) *Select
- func (b *Select) GroupByAsc(columns ...string) *Select
- func (b *Select) GroupByDesc(columns ...string) *Select
- func (b *Select) Having(wf ...*Condition) *Select
- func (b *Select) Join(table id, onConditions ...*Condition) *Select
- func (b *Select) LeftJoin(table id, onConditions ...*Condition) *Select
- func (b *Select) Limit(offset uint64, limit uint64) *Select
- func (b *Select) LockInShareMode() *Select
- func (b *Select) OrderBy(columns ...string) *Select
- func (b *Select) OrderByDeactivated() *Select
- func (b *Select) OrderByDesc(columns ...string) *Select
- func (b *Select) OrderByRandom(idColumnName string, limit uint64) *Select
- func (b *Select) OuterJoin(table id, onConditions ...*Condition) *Select
- func (b *Select) Paginate(page, perPage uint64) *Select
- func (b *Select) RightJoin(table id, onConditions ...*Condition) *Select
- func (b *Select) SQLNoCache() *Select
- func (b *Select) Star() *Select
- func (b *Select) StraightJoin() *Select
- func (b *Select) String() string
- func (b *Select) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (b *Select) Unless(test bool, fn func(*Select), defaultFn func(*Select)) *Select
- func (b *Select) Unsafe() *Select
- func (b *Select) When(test bool, fn func(*Select), defaultFn func(*Select)) *Select
- func (b *Select) Where(wf ...*Condition) *Select
- func (b *Select) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
- type Show
- func (b *Show) BinaryLog() *Show
- func (b *Show) Global() *Show
- func (b *Show) Like() *Show
- func (b *Show) MasterStatus() *Show
- func (b *Show) Session() *Show
- func (b *Show) Status() *Show
- func (b *Show) String() string
- func (b *Show) TableStatus() *Show
- func (b *Show) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (b *Show) Variable() *Show
- func (b *Show) Where(wf ...*Condition) *Show
- func (b *Show) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
- type StaticSQLResult
- type Stmt
- type StmtExecer
- type StmtQuerier
- type Tx
- func (tx *Tx) CacheKeyExists(cacheKey string) bool
- func (tx *Tx) Commit() error
- func (tx *Tx) Rollback() error
- func (tx *Tx) WithCacheKey(cacheKey string, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- func (tx *Tx) WithPrepare(ctx context.Context, qb QueryBuilder, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- func (tx *Tx) WithPrepareCacheKey(ctx context.Context, cacheKey string, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- func (tx *Tx) WithQueryBuilder(qb QueryBuilder, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
- type Union
- func (u *Union) All() *Union
- func (u *Union) Append(selects ...*Select) *Union
- func (u *Union) Clone() *Union
- func (u *Union) Except() *Union
- func (u *Union) Intersect() *Union
- func (u *Union) OrderBy(columns ...string) *Union
- func (u *Union) OrderByDesc(columns ...string) *Union
- func (u *Union) PreserveResultSet() *Union
- func (u *Union) String() string
- func (u *Union) StringReplace(key string, values ...string) *Union
- func (u *Union) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (u *Union) Unsafe() *Union
- func (b *Union) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
- type Update
- func (b *Update) AddClauses(c ...*Condition) *Update
- func (b *Update) AddColumns(columnNames ...string) *Update
- func (b *Update) Alias(alias string) *Update
- func (b *Update) Clone() *Update
- func (b *Update) Limit(limit uint64) *Update
- func (b *Update) OrderBy(columns ...string) *Update
- func (b *Update) OrderByDesc(columns ...string) *Update
- func (b *Update) SetColumns(columnNames ...string) *Update
- func (b *Update) String() string
- func (b *Update) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (b *Update) Unsafe() *Update
- func (b *Update) Where(wf ...*Condition) *Update
- func (b *Update) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
- type With
- func (b *With) Clone() *With
- func (b *With) Delete(topLevel *Delete) *With
- func (b *With) Recursive() *With
- func (b *With) Select(topLevel *Select) *With
- func (b *With) String() string
- func (b *With) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
- func (b *With) Union(topLevel *Union) *With
- func (b *With) Update(topLevel *Update) *With
- func (b *With) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
- type WithCTE
Examples ¶
- Column
- ColumnMapper
- ColumnMapper (InsertCollectionWithoutColumns)
- ColumnMapper (InsertEntitiesWithColumns)
- ColumnMapper (InsertEntitiesWithoutColumns)
- ColumnMapper (SelectJoinCollection)
- ColumnMapper (SelectSalesOrdersFromSpecificCustomers)
- ColumnMapper (SelectWhereInCollection)
- ColumnMapper (UpdateEntity)
- Condition
- Condition.Sub
- Delete
- Delete.FromTables
- Insert (ExpressionInVALUES)
- Insert.AddOnDuplicateKey
- Insert.BuildValues
- Insert.FromSelect (WithPlaceHolders)
- Insert.FromSelect (WithoutPlaceHolders)
- Insert.SetRowCount
- Insert.SetRowCount (Withdata)
- Insert.WithPairs
- Interpolate
- NewInsert
- NewSelectWithDerivedTable
- NewUnion
- NewUnion (Template)
- ParenthesisOpen
- SQLCase (Select)
- SQLCase (Update)
- SQLIfNull
- Select.AddColumnsConditions
- With.Union
Constants ¶
const ( ColumnMapEntityReadAll columnMapMode = 'a' ColumnMapEntityReadSet columnMapMode = 'r' ColumnMapCollectionReadSet columnMapMode = 'R' ColumnMapScan columnMapMode = 'S' // can be used for both )
Those four constants represents the modes for ColumnMap.Mode. An upper case letter defines a collection and a lower case letter an entity.
const EnvDSN string = "CS_DSN"
EnvDSN is the name of the environment variable
const MaxIdentifierLength = 64
MaxIdentifierLength see
Variables ¶
var Now = nowSentinel{}
Now is a value that serializes to the current time. Should only be used to testing purposes. This exported variable can be removed at any time.
var Quoter = MysqlQuoter{ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Quoter at the quoter to use for quoting text; use Mysql quoting by default.
Functions ¶
func ExecValidateOneAffectedRow ¶
ExecValidateOneAffectedRow checks the sql.Result.RowsAffected if it returns one. If not returns an error of type NotValid. This function is useful for ExecContext function.
func Interpolate ¶
func Interpolate(sql string) *ip
Interpolate takes a SQL byte slice with placeholders and a list of arguments to replace them with. It returns a blank string or an error if the number of placeholders does not match the number of arguments. Implements the ExpandPlaceHolders function.
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { sqlStr := dml.Interpolate("SELECT * FROM x WHERE a IN ? AND b IN ? AND c NOT IN ? AND d BETWEEN ? AND ?"). Ints(1). Ints(1, 2, 3). Int64s(5, 6, 7). Str("wat"). Str("ok"). // `MustString` panics on error, or use `String` which prints the error into // the returned string and hence generates invalid SQL. Alternatively use // `ToSQL`. MustString() fmt.Printf("%s\n", sqlStr) }
Output: SELECT * FROM x WHERE a IN (1) AND b IN (1,2,3) AND c NOT IN (5,6,7) AND d BETWEEN 'wat' AND 'ok'
func IsValidIdentifier ¶
IsValidIdentifier checks the permissible syntax for identifiers. Certain objects within MySQL, including database, table, index, column, alias, view, stored procedure, partition, tablespace, and other object names are known as identifiers. ASCII: [0-9,a-z,A-Z$_] (basic Latin letters, digits 0-9, dollar, underscore) Max length 63 characters. It is recommended that you do not use names that begin with Me or MeN, where M and N are integers. For example, avoid using 1e as an identifier, because an expression such as 1e+3 is ambiguous. Depending on context, it might be interpreted as the expression 1e + 3 or as the number 1e+3.
Returns 0 if the identifier is valid.
func MakeIdentifier ¶
func MakeIdentifier(name string) id
MakeIdentifier creates a new quoted name with an optional alias `a`, which can be empty.
func MySQLMessageFromError ¶
MySQLMessageFromError returns the textual message of the MySQL error. The error has been generated by the driver go-sql-driver/mysql. Returns an empty string if the type of error is not *mysql.MySQLError.
func MySQLNumberFromError ¶
MySQLNumberFromError returns the error code number from an error. The error has been generated by the driver go-sql-driver/mysql. A list of error codes can be accessed here: Returns 0 if the type of error is not *mysql.MySQLError.
func WithContextQueryOptions ¶
func WithContextQueryOptions(ctx context.Context, qo QueryOptions) context.Context
WithContextQueryOptions adds options for executing queries, mostly in generated code.
Types ¶
type BuilderBase ¶
type BuilderBase struct { Table id // IsUnsafe if set to true the functions AddColumn* will turn any // non valid identifier (not `{a-z}[a-z0-9$_]+`i) into an expression. IsUnsafe bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BuilderBase contains fields which all SQL query builder have in common, the same base. Exported for documentation reasons.
func (BuilderBase) Clone ¶
func (bb BuilderBase) Clone() BuilderBase
Clone creates a clone of the current object.
type BuilderConditional ¶
type BuilderConditional struct { Joins Joins Wheres Conditions OrderBys ids // OrderByRandColumnName defines the column name of the single primary key // in a table to build the optimized ORDER BY RAND() JOIN clause. OrderByRandColumnName string LimitCount uint64 LimitValid bool }
BuilderConditional defines base fields used in statements which can have conditional constraints like WHERE, JOIN, ORDER, etc. Exported for documentation reasons.
func (BuilderConditional) Clone ¶
func (b BuilderConditional) Clone() BuilderConditional
Clone creates a new clone of the current object.
type ColumnMap ¶
type ColumnMap struct { // CheckValidUTF8 if enabled checks if strings contains valid UTF-8 characters. CheckValidUTF8 bool // HasRows set to true if at least one row has been found. HasRows bool // Count increments on call to Scan. Count uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ColumnMap takes care that the table/view/identifiers are getting properly mapped to ColumnMapper interface. ColumnMap has two run modes either collect arguments from a type for running a SQL query OR to convert the sql.RawBytes into the desired final type. ColumnMap scans a *sql.Rows into a *sql.RawBytes slice without having a big memory overhead and not a single use of reflection. The conversion into the desired final type can happen without allocating of memory. It does not support streaming because neither database/sql does :-( The method receiver functions have the same names as in type ColumnMap.
func NewColumnMap ¶
NewColumnMap exported for testing reasons.
func (*ColumnMap) Binary ¶
func (b *ColumnMap) Binary(enc interface { encoding.BinaryMarshaler encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler }) *ColumnMap
Binary allows to encode an object to its binary representation when arguments are requested and to decode a byte slice into its object when data is retrieved from the server. Use this function for GOB, Protocol Buffers, etc formats.
func (*ColumnMap) Bool ¶
Bool reads a bool value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the bool value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Byte ¶
Byte reads a []byte value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the []byte value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Debug ¶
Debug writes the column names with their values into `w`. The output format might change.
func (*ColumnMap) Decimal ¶
Decimal reads a Decimal value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the numeric value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Err ¶
Err returns the delayed error from one of the scans and parsings. Function is idempotent.
func (*ColumnMap) Float64 ¶
Float64 reads a float64 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the float64 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Int ¶
Int reads an int value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Int16 ¶
Int16 reads a int16 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int16 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Int32 ¶
Int32 reads a int32 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int32 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Int64 ¶
Int64 reads a int64 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int64 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Int8 ¶
Int8 reads a int8 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int8 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Mode ¶
func (b *ColumnMap) Mode() (m columnMapMode)
Mode returns a status byte of four different states. These states are getting used in the implementation of ColumnMapper. Each state represents a different action while scanning from the query or collecting arguments. ColumnMapper can be implemented by either a single type or a slice/map type. Slice or not slice requires different states. A primitive type must only handle mode ColumnMapEntityReadAll to return all requested fields. A slice type must handle additionally the cases ColumnMapEntityReadSet, ColumnMapCollectionReadSet and ColumnMapScan. See the examples. Documentation needs to be written better.
func (*ColumnMap) Next ¶
Next moves the internal index to the next position. It may return false if during RawBytes scanning an error has occurred.
func (*ColumnMap) NullBool ¶
NullBool reads a bool value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the bool value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) NullFloat64 ¶
NullFloat64 reads a float64 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the float64 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) NullInt16 ¶
NullInt16 reads an int16 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int16 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) NullInt32 ¶
NullInt32 reads an int32 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int32 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) NullInt64 ¶
NullInt64 reads an int64 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int64 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) NullInt8 ¶
NullInt8 reads an int8 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int8 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) NullString ¶
NullString reads a string value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the string value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) NullTime ¶
NullTime reads a time value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the NullTime value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) NullUint16 ¶
NullInt16 reads an int16 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int16 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) NullUint32 ¶
NullInt32 reads an int32 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int32 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) NullUint64 ¶
NullInt64 reads an int64 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int64 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) NullUint8 ¶
NullInt8 reads an int8 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the int8 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Scan ¶
Scan calls rows.Scan and builds an internal stack of sql.RawBytes for further processing and type conversion.
Each function for a specific type converts the underlying byte slice at the current applied index (see function Index) to the appropriate type. You can call as many times as you want the specific functions. The underlying byte slice value is valid until the next call to rows.Next, rows.Scan or rows.Close. See the example for further usages.
func (*ColumnMap) String ¶
String reads a string value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the string value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Text ¶
func (b *ColumnMap) Text(enc interface { encoding.TextMarshaler encoding.TextUnmarshaler }) *ColumnMap
Text allows to encode an object to its text representation when arguments are requested and to decode a byte slice into its object when data is retrieved from the server. Use this function for JSON, XML, YAML, etc formats. This function can check for valid UTF8 characters, see field CheckValidUTF8.
func (*ColumnMap) Time ¶
Time reads a time.Time value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the time.Time value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan. It supports all MySQL/MariaDB date/time types.
func (*ColumnMap) Uint ¶
Uint reads an uint value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the uint value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Uint16 ¶
Uint16 reads an uint16 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the uint16 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Uint32 ¶
Uint32 reads an uint32 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the uint32 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
func (*ColumnMap) Uint64 ¶
Uint64 reads an uint64 value and appends it to the arguments slice or assigns the uint64 value stored in sql.RawBytes to the pointer. See the documentation for function Scan.
type ColumnMapper ¶
type ColumnMapper interface { // RowScan implementation must use function `Scan` to scan the values of the // query into its own type. See database/sql package for examples. MapColumns(rc *ColumnMap) error }
ColumnMapper allows a type to load data from database query into its fields or return the fields values as arguments for a query. It's used in the rows.Next() for-loop. A ColumnMapper is usually a single record/row or in case of a slice a complete query result.
