Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- func Accept(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Action(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Alt(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func AriaControlsID(ids ...string) ariaControlsID
- func AriaDetailsID(ids ...string) ariaDetailsID
- func AriaFlowToID(ids ...string) ariaFlowToID
- func AriaKeyShortcuts(shortcuts ...string) ariaKeyShortcuts
- func AriaLabelledByID(ids ...string) ariaLabelledByID
- func AriaOwnsID(ids ...string) ariaOwnsID
- func As(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Async(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func AutoComplete(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func AutoFocus(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func AutoPlay(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Charset(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Checked(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func ColSpan(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Cols(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Content(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func DataAttr(name, v string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Defer(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Disabled(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Elem(elemFn func(...gomponents.Node) gomponents.Node, children ...any) *elem
- func EncType(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func For(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func FormAttr(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Height(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Href(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func IsAttribute(node any) bool
- func Lang(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Loading(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Loop(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Max(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func MaxLength(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Method(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Min(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func MinLength(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Multiple(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Muted(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Name(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func On(event, script string) gomponents.Node
- func OnClick(script string) gomponents.Node
- func Pattern(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Placeholder(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func PlaysInline(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Poster(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Preload(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Prepare(e Element) gomponents.Node
- func ReadOnly(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Rel(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Required(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func RowSpan(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Rows(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Selected(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Src(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func SrcSet(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Step(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func TabIndex(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Target(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func TitleAttr(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Type(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Value(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- func Width(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
- type AriaActiveDescendantID
- type AriaBrailleLabel
- type AriaBrailleRoleDescription
- type AriaColCount
- type AriaColIndex
- type AriaColIndexText
- type AriaColSpan
- type AriaDescribedBy
- type AriaDescription
- type AriaErrorMessageID
- type AriaLabel
- type AriaLevel
- type AriaPlaceholder
- type AriaPosInSet
- type AriaRoleDescription
- type AriaRowCount
- type AriaRowIndex
- type AriaRowIndexText
- type AriaRowSpan
- type AriaSetSize
- type AriaValueMax
- type AriaValueMin
- type AriaValueNow
- type AriaValueText
- type Class
- type Classer
- type Classes
- type Classeser
- type Element
- func A(children ...any) Element
