Tools (written in Go) for exporting Who's On First (WOF) records.
This is work in progress. Documentation is incomplete.
go-whosonfirst-exportify versus go-whosonfirst-export
is an abstract package library containing only those dependencies necessary for exporting WOF records.go-whosonfirst-exportify
defines a variety of applications that perform operations relating to, or involving, exporting WOF records. These applications usego-whosonfirst-export
At some point the various application might get separated out in to their own packages but for now they are all bundled together which means this package has, potentially, a lot of dependencies.
$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-assign-geometry cmd/wof-assign-geometry/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-assign-parent cmd/wof-assign-parent/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-exportify cmd/wof-exportify/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-create cmd/wof-create/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-deprecate cmd/wof-deprecate/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-cessate cmd/wof-cessate/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-superseded-by cmd/wof-superseded-by/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-ensure-properties cmd/wof-ensure-properties/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-deprecate-and-supersede cmd/wof-deprecate-and-supersede/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-merge-featurecollection cmd/wof-merge-featurecollection/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-supersede-with-parent cmd/wof-supersede-with-parent/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-as-featurecollection cmd/wof-as-featurecollection/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-as-csv cmd/wof-as-csv/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-as-jsonl cmd/wof-as-jsonl/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-rename-property cmd/wof-rename-property/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-remove-properties cmd/wof-remove-properties/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-clone-feature cmd/wof-clone-feature/main.go
As of this writing these tools may contain duplicate, or at least common, code that would be well-served from being moved in to a package or library. That hasn't happened yet.
Export one or more WOF records as a CSV document written to STDOUT
$> ./bin/wof-as-csv -h
Export one or more WOF records as a CSV document written to STDOUT
./bin/wof-as-csv [options] path-(N) path-(N)
For example:
./bin/wof-as-csv -field wof:id -field wof:name -field centroid -iterator-uri 'repo://?' /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-publicart/
Valid options are:
-field value
One or more relative 'properties.FIELDNAME' paths to include the CSV output. If the fieldname is 'path' the filename of the current record will be included. If the fieldname is 'centroid' the primary centroid of the current record will be derived and included as 'latitude' and 'longitude' columns.
-iterator-uri string
(default "repo://")
For example:
$> ./bin/wof-as-csv \
-field wof:id \
-field centroid \
-field wof:name \
-iterator-uri 'repo://?include=properties.sfomuseum:placetype=boardingarea&' \
1763588233,37.615069504933075,-122.38306184920478,Boarding Area C
1763588177,37.612307411494186,-122.38518056697221,Boarding Area B
1763588335,37.61888020848815,-122.38446905789152,Boarding Area E
1763588433,37.617858008730636,-122.39137174044615,Boarding Area G
1763588125,37.61734905835808,-122.38196681238652,Boarding Area D
1763588271,37.62010253190792,-122.38804674158527,Boarding Area F
1763588371,37.61289407736701,-122.38934858141738,Boarding Area A
Export one or more WOF records as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection
$> ./bin/wof-as-featurecollection -h
Export one or more WOF records as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection
./bin/wof-as-featurecollection [options] path-(N) path-(N)
For example:
Output geometries as a MultiPoint array
./bin/as-featurecollection -iterator-uri 'repo://?' /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-publicart/
Valid options are:
-iterator-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterator/emitter URI. Supported emitter URI schemes are: directory://,featurecollection://,file://,filelist://,geojsonl://,repo:// (default "repo://")
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. Supported writer URI schemes are: file://, fs://, io://, null://, stdout:// (default "stdout://")
For example:
$> ./bin/wof-as-featurecollection \
-iterator-uri 'repo://?' \
/usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-publicart/ \
| jq '.features[]["properties"]["wof:parent_id"]' \
| sort \
| uniq
Export one or more WOF records as a line-separated JSON.
$> ./bin/wof-as-jsonl -h
Export one or more WOF records as a line-separated JSON
./bin/wof-as-jsonl [options] path-(N) path-(N)
For example:
./bin/wof-as-jsonl -iterator-uri 'repo://?' /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-publicart/
Valid options are:
Output geometries as a MultiPoint array
-iterator-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterator/v2 URI. Supported emitter URI schemes are: directory://,featurecollection://,file://,filelist://,geojsonl://,null://,repo:// (default "repo://")
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. Supported writer URI schemes are: fs://, io://, null://, stdout:// (default "stdout://")
For example:
$> ./bin/wof-as-jsonl \
-iterator-uri 'repo://?include=properties.wof:placetype=timezone' \
/usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-xy \
| wc -l
2021/10/14 09:54:07 time to index paths (1) 2.475059637s
Assign the geometry from a given record to one or more other records.