Example ¶
ExampleColumnMapper implementation POC for interface ColumnMapper. Retrieving and loading/scanning rows from a database mock.
package main import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) // Make sure that type customerEntity implements interface. var ( _ dml.ColumnMapper = (*customerCollection)(nil) _ dml.ColumnMapper = (*customerEntity)(nil) ) // customerCollection a slice of customer entities. type customerCollection struct { Data []*customerEntity // AfterScan gets called in mode ColumnMapScan after the new // customerEntity has been created and assigned with values from the query. AfterScan []func(*customerEntity) } // customerEntity has been generated from the SQL table customer_entities. type customerEntity struct { EntityID uint64 // Auto Increment, supports until MaxUint64 Firstname string StoreID uint16 LifetimeSales null.Float64 // VoucherCodes contains list of refunded codes, stored as CSV. Or even // stored in another table or even encrypted and the function decrypts it on // load. Same as the M2 EAV models. VoucherCodes exampleStringSlice } type exampleStringSlice []string func (sl exampleStringSlice) ToString() string { return strings.Join(sl, "|") } func (sl exampleStringSlice) FromString(s string) []string { return strings.Split(s, "|") } func newCustomerEntity() *customerEntity { return &customerEntity{} } // MapColumns implements interface ColumnMapper only partially. func (p *customerEntity) MapColumns(cm *dml.ColumnMap) error { for cm.Next(5) { switch c := cm.Column(); c { case "entity_id", "customer_id", "0": // customer_id is an alias cm.Uint64(&p.EntityID) case "firstname", "1": cm.String(&p.Firstname) case "store_id", "2": cm.Uint16(&p.StoreID) case "lifetime_sales", "3": cm.NullFloat64(&p.LifetimeSales) case "voucher_codes", "4": if cm.Mode() == dml.ColumnMapScan { var voucherCodes string cm.String(&voucherCodes) p.VoucherCodes = p.VoucherCodes.FromString(voucherCodes) } else { voucherCodes := p.VoucherCodes.ToString() cm.String(&voucherCodes) } default: return errors.NotFound.Newf("[dml_test] customerEntity Column %q not found", c) } } return cm.Err() } func (cc *customerCollection) MapColumns(cm *dml.ColumnMap) error { switch m := cm.Mode(); m { case dml.ColumnMapEntityReadAll, dml.ColumnMapEntityReadSet: for _, p := range cc.Data { if err := p.MapColumns(cm); err != nil { return errors.WithStack(err) } } case dml.ColumnMapScan: if cm.Count == 0 { cc.Data = cc.Data[:0] } p := newCustomerEntity() if err := p.MapColumns(cm); err != nil { return errors.WithStack(err) } for _, fn := range cc.AfterScan { fn(p) } cc.Data = append(cc.Data, p) case dml.ColumnMapCollectionReadSet: for cm.Next(0) { switch c := cm.Column(); c { case "entity_id", "customer_id": cm.Uint64s(cc.EntityIDs()...) case "firstname": cm.Strings(cc.Firstnames()...) default: return errors.NotFound.Newf("[dml_test] customerCollection Column %q not found", c) } } default: return errors.NotSupported.Newf("[dml] Unknown Mode: %q", string(m)) } return cm.Err() } func (ps *customerCollection) EntityIDs(ret ...uint64) []uint64 { if ret == nil { ret = make([]uint64, 0, len(ps.Data)) } for _, p := range ps.Data { ret = append(ret, p.EntityID) } return ret } func (ps *customerCollection) Firstnames(ret ...string) []string { if ret == nil { ret = make([]string, 0, len(ps.Data)) } for _, p := range ps.Data { ret = append(ret, p.Firstname) } return ret // can be made unique } // ExampleColumnMapper implementation POC for interface ColumnMapper. Retrieving // and loading/scanning rows from a database mock. func main() { // <ignore_this> dbc, dbMock := dmltest.MockDB(nil) defer dmltest.MockClose(nil, dbc, dbMock) r := dmltest.MustMockRows(dmltest.WithFile("testdata", "customer_entity_example.csv")) dbMock.ExpectQuery(dmltest.SQLMockQuoteMeta("SELECT * FROM `customer_entity`")).WillReturnRows(r) // </ignore_this> _ = dbc.RegisterByQueryBuilder(map[string]dml.QueryBuilder{ "select001": dml.NewSelect("*").From("customer_entity"), }) customers := new(customerCollection) _, err := dbc.WithCacheKey("select001").Load(context.TODO(), customers) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("Result of %v query:\n", dbc.CachedQueries()) fmt.Println("[entity_id firstname store_id lifetime_sales voucher_codes]") for _, c := range customers.Data { fmt.Printf("%v\n", *c) } }
Output: Result of map[select001:SELECT * FROM `customer_entity`] query: [entity_id firstname store_id lifetime_sales voucher_codes] {18446744073700551613 Karl Gopher 7 47.11 [1FE9983E 28E76FBC]} {18446744073700551614 Fung Go Roo 7 28.94 [4FE7787E 15E59FBB 794EFDE8]} {18446744073700551615 John Doe 6 138.54 []}
Example (InsertCollectionWithoutColumns) ¶
q := dml.NewInsert("customer_entity"). // AddColumns("firstname", "lifetime_sales", "store_id", "voucher_codes"). . SetRowCount(len(cmCustomers.Data)).WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs(dml.Qualify("", cmCustomers)) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(q)
Output: Prepared Statement: INSERT INTO `customer_entity` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?),(?,?,?,?,?),(?,?,?,?,?) Arguments: [11 Karl Gopher 7 47.11 1FE9983E|28E76FBC 12 Fung Go Roo 7 28.94 4FE7787E|15E59FBB|794EFDE8 13 John Doe 6 138.54 ] Interpolated Statement: INSERT INTO `customer_entity` VALUES (11,'Karl Gopher',7,47.11,'1FE9983E|28E76FBC'),(12,'Fung Go Roo',7,28.94,'4FE7787E|15E59FBB|794EFDE8'),(13,'John Doe',6,138.54,'')
Example (InsertEntitiesWithColumns) ¶
ExampleColumnMapper_insertEntities inserts multiple entities into a table. Collection not yet supported.
q := dml.NewInsert("customer_entity").AddColumns("firstname", "lifetime_sales", "store_id", "voucher_codes"). WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs( // might get optimized in the future, but it depends. dml.Qualify("", cmCustomers.Data[0]), dml.Qualify("", cmCustomers.Data[1]), dml.Qualify("", cmCustomers.Data[2]), ) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(q)
Output: Prepared Statement: INSERT INTO `customer_entity` (`firstname`,`lifetime_sales`,`store_id`,`voucher_codes`) VALUES (?,?,?,?),(?,?,?,?),(?,?,?,?) Arguments: [Karl Gopher 47.11 7 1FE9983E|28E76FBC Fung Go Roo 28.94 7 4FE7787E|15E59FBB|794EFDE8 John Doe 138.54 6 ] Interpolated Statement: INSERT INTO `customer_entity` (`firstname`,`lifetime_sales`,`store_id`,`voucher_codes`) VALUES ('Karl Gopher',47.11,7,'1FE9983E|28E76FBC'),('Fung Go Roo',28.94,7,'4FE7787E|15E59FBB|794EFDE8'),('John Doe',138.54,6,'')
Example (InsertEntitiesWithoutColumns) ¶
ExampleColumnMapper_insertEntitiesWithoutColumns inserts multiple entities into a table. It includes all fields in the sruct. In this case 5 fields including the autoincrement field.
q := dml.NewInsert("customer_entity"). WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs( dml.Qualify("", cmCustomers.Data[0]), dml.Qualify("", cmCustomers.Data[1]), dml.Qualify("", cmCustomers.Data[2]), ) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(q)
Output: Prepared Statement: INSERT INTO `customer_entity` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?),(?,?,?,?,?),(?,?,?,?,?) Arguments: [11 Karl Gopher 7 47.11 1FE9983E|28E76FBC 12 Fung Go Roo 7 28.94 4FE7787E|15E59FBB|794EFDE8 13 John Doe 6 138.54 ] Interpolated Statement: INSERT INTO `customer_entity` VALUES (11,'Karl Gopher',7,47.11,'1FE9983E|28E76FBC'),(12,'Fung Go Roo',7,28.94,'4FE7787E|15E59FBB|794EFDE8'),(13,'John Doe',6,138.54,'')
Example (SelectJoinCollection) ¶
ExampleColumnMapper_selectJoinCollection uses a qualified customer collection. The qualifier maps to the alias name of the customer_entity table.
q := dml.NewSelect("ce.entity_id", "ce.firstname", "cg.customer_group_code", "cg.tax_class_id").FromAlias("customer_entity", "ce"). Join(dml.MakeIdentifier("customer_group").Alias("cg"), dml.Column("ce.group_id").Equal().Column("cg.customer_group_id"), ). Where( dml.Column("ce.entity_id").In().PlaceHolder(), ). WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs(dml.Qualify("ce", cmCustomers)) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(q)
Output: Prepared Statement: SELECT `ce`.`entity_id`, `ce`.`firstname`, `cg`.`customer_group_code`, `cg`.`tax_class_id` FROM `customer_entity` AS `ce` INNER JOIN `customer_group` AS `cg` ON (`ce`.`group_id` = `cg`.`customer_group_id`) WHERE (`ce`.`entity_id` IN ?) Arguments: [11 12 13] Interpolated Statement: SELECT `ce`.`entity_id`, `ce`.`firstname`, `cg`.`customer_group_code`, `cg`.`tax_class_id` FROM `customer_entity` AS `ce` INNER JOIN `customer_group` AS `cg` ON (`ce`.`group_id` = `cg`.`customer_group_id`) WHERE (`ce`.`entity_id` IN (11,12,13))
Example (SelectSalesOrdersFromSpecificCustomers) ¶
ExampleColumnMapper_selectSalesOrdersFromSpecificCustomers this query should return all sales orders from different customers which are loaded within a collection. The challenge depict to map the customer_entity.entity_id column to the sales_order_entity.customer_id column.
// Column `customer_id` has been hard coded into the switch statement of the // ColumnMapper in customerCollection and customerEntity. `customer_id` acts // as an alias to `entity_id`. q := dml.NewSelect("entity_id", "status", "increment_id", "grand_total", "tax_total").From("sales_order_entity"). Where(dml.Column("customer_id").In().PlaceHolder()).WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs(dml.Qualify("", cmCustomers)) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(q)
Output: Prepared Statement: SELECT `entity_id`, `status`, `increment_id`, `grand_total`, `tax_total` FROM `sales_order_entity` WHERE (`customer_id` IN ?) Arguments: [11 12 13] Interpolated Statement: SELECT `entity_id`, `status`, `increment_id`, `grand_total`, `tax_total` FROM `sales_order_entity` WHERE (`customer_id` IN (11,12,13))
Example (SelectWhereInCollection) ¶
ExampleColumnMapper_selectWhereInCollection uses a customer collection to retrieve all entity_ids to be used in an IN condition. The customer collection does not get qualified because SELECT happens from one table without an alias.
q := dml.NewSelect("entity_id", "firstname", "lifetime_sales").From("customer_entity"). Where( dml.Column("entity_id").In().PlaceHolder(), ). // for variable customers see ExampleColumnMapper WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs(dml.Qualify("", cmCustomers)) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(q)
Output: Prepared Statement: SELECT `entity_id`, `firstname`, `lifetime_sales` FROM `customer_entity` WHERE (`entity_id` IN ?) Arguments: [11 12 13] Interpolated Statement: SELECT `entity_id`, `firstname`, `lifetime_sales` FROM `customer_entity` WHERE (`entity_id` IN (11,12,13))
Example (UpdateEntity) ¶
ExampleColumnMapper_updateEntity updates an entity with the defined fields.
q := dml.NewUpdate("customer_entity").AddColumns("firstname", "lifetime_sales", "voucher_codes"). Where(dml.Column("entity_id").Equal().PlaceHolder()). WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs(dml.Qualify("", cmCustomers.Data[0])) // Empty string is the qualifier writeToSQLAndInterpolate(q)
Output: Prepared Statement: UPDATE `customer_entity` SET `firstname`=?, `lifetime_sales`=?, `voucher_codes`=? WHERE (`entity_id` = ?) Arguments: [Karl Gopher 47.11 1FE9983E|28E76FBC 11] Interpolated Statement: UPDATE `customer_entity` SET `firstname`='Karl Gopher', `lifetime_sales`=47.11, `voucher_codes`='1FE9983E|28E76FBC' WHERE (`entity_id` = 11)
type Condition ¶
type Condition struct { Aliased string // Left can contain either a valid identifier or an expression. Set field // `IsLeftExpression` to true to avoid quoting of the this field. Left can also // contain a string in the format `qualifier.identifier`. Left string // Right defines the right hand side for an assignment which can be either a // single argument, multiple arguments in case of an expression, a sub // select or a name of a column. Right struct { // Column defines a column name to compare to. The column, with an // optional qualifier, gets quoted, in case IsExpression is false. Column string // PlaceHolder can be a :named or the MySQL/MariaDB place holder // character `?`. If set, the current condition just acts as a place // holder for a prepared statement or an interpolation. In case of a // :named place holder for a prepared statement, the :named string gets // replaced with the `?`. The allowed characters are unicode letters and // digits. PlaceHolder string // Select adds a sub-select to the where statement. Column must be // either a column name or anything else which can handle the result of // a sub-select. Sub *Select // IsExpression if true field `Column` gets treated as an expression. // Additionally the field Right.args will be read to extract any // given args. IsExpression bool // contains filtered or unexported fields } // Operator contains the comparison logic like LIKE, IN, GREATER, etc ... // defaults to EQUAL. Operator Op // IsLeftExpression if set to true, the field Left won't get quoted and // treated as an expression. Additionally the field Right.args will be // read to extract any given args. IsLeftExpression bool // Logical states how multiple WHERE statements will be connected. // Default to AND. Possible values are a=AND, o=OR, x=XOR, n=NOT Logical byte // Columns is a list of column names which get quoted during SQL statement // creation in the JOIN part for the USING syntax. Additionally used in ON // DUPLICATE KEY. Columns []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Condition implements a single condition often used in WHERE, ON, SET and ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. Please use the helper functions instead of using this type directly.