- func AHref(href string, children ...any) Element
- func Abbr(children ...any) Element
- func Address(children ...any) Element
- func Area(children ...any) Element
- func Article(children ...any) Element
- func Aside(children ...any) Element
- func Audio(children ...any) Element
- func B(children ...any) Element
- func Base(children ...any) Element
- func BlockQuote(children ...any) Element
- func Body(children ...any) Element
- func Br(children ...any) Element
- func Button(children ...any) Element
- func Canvas(children ...any) Element
- func Caption(children ...any) Element
- func Cite(children ...any) Element
- func Code(children ...any) Element
- func Col(children ...any) Element
- func ColGroup(children ...any) Element
- func Data(children ...any) Element
- func DataList(children ...any) Element
- func Dd(children ...any) Element
- func Del(children ...any) Element
- func Details(children ...any) Element
- func Dfn(children ...any) Element
- func Dialog(children ...any) Element
- func Div(children ...any) Element
- func Dl(children ...any) Element
- func Dt(children ...any) Element
- func Em(children ...any) Element
- func Embed(children ...any) Element
- func FieldSet(children ...any) Element
- func FigCaption(children ...any) Element
- func Figure(children ...any) Element
- func Footer(children ...any) Element
- func Form(children ...any) Element
- func H1(children ...any) Element
- func H2(children ...any) Element
- func H3(children ...any) Element
- func H4(children ...any) Element
- func H5(children ...any) Element
- func H6(children ...any) Element
- func HGroup(children ...any) Element
- func HTML(children ...any) Element
- func Head(children ...any) Element
- func Header(children ...any) Element
- func Hr(children ...any) Element
- func I(children ...any) Element
- func IFrame(children ...any) Element
- func If(condition bool, builder ElementBuilder, children ...any) Element
- func Img(children ...any) Element
- func ImgSrc(src string, children ...any) Element
- func Input(children ...any) Element
- func Kbd(children ...any) Element
- func Label(children ...any) Element
- func Legend(children ...any) Element
- func Li(children ...any) Element
- func Link(children ...any) Element
- func Main(children ...any) Element
- func Mark(children ...any) Element
- func Menu(children ...any) Element
- func Meta(children ...any) Element
- func Meter(children ...any) Element
- func Nav(children ...any) Element
- func NoScript(children ...any) Element
- func Object(children ...any) Element
- func Ol(children ...any) Element
- func OptGroup(children ...any) Element
- func Option(children ...any) Element
- func P(children ...any) Element
- func Param(children ...any) Element
- func Picture(children ...any) Element
- func Pre(children ...any) Element
- func Progress(children ...any) Element
- func Q(children ...any) Element
- func RawScript(script string) Element
- func S(children ...any) Element
- func SVG(children ...any) Element
- func Samp(children ...any) Element
- func Script(children ...any) Element
- func Section(children ...any) Element
- func Select(children ...any) Element
- func Small(children ...any) Element
- func Source(children ...any) Element
- func Span(children ...any) Element
- func Strong(children ...any) Element
- func Style(children ...any) Element
- func Sub(children ...any) Element
- func Summary(children ...any) Element
- func Sup(children ...any) Element
- func TBody(children ...any) Element
- func TFoot(children ...any) Element
- func THead(children ...any) Element
- func Table(children ...any) Element
- func Td(children ...any) Element
- func Textarea(children ...any) Element
- func Th(children ...any) Element
- func Time(children ...any) Element
- func Title(children ...any) Element
- func Tr(children ...any) Element
- func U(children ...any) Element
- func Ul(children ...any) Element
- func Var(children ...any) Element
- func Video(children ...any) Element
- func Wbr(children ...any) Element
- type ElementBuilder
- type ID
- type ParentModifier
- type ParentModifierAndNode
- type Styles
Constants ¶
const ( AriaBusyTrue ariaBusy = "true" AriaBusyFalse ariaBusy = "false" )
aria-busy attribute
const ( AriaLiveOff ariaLive = "off" AriaLiveAssertive ariaLive = "assertive" AriaLivePolite ariaLive = "polite" )
aria-live attribute
const ( AriaRelevantAdditions ariaRelevant = "additions" AriaRelevantAll ariaRelevant = "all" AriaRelevantRemovals ariaRelevant = "removals" AriaRelevantText ariaRelevant = "text" AriaRelevantAdditionsText ariaRelevant = "additions text" )