$> ./bin/wof-assign-geometry -h
Assign the geometry from a given record to one or more other records.
./bin/wof-assign-geometry [options] target-id-(N) target-id-(N)
For example:
./bin/wof-assign-geometry -reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-ca/data -source-id 1234 5678
Valid options are:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI (default "whosonfirst://")
-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI.
-source-id int
A valid Who's On First ID.
Read target IDs from STDIN
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. (default "stdout://")
This tool can (and probably be should) be adapted in the general-purpose assign properties or geometry tool. Today it only handles geometries.
For example:
$> /usr/local/whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-travel/bin/wof-travel-id \
-supersedes \
-ids \
-source fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data \
1729813675 \
| bin/wof-assign-geometry \
-stdin \
-reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data \
-writer-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data \
-source-id 1729813675
This is a fairly involved example, so here's a description of what's happening:
- First we are using the
tool in the go-whosonfirst-travel package to find all the records that, recursively, ID1729813675
supersedes. - We are exporting that list as a line-separated list of IDs (having specified the
flag). - We are piping that output to the
tool and reading the list of IDs fromSTDIN
(having specified the-stdin
flag). - For each of those IDs we are assigning the geometry from the record with the ID
and writing those updates back to disk.
$> ./bin/wof-assign-parent -h
Assign the parent ID and its hierarchy to one or more WOF records
./bin/wof-assign-parent [options] wof-id-(N) wof-id-(N)
For example:
Valid options are:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
-id value
One or more valid Who's On First ID.
-parent-id int
A valid Who's On First ID.
-parent-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI. If empty the value of the -reader-uri flag will be assumed.
-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI.
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. If empty the value of the -reader-uri flag will be assumed.
For example:
$> ./bin/wof-assign-parent \
-reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data \
-parent-id 1477855937 \
-id 1477855939 -id 1477855941 -id 1477855943 -id 1477855945 -id 1477855947 -id 1477855949 1477855955
"Cessate" one or more Who's On First IDs (assign an edtf:cessation
property and assign mz:is_current=0
> ./bin/wof-cessate -h
"Cessate" one or more Who's On First IDs.
./bin/wof-cessate [options]
For example:
./bin/wof-cessate -s . -i 1234
./bin/wof-cessate -reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-ca/data -id 1234 -id 5678
Valid options are:
-date string
A valid EDTF date. If empty then the current date will be used
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
-i string
A valid Who's On First ID.
-id value
One or more Who's On First IDs. If left empty the value of the -i flag will be used.
-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
-s string
A valid path to the root directory of the Who's On First data repository. If empty (and -reader-uri or -writer-uri are empty) the current working directory will be used and appended with a 'data' subdirectory.
-superseded-by value
Zero or more Who's On First IDs that the records being deprecated are superseded by.
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
Clone and optionally supersede a Who's On First record.
> ./bin/wof-clone-feature -h
Clone and optionally supersede a Who's On First record.
./bin/wof-clone-feature [options]
For example:
./bin/wof-clone-feature -s . -id 1234 -superseded
./bin/wof-clone-feature -reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-ca/data -id 1234 -superseded
Valid options are:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
-float-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} properties to append to the new record where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a float(64) value.
-id int
The feature being cloned.
-int-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} properties to append to the new record where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a int(64) value.
-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
-s string
A valid path to the root directory of the Who's On First data repository. If empty (and -reader-uri or -writer-uri are empty) the current working directory will be used and appended with a 'data' subdirectory.
-string-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} properties to append to the new record where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a string value.
The new feature is superseded by the feature being cloned.
The new feature supersedes the feature being cloned.
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
Consider this passage from the Wikipedia entry for O. R. Tambo International Airport (WOF ID 102546665):
It was originally known as Jan Smuts International Airport,[4] after the former South African Prime Minister of the same name. The airport was renamed Johannesburg International Airport in 1994 when the newly elected African National Congress (ANC) government implemented a policy of not naming airports after politicians. This policy was later reversed, and on 27 October 2006 the airport was renamed after anti-apartheid politician Oliver Reginald Tambo.[5]
So given an initial record (102546665
) we want to create two others. First we create the record for "Johannesburg International Airport", which is superseded by the record for "OR Tambo International Airport":
$> ./bin/wof-clone-feature \
-s /usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-za \
-id 102546665 \
-superseded \
-string-property 'properties.wof:name=Johannesburg International Airport' \
-string-property 'properties.edtf:inception=1994' \
-string-property 'properties.edtf:cessation=2006'
Which creates a new record with ID 1746875291
. Note that because this new record was cloned it may still need to be manually updated to reflect its reality, for example name:*_*
properties may need to be removed or changed.
