Go package for working with Who's On First data and go-rasterzen
You will need to have both Go
(specifically version 1.12 or higher) and the make
programs installed on your computer. Assuming you do just type:
make tools
All of this package's dependencies are bundled with the code in the vendor
This is work in progress. It works. Until it doesn't.
For background, you should read the following blog posts:
Pre-seed go-rasterzen tiles (and their vector/raster derivatives) for one or more go-whosonfirst-index compatible indices.
> go run cmd/wof-rasterzen-seed/main.go -h
Usage of /var/folders/_k/h7ndzcyx3dq027gsrg1q45xm0000gn/T/go-build375480020/b001/exe/main:
-exclude value
Exclude records not matching one or path '{PATH}={VALUE}' statements. Paths are evaluated using the gjson package's 'dot' syntax.
Cache tiles with a filesystem-based cache.
-fs-root string
The root of your filesystem cache. If empty rasterd will try to use the current working directory.
Cache tiles with an in-memory (go-cache) cache.
-include value
Include only those records matching one or path '{PATH}={VALUE}' statements. Paths are evaluated using the gjson package's 'dot' syntax.
-lambda-dsn value
A valid go-whosonfirst-aws DSN string. Required paremeters are 'credentials=CREDENTIALS' and 'region=REGION'
-lambda-function string
A valid AWS Lambda function name. (default "Rasterzen")
-log-level string
Log level to use for logging (default "status")
-max-zoom int
(default 16)
-min-zoom int
(default 1)
-mode string
(default "repo")
-nextzen-apikey string
A valid Nextzen API key.
Log requests (to STDOUT) to Nextzen tile servers.
-nextzen-origin string
An optional HTTP 'Origin' host to pass along with your Nextzen requests.
-nextzen-uri string
A valid URI template (RFC 6570) pointing to a custom Nextzen endpoint.
-png-options string
The path to a valid RasterzenPNGOptions JSON file.
-rasterzen-options string
The path to a valid RasterzenOptions JSON file.
Force all tiles to be generated even if they are already cached.
Force PNG tiles to be generated even if they are already cached.
Force rasterzen tiles to be generated even if they are already cached.
Force SVG tiles to be generated even if they are already cached.
Cache tiles with a S3-based cache.
-s3-dsn string
A valid go-whosonfirst-aws DSN string
-s3-opts string
A valid go-whosonfirst-cache-s3 options string
See all the tile formats
-seed-max-workers runtime.NumCPU()
The maximum number of concurrent workers to invoke when seeding tiles. The default is the value of runtime.NumCPU() * 2.
Seed PNG tiles.
Seed Rasterzen tiles.
Seed SVG tiles.
-seed-tileset-catalog-dsn string
A valid tile.SeedCatalog DSN string. Required parameters are 'catalog=CATALOG' (default "catalog=sync")
-seed-worker string
The type of worker for seeding tiles. Valid workers are: lambda, local, sqs. (default "local")
-sqs-dsn value
A valid go-whosonfirst-aws DSN string. Required paremeters are 'credentials=CREDENTIALS' and 'region=REGION' and 'queue=QUEUE'
-svg-options string
The path to a valid RasterzenSVGOptions JSON file.
Display timings for tile seeding.
For example:
./bin/wof-rasterzen-seed -fs-cache -fs-root cache -nextzen-apikey {APIKEY} -max-zoom 10 -mode repo /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-whosonfirst/
...time passes, your fan whirrrrrrrrrs...
Or if you just want to know how many tiles you'll end up fetching:
./bin/wof-rasterzen-seed -fs-cache -fs-root cache -nextzen-apikey {APIKEY} -max-zoom 10 -count -mode repo /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-whosonfirst/
Filtering records
You can filter records to process by passing one or more -include
or -exclude
flags. The -exclude
flag will exclude records not matching one or path '{PATH}={VALUE}' statements. The -include
flag will include only those records matching one or path '{PATH}={VALUE}' statements. Paths are evaluated using the gjson
package's 'dot' syntax. For example:
./bin/wof-rasterzen-seed -count -max-zoom 10 -include 'properties.wof:placetype=country' /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-whosonfirst/
00:16:49.630981 [wof-rasterzen-seed] STATUS SKIP Dayton (101712161) because properties.wof:placetype != country (is locality)
00:16:49.727171 [wof-rasterzen-seed] STATUS SKIP Columbus (101712381) because properties.wof:placetype != country (is locality)
00:16:49.741976 [wof-rasterzen-seed] STATUS SKIP Middletown (101712653) because properties.wof:placetype != country (is locality)
00:16:49.749884 [wof-rasterzen-seed] STATUS SKIP Portland (101715829) because properties.wof:placetype != country (is locality)
00:16:49.765511 [wof-rasterzen-seed] STATUS SKIP McMinnville (101716117) because properties.wof:placetype != country (is locality)
...and so on
...time passes
00:18:37.793127 [wof-rasterzen-seed] STATUS SKIP Mills Field Municipal Airport of San Francisco (1360695653) because properties.wof:placetype != country (is campus)
00:18:37.804110 [wof-rasterzen-seed] STATUS SKIP San Francisco Airport (1360695655) because properties.wof:placetype != country (is campus)
00:18:37.815119 [wof-rasterzen-seed] STATUS SKIP Denver Stapleton International Airport (1360695657) because properties.wof:placetype != country (is campus)
Yes. There is a Dockerfile for the wof-rasterzen-seed
The detailed details of using the above mentioned Dockerfile with the AWS ECS service are outside the scope of this document but your container will need an IAM role with the following (minimum) built-in policies:
Additionally, if you plan to use the SQS seed-worker
you'll need to add a policy for sending messages to the SQS queue in question. For example:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
If you are going to use the Lambda seed-worker
you'll need to add a policy for invoking the Lambda function in question. For example:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowLambdaRasterzenSeeder",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "lambda:InvokeFunction",
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:{AWS_REGION}:{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:function:{LAMBDA_FUNCTION}"
Your role should have the following trust relationship:
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
Finally, assuming you haven't baked a specific wof-rasterzen-seed
command in to your container image you would invoke it as a (ECS) task with a "container override" like this:
/usr/local/bin/wof-rasterzen-seed,-seed-max-workers,25,-nextzen-apikey,{NEXTZEN_APIKEY},-seed-worker,sqs,-sqs-dsn,credentials=iam: region={AWS_REGION} queue={SQS_QUEUE},-seed-all,-min-zoom,14,-max-zoom,16,-timings,-mode,git,
See the commas between everything and the lack of quotes around the -sqs-dsn
flag? I love that about ECS...
The command above will fetch a copy of the sfomuseum-data-architecture
repo, calculate all the tiles between zoom levels 14 and 16 (for all the WOF records in the repo) and then "fetch" each one of those tiles using the SQS seed-worker
which just means an entry for the tile will be created in an SQS queue and assumes you've configured the go-rasterzen
rasterzen-seed-sqs tool as a Lambda trigger for new queue items.
For a pretty picture of everything just described, see go-rasterzen/docs/rasterzen-seed-sqs-arch.jpg . (Note that the image assumes the go-rasterzen
rasterzen-seed tool which doesn't know how to seed WOF repos, but the principle is the same.)
Because this (wof-rasterzen-seed
) is being run from an ECS instance you could also invoke the Lambda seed-worker
directly rather than queueing everything up in SQS. That's your business. The point is you can do either. In both cases though it's assumed that there is a Lambda seed-worker
that is fetching data from a copy of the go-rasterzen
rasterd application.
See also: go-rasterzen workers.