aria-relevant attribute
const ( AriaAtomicTrue ariaAtomic = "true" AriaAtomicFalse ariaAtomic = "false" )
aria-atomic attribute
const ( AriaCurrentPage ariaCurrent = "page" AriaCurrentStep ariaCurrent = "step" AriaCurrentLocation ariaCurrent = "location" AriaCurrentDate ariaCurrent = "date" AriaCurrentTime ariaCurrent = "time" AriaCurrentTrue ariaCurrent = "true" AriaCurrentFalse ariaCurrent = "false" )
aria-current attribute
const ( AriaToolbar ariaRole = "toolbar" AriaTooltip ariaRole = "tooltip" AriaFeed ariaRole = "feed" AriaMath ariaRole = "math" AriaPresentation ariaRole = "presentation" AriaNone ariaRole = "none" AriaNote ariaRole = "note" )
Document structure ARIA roles
const ( AriaApplication ariaRole = "application" AriaArticle ariaRole = "article" AriaCell ariaRole = "cell" AriaColumnHeader ariaRole = "columnheader" AriaDefinition ariaRole = "definition" AriaDocument ariaRole = "document" AriaFigure ariaRole = "figure" AriaGroup ariaRole = "group" AriaHeading ariaRole = "heading" AriaImg ariaRole = "img" AriaList ariaRole = "list" AriaListItem ariaRole = "listitem" AriaMeter ariaRole = "meter" AriaRow ariaRole = "row" AriaRowGroup ariaRole = "rowgroup" AriaRowHeader ariaRole = "rowheader" AriaTable ariaRole = "table" AriaTerm ariaRole = "term" )
Document structure ARIA roles to avoid
const ( AriaAssociationList ariaRole = "associationlist" AriaAssociationListItemKey ariaRole = "associationlistitemkey" AriaAssociationListItemValue ariaRole = "associationlistitemvalue" AriaBlockquote ariaRole = "blockquote" AriaCaption ariaRole = "caption" AriaCode ariaRole = "code" AriaDeletion ariaRole = "deletion" AriaEmphasis ariaRole = "emphasis" AriaInsertion ariaRole = "insertion" AriaParagraph ariaRole = "paragraph" AriaStrong ariaRole = "strong" AriaSubscription ariaRole = "subscript" AriaSuperscript ariaRole = "superscript" AriaTime ariaRole = "time" )
Document structure ARIA roles rarely, if ever, useful
const ( AriaScrollbar ariaRole = "scrollbar" AriaSearchbox ariaRole = "searchbox" AriaSeparator ariaRole = "separator" AriaSlider ariaRole = "slider" AriaSpinButton ariaRole = "spinbutton" AriaSwitch ariaRole = "switch" AriaTab ariaRole = "tab" AriaTabPanel ariaRole = "tabpanel" AriaTreeItem ariaRole = "treeitem" AriaComboBox ariaRole = "combobox" AriaMenu ariaRole = "menu" AriaMenuBar ariaRole = "menubar" AriaTabList ariaRole = "tablist" AriaTree ariaRole = "tree" AriaTreeGrid ariaRole = "treegrid" )
Widget ARIA roles
const ( AriaButton ariaRole = "button" AriaCheckbox ariaRole = "checkbox" AriaGridCell ariaRole = "gridcell" AriaLink ariaRole = "link" AriaMenuItem ariaRole = "menuitem" AriaMenuItemCheckbox ariaRole = "menuitemcheckbox" AriaMenuItemRadio ariaRole = "menuitemradio" AriaOption ariaRole = "option" AriaProgressbar ariaRole = "progressbar" AriaRadio ariaRole = "radio" AriaTextbox ariaRole = "textbox" AriaGrid ariaRole = "grid" AriaListbox ariaRole = "listbox" AriaRadioGroup ariaRole = "radiogroup" )
Widget ARIA roles to avoid
const ( AriaBanner ariaRole = "banner" AriaComplementary ariaRole = "complementary" AriaContentInfo ariaRole = "contentinfo" AriaForm ariaRole = "form" AriaMain ariaRole = "main" AriaRegion ariaRole = "region" AriaSearch ariaRole = "search" )
Landmark ARIA roles
const ( AriaAlert ariaRole = "alert" AriaLog ariaRole = "log" AriaMarquee ariaRole = "marquee" AriaStatus ariaRole = "status" AriaTimer ariaRole = "timer" )
Live region ARIA roles
const ( AriaAlertDialog ariaRole = "alertdialog" AriaDialog ariaRole = "dialog" )
Window ARIA roles
const ( AriaAutocompleteNone ariaAutocomplete = "none" AriaAutocompleteList ariaAutocomplete = "list" AriaAutocompleteBoth ariaAutocomplete = "both" )
aria-autocomplete attribute
const ( AriaCheckedUndefined ariaChecked = "undefined" AriaCheckedTrue ariaChecked = "true" AriaCheckedFalse ariaChecked = "false" AriaCheckedMixed ariaChecked = "mixed" )
aria-checked attribute
const ( AriaDisabledTrue ariaDisabled = "true" AriaDisabledFalse ariaDisabled = "false" )
aria-disabled attribute
const ( AriaExpandedUndefined ariaExpanded = "undefined" AriaExpandedTrue ariaExpanded = "true" AriaExpandedFalse ariaExpanded = "false" )
aria-expanded attribute
const ( AriaHasPopupTrue ariaHasPopup = "true" AriaHasPopupFalse ariaHasPopup = "false" AriaHasPopupMenu ariaHasPopup = "menu" AriaHasPopupListbox ariaHasPopup = "listbox" AriaHasPopupTree ariaHasPopup = "tree" AriaHasPopupGrid ariaHasPopup = "grid" AriaHasPopupDialog ariaHasPopup = "dialog" )