Example ¶
ExampleCondition is duplicate of ExampleColumn
package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func argPrinter(wf *dml.Condition) { sqlStr, args, err := dml.NewSelect().AddColumns("a", "b"). From("c").Where(wf).ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) } else { fmt.Printf("%q", sqlStr) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf(" Arguments: %v", args) } fmt.Print("\n") } } func main() { argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Null()) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").NotNull()) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Int(2)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Int(3).Null()) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Int(4).NotNull()) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").In().Ints(7, 8, 9)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").NotIn().Ints(10, 11, 12)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Between().Ints(13, 14)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").NotBetween().Ints(15, 16)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Greatest().Ints(17, 18, 19)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Least().Ints(20, 21, 22)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Equal().Int(30)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").NotEqual().Int(31)) argPrinter(dml.Column("alias.column").SpaceShip().Float64(3.14159)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Less().Int(32)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Greater().Int(33)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").LessOrEqual().Int(34)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").GreaterOrEqual().Int(35)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Like().Str("Goph%")) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").NotLike().Str("Cat%")) }
Output: "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` IS NULL)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` IS NOT NULL)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` = 2)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` IS NULL)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` IS NOT NULL)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` IN (7,8,9))" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` NOT IN (10,11,12))" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` BETWEEN 13 AND 14)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` NOT BETWEEN 15 AND 16)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` GREATEST (17,18,19))" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` LEAST (20,21,22))" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` = 30)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` != 31)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`alias`.`column` <=> 3.14159)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` < 32)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` > 33)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` <= 34)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` >= 35)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` LIKE 'Goph%')" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` NOT LIKE 'Cat%')"
func Column ¶
Column adds a new condition.
Example ¶
ExampleColumn is a duplicate of ExampleCondition
package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func argPrinter(wf *dml.Condition) { sqlStr, args, err := dml.NewSelect().AddColumns("a", "b"). From("c").Where(wf).ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) } else { fmt.Printf("%q", sqlStr) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf(" Arguments: %v", args) } fmt.Print("\n") } } func main() { argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Null()) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").NotNull()) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Int(2)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Int(3).Null()) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Int(4).NotNull()) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").In().Ints(7, 8, 9)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").NotIn().Ints(10, 11, 12)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Between().Ints(13, 14)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").NotBetween().Ints(15, 16)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Greatest().Ints(17, 18, 19)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Least().Ints(20, 21, 22)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Equal().Int(30)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").NotEqual().Int(31)) argPrinter(dml.Column("alias.column").SpaceShip().Float64(3.14159)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Less().Int(32)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Greater().Int(33)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").LessOrEqual().Int(34)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").GreaterOrEqual().Int(35)) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").Like().Str("Goph%")) argPrinter(dml.Column("d").NotLike().Str("Cat%")) }
Output: "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` IS NULL)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` IS NOT NULL)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` = 2)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` IS NULL)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` IS NOT NULL)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` IN (7,8,9))" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` NOT IN (10,11,12))" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` BETWEEN 13 AND 14)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` NOT BETWEEN 15 AND 16)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` GREATEST (17,18,19))" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` LEAST (20,21,22))" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` = 30)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` != 31)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`alias`.`column` <=> 3.14159)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` < 32)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` > 33)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` <= 34)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` >= 35)" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` LIKE 'Goph%')" "SELECT `a`, `b` FROM `c` WHERE (`d` NOT LIKE 'Cat%')"
func Columns ¶
Columns add syntactic sugar to a JOIN or ON DUPLICATE KEY statement: In case of JOIN: The USING(column_list) clause names a list of columns that must exist in both tables. If tables a and b both contain columns c1, c2, and c3, the following join compares corresponding columns from the two tables:
a LEFT JOIN b USING (c1, c2, c3)
The columns list gets quoted while writing the query string. In case of ON DUPLICATE KEY each column gets written like: `column`=VALUES(`column`). Any other field in *Condition gets ignored once field Columns has been set.
func Expr ¶
Expr adds an unquoted SQL expression to a column, WHERE, HAVING, SET or ON DUPLICATE KEY statement. Each item of an expression gets written into the buffer without a separator.
func ParenthesisClose ¶
func ParenthesisClose() *Condition
ParenthesisClose sets a closing parenthesis ")". Mostly used for OR conditions in combination with AND conditions.
func ParenthesisOpen ¶
func ParenthesisOpen() *Condition
ParenthesisOpen sets an open parenthesis "(". Mostly used for OR conditions in combination with AND conditions.
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { s := dml.NewSelect("columnA", "columnB"). Distinct(). FromAlias("tableC", "ccc"). Where( dml.ParenthesisOpen(), dml.Column("d").Int(1), dml.Column("e").Str("wat").Or(), dml.ParenthesisClose(), dml.Column("f").Int(2), ). GroupBy("ab"). Having( dml.Expr("j = k"), dml.ParenthesisOpen(), dml.Column("m").Int(33), dml.Column("n").Str("wh3r3").Or(), dml.ParenthesisClose(), ). OrderBy("l"). Limit(8, 7) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(s) }
Output: Statement: SELECT DISTINCT `columnA`, `columnB` FROM `tableC` AS `ccc` WHERE ((`d` = 1) OR (`e` = 'wat')) AND (`f` = 2) GROUP BY `ab` HAVING (j = k) AND ((`m` = 33) OR (`n` = 'wh3r3')) ORDER BY `l` LIMIT 8,7
func SQLCase ¶
SQLCase generates a CASE ... WHEN ... THEN ... ELSE ... END statement. `value` argument can be empty. defaultValue used in the ELSE part can also be empty and then won't get written. `compareResult` must be a balanced sliced where index `i` represents the case part and index `i+1` the result. If the slice is imbalanced the function assumes that the last item of compareResult should be printed as an alias.
Example (Select) ¶
ExampleSQLCase_select is a duplicate of ExampleSelect_AddArguments
// time stamp has no special meaning ;-) start := time.Unix(1257894000, 0).In(time.UTC) end := time.Unix(1257980400, 0).In(time.UTC) s := dml.NewSelect().AddColumns("price", "sku", "name", "title", "description"). AddColumnsConditions( dml.SQLCase("", "`closed`", "date_start <= ? AND date_end >= ?", "`open`", "date_start > ? AND date_end > ?", "`upcoming`", ).Alias("is_on_sale"), ). From("catalog_promotions").Where( dml.Column("promotion_id").NotIn().PlaceHolders(3)). WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs(start, end, start, end, 4711, 815, 42) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(s)
Output: Prepared Statement: SELECT `price`, `sku`, `name`, `title`, `description`, CASE WHEN date_start <= ? AND date_end >= ? THEN `open` WHEN date_start > ? AND date_end > ? THEN `upcoming` ELSE `closed` END AS `is_on_sale` FROM `catalog_promotions` WHERE (`promotion_id` NOT IN (?,?,?)) Arguments: [2009-11-10 23:00:00 +0000 UTC 2009-11-11 23:00:00 +0000 UTC 2009-11-10 23:00:00 +0000 UTC 2009-11-11 23:00:00 +0000 UTC 4711 815 42] Interpolated Statement: SELECT `price`, `sku`, `name`, `title`, `description`, CASE WHEN date_start <= '2009-11-10 23:00:00' AND date_end >= '2009-11-11 23:00:00' THEN `open` WHEN date_start > '2009-11-10 23:00:00' AND date_end > '2009-11-11 23:00:00' THEN `upcoming` ELSE `closed` END AS `is_on_sale` FROM `catalog_promotions` WHERE (`promotion_id` NOT IN (4711,815,42))
Example (Update) ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { u := dml.NewUpdate("cataloginventory_stock_item"). AddClauses(dml.Column("qty").SQLCase("`product_id`", "qty", "3456", "qty+?", "3457", "qty+?", "3458", "qty+?", ).Int(3).Int(4).Int(5)). Where( dml.Column("product_id").In().Int64s(345, 567, 897), dml.Column("website_id").Int64(6), ) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(u) }
Output: Statement: UPDATE `cataloginventory_stock_item` SET `qty`=CASE `product_id` WHEN 3456 THEN qty+3 WHEN 3457 THEN qty+4 WHEN 3458 THEN qty+5 ELSE qty END WHERE (`product_id` IN (345,567,897)) AND (`website_id` = 6)
func SQLIf ¶
SQLIf writes a SQL IF() expression.
If expr1 is TRUE (expr1 <> 0 and expr1 <> NULL) then IF() returns expr2; otherwise it returns expr3. IF() returns a numeric or string value, depending on the context in which it is used. Returns a []string.
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { s := dml.NewSelect(). AddColumns("a", "b", "c"). From("table1"). Where( dml.SQLIf("a > 0", "b", "c").Greater().Int(4711), ) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(s) }
Output: Statement: SELECT `a`, `b`, `c` FROM `table1` WHERE (IF((a > 0), b, c) > 4711)
func SQLIfNull ¶
SQLIfNull creates an IFNULL expression. Argument count can be either 1, 2 or 4. A single expression can contain a qualified or unqualified identifier. See the examples.
IFNULL(expr1,expr2) If expr1 is not NULL, IFNULL() returns expr1; otherwise it returns expr2. IFNULL() returns a numeric or string value, depending on the context in which it is used.
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "strings" "" ) func main() { s := dml.NewSelect().AddColumnsConditions( dml.SQLIfNull("column1"), dml.SQLIfNull("table1.column1"), dml.SQLIfNull("column1", "column2"), dml.SQLIfNull("table1.column1", "table2.column2"), dml.SQLIfNull("column2", "1/0").Alias("alias"), dml.SQLIfNull("SELECT * FROM x", "8").Alias("alias"), dml.SQLIfNull("SELECT * FROM x", "9 ").Alias("alias"), dml.SQLIfNull("column1", "column2").Alias("alias"), dml.SQLIfNull("table1.column1", "table2.column2").Alias("alias"), dml.SQLIfNull("table1", "column1", "table2", "column2"), dml.SQLIfNull("table1", "column1", "table2", "column2").Alias("alias"), ).From("table1") sStr, _, _ := s.ToSQL() fmt.Print(strings.Replace(sStr, ", ", ",\n", -1)) }
Output: SELECT IFNULL(`column1`,NULL), IFNULL(`table1`.`column1`,NULL), IFNULL(`column1`,`column2`), IFNULL(`table1`.`column1`,`table2`.`column2`), IFNULL(`column2`,1/0) AS `alias`, IFNULL(SELECT * FROM x,8) AS `alias`, IFNULL(SELECT * FROM x,9 ) AS `alias`, IFNULL(`column1`,`column2`) AS `alias`, IFNULL(`table1`.`column1`,`table2`.`column2`) AS `alias`, IFNULL(`table1`.`column1`,`table2`.`column2`), IFNULL(`table1`.`column1`,`table2`.`column2`) AS `alias` FROM `table1`
func (*Condition) Bytes ¶
Bytes uses a byte slice for comparison. Providing a nil value returns a NULL type. Detects between valid UTF-8 strings and binary data. Later gets hex encoded.
func (*Condition) BytesSlice ¶
func (*Condition) Clone ¶
Clone creates a new clone of the current object. It resets the internal error field.
func (*Condition) DriverValue ¶
DriverValue adds multiple of the same underlying values to the argument slice. When using different values, the last applied value wins and gets added to the argument slice. For example driver.Values of type `int` will result in []int.
func (*Condition) DriverValues ¶
DriverValues adds each driver.Value as its own argument to the argument slice. It panics if the underlying type is not one of the allowed of interface driver.Valuer.
func (*Condition) Expr ¶
Expr compares the left hand side with the expression of the right hand side.
func (*Condition) GreaterOrEqual ¶
func (*Condition) LessOrEqual ¶
func (*Condition) NamedArg ¶
NamedArg treats a condition as a place holder. If set the MySQL/MariaDB placeholder `?` will be used and the provided name gets replaced. Records which implement ColumnMapper must also use this name. A dot in the name (for e.g. setting a qualifier) is not allowed.
func (*Condition) NotBetween ¶
func (*Condition) PlaceHolder ¶
PlaceHolder treats a condition as a placeholder. Sets the database specific placeholder character "?". Mostly used in prepared statements and for interpolation.
func (*Condition) PlaceHolders ¶
PlaceHolders treats a condition as a string with multiple placeholders. Sets the database specific placeholder character "?" as many times as specified in variable count. Mostly used in prepared statements and for interpolation and when using the IN clause.
func (*Condition) Sub ¶
Sub compares the left hand side with the SELECT of the right hand side. Choose the appropriate comparison operator, default is IN.
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { s := dml.NewSelect("sku", "type_id"). From("catalog_product_entity"). Where(dml.Column("entity_id").In().Sub( dml.NewSelect().From("catalog_category_product"). AddColumns("entity_id").Where(dml.Column("category_id").Int64(234)), )) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(s) }
Output: Statement: SELECT `sku`, `type_id` FROM `catalog_product_entity` WHERE (`entity_id` IN (SELECT `entity_id` FROM `catalog_category_product` WHERE (`category_id` = 234)))
func (*Condition) Tuples ¶
Tuples allows to build a query string for tuple comparison.
SELECT * FROM catalog_product_index_decimal_idx WHERE (entity_id,attribute_id,store_id,source_id) IN ( (4,4,4,4), (3,3,3,3), (dynamical values) );
See test ... TBC
type Conditions ¶
type Conditions []*Condition
Conditions provides a list where the left hand side gets an assignment from the right hand side. Mostly used in
func (Conditions) Clone ¶
func (cs Conditions) Clone() Conditions
Clone creates a clone of the current object.
func (*Conditions) Reset ¶
func (cs *Conditions) Reset() Conditions
Reset resets the slice to length zero and retains the allocated memory.
type Conn ¶
Conn represents a single database session rather a pool of database sessions. Prefer running queries from DB unless there is a specific need for a continuous single database session.
A Conn must call Close to return the connection to the database pool and may do so concurrently with a running query.
After a call to Close, all operations on the connection fail with ErrConnDone.
func (*Conn) BeginTx ¶
BeginTx starts a transaction.
The provided context is used until the transaction is committed or rolled back. If the context is canceled, the sql package will roll back the transaction. Tx.Commit will return an error if the context provided to BeginTx is canceled.
The provided TxOptions is optional and may be nil if defaults should be used. If a non-default isolation level is used that the driver doesn't support, an error will be returned.
func (*Conn) CacheKeyExists ¶
CacheKeyExists returns true if a given key already exists.
func (*Conn) Close ¶
Close returns the connection to the connection pool. All operations after a Close will return with ErrConnDone. Close is safe to call concurrently with other operations and will block until all other operations finish. It may be useful to first cancel any used context and then call close directly after. It logs the time taken, if a logger has been set with Info logging enabled.
func (*Conn) Transaction ¶
Transaction is a helper method that will automatically BEGIN a transaction and COMMIT or ROLLBACK once the supplied functions are done executing.
if err := con.Transaction( func(tx *dml.Tx) error { // SQL return nil }, ); err != nil{ panic(err.Error()) // you could gracefully handle the error also }
It logs the time taken, if a logger has been set with Debug logging enabled. The provided context gets used only for starting the transaction.
func (*Conn) WithCacheKey ¶
WithCacheKey creates a DBR object from a cached query.
func (*Conn) WithPrepare ¶
WithPrepare adds the query to the cache and returns a prepared statement which must be closed after its use.
func (*Conn) WithPrepareCacheKey ¶
WithPrepareCacheKey creates a DBR object from a prepared cached query. The statement must be closed after its use.
func (*Conn) WithQueryBuilder ¶
func (c *Conn) WithQueryBuilder(qb QueryBuilder, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
WithQueryBuilder creates a new DBR for handling the arguments with the assigned connection and builds the SQL string. The returned arguments and errors of the QueryBuilder will be forwarded to the DBR type. It generates a unique cache key based on the SQL string. The cache key can be retrieved via DBR object.
type ConnPool ¶
type ConnPool struct { // DB must be set using one of the ConnPoolOption function. DB *sql.DB // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ConnPool at a connection to the database with an EventReceiver to send events, errors, and timings to
func MustConnectAndVerify ¶
func MustConnectAndVerify(opts ...ConnPoolOption) *ConnPool
MustConnectAndVerify at like NewConnPool but it verifies the connection and panics on errors.
func NewConnPool ¶
func NewConnPool(opts ...ConnPoolOption) (*ConnPool, error)
NewConnPool instantiates a ConnPool for a given database/sql connection and event receiver. An invalid driver name causes a NotImplemented error to be returned. You can either apply a DSN or a pre configured *sql.DB type. For full UTF-8 support you must set the charset in the SQL driver to utf8mb4.
