Kuncie Cart
This is an implementation of Kuncie cart in Go (Golang) projects.
How To Run This Project
Make Sure you have run the database/20220121081800_cart.sql in your mysql
Since the project already use Go Module, I recommend to put the source code in any folder but GOPATH.
Run the Testing
$ make test
Run the Applications
Here is the steps to run it with docker-compose
#move to directory
$ cd workspace
# Clone into YOUR $GOPATH/src
$ git clone https://github.com/williamchand/kuncie-cart.git
#move to project
$ cd kuncie-cart
# Build the docker image first
$ make docker
# Run the application
$ make run
# check if the containers are running
$ docker ps
# Execute the call
$ curl localhost:9090/kuncie-cart
# Stop
$ make stop
## Query add cart
mutation AddCart($sku: String, $quantity: Int) {
AddCart(sku: $sku, quantity: $quantity) {
### Query variables
"quantity": 1,
"sku": "120P90"
## Query order items at cart
mutation ConfirmOrder($placeholder: String) {
ConfirmOrder(placeholder: $placeholder) {
### Query variables
"placeholder": ""