aria-haspopup attribute
const ( AriaHiddenUndefined ariaHidden = "undefined" AriaHiddenTrue ariaHidden = "true" AriaHiddenFalse ariaHidden = "false" )
aria-hidden attribute
const ( AriaInvalidTrue ariaInvalid = "true" AriaInvalidFalse ariaInvalid = "false" AriaInvalidGrammar ariaInvalid = "grammar" AriaInvalidSpelling ariaInvalid = "spelling" )
aria-invalid attribute
const ( AriaModalTrue ariaModal = "true" AriaModalFalse ariaModal = "false" )
aria-modal attribute
const ( AdiaMultilineTrue ariaMultiline = "true" AdiaMultilineFalse ariaMultiline = "false" )
aria-multiline attribute
const ( AdiaMultiselectableTrue ariaMultiselectable = "true" AdiaMultiselectableFalse ariaMultiselectable = "false" )
aria-multiselectable attribute
const ( AriaOrientationUndefined ariaOrientation = "undefined" AriaOrientationHorizontal ariaOrientation = "horizontal" AriaOrientationVertical ariaOrientation = "vertical" )
aria-orientation attribute
const ( AriaPressedUndefined ariaPressed = "undefined" AriaPressedTrue ariaPressed = "true" AriaPressedFalse ariaPressed = "false" AriaPressedMixed ariaPressed = "mixed" )
aria-pressed attribute
const ( AriaReadonlyTrue ariaReadonly = "true" AriaReadonlyFalse ariaReadonly = "false" )
aria-readonly attribute
const ( AriaRequiredTrue ariaRequired = "true" AriaRequiredFalse ariaRequired = "false" )
aria-required attribute
const ( AriaSelectedUndefined ariaSelected = "undefined" AriaSelectedTrue ariaSelected = "true" AriaSelectedFalse ariaSelected = "false" )
aria-selected attribute
const ( AriaSortNone ariaSort = "none" AriaSortAscending ariaSort = "ascending" AriaSortDescending ariaSort = "descending" AriaSortOther ariaSort = "other" )
aria-sort attribute
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AriaControlsID ¶
func AriaControlsID(ids ...string) ariaControlsID
aria-controls attribute
func AriaDetailsID ¶
func AriaDetailsID(ids ...string) ariaDetailsID
aria-details attribute
func AriaFlowToID ¶
func AriaFlowToID(ids ...string) ariaFlowToID
aria-flowto attribute
func AriaKeyShortcuts ¶
func AriaKeyShortcuts(shortcuts ...string) ariaKeyShortcuts
aria-keyshortcuts attribute
func AriaLabelledByID ¶
func AriaLabelledByID(ids ...string) ariaLabelledByID
aria-labelledby attribute
func AriaOwnsID ¶
func AriaOwnsID(ids ...string) ariaOwnsID
aria-owns attribute
func Async ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Async(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func AutoComplete ¶ added in v0.3.0
func AutoComplete(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func AutoFocus ¶ added in v0.3.0
func AutoFocus(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func AutoPlay ¶ added in v0.3.0
func AutoPlay(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func Checked ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Checked(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func Defer ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Defer(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func Disabled ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Disabled(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func Elem ¶
func Elem(elemFn func(...gomponents.Node) gomponents.Node, children ...any) *elem
Elem creates a base element. It takes a function that generates a gomponents.Node (these functions are found in the gomponents/html package), and optionally some children.
The children are passed as arguments to the With method.
func IsAttribute ¶
IsAttribute returns true if the provided node is an attribute according to its gomponents.NodeType.
func Loop ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Loop(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func Multiple ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Multiple(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func Muted ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Muted(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func On ¶
func On(event, script string) gomponents.Node
On adds a "on<event>" attribute to an element.
func OnClick ¶
func OnClick(script string) gomponents.Node
OnClick adds a "onclick" attribute to an element.
func Placeholder ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Placeholder(value string, condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func PlaysInline ¶ added in v0.3.0
func PlaysInline(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func Prepare ¶
func Prepare(e Element) gomponents.Node
Prepare pre-renders a node in memory for future uses.