Quote: Recommended sql.DB Settings:
Definitely set SetMaxOpenConns(). You need this in order to stop opening new connections and sending queries when the load is high and server response slows. If possible, it’s good to do a load test and set the minimum number of connections to ensure maximum throughput, but even if you can’t do that, you should decide on a reasonably appropriate number based on max_connection and the number of cores.
Configure SetMaxIdleConns() to be equal to or higher than SetMaxOpenConns(). Let SetConnMaxLifetime handle closing idle connections.
Set SetConnMaxLifetime() to be the maximum number of connections x 1 second. In most environments, a load of one connection per second won’t be a problem. When you want to set it for longer than an hour, discuss that with an infrastructure/network engineer.
func (*ConnPool) BeginTx ¶
BeginTx starts a transaction.
The provided context is used until the transaction is committed or rolled back. If the context is canceled, the sql package will roll back the transaction. Tx.Commit will return an error if the context provided to BeginTx is canceled.
The provided TxOptions is optional and may be nil if defaults should be used. If a non-default isolation level is used that the driver doesn't support, an error will be returned.
Practical Guide to SQL Transaction Isolation:
func (*ConnPool) CacheKeyExists ¶
CacheKeyExists returns true if a given key already exists.
func (*ConnPool) CachedQueries ¶
func (*ConnPool) Close ¶
Close closes the database, releasing any open resources.
It is rare to Close a DB, as the DB handle is meant to be long-lived and shared between many goroutines. It logs the time taken, if a logger has been set with Info logging enabled. It runs the ConnPoolOption, marked for running before close.
func (*ConnPool) Conn ¶
Conn returns a single connection by either opening a new connection or returning an existing connection from the connection pool. Conn will block until either a connection is returned or ctx is canceled. Queries run on the same Conn will be run in the same database session.
Every Conn must be returned to the database pool after use by calling Conn.Close.
func (*ConnPool) DeregisterByCacheKey ¶
func (*ConnPool) RegisterByQueryBuilder ¶
func (c *ConnPool) RegisterByQueryBuilder(cacheKeyQB map[string]QueryBuilder) error
RegisterByQueryBuilder adds the SQL queries to the local internal cache. The cacheKeyQB map gets iterated in alphabetical order.
func (*ConnPool) Schema ¶
Schema returns the database name as provided in the DSN. Returns an empty string if no DSN has been set.
func (*ConnPool) Transaction ¶
func (c *ConnPool) Transaction(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions, fn func(*Tx) error) (err error)
Transaction is a helper method that will automatically BEGIN a transaction and COMMIT or ROLLBACK once the supplied functions are done executing.
if err := con.Transaction( func(tx *dml.Tx) error { // SQL return nil } ); err != nil{ panic(err.Error()) // you could gracefully handle the error also }
It logs the time taken, if a logger has been set with Debug logging enabled. The provided context gets used only for starting the transaction.
func (*ConnPool) WithCacheKey ¶
WithCacheKey creates a DBR object from a cached query.
func (*ConnPool) WithDisabledForeignKeyChecks ¶
func (c *ConnPool) WithDisabledForeignKeyChecks(ctx context.Context, callBack func(*Conn) error) (err error)
WithDisabledForeignKeyChecks runs the callBack with disabled foreign key checks in a dedicated connection session. Foreign key checks are getting automatically re-enabled. The context is used to disable and enable the FK check.
func (*ConnPool) WithPrepare ¶
Prepare executes the statement represented by the Select to create a prepared statement. It returns a custom statement type or an error if there was one. Provided arguments or records in the Select are getting ignored. The provided context is used for the preparation of the statement, not for the execution of the statement. The returned DBR is not safe for concurrent use, despite the underlying *sql.Stmt is. It generates a unique cache key based on the SQL string. The cache key can be retrieved via DBR object.
func (*ConnPool) WithPrepareCacheKey ¶
WithPrepareCacheKey creates a DBR object from a prepared cached query.
func (*ConnPool) WithQueryBuilder ¶
func (c *ConnPool) WithQueryBuilder(qb QueryBuilder, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
WithQueryBuilder creates a new DBR for handling the arguments with the assigned connection and builds the SQL string. The returned arguments and errors of the QueryBuilder will be forwarded to the DBR type. It generates a unique cache key based on the SQL string. The cache key can be retrieved via DBR object.
type ConnPoolOption ¶
type ConnPoolOption struct { // WithUniqueIDFn applies a unique ID generator function without an applied // logger as in WithLogger. For more details see WithLogger function. // Sort Order 8. UniqueIDFn func() string // TableNameMapper maps the old name in the DML query to a new name. E.g. // for adding a prefix and/or a suffix. TableNameMapper func(oldName string) (newName string) // OptimisticLock is enabled all queries with Exec will have a `version` field. // UPDATE user SET ..., version = version + 1 WHERE id = ? AND version = ? // TODO implement OptimisticLock OptimisticLock bool // OptimisticLockFieldName custom global column name, defaults to `version // uint64`. // TODO implement OptimisticLock OptimisticLockColumnName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ConnPoolOption can be used at an argument in NewConnPool to configure a connection.
func WithCreateDatabase ¶
func WithCreateDatabase(ctx context.Context, databaseName string) ConnPoolOption
WithCreateDatabase creates the database and sets the utf8mb4 option. It does not drop the database. If databaseName is empty, the DB name gets derived from the DSN.
func WithDB ¶
func WithDB(db *sql.DB) ConnPoolOption
WithDB sets the DB value to an existing connection. Mainly used for testing. Does not support DriverCallBack.
func WithDSN ¶
func WithDSN(dsn string) ConnPoolOption
WithDSN sets the data source name for a connection. Second argument DriverCallBack adds a low level call back function on MySQL driver level to create a a new instrumented driver. No need to call `sql.Register`! If the DSN contains as database name the word "random", then the name will be "test_[unixtimestamp_nano]", especially useful in tests. The environment variable SKIP_CLEANUP=1 skips dropping the test database.
$ SKIP_CLEANUP=1 go test -v -run=TestX
func WithDSNFromEnv ¶
func WithDSNFromEnv(dsnEnvName string) ConnPoolOption
WithDSNFromEnv loads the DSN string from an environment variable named by `dsnEnvName`. If `dsnEnvName` is empty, then it falls back to the environment variable name of constant `EnvDSN`.
func WithDriverCallBack ¶
func WithDriverCallBack(cb DriverCallBack) ConnPoolOption
WithDriverCallBack allows low level query logging and argument inspection.
func WithExecSQLOnConnClose ¶
func WithExecSQLOnConnClose(ctx context.Context, sqlQuery ...string) ConnPoolOption
WithExecSQLOnConnClose runs the sqlQuery arguments before closing a DB connection. More than one queries are running in a transaction, a single query not.
func WithExecSQLOnConnOpen ¶
func WithExecSQLOnConnOpen(ctx context.Context, sqlQuery ...string) ConnPoolOption
WithExecSQLOnConnOpen runs the sqlQuery arguments after successful opening a DB connection. More than one queries are running in a transaction, a single query not.
func WithLogger ¶
func WithLogger(l log.Logger, uniqueIDFn func() string) ConnPoolOption
WithLogger sets the customer logger to be used across the package. The logger gets inherited to type Conn and Tx and also to all statement types. Each heredity creates new fields as a prefix. Argument `uniqueID` generates for each heredity a new unique ID for tracing in Info logging. Those IDs will be assigned to a new connection or a new statement. The function signature is equal to fmt.Stringer so one can use for example:
The returned unique ID from `uniqueIDFn` gets used in logging and inserted as a comment into the SQL string for tracing in server log files and PROCESS LIST. The returned string must not contain the comment-end-termination pattern: `*/`. The `uniqueIDFn` must be thread safe.
func WithSetNamesUTF8MB4 ¶
func WithSetNamesUTF8MB4() ConnPoolOption
WithSetNamesUTF8MB4 sets the utf8mb4 charset and collation.
func WithVerifyConnection ¶
func WithVerifyConnection(ctx context.Context, pingRetry time.Duration) ConnPoolOption
WithVerifyConnection checks if the connection to the server is valid and can be established.
type DBR ¶
type DBR struct { // DB can be either a *sql.DB (connection pool), a *sql.Conn (a single // dedicated database session) or a *sql.Tx (an in-progress database // transaction). DB QueryExecPreparer // Options like enable interpolation or expanding placeholders. Options uint // ResultCheckFn custom function to check for affected rows or last insert ID. // Only used in generated code. ResultCheckFn func(tableName string, expectedAffectedRows int, res sql.Result, err error) error // QualifiedColumnsAliases allows to overwrite the internal qualified // columns slice with custom names. Only in the use case when records are // applied. The list of column names in `QualifiedColumnsAliases` gets // passed to the ColumnMapper and back to the provided object. The // `QualifiedColumnsAliases` slice must have the same length as the // qualified columns slice. The order of the alias names must be in the same // order as the qualified columns or as the placeholders occur. QualifiedColumnsAliases []string OrderBys ids LimitValid bool OffsetValid bool LimitCount uint64 OffsetCount uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DBR is a DataBaseRunner which prepares the SQL string from a DML type, collects and build a list of arguments for later sending and execution in the database server. Arguments are collections of primitive types or slices of primitive types. An DBR type acts like a prepared statement. In fact it can contain under the hood different connection types. DBR is optimized for reuse and allow saving memory allocations. It can't be used in concurrent context.
func (*DBR) CacheKey ¶
CacheKey returns the cache key used when registering a SQL statement with the ConnPool.
func (*DBR) Close ¶
Close tries to close the underlying DB connection. Useful in cases of prepared statements. If the underlying DB connection does not implement io.Closer, nothing will happen.
func (*DBR) ExecContext ¶
ExecContext executes the statement represented by the Update/Insert object. It returns the raw database/sql Result or an error if there was one. Regarding LastInsertID(): If you insert multiple rows using a single INSERT statement, LAST_INSERT_ID() returns the value generated for the first inserted row only. The reason for this at to make it possible to reproduce easily the same INSERT statement against some other server. If a record resp. and object implements the interface LastInsertIDAssigner then the LastInsertID gets assigned incrementally to the objects. Pro tip: you can use function ExecValidateOneAffectedRow to check if the underlying SQL statement has affected only one row.
func (*DBR) ExpandPlaceHolders ¶
ExpandPlaceHolders repeats the place holders with the provided argument count. If the amount of arguments does not match the number of place holders, a mismatch error gets returned.
ExpandPlaceHolders("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN (?) AND status IN (?)", Int(myIntSlice...), String(myStrSlice...))
Gets converted to:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN (?,?) AND status IN (?,?,?)
The place holders are of course depending on the values in the Arg* functions. This function should be generally used when dealing with prepared statements or interpolation.
func (*DBR) Interpolate ¶
Interpolate if set stringyfies the arguments into the SQL string and returns pre-processed SQL command when calling the function ToSQL. Not suitable for prepared statements. ToSQLs second argument `args` will then be nil.
func (*DBR) IterateParallel ¶
func (a *DBR) IterateParallel(ctx context.Context, concurrencyLevel int, callBack func(*ColumnMap) error, args ...interface{}) (err error)
IterateParallel starts a number of workers as defined by variable concurrencyLevel and executes the query. Each database row gets evenly distributed to the workers. The callback function gets called within a worker. concurrencyLevel should be the number of CPUs. You should use this function when you expect to process large amount of rows returned from a query.
func (*DBR) IterateSerial ¶
func (a *DBR) IterateSerial(ctx context.Context, callBack func(*ColumnMap) error, args ...interface{}) (err error)
IterateSerial iterates in serial order over the result set by loading one row each iteration and then discarding it. Handles records one by one. The context gets only used in the Query function.
func (*DBR) Limit ¶
Limit sets a LIMIT clause for the statement; overrides any existing LIMIT. This LIMIT clause gets appended to the current internal cached SQL string independently if the SQL statement supports it or not or if there exists already a LIMIT clause.
func (*DBR) Load ¶
func (a *DBR) Load(ctx context.Context, s ColumnMapper, args ...interface{}) (rowCount uint64, err error)
Load loads data from a query into an object. Load can load a single row or multiple-rows. It checks on top if ColumnMapper `s` implements io.Closer, to call the custom close function. This is useful for e.g. unlocking a mutex.
func (*DBR) LoadDecimal ¶
func (a *DBR) LoadDecimal(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.Decimal, found bool, err error)
LoadDecimal executes the query and returns the first row parsed into the current type. `Found` might be false if there are no matching rows.
func (*DBR) LoadFloat64s ¶
func (a *DBR) LoadFloat64s(ctx context.Context, dest []float64, args ...interface{}) (_ []float64, err error)
LoadFloat64s executes the query and returns the values appended to slice dest. It ignores and skips NULL values.
func (*DBR) LoadInt64s ¶
func (a *DBR) LoadInt64s(ctx context.Context, dest []int64, args ...interface{}) (_ []int64, err error)
LoadInt64s executes the query and returns the values appended to slice dest. It ignores and skips NULL values.
func (*DBR) LoadNullFloat64 ¶
func (a *DBR) LoadNullFloat64(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.Float64, found bool, err error)
LoadNullFloat64 executes the query and returns the first row parsed into the current type. `Found` might be false if there are no matching rows.
func (*DBR) LoadNullInt64 ¶
func (a *DBR) LoadNullInt64(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.Int64, found bool, err error)
LoadNullInt64 executes the query and returns the first row parsed into the current type. `Found` might be false if there are no matching rows.
func (*DBR) LoadNullString ¶
func (a *DBR) LoadNullString(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.String, found bool, err error)
LoadNullString executes the query and returns the first row parsed into the current type. `Found` might be false if there are no matching rows.
func (*DBR) LoadNullTime ¶
func (a *DBR) LoadNullTime(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.Time, found bool, err error)
LoadNullTime executes the query and returns the first row parsed into the current type. `Found` might be false if there are no matching rows.
func (*DBR) LoadNullUint64 ¶
func (a *DBR) LoadNullUint64(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (nv null.Uint64, found bool, err error)
LoadNullUint64 executes the query and returns the first row parsed into the current type. `Found` might be false if there are no matching rows. This function with ptr type uint64 comes in handy when performing a COUNT(*) query. See function `Select.Count`.
func (*DBR) LoadStrings ¶
func (a *DBR) LoadStrings(ctx context.Context, dest []string, args ...interface{}) (_ []string, err error)
LoadStrings executes the query and returns the values appended to slice dest. It ignores and skips NULL values.
func (*DBR) LoadUint64s ¶
func (a *DBR) LoadUint64s(ctx context.Context, dest []uint64, args ...interface{}) (_ []uint64, err error)
LoadUint64s executes the query and returns the values appended to slice dest. It ignores and skips NULL values.
func (*DBR) OrderBy ¶
OrderBy appends columns to the ORDER BY statement for ascending sorting. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. This ORDER BY clause gets appended to the current internal cached SQL string independently if the SQL statement supports it or not or if there exists already an ORDER BY clause. A column name can also contain the suffix words " ASC" or " DESC" to indicate the sorting. This avoids using the method OrderByDesc when sorting certain columns descending.
func (*DBR) OrderByDesc ¶
OrderByDesc appends columns to the ORDER BY statement for descending sorting. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. This ORDER BY clause gets appended to the current internal cached SQL string independently if the SQL statement supports it or not or if there exists already an ORDER BY clause.
func (*DBR) Paginate ¶
Paginate sets LIMIT/OFFSET for the statement based on the given page/perPage Assumes page/perPage are valid. Page and perPage must be >= 1
func (*DBR) Prepare ¶
Prepare generates a prepared statement from the underlying SQL and assigns the *sql.Stmt to the DB field. It fails if it contains an already prepared statement.
func (*DBR) PreviousError ¶
PreviousError returns the previous error. Mostly used for testing.
func (*DBR) QueryContext ¶
QueryContext traditional way of the databasel/sql package.
func (*DBR) QueryRowContext ¶
QueryRowContext traditional way of the databasel/sql package.
func (*DBR) Reset ¶
Reset resets the internal slices for new usage retaining the already allocated memory. Reset gets called automatically in many Load* functions. In case of an INSERT statement, Reset triggers a new build of the VALUES part. This function must be called when the number of argument changes for an INSERT query.
func (*DBR) TestWithArgs ¶
func (a *DBR) TestWithArgs(args ...interface{}) QueryBuilder
TestWithArgs returns a QueryBuilder with resolved arguments. Mostly used for testing and in examples to skip the calls to ExecContext or QueryContext. Every 2nd call arguments are getting interpolated.
func (*DBR) TupleCount ¶
TupleCount sets the amount of tuples and its rows. Only needed in case of a prepared statement with tuples. WHERE clause contains:
dml.Columns("entity_id", "attribute_id", "store_id", "source_id").In().Tuples(),
and set to 4,2 because 4 columns with two rows = 8 arguments.
results into
WHERE ((`entity_id`, `attribute_id`, `store_id`, `source_id`) IN ((?,?,?,?),(?,?,?,?)))
func (*DBR) WithCacheKey ¶
WithCacheKey allows to set a custom cache key in generated code to change the underlying SQL query.
func (*DBR) WithDB ¶
func (a *DBR) WithDB(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
WithDB sets the database query object.
func (*DBR) WithPreparedStmt ¶
WithPreparedStmt uses a SQL statement as DB connection.
func (*DBR) WithQualifiedColumnsAliases ¶
WithQualifiedColumnsAliases for documentation please see: DBR.QualifiedColumnsAliases.
type DBRFunc ¶
type DBRFunc func(*DBR)
DBRFunc defines a call back function used in other packages to allow modifications to the DBR object.
func DBRValidateMinAffectedRow ¶
DBRValidateMinOneAffectedRow is an option argument to provide a basic helper function to check that at least one row has been deleted.
type Delete ¶
type Delete struct { BuilderBase BuilderConditional // MultiTables specifies the additional tables to delete from. Use function // `FromTables` to conveniently set it. MultiTables ids // Returning allows from MariaDB 10.0.5, it is possible to return a // resultset of the deleted rows for a single table to the client by using // the syntax DELETE ... RETURNING select_expr [, select_expr2 ...]] Any of // SQL expression that can be calculated from a single row fields is // allowed. Subqueries are allowed. The AS keyword is allowed, so it is // possible to use aliases. The use of aggregate functions is not allowed. // RETURNING cannot be used in multi-table DELETEs. Returning *Select }
Delete contains the clauses for a DELETE statement.
InnoDB Tables: If you are deleting many rows from a large table, you may exceed the lock table size for an InnoDB table. To avoid this problem, or simply to minimize the time that the table remains locked, the following strategy (which does not use DELETE at all) might be helpful:
Select the rows not to be deleted into an empty table that has the same structure as the original table:
Use RENAME TABLE to atomically move the original table out of the way and rename the copy to the original name:
RENAME TABLE t TO t_old, t_copy TO t;
Drop the original table:
No other sessions can access the tables involved while RENAME TABLE executes, so the rename operation is not subject to concurrency problems.
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { d := dml.NewDelete("tableA").Where( dml.Column("a").Like().Str("b'%"), dml.Column("b").In().Ints(3, 4, 5, 6), ). Limit(1).OrderBy("id") writeToSQLAndInterpolate(d) }
Output: Statement: DELETE FROM `tableA` WHERE (`a` LIKE 'b\'%') AND (`b` IN (3,4,5,6)) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 1
func (*Delete) Clone ¶
Clone creates a clone of the current object, leaving fields DB and Log untouched.
func (*Delete) CrossJoin ¶
CrossJoin creates a CROSS join construct. By default, the onConditions are glued together with AND.
func (*Delete) FromTables ¶
FromTables specifies additional tables to delete from besides the default table.
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { d := dml.NewDelete("customer_entity").Alias("ce"). FromTables("customer_address", "customer_company"). Join( dml.MakeIdentifier("customer_company").Alias("cc"), dml.Columns("ce.entity_id", "cc.customer_id"), ). RightJoin( dml.MakeIdentifier("customer_address").Alias("ca"), dml.Column("ce.entity_id").Equal().Column("ca.parent_id"), ). Where( dml.Column("ce.created_at").Less().PlaceHolder(), ). Limit(1).OrderBy("id") writeToSQLAndInterpolate(d) }
Output: Statement: DELETE `ce`,`customer_address`,`customer_company` FROM `customer_entity` AS `ce` INNER JOIN `customer_company` AS `cc` USING (`ce.entity_id`,`cc.customer_id`) RIGHT JOIN `customer_address` AS `ca` ON (`ce`.`entity_id` = `ca`.`parent_id`) WHERE (`ce`.`created_at` < ?) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 1
func (*Delete) Join ¶
Join creates an INNER join construct. By default, the onConditions are glued together with AND. Same Source and Target Table: Until MariaDB 10.3.1, deleting from a table with the same source and target was not possible. From MariaDB 10.3.1, this is now possible. For example:
DELETE FROM t1 WHERE c1 IN (SELECT b.c1 FROM t1 b WHERE b.c2=0);
func (*Delete) LeftJoin ¶
LeftJoin creates a LEFT join construct. By default, the onConditions are glued together with AND.
func (*Delete) OrderBy ¶
OrderBy appends columns to the ORDER BY statement for ascending sorting. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. When you use ORDER BY or GROUP BY to sort a column in a DELETE, the server sorts arguments using only the initial number of bytes indicated by the max_sort_length system variable. A column name can also contain the suffix words " ASC" or " DESC" to indicate the sorting. This avoids using the method OrderByDesc when sorting certain columns descending.
func (*Delete) OrderByDesc ¶
OrderByDesc appends columns to the ORDER BY statement for descending sorting. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. When you use ORDER BY or GROUP BY to sort a column in a DELETE, the server sorts arguments using only the initial number of bytes indicated by the max_sort_length system variable.
func (*Delete) OuterJoin ¶
OuterJoin creates an OUTER join construct. By default, the onConditions are glued together with AND.
func (*Delete) RightJoin ¶
RightJoin creates a RIGHT join construct. By default, the onConditions are glued together with AND.
func (*Delete) String ¶
String returns a string representing a preprocessed, interpolated, query. On error, the error gets printed. Fulfills interface fmt.Stringer.
func (*Delete) ToSQL ¶
ToSQL generates the SQL string and might caches it internally, if not disabled. The returned interface slice is always nil.
func (*Delete) Unsafe ¶
Unsafe see BuilderBase.IsUnsafe which weakens security when building the SQL string. This function must be called before calling any other function.
func (*Delete) Where ¶
Where appends a WHERE clause to the statement whereSQLOrMap can be a string or map. If it'ab a string, args wil replaces any places holders.
func (*Delete) WithDBR ¶
func (b *Delete) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
type DriverCallBack ¶
type DriverCallBack func(fnName string) func(err error, query string, args []driver.NamedValue) error
DriverCallBack defines the call back signature used in every driver function. The returned function gets called in a defer. `fnName` states the name of the parent function like PrepareContext or Query, etc. The call to the first function can be used to e.g. start a timer. The call to second function can log the query and its args and also measure the time spend. The error as first argument in the returned function comes from the parent called function and should be returned or wrapped into a new one. `namedArgs` contains the, sometimes, named arguments. It can also be nil. context.Context can be added later.
type EventFlag ¶
type EventFlag uint8
EventFlag describes where and when an event might get dispatched.
const ( EventFlagUndefined EventFlag = iota EventFlagBeforeSelect EventFlagAfterSelect EventFlagBeforeInsert EventFlagAfterInsert EventFlagBeforeUpdate EventFlagAfterUpdate EventFlagBeforeUpsert EventFlagAfterUpsert EventFlagBeforeDelete EventFlagAfterDelete EventFlagMax // indicates maximum events available. Might change without notice. )
EventFlag constants define the concrete locations of dispatched events.
type Execer ¶
type Execer interface { // ExecContext executes a query that doesn't return rows. ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) }
Execer can execute a non-returning query. The underlying type can be either a *sql.DB (connection pool), a *sql.Conn (a single dedicated database session) or a *sql.Tx (an in-progress database transaction).
type Insert ¶
type Insert struct { BuilderBase Into string Columns []string // RowCount defines the number of expected rows. RowCount int // See SetRowCount() // RecordPlaceHolderCount defines the number of place holders for each set // within the brackets. Must only be set when Records have been applied // and `Columns` field has been omitted. RecordPlaceHolderCount int // Select used to create an "INSERT INTO `table` SELECT ..." statement. Select *Select Pairs Conditions // OnDuplicateKeys updates the referenced columns. See documentation for // type `Conditions`. For more details // // Conditions contains the column/argument association for either the SET // clause in an UPDATE statement or to be used in an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE // KEY statement. For each column there must be one argument which can // either be nil or has an actual value. // // When using the ON DUPLICATE KEY feature in the Insert builder: // // The function dml.ExpressionValue is supported and allows SQL // constructs like (ib == InsertBuilder builds INSERT statements): // `columnA`=VALUES(`columnB`)+2 // by writing the Go code: // ib.AddOnDuplicateKey("columnA", ExpressionValue("VALUES(`columnB`)+?", Int(2))) // Omitting the argument and using the keyword nil will turn this Go code: // ib.AddOnDuplicateKey("columnA", nil) // into that SQL: // `columnA`=VALUES(`columnA`) // Same applies as when the columns gets only assigned without any arguments: // ib.OnDuplicateKeys.Columns = []string{"name","sku"} // will turn into: // `name`=VALUES(`name`), `sku`=VALUES(`sku`) // Type `Conditions` gets used in type `Update` with field // `SetClauses` and in type `Insert` with field OnDuplicateKeys. OnDuplicateKeys Conditions // OnDuplicateKeyExclude excludes the mentioned columns to the ON DUPLICATE // KEY UPDATE section. Otherwise all columns in the field `Columns` will be // added to the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE expression. Usually the slice // `OnDuplicateKeyExclude` contains the primary key columns. Case-sensitive // comparison. OnDuplicateKeyExclude []string // IsOnDuplicateKey if enabled adds all columns to the ON DUPLICATE KEY // claus. Takes the OnDuplicateKeyExclude field into consideration. IsOnDuplicateKey bool // IsReplace uses the REPLACE syntax. See function Replace(). IsReplace bool // IsIgnore ignores error. See function Ignore(). IsIgnore bool // IsBuildValues if true the VALUES part gets build when calling ToSQL. // VALUES do not need to get build by default because mostly WithDBR gets // called to build the VALUES part dynamically. IsBuildValues bool }
Insert contains the clauses for an INSERT statement
Example (ExpressionInVALUES) ¶
ExampleInsert_expressionInVALUES contains an expression in the VALUES part. You must provide the column names.
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { ins := dml.NewInsert("catalog_product_customer_relation"). AddColumns("product_id", "sort_order"). WithPairs( dml.Column("customer_id").Expr("IFNULL(SELECT entity_id FROM customer_entity WHERE email like ?,0)"), dml.Column("group_id").Sub( dml.NewSelect("group_id").From("customer_group").Where( dml.Column("name").Equal().PlaceHolder(), ), ), ).BuildValues() writeToSQLAndInterpolate(ins) }
Output: Statement: INSERT INTO `catalog_product_customer_relation` (`product_id`,`sort_order`,`customer_id`,`group_id`) VALUES (?,?,IFNULL(SELECT entity_id FROM customer_entity WHERE email like ?,0),(SELECT `group_id` FROM `customer_group` WHERE (`name` = ?)))
func NewInsert ¶
NewInsert creates a new Insert object.
Example ¶
i := dml.NewInsert("tableA"). AddColumns("b", "c", "d", "e").SetRowCount(2).WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs( 1, 2, "Three", nil, 5, 6, "Seven", 3.14156, ) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(i)
Output: Prepared Statement: INSERT INTO `tableA` (`b`,`c`,`d`,`e`) VALUES (?,?,?,?),(?,?,?,?) Arguments: [1 2 Three <nil> 5 6 Seven 3.14156] Interpolated Statement: INSERT INTO `tableA` (`b`,`c`,`d`,`e`) VALUES (1,2,'Three',NULL),(5,6,'Seven',3.14156)
func (*Insert) AddColumns ¶
AddColumns appends columns and increases the `RecordPlaceHolderCount` variable.
func (*Insert) AddOnDuplicateKey ¶
AddOnDuplicateKey has some hidden features for best flexibility. You can only set the Columns itself to allow the following SQL construct:
Means columnA gets automatically mapped to the VALUES column name.