func ReadOnly ¶ added in v0.3.0
func ReadOnly(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func Required ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Required(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
func Selected ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Selected(condition ...bool) gomponents.Node
Types ¶
type AriaActiveDescendantID ¶
type AriaActiveDescendantID string
aria-activedescendant attribute
func (AriaActiveDescendantID) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaActiveDescendantID) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaBrailleLabel ¶
type AriaBrailleLabel string
aria-braillelabel attribute
func (AriaBrailleLabel) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaBrailleLabel) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaBrailleRoleDescription ¶
type AriaBrailleRoleDescription string
aria-brailleroledescription attribute
func (AriaBrailleRoleDescription) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaBrailleRoleDescription) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaColCount ¶
type AriaColCount int
aria-colcount attribute
func (AriaColCount) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaColCount) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaColIndex ¶
type AriaColIndex int
aria-colindex attribute
func (AriaColIndex) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaColIndex) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaColIndexText ¶
type AriaColIndexText string
aria-colindextext attribute
func (AriaColIndexText) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaColIndexText) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaColSpan ¶
type AriaColSpan int
aria-colspan attribute
func (AriaColSpan) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaColSpan) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaDescribedBy ¶
type AriaDescribedBy string
aria-describedby attribute
func (AriaDescribedBy) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaDescribedBy) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaDescription ¶
type AriaDescription string
aria-description attribute
func (AriaDescription) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaDescription) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaErrorMessageID ¶
type AriaErrorMessageID string
aria-errormessage attribute
func (AriaErrorMessageID) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaErrorMessageID) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaLabel ¶
type AriaLabel string
aria-label attribute
func (AriaLabel) ModifyParent ¶
type AriaLevel ¶
type AriaLevel int
aria-level attribute
func (AriaLevel) ModifyParent ¶
type AriaPlaceholder ¶
type AriaPlaceholder string
aria-placeholder attribute
func (AriaPlaceholder) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaPlaceholder) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaPosInSet ¶
type AriaPosInSet int
aria-posinset attribute
func (AriaPosInSet) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaPosInSet) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaRoleDescription ¶
type AriaRoleDescription string
aria-roledescription attribute
func (AriaRoleDescription) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaRoleDescription) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaRowCount ¶
type AriaRowCount int
func (AriaRowCount) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaRowCount) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaRowIndex ¶
type AriaRowIndex int
func (AriaRowIndex) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaRowIndex) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaRowIndexText ¶
type AriaRowIndexText string
aria-rowindextext attribute
func (AriaRowIndexText) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaRowIndexText) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaRowSpan ¶
type AriaRowSpan int
func (AriaRowSpan) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaRowSpan) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaSetSize ¶
type AriaSetSize int
func (AriaSetSize) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaSetSize) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaValueMax ¶
type AriaValueMax float64
aria-valuemax attribute
func (AriaValueMax) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaValueMax) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaValueMin ¶
type AriaValueMin float64
aria-valuemin attribute
func (AriaValueMin) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaValueMin) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaValueNow ¶
type AriaValueNow float64
aria-valuenow attribute
func (AriaValueNow) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaValueNow) ModifyParent(p Element)
type AriaValueText ¶
type AriaValueText string
aria-valuetext attribute
func (AriaValueText) ModifyParent ¶
func (a AriaValueText) ModifyParent(p Element)
type Class ¶
type Class string
Class represents a CSS class, which is applied in the class attribute of a Element.
type Classer ¶
type Classer interface {
Class() Class
Classer is an interface that allows to add a CSS class to an HTML element.
type Classes ¶
type Classes []Class
Classes contains multiple CSS classes to be applied in the class attribute of an Element.
type Classeser ¶
type Classeser interface {
Classes() []Class
Classeser is an interface that allows to add multiple CSS classes to an HTML element.
type Element ¶
type Element interface { gomponents.Node // With adds childs to the element. With(...any) Element // Clone returns an independent cloned element. Clone() Element }
Element is an element, which implements the gomponents.Node interface with
func BlockQuote ¶
func FigCaption ¶
func If ¶ added in v0.4.0
func If(condition bool, builder ElementBuilder, children ...any) Element
If builds the provided element with the provided children, only if the condition is true.
If condition is false, the element is not built and nil is returned.
type ElementBuilder ¶ added in v0.4.0
type ID ¶
type ID string
ID adds an "id" attribute to an element.
It is useful for some components which need to know that an argument is an ID in order to apply it to the correct element.
type ParentModifier ¶
type ParentModifier interface {
ModifyParent(parent Element)
ParentModifier is an interface for modifying the parent of an element.
type ParentModifierAndNode ¶
type ParentModifierAndNode interface { gomponents.Node ParentModifier }
ParentModifierAndNode is an interface for modifying the parent of an element and adding a child.