Example ¶
ExampleInsert_AddOnDuplicateKey this example assumes you are not using a any place holders. Be aware of SQL injections.
i := dml.NewInsert("dml_people"). AddColumns("id", "name", "email"). AddOnDuplicateKey( dml.Column("name").Str("Pik3"), dml.Column("email").Values(), ).WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs(1, "Pik'e", "") writeToSQLAndInterpolate(i)
Output: Prepared Statement: INSERT INTO `dml_people` (`id`,`name`,`email`) VALUES (?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `name`='Pik3', `email`=VALUES(`email`) Arguments: [1 Pik'e] Interpolated Statement: INSERT INTO `dml_people` (`id`,`name`,`email`) VALUES (1,'Pik\'e','') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `name`='Pik3', `email`=VALUES(`email`)
func (*Insert) AddOnDuplicateKeyExclude ¶
AddOnDuplicateKeyExclude adds a column to the exclude list. As soon as a column gets set with this function the ON DUPLICATE KEY clause gets generated. Usually the slice `OnDuplicateKeyExclude` contains the primary/unique key columns. Case-sensitive comparison.
func (*Insert) BuildValues ¶
BuildValues see IsBuildValues.
Example ¶
ExampleInsert_BuildValues does not call WithDBR but call to BuildValues must be made to enable building the VALUES part.
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { ins := dml.NewInsert("catalog_product_link"). WithPairs( // First row dml.Column("product_id").Int64(2046), dml.Column("linked_product_id").Int64(33), dml.Column("link_type_id").Int64(3), // second row dml.Column("product_id").Int64(2046), dml.Column("linked_product_id").Int64(34), dml.Column("link_type_id").Int64(3), ).BuildValues() writeToSQLAndInterpolate(ins) }
Output: Statement: INSERT INTO `catalog_product_link` (`product_id`,`linked_product_id`,`link_type_id`) VALUES (2046,33,3),(2046,34,3)
func (*Insert) Clone ¶
Clone creates a clone of the current object, leaving fields DB and Log untouched.
func (*Insert) FromSelect ¶
FromSelect creates an "INSERT INTO `table` SELECT ..." statement from a previously created SELECT statement.
Example (WithPlaceHolders) ¶
ins := dml.NewInsert("tableA").FromSelect( dml.NewSelect().AddColumns("something_id", "user_id"). AddColumns("other"). From("some_table"). Where( dml.ParenthesisOpen(), dml.Column("int64A").GreaterOrEqual().PlaceHolder(), dml.Column("string").Str("wat").Or(), dml.ParenthesisClose(), dml.Column("int64B").In().NamedArg("i64BIn"), ). OrderByDesc("id"). Paginate(1, 20), ).WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs(4, sql.Named("i64BIn", []int64{9, 8, 7})) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(ins)
Output: Prepared Statement: INSERT INTO `tableA` SELECT `something_id`, `user_id`, `other` FROM `some_table` WHERE ((`int64A` >= ?) OR (`string` = 'wat')) AND (`int64B` IN ?) ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0,20 Arguments: [4 9 8 7] Interpolated Statement: INSERT INTO `tableA` SELECT `something_id`, `user_id`, `other` FROM `some_table` WHERE ((`int64A` >= 4) OR (`string` = 'wat')) AND (`int64B` IN (9,8,7)) ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0,20
Example (WithoutPlaceHolders) ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { ins := dml.NewInsert("tableA") ins.FromSelect( dml.NewSelect().AddColumns("something_id", "user_id"). AddColumns("other"). From("some_table"). Where( dml.ParenthesisOpen(), dml.Column("int64A").GreaterOrEqual().Int64(1), dml.Column("string").Str("wat").Or(), dml.ParenthesisClose(), dml.Column("int64B").In().Int64s(1, 2, 3), ). OrderByDesc("id"). Paginate(1, 20), ) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(ins) }
Output: Statement: INSERT INTO `tableA` SELECT `something_id`, `user_id`, `other` FROM `some_table` WHERE ((`int64A` >= 1) OR (`string` = 'wat')) AND (`int64B` IN (1,2,3)) ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0,20
func (*Insert) Ignore ¶
Ignore modifier enables errors that occur while executing the INSERT statement are getting ignored. For example, without IGNORE, a row that duplicates an existing UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY value in the table causes a duplicate-key error and the statement is aborted. With IGNORE, the row is discarded and no error occurs. Ignored errors generate warnings instead.
func (*Insert) OnDuplicateKey ¶
OnDuplicateKey enables for all columns to be written into the ON DUPLICATE KEY claus. Takes the field OnDuplicateKeyExclude into consideration.
func (*Insert) Replace ¶
Replace instead of INSERT to overwrite old rows. REPLACE is the counterpart to INSERT IGNORE in the treatment of new rows that contain unique key values that duplicate old rows: The new rows are used to replace the old rows rather than being discarded.
func (*Insert) SetRecordPlaceHolderCount ¶
SetRecordPlaceHolderCount number of expected place holders within each set. Only needed in case the SQL string gets build without any arguments.
INSERT INTO tableX (?,?,?)
SetRecordPlaceHolderCount would now be 3 because of the three place holders.
func (*Insert) SetRowCount ¶
SetRowCount defines the number of expected rows. Each set of place holders within the brackets defines a row. This setting defaults to one. It gets applied when fields `args` and `Records` have been left empty. For each defined column the QueryBuilder creates a place holder. Use when creating a prepared statement. See the example for more details.
RowCount = 2 ==> (?,?,?),(?,?,?) RowCount = 3 ==> (?,?,?),(?,?,?),(?,?,?)
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { // RowCount of 4 allows to insert four rows with a single INSERT query. // Useful when creating prepared statements. i := dml.NewInsert("dml_people").AddColumns("id", "name", "email").SetRowCount(4).BuildValues() writeToSQLAndInterpolate(i) }
Output: Statement: INSERT INTO `dml_people` (`id`,`name`,`email`) VALUES (?,?,?),(?,?,?),(?,?,?),(?,?,?)
Example (Withdata) ¶
i := dml.NewInsert("catalog_product_link").SetRowCount(3).WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs( 2046, 33, 3, 2046, 34, 3, 2046, 35, 3, ) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(i)
Output: Prepared Statement: INSERT INTO `catalog_product_link` VALUES (?,?,?),(?,?,?),(?,?,?) Arguments: [2046 33 3 2046 34 3 2046 35 3] Interpolated Statement: INSERT INTO `catalog_product_link` VALUES (2046,33,3),(2046,34,3),(2046,35,3)
func (*Insert) String ¶
String returns a string representing a preprocessed, interpolated, query. On error, the error gets printed. Fulfills interface fmt.Stringer.
func (*Insert) ToSQL ¶
ToSQL serialized the Insert to a SQL string It returns the string with placeholders and a slice of query arguments.
func (*Insert) WithDBR ¶
func (b *Insert) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
func (*Insert) WithPairs ¶
WithPairs appends a column/value pair to the statement. Calling this function multiple times with the same column name will trigger an error. Slice values and right/left side expressions are not supported and ignored. You must call WithDBR afterwards to activate the `Pairs`.
Example ¶
ExampleInsert_WithPairs this example uses WithDBR to build the final SQL string.
ins := dml.NewInsert("catalog_product_link").AddColumns("product_id", "linked_product_id", "link_type_id"). WithDBR(dbMock{}).TestWithArgs([]sql.NamedArg{ {Name: "product_id", Value: 2046}, {Name: "linked_product_id", Value: 33}, {Name: "link_type_id", Value: 3}, {Name: "product_id", Value: 2046}, {Name: "linked_product_id", Value: 34}, {Name: "link_type_id", Value: 3}, }) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(ins)
Output: Prepared Statement: INSERT INTO `catalog_product_link` (`product_id`,`linked_product_id`,`link_type_id`) VALUES (?,?,?),(?,?,?) Arguments: [2046 33 3 2046 34 3] Interpolated Statement: INSERT INTO `catalog_product_link` (`product_id`,`linked_product_id`,`link_type_id`) VALUES (2046,33,3),(2046,34,3)
type LastInsertIDAssigner ¶
type LastInsertIDAssigner interface {
LastInsertIDAssigner assigns the last insert ID of an auto increment column back to the objects.
type MysqlQuoter ¶
type MysqlQuoter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MysqlQuoter implements Mysql-specific quoting
func (MysqlQuoter) ColumnsWithQualifier ¶
func (mq MysqlQuoter) ColumnsWithQualifier(t string, cols ...string) []string
ColumnsWithQualifier prefixes all columns in the slice `cols` with a qualifier and applies backticks. If a column name has already been prefixed with a qualifier or an alias it will be ignored. This functions modifies the argument slice `cols`.
func (MysqlQuoter) Name ¶
func (mq MysqlQuoter) Name(n string) string
Name quotes securely a name.
Name("tableName") => `tableName` Name("table`Name") => `tableName`
func (MysqlQuoter) NameAlias ¶
func (mq MysqlQuoter) NameAlias(name, alias string) string
NameAlias quotes with back ticks and splits at a dot into the qualified or unqualified identifier. First argument table and/or column name (separated by a dot) and second argument can be an alias. Both parts will get quoted.
NameAlias("f", "g") // "`f` AS `g`" NameAlias("e.entity_id", "ee") // `e`.`entity_id` AS `ee` NameAlias("e.entity_id", "") // `e`.`entity_id`
func (MysqlQuoter) QualifierName ¶
func (mq MysqlQuoter) QualifierName(q, n string) string
QualifierName quotes securely a qualifier and its name.
QualifierName("dbName", "tableName") => `dbName`.`tableName` QualifierName("db`Name", "`tableName`") => `dbName`.`tableName`
func (MysqlQuoter) WriteIdentifier ¶
func (mq MysqlQuoter) WriteIdentifier(w *bytes.Buffer, name string)
WriteIdentifier quotes with back ticks and splits at a dot into the qualified or unqualified identifier. First argument table and/or column name (separated by a dot). It quotes always and each part. If a string contains quotes, they won't get stripped.
WriteIdentifier(&buf,"tableName.ColumnName") -> `tableName`.`ColumnName`
func (MysqlQuoter) WriteQualifierName ¶
func (mq MysqlQuoter) WriteQualifierName(w *bytes.Buffer, qualifier, name string)
WriteQualifierName same as function QualifierName but writes into w.
type Op ¶
type Op rune
Op the Operator, defines comparison and operator functions used in any conditions. The upper case letter always negates.
const ( Null Op = 'n' // IS NULL NotNull Op = 'N' // IS NOT NULL In Op = '∈' // IN ? NotIn Op = '∉' // NOT IN ? Between Op = 'b' // BETWEEN ? AND ? NotBetween Op = 'B' // NOT BETWEEN ? AND ? Like Op = 'l' // LIKE ? NotLike Op = 'L' // NOT LIKE ? Greatest Op = '≫' // GREATEST(?,?,?) returns NULL if any value is NULL. Least Op = '≪' // LEAST(?,?,?) If any value is NULL, the result is NULL. Equal Op = '=' // = ? NotEqual Op = '≠' // != ? Exists Op = '∃' // EXISTS(subquery) NotExists Op = '∄' // NOT EXISTS(subquery) Less Op = '<' // < Greater Op = '>' // > LessOrEqual Op = '≤' // <= GreaterOrEqual Op = '≥' // >= Regexp Op = 'r' // REGEXP ? NotRegexp Op = 'R' // NOT REGEXP ? Xor Op = '⊻' // XOR ? SpaceShip Op = '\U0001f680' // a <=> b is equivalent to a = b OR (a IS NULL AND b IS NULL) NULL-safe equal to operator Coalesce Op = 'c' // Returns the first non-NULL value in the list, or NULL if there are no non-NULL arguments. )
Comparison functions and operators describe all available possibilities.
type Preparer ¶
type Preparer interface { // PrepareContext - the provided context is used for the preparation of the // statement, not for the execution of the statement. // PrepareContext creates a prepared statement for later queries or // executions. Multiple queries or executions may be run concurrently from // the returned statement. The caller must call the statement's Close method // when the statement is no longer needed. PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (*sql.Stmt, error) }
Preparer prepares a query in the server. The underlying type can be either a *sql.DB (connection pool), a *sql.Conn (a single dedicated database session) or a *sql.Tx (an in-progress database transaction).
type QualifiedRecord ¶
type QualifiedRecord struct { // Qualifier is the name of the table or view or procedure or can be their // alias. It must be a valid MySQL/MariaDB identifier. // // If empty, the main table or its alias of a query will be used. We call it // the default qualifier. Each query can only contain one default qualifier. // If you provide multiple default qualifier, the last one wins and // overwrites the previous. Qualifier string Record ColumnMapper }
QualifiedRecord is a ColumnMapper with a qualifier. A QualifiedRecord gets used as arguments to ExecRecord or WithRecords in the SQL statement. If you use an alias for the main table/view you must set the alias as the qualifier.
func Qualify ¶
func Qualify(q string, record ColumnMapper) QualifiedRecord
Qualify provides a more concise way to create QualifiedRecord values.
type Querier ¶
type Querier interface { // QueryContext executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT. The // args are for any placeholder parameters in the query. QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) }
Querier can execute a returning query. The underlying type can be either a *sql.DB (connection pool), a *sql.Conn (a single dedicated database session) or a *sql.Tx (an in-progress database transaction).
type QueryBuilder ¶
QueryBuilder assembles a query and returns the raw SQL without parameter substitution and the arguments. The input arguments might be modified and returned as plain primitive types.
type QueryExecPreparer ¶
type QueryExecPreparer interface { Preparer Querier Execer QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row }
QueryExecPreparer can execute a returning query and prepare a returning query. The underlying type can be either a *sql.DB (connection pool), a *sql.Conn (a single dedicated database session) or a *sql.Tx (an in-progress database transaction). ExecPreparer a composite interface which can execute and prepare a query. The underlying type can be either a *sql.DB (connection pool), a *sql.Conn (a single dedicated database session) or a *sql.Tx (an in-progress database transaction).
type QueryOptions ¶
type QueryOptions struct { SkipEvents bool // skips above defined EventFlag SkipTimestamps bool // skips generating timestamps (TODO) SkipRelations bool // skips executing relation based SQL code }
QueryOptions provides different options while executing code for SQL queries.
func FromContextQueryOptions ¶
func FromContextQueryOptions(ctx context.Context) QueryOptions
FromContextQueryOptions returns the options from the context.
type QuerySQLFn ¶
QuerySQL a helper type to transform a string into a QueryBuilder compatible type.
func (QuerySQLFn) ToSQL ¶
func (fn QuerySQLFn) ToSQL() (string, []interface{}, error)
ToSQL satisfies interface QueryBuilder and returns always nil arguments and nil error.
type Select ¶
type Select struct { BuilderBase BuilderConditional // Columns represents a slice of names and its optional identifiers. Wildcard // `SELECT *` statements are not really supported: // Columns ids GroupBys ids Havings Conditions IsStar bool // IsStar generates a SELECT * FROM query IsCountStar bool // IsCountStar retains the column names but executes a COUNT(*) query. IsDistinct bool // See Distinct() IsStraightJoin bool // See StraightJoin() IsSQLNoCache bool // See SQLNoCache() IsForUpdate bool // See ForUpdate() IsOrderByDeactivated bool // See OrderByDeactivated() IsOrderByRand bool // enables the original slow ORDER BY RAND() clause OffsetCount uint64 }
Select contains the clauses for a SELECT statement. Wildcard `SELECT *` statements are not really supported.
func NewSelectWithDerivedTable ¶
NewSelectWithDerivedTable creates a new derived table (Subquery in the FROM Clause) using the provided sub-select in the FROM part together with an alias name. Appends the arguments of the sub-select to the parent *Select pointer arguments list. SQL result may look like:
SELECT a,b FROM (SELECT x,y FROM `product` AS `p`) AS `t`
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { sel3 := dml.NewSelect().Unsafe().FromAlias("sales_bestsellers_aggregated_daily", "t3"). AddColumnsAliases("DATE_FORMAT(t3.period, '%Y-%m-01')", "period"). AddColumns("t3.store_id", "t3.product_id", "t3.product_name"). AddColumnsAliases("AVG(`t3`.`product_price`)", "avg_price", "SUM(t3.qty_ordered)", "total_qty"). Where(dml.Column("product_name").Str("Canon%")). GroupBy("t3.store_id"). GroupBy("DATE_FORMAT(t3.period, '%Y-%m-01')"). GroupBy("t3.product_id", "t3.product_name"). OrderBy("t3.store_id"). OrderBy("DATE_FORMAT(t3.period, '%Y-%m-01')"). OrderByDesc("total_qty") sel1 := dml.NewSelectWithDerivedTable(sel3, "t1"). AddColumns("t1.period", "t1.store_id", "t1.product_id", "t1.product_name", "t1.avg_price", "t1.qty_ordered"). Where(dml.Column("product_name").Str("Sony%")). OrderBy("t1.period", "t1.product_id") writeToSQLAndInterpolate(sel1) }
Output: Statement: SELECT `t1`.`period`, `t1`.`store_id`, `t1`.`product_id`, `t1`.`product_name`, `t1`.`avg_price`, `t1`.`qty_ordered` FROM (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(t3.period, '%Y-%m-01') AS `period`, `t3`.`store_id`, `t3`.`product_id`, `t3`.`product_name`, AVG(`t3`.`product_price`) AS `avg_price`, SUM(t3.qty_ordered) AS `total_qty` FROM `sales_bestsellers_aggregated_daily` AS `t3` WHERE (`product_name` = 'Canon%') GROUP BY `t3`.`store_id`, DATE_FORMAT(t3.period, '%Y-%m-01'), `t3`.`product_id`, `t3`.`product_name` ORDER BY `t3`.`store_id`, DATE_FORMAT(t3.period, '%Y-%m-01'), `total_qty` DESC) AS `t1` WHERE (`product_name` = 'Sony%') ORDER BY `t1`.`period`, `t1`.`product_id`
func (*Select) AddColumns ¶
AddColumns appends more columns to the Columns slice. If a column name is not valid identifier that column gets switched into an expression.
AddColumns("a","b") // `a`,`b` AddColumns("a,b","z","c,d") // a,b,`z`,c,d AddColumns("","t1.sku","price") // `t1`.`name`, `t1`.`sku`,`price`
func (*Select) AddColumnsAliases ¶
AddColumnsAliases expects a balanced slice of "Column1, Alias1, Column2, Alias2" and adds both to the Columns slice. An imbalanced slice will cause a panic. If a column name is not valid identifier that column gets switched into an expression.
AddColumnsAliases("","t1Name","t1.sku","t1SKU") // `t1`.`name` AS `t1Name`, `t1`.`sku` AS `t1SKU` AddColumnsAliases("(e.price**t.weee)", "final_price") // error: `(e.price**t.weee)` AS `final_price`
func (*Select) AddColumnsConditions ¶
AddColumnsConditions adds a condition as a column to the statement. The operator field gets ignored. DBR in the condition gets applied to the RawArguments field to maintain the correct order of arguments.
AddColumnsConditions(Expr("(e.price**t.weee)").Alias("final_price")) // (e.price**t.weee) AS `final_price`
Example ¶
ExampleSelect_AddColumnsConditions is duplicate of ExampleSQLCase_select
start := time.Unix(1257894000, 0).In(time.UTC) end := time.Unix(1257980400, 0).In(time.UTC) s := dml.NewSelect().AddColumns("price", "sku", "name", "title", "description"). AddColumnsConditions( dml.SQLCase("", "`closed`", "date_start <= ? AND date_end >= ?", "`open`", "date_start > ? AND date_end > ?", "`upcoming`", ).Alias("is_on_sale").Time(start).Time(end).Time(start).Time(end), ). From("catalog_promotions").Where( dml.Column("promotion_id").NotIn().Ints(4711, 815, 42)) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(s.WithDBR(dbMock{}))
Output: Statement: SELECT `price`, `sku`, `name`, `title`, `description`, CASE WHEN date_start <= '2009-11-10 23:00:00' AND date_end >= '2009-11-11 23:00:00' THEN `open` WHEN date_start > '2009-11-10 23:00:00' AND date_end > '2009-11-11 23:00:00' THEN `upcoming` ELSE `closed` END AS `is_on_sale` FROM `catalog_promotions` WHERE (`promotion_id` NOT IN (4711,815,42))
func (*Select) Clone ¶
Clone creates a clone of the current object, leaving fields DB and Log untouched.
func (*Select) Count ¶
Count executes a COUNT(*) as `counted` query without touching or changing the currently set columns.
func (*Select) CrossJoin ¶
CrossJoin creates a CROSS join construct. By default, the onConditions are glued together with AND.
func (*Select) Distinct ¶
Distinct marks the statement at a DISTINCT SELECT. It specifies removal of duplicate rows from the result set.
func (*Select) ForUpdate ¶
ForUpdate sets for index records the search encounters, locks the rows and any associated index entries, the same as if you issued an UPDATE statement for those rows. Other transactions are blocked from updating those rows, from doing SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE, or from reading the data in certain transaction isolation levels. Consistent reads ignore any locks set on the records that exist in the read view. (Old versions of a record cannot be locked; they are reconstructed by applying undo logs on an in-memory copy of the record.) Note: Locking of rows for update using SELECT FOR UPDATE only applies when autocommit is disabled (either by beginning transaction with START TRANSACTION or by setting autocommit to 0. If autocommit is enabled, the rows matching the specification are not locked.
func (*Select) FromAlias ¶
FromAlias sets the table and its alias name for a `SELECT ... FROM table AS alias` query.
func (*Select) GroupBy ¶
GroupBy appends columns to group the statement. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. MySQL does not sort the results set. To avoid the overhead of sorting that GROUP BY produces this function should add an ORDER BY NULL with function `OrderByDeactivated`.
func (*Select) GroupByAsc ¶
GroupByAsc sorts the groups in ascending order. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. No need to add an ORDER BY clause. When you use ORDER BY or GROUP BY to sort a column in a SELECT, the server sorts values using only the initial number of bytes indicated by the max_sort_length system variable.
func (*Select) GroupByDesc ¶
GroupByDesc sorts the groups in descending order. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. No need to add an ORDER BY clause. When you use ORDER BY or GROUP BY to sort a column in a SELECT, the server sorts values using only the initial number of bytes indicated by the max_sort_length system variable.
func (*Select) Join ¶
Join creates an INNER join construct. By default, the onConditions are glued together with AND.
func (*Select) LeftJoin ¶
LeftJoin creates a LEFT join construct. By default, the onConditions are glued together with AND.
func (*Select) Limit ¶
Limit sets a limit for the statement; overrides any existing LIMIT. Don't build a pagination with offset or you go straight to hell.
func (*Select) LockInShareMode ¶
LockInShareMode sets a shared mode lock on any rows that are read. Other sessions can read the rows, but cannot modify them until your transaction commits. If any of these rows were changed by another transaction that has not yet committed, your query waits until that transaction ends and then uses the latest values.
func (*Select) OrderBy ¶
OrderBy appends columns to the ORDER BY statement for ascending sorting. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. When you use ORDER BY or GROUP BY to sort a column in a SELECT, the server sorts values using only the initial number of bytes indicated by the max_sort_length system variable. A column name can also contain the suffix words " ASC" or " DESC" to indicate the sorting. This avoids using the method OrderByDesc when sorting certain columns descending.
func (*Select) OrderByDeactivated ¶
OrderByDeactivated deactivates ordering of the result set by applying ORDER BY NULL to the SELECT statement. Very useful for GROUP BY queries.
func (*Select) OrderByDesc ¶
OrderByDesc appends columns to the ORDER BY statement for descending sorting. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. When you use ORDER BY or GROUP BY to sort a column in a SELECT, the server sorts values using only the initial number of bytes indicated by the max_sort_length system variable.
func (*Select) OrderByRandom ¶
OrderByRandom sorts the table randomly by not using ORDER BY RAND() rather using a JOIN with the single primary key column. This function overwrites previously set ORDER BY statements and the field LimitCount. The generated SQL by this function is about 3-4 times faster than ORDER BY RAND(). The generated SQL does not work for all queries. The underlying SQL statement might change without notice.
func (*Select) OuterJoin ¶
OuterJoin creates an OUTER join construct. By default, the onConditions are glued together with AND.
func (*Select) Paginate ¶
Paginate sets LIMIT/OFFSET for the statement based on the given page/perPage Assumes page/perPage are valid. Page and perPage must be >= 1. Deprecated see a talk from Marcus Wienand - Modern SQL
func (*Select) RightJoin ¶
RightJoin creates a RIGHT join construct. By default, the onConditions are glued together with AND.
func (*Select) SQLNoCache ¶
SQLNoCache tells the server that it does not use the query cache. It neither checks the query cache to see whether the result is already cached, nor does it cache the query result.
func (*Select) StraightJoin ¶
StraightJoin forces the optimizer to join the tables in the order in which they are listed in the FROM clause. You can use this to speed up a query if the optimizer joins the tables in nonoptimal order.
func (*Select) String ¶
String returns a string representing a preprocessed, interpolated, query. On error, the error gets printed. Fulfills interface fmt.Stringer.
func (*Select) ToSQL ¶
ToSQL generates the SQL string and might caches it internally, if not disabled.
func (*Select) Unless ¶
Unless applies the function `fn` query changes if the given "test" is false. Providing the optional second function, uses it as the default value, if test is false. `defaultFn` can be nil.
func (*Select) Unsafe ¶
Unsafe see BuilderBase.IsUnsafe which weakens security when building the SQL string. This function must be called before calling any other function.
func (*Select) When ¶
When applies the function `fn` query changes if the given "test" is true. Providing the optional second function, uses it as the default value, if test is false. `defaultFn` can be nil.
func (*Select) Where ¶
Where appends a WHERE clause to the statement for the given string and args or map of column/value pairs.
func (*Select) WithDBR ¶
func (b *Select) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
WithDBR sets the database query object and creates a database runner.
type Show ¶
type Show struct { BuilderBase // Type bitwise flag containing the type of the SHOW statement. Type uint // LikeCondition supports only one argument. Either `LikeCondition` or // `WhereFragments` can be set. LikeCondition bool WhereFragments Conditions }
Show represents the SHOW syntax
func (*Show) Global ¶
Global displays with a GLOBAL modifier, the statement displays global system variable values. These are the values used to initialize the corresponding session variables for new connections to MySQL. If a variable has no global value, no value is displayed.
func (*Show) Like ¶
Like sets the comparisons LIKE condition. Either WHERE or LIKE can be used. Only the first argument supported.
func (*Show) MasterStatus ¶
MasterStatus provides status information about the binary log files of the master. It requires either the SUPER or REPLICATION CLIENT privilege.
func (*Show) Session ¶
Session displays with a SESSION modifier, the statement displays the system variable values that are in effect for the current connection. If a variable has no session value, the global value is displayed. LOCAL is a synonym for SESSION. If no modifier is present, the default is SESSION.
func (*Show) Status ¶
Status provides server status information. This statement does not require any privilege. It requires only the ability to connect to the server.
func (*Show) String ¶
String returns a string representing a preprocessed, interpolated, query. On error, the error gets printed. Fulfills interface fmt.Stringer.
func (*Show) TableStatus ¶
TableStatus works likes SHOW TABLES, but provides a lot of information about each non-TEMPORARY table. The LIKE clause, if present, indicates which table names to match. The WHERE clause can be given to select rows using more general conditions. This statement also displays information about views.
func (*Show) Variable ¶
Variable shows the values of MySQL|MariaDB system variables (“Server System Variables”). This statement does not require any privilege. It requires only the ability to connect to the server.
func (*Show) Where ¶
Where appends a WHERE clause to the statement for the given string and args or map of column/value pairs. Either WHERE or LIKE can be used.
func (*Show) WithDBR ¶
func (b *Show) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
type StaticSQLResult ¶
StaticSQLResult implements sql.Result for mocking reasons.
func (StaticSQLResult) LastInsertId ¶
func (r StaticSQLResult) LastInsertId() (int64, error)
func (StaticSQLResult) RowsAffected ¶
func (r StaticSQLResult) RowsAffected() (int64, error)
type Stmt ¶
Stmt wraps a *sql.Stmt (a prepared statement) with a specific SQL query. To create a Stmt call the Prepare function of a specific DML type. Stmt is not yet safe for concurrent use, despite the underlying *sql.Stmt is. Don't forget to call Close!
type StmtExecer ¶
type StmtExecer interface { // ExecContext executes a query that doesn't return rows. ExecContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) }
StmtExecer executes a prepared statement.
type StmtQuerier ¶
type StmtQuerier interface { // QueryContext executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT. The // args are for any placeholder parameters in the query. QueryContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) }
StmtQuerier executes a prepared statement query.
type Tx ¶
Tx is an in-progress database transaction.
A transaction must end with a call to Commit or Rollback.
After a call to Commit or Rollback, all operations on the transaction fail with ErrTxDone.
The statements prepared for a transaction by calling the transaction's Prepare or Stmt methods are closed by the call to Commit or Rollback. Practical Guide to SQL Transaction Isolation:
func (*Tx) CacheKeyExists ¶
CacheKeyExists returns true if a given key already exists.
func (*Tx) Commit ¶
Commit finishes the transaction. It logs the time taken, if a logger has been set with Info logging enabled.
func (*Tx) Rollback ¶
Rollback cancels the transaction. It logs the time taken, if a logger has been set with Info logging enabled.
func (*Tx) WithCacheKey ¶
WithCacheKey creates a DBR object from a cached query.
func (*Tx) WithPrepare ¶
WithPrepare executes the statement represented by the Select to create a prepared statement. It returns a custom statement type or an error if there was one. Provided arguments or records in the Select are getting ignored. The provided context is used for the preparation of the statement, not for the execution of the statement. The returned Stmter is not safe for concurrent use, despite the underlying *sql.Stmt is. You must close DBR after its use. It generates a unique cache key based on the SQL string. The cache key can be retrieved via DBR object.
func (*Tx) WithPrepareCacheKey ¶
WithPrepareCacheKey creates a DBR object from a prepared cached query. After use the query statement must be closed.
func (*Tx) WithQueryBuilder ¶
func (tx *Tx) WithQueryBuilder(qb QueryBuilder, opts ...DBRFunc) *DBR
WithQueryBuilder creates a new DBR for handling the arguments with the assigned connection and builds the SQL string. The returned arguments and errors of the QueryBuilder will be forwarded to the DBR type. It generates a unique cache key based on the SQL string. The cache key can be retrieved via DBR object.
type Union ¶
type Union struct { BuilderBase Selects []*Select OrderBys ids IsAll bool // IsAll enables UNION ALL IsIntersect bool // See Intersect() IsExcept bool // See Except() // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Union represents a UNION SQL statement. UNION is used to combine the result from multiple SELECT statements into a single result set. With template usage enabled, it builds multiple select statements joined by UNION and all based on a common template.
func NewUnion ¶
NewUnion creates a new Union object. If using as a template, only one *Select object can be provided.
Example ¶
ExampleNewUnion constructs a UNION with three SELECTs. It preserves the results sets of each SELECT by simply adding an internal index to the columns list and sort ascending with the internal index.
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { u := dml.NewUnion( dml.NewSelect().AddColumnsAliases("a1", "A", "a2", "B").From("tableA").Where(dml.Column("a1").Int64(3)), dml.NewSelect().AddColumnsAliases("b1", "A", "b2", "B").From("tableB").Where(dml.Column("b1").Int64(4)), ) // Maybe more of your code ... u.Append( dml.NewSelect().AddColumnsConditions( dml.Expr("concat(c1,?,c2)").Alias("A").Str("-"), ). AddColumnsAliases("c2", "B"). From("tableC").Where(dml.Column("c2").Str("ArgForC2")), ). OrderBy("A"). // Ascending by A OrderByDesc("B"). // Descending by B All(). // Enables UNION ALL syntax PreserveResultSet() // Maintains the correct order of the result set for all SELECTs. // Note that the final ORDER BY statement of a UNION creates a temporary // table in MySQL. writeToSQLAndInterpolate(u) }
Output: Statement: (SELECT `a1` AS `A`, `a2` AS `B`, 0 AS `_preserve_result_set` FROM `tableA` WHERE (`a1` = 3)) UNION ALL (SELECT `b1` AS `A`, `b2` AS `B`, 1 AS `_preserve_result_set` FROM `tableB` WHERE (`b1` = 4)) UNION ALL (SELECT concat(c1,'-',c2) AS `A`, `c2` AS `B`, 2 AS `_preserve_result_set` FROM `tableC` WHERE (`c2` = 'ArgForC2')) ORDER BY `_preserve_result_set`, `A`, `B` DESC
Example (Template) ¶
ExampleNewUnion_template interpolates the SQL string with its placeholders and puts for each placeholder the correct encoded and escaped value into it. Eliminates the need for prepared statements. Avoids an additional round trip to the database server by sending the query and its arguments directly. If you execute a query multiple times within a short time you should use prepared statements.
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { u := dml.NewUnion( dml.NewSelect().AddColumns("t.value", "t.attribute_id", "t.store_id"). FromAlias("catalog_product_entity_$type$", "t"). Where(dml.Column("entity_id").Int64(1561), dml.Column("store_id").In().Int64s(1, 0)), ). StringReplace("$type$", "varchar", "int", "decimal", "datetime", "text"). PreserveResultSet(). All().OrderBy("attribute_id", "store_id") writeToSQLAndInterpolate(u) }
Output: Statement: (SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id`, 0 AS `_preserve_result_set` FROM `catalog_product_entity_varchar` AS `t` WHERE (`entity_id` = 1561) AND (`store_id` IN (1,0))) UNION ALL (SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id`, 1 AS `_preserve_result_set` FROM `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `t` WHERE (`entity_id` = 1561) AND (`store_id` IN (1,0))) UNION ALL (SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id`, 2 AS `_preserve_result_set` FROM `catalog_product_entity_decimal` AS `t` WHERE (`entity_id` = 1561) AND (`store_id` IN (1,0))) UNION ALL (SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id`, 3 AS `_preserve_result_set` FROM `catalog_product_entity_datetime` AS `t` WHERE (`entity_id` = 1561) AND (`store_id` IN (1,0))) UNION ALL (SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id`, 4 AS `_preserve_result_set` FROM `catalog_product_entity_text` AS `t` WHERE (`entity_id` = 1561) AND (`store_id` IN (1,0))) ORDER BY `_preserve_result_set`, `attribute_id`, `store_id`
func (*Union) All ¶
All returns all rows. The default behavior for UNION is that duplicate rows are removed from the result. Enabling ALL returns all rows.
func (*Union) Append ¶
Append adds more *Select objects to the Union object. When using Union as a template only one *Select object can be provided.
func (*Union) Clone ¶
Clone creates a clone of the current object, leaving fields DB and Log untouched. Additionally the fields for replacing strings also won't get copied.
func (*Union) Except ¶
Except switches the query from UNION to EXCEPT. The result of EXCEPT is all records of the left SELECT result except records which are in right SELECT result set, i.e. it is subtraction of two result sets. EXCEPT and UNION have the same operation precedence. Only supported in MariaDB >=10.3
func (*Union) Intersect ¶
Intersect switches the query type from UNION to INTERSECT. The result of an intersect is the intersection of right and left SELECT results, i.e. only records that are present in both result sets will be included in the result of the operation. INTERSECT has higher precedence than UNION and EXCEPT. If possible it will be executed linearly but if not it will be translated to a subquery in the FROM clause. Only supported in MariaDB >=10.3
func (*Union) OrderBy ¶
OrderBy appends a column to ORDER the statement ascending. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. MySQL might order the result set in a temporary table, which is slow. Under different conditions sorting can skip the temporary table. A column name can also contain the suffix words " ASC" or " DESC" to indicate the sorting. This avoids using the method OrderByDesc when sorting certain columns descending.
func (*Union) OrderByDesc ¶
OrderByDesc appends columns to the ORDER BY statement for descending sorting. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. When you use ORDER BY or GROUP BY to sort a column in a DELETE, the server sorts values using only the initial number of bytes indicated by the max_sort_length system variable.
func (*Union) PreserveResultSet ¶
PreserveResultSet enables the correct ordering of the result set from the Select statements. UNION by default produces an unordered set of rows. To cause rows in a UNION result to consist of the sets of rows retrieved by each SELECT one after the other, select an additional column in each SELECT to use as a sort column and add an ORDER BY following the last SELECT.
func (*Union) String ¶
String returns a string representing a preprocessed, interpolated, query. On error, the error gets printed. Fulfills interface fmt.Stringer.
func (*Union) StringReplace ¶
StringReplace is only applicable when using *Union as a template. StringReplace replaces the `key` with one of the `values`. Each value defines a generated SELECT query. Repeating calls of StringReplace must provide the same amount of `values` as the first or an index of bound stack trace happens. This function is just a simple string replacement. Make sure that your key does not match other parts of the SQL query.
func (*Union) Unsafe ¶
Unsafe see BuilderBase.IsUnsafe which weakens security when building the SQL string. This function must be called before calling any other function.
func (*Union) WithDBR ¶
func (b *Union) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
type Update ¶
type Update struct { BuilderBase BuilderConditional // SetClauses contains the column/argument association. For each column // there must be one argument. SetClauses Conditions }
Update contains the logic for an UPDATE statement. TODO: add UPDATE JOINS
func (*Update) AddClauses ¶
AddClauses appends a column/value pair for the statement.
func (*Update) AddColumns ¶
AddColumns adds columns whose values gets later derived from a ColumnMapper. Those columns will get passed to the ColumnMapper implementation.
func (*Update) Clone ¶
Clone creates a clone of the current object, leaving fields DB and Log untouched.
func (*Update) OrderBy ¶
OrderBy appends columns to the ORDER BY statement for ascending sorting. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. When you use ORDER BY or GROUP BY to sort a column in a UPDATE, the server sorts values using only the initial number of bytes indicated by the max_sort_length system variable. A column name can also contain the suffix words " ASC" or " DESC" to indicate the sorting. This avoids using the method OrderByDesc when sorting certain columns descending.
func (*Update) OrderByDesc ¶
OrderByDesc appends columns to the ORDER BY statement for descending sorting. A column gets always quoted if it is a valid identifier otherwise it will be treated as an expression. When you use ORDER BY or GROUP BY to sort a column in a UPDATE, the server sorts values using only the initial number of bytes indicated by the max_sort_length system variable.
func (*Update) SetColumns ¶
SetColumns resets the SetClauses slice and adds the columns. Same behaviour as AddColumns.
func (*Update) String ¶
String returns a string representing a preprocessed, interpolated, query. On error, the error gets printed. Fulfills interface fmt.Stringer.
func (*Update) Unsafe ¶
Unsafe see BuilderBase.IsUnsafe which weakens security when building the SQL string. This function must be called before calling any other function.
func (*Update) WithDBR ¶
func (b *Update) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
type With ¶
type With struct { BuilderBase Subclauses []WithCTE // TopLevel a union type which allows only one of the fields to be set. TopLevel struct { Select *Select Union *Union Update *Update Delete *Delete } IsRecursive bool // See Recursive() }
With represents a common table expression. Common Table Expressions (CTEs) are a standard SQL feature, and are essentially temporary named result sets. Non-recursive CTES are basically 'query-local VIEWs'. One CTE can refer to another. The syntax is more readable than nested FROM (SELECT ...). One can refer to a CTE from multiple places. They are better than copy-pasting FROM(SELECT ...)
Common Table Expression versus Derived Table: Better readability; Can be referenced multiple times; Can refer to other CTEs; Improved performance.
Supported in: MySQL >=8.0.1 and MariaDb >=10.2
func (*With) Clone ¶
Clone creates a clone of the current object, leaving fields DB and Log untouched.
func (*With) Recursive ¶
Recursive common table expressions are one having a subquery that refers to its own name. The WITH clause must begin with WITH RECURSIVE if any CTE in the WITH clause refers to itself. (If no CTE refers to itself, RECURSIVE is permitted but not required.) Common applications of recursive CTEs include series generation and traversal of hierarchical or tree-structured data. It is simpler, when experimenting with WITH RECURSIVE, to put this at the start of your session: `SET max_execution_time = 10000;` so that the runaway query aborts automatically after 10 seconds, if the WHERE clause wasn’t correct.
func (*With) String ¶
String returns a string representing a preprocessed, interpolated, query. On error, the error gets printed. Fulfills interface fmt.Stringer.
func (*With) Union ¶
Union gets used in the top level statement.
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func writeToSQLAndInterpolate(qb dml.QueryBuilder) { sqlStr, args, err := qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Print("Prepared ") } fmt.Println("Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) fmt.Print("\n") if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Printf("Arguments: %v\n\n", args) } else { return } switch dmlArg := qb.(type) { case dml.QuerySQLFn: case *dml.DBR: prev := dmlArg.Options qb = dmlArg.Interpolate() defer func() { dmlArg.Options = prev; qb = dmlArg }() case *dml.Insert: return default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("func compareToSQL: the type %T is not (yet) supported.", qb)) } sqlStr, args, err = qb.ToSQL() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("Interpolated Statement:") strs.FwordWrap(os.Stdout, sqlStr, 80) if len(args) > 0 { fmt.Println(color.RedString("\nfunc compareToSQL should not return arguments when interpolation is enabled.\nGot: %#v\n", args)) } } func main() { // Non-recursive CTE // Sales: Find best and worst month: cte := dml.NewWith( dml.WithCTE{ Name: "sales_by_month", Columns: []string{"month", "total"}, Select: dml.NewSelect().Unsafe().AddColumns("Month(day_of_sale)", "Sum(amount)").From("sales_days"). Where(dml.Expr("Year(day_of_sale) = ?").Int(2015)). GroupBy("Month(day_of_sale))"), }, dml.WithCTE{ Name: "best_month", Columns: []string{"month", "total", "award"}, Select: dml.NewSelect().Unsafe().AddColumns("month", "total").AddColumns(`"best"`).From("sales_by_month"). Where(dml.Column("total").Equal().Sub(dml.NewSelect().Unsafe().AddColumns("Max(total)").From("sales_by_month"))), }, dml.WithCTE{ Name: "worst_month", Columns: []string{"month", "total", "award"}, Select: dml.NewSelect().Unsafe().AddColumns("month", "total").AddColumns(`"worst"`).From("sales_by_month"). Where(dml.Column("total").Equal().Sub(dml.NewSelect().Unsafe().AddColumns("Min(total)").From("sales_by_month"))), }, ).Union(dml.NewUnion( dml.NewSelect().Star().From("best_month"), dml.NewSelect().Star().From("worst_month"), ).All()) writeToSQLAndInterpolate(cte) // Result: //+-------+-------+-------+ //| month | total | award | //+-------+-------+-------+ //| 1 | 300 | best | //| 3 | 11 | worst | //+-------+-------+-------+ }
Output: Statement: WITH `sales_by_month` (`month`,`total`) AS (SELECT Month(day_of_sale), Sum(amount) FROM `sales_days` WHERE (Year(day_of_sale) = 2015) GROUP BY Month(day_of_sale))), `best_month` (`month`,`total`,`award`) AS (SELECT `month`, `total`, "best" FROM `sales_by_month` WHERE (`total` = (SELECT Max(total) FROM `sales_by_month`))), `worst_month` (`month`,`total`,`award`) AS (SELECT `month`, `total`, "worst" FROM `sales_by_month` WHERE (`total` = (SELECT Min(total) FROM `sales_by_month`))) (SELECT * FROM `best_month`) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM `worst_month`)
func (*With) WithDBR ¶
func (b *With) WithDBR(db QueryExecPreparer) *DBR
type WithCTE ¶
type WithCTE struct { Name string // Columns, optionally, the number of names in the list must be the same as // the number of columns in the result set. Columns []string // Select clause as a common table expression. Has precedence over the Union field. Select *Select // Union clause as a common table expression. Select field pointer must be // nil to trigger SQL generation of this field. Union *Union }
WithCTE defines a common table expression used in the type `With`.