Next, we create a record for "Jan Smuts International Airport" which is cloned from the newly created record for "Johannesburg International Airport":
$> ./bin/wof-clone-feature \
-s /usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-za \
-id 1746875291 \
-supersedes \
-string-property 'properties.wof:name=Jan Smuts International Airport' \
-string-property 'properties.edtf:inception=1952' \
-string-property 'properties.edtf:cessation=1994'
Create a new Who's On First record.
$> ./bin/wof-create -h
Create a new Who's On First record.
./bin/wof-create [options]
Valid options are:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
-float-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} flags where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a float(64) value.
-geometry string
A valid GeoJSON geometry
-int-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} flags where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a int(64) value.
-parent-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI. If empty the value of the -s fs will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
Attempt to resolve parent ID and hierarchy using point-in-polygon lookups. If true the -spatial-database-uri flag must also be set
-s string
A valid path to the root directory of the Who's On First data repository. If empty (and -reader-uri or -writer-uri are empty) the current working directory will be used and appended with a 'data' subdirectory.
-spatial-database-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial/database URI.
-string-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} flags where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a string value.
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. If empty the value of the -s fs will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
This tool should be considered "beta" still.
For example:
$> bin/wof-create \
-geometry '{"type":"Point", "coordinates":[20.414944,42.032833]}' \
-string-property 'properties.src:geom=wikidata' \
-string-property 'properties.wof:placetype=campus' \
-string-property 'properties.wof:placetype_alt=airport' \
-string-property 'properties.wof:repo=whosonfirst-data-admin-al' \
-string-property 'properties.wof:name=Kukës International Airport' \
-string-property 'properties.edtf:inception=2021-04-18' \
-string-property 'properties.edtf:cessation=..' \
-string-property 'properties.wof:concordances.icao:code=LAKU' \
-string-property 'properties.wof:concordances.wk:id=Q1431804' \
-int-property '' \
-resolve-hierarchy \
-spatial-database-uri 'sqlite://?dsn=/usr/local/data/al.db' \
-writer-uri stdout://
"id": 1730032323,
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"date:inception_lower": "2021-04-18",
"date:inception_upper": "2021-04-18",
"edtf:cessation": "..",
"edtf:inception": "2021-04-18",
"geom:area": 0,
"geom:bbox": "20.414944,42.032833,20.414944,42.032833",
"geom:latitude": 42.032833,
"geom:longitude": 20.414944,
"src:geom": "wikidata",
"wof:belongsto": [
"wof:concordances": {
"icao:code": "LAKU"
"wof:country": "AL",
"wof:created": 1619808522,
"wof:geomhash": "792d95b83651dcc4aedeb0923d9c05f8",
"wof:hierarchy": [
"campus_id": 1730032323,
"continent_id": 102191581,
"country_id": 85632405,
"county_id": 421186339,
"region_id": 85667797
"wof:id": 1730032323,
"wof:lastmodified": 1619808522,
"wof:name": "Kukës International Airport",
"wof:parent_id": 421186339,
"wof:placetype": "campus",
"wof:placetype_alt": "airport",
"wof:repo": "whosonfirst-data-admin-al",
"wof:superseded_by": [],
"wof:supersedes": []
"bbox": [
"geometry": {"coordinates":[20.414944,42.032833],"type":"Point"}
Deprecate one or more Who's On First IDs.
> ./bin/wof-deprecate -h
Deprecate one or more Who's On First IDs.
./bin/wof-deprecate [options]
For example:
./bin/wof-deprecate -s . -i 1234
./bin/wof-deprecate -reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-ca/data -id 1234 -id 5678
Valid options are:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
-i string
A valid Who's On First ID.
-id value
One or more Who's On First IDs. If left empty the value of the -i flag will be used.
-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
-s string
A valid path to the root directory of the Who's On First data repository. If empty (and -reader-uri or -writer-uri are empty) the current working directory will be used and appended with a 'data' subdirectory.
-superseded-by value
Zero or more Who's On First IDs that the records being deprecated are superseded by.
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
For example:
$> ./bin/wof-deprecate -s /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-collection -i 1511957049
$> git diff
diff --git a/data/151/195/704/9/1511957049.geojson b/data/151/195/704/9/1511957049.geojson
index 916115027f..ec21ca2089 100644
--- a/data/151/195/704/9/1511957049.geojson
+++ b/data/151/195/704/9/1511957049.geojson
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"date:inception_upper": "1960-01-01",
"edtf:cessation": "1960-12-31",
"edtf:date": "1960",
+ "edtf:deprecated": "2021-05-03",
"edtf:inception": "1960-01-01",
"geom:area": 0,
"geom:bbox": "-122.386155,37.616358,-122.386155,37.616358",
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
"millsfield:collection_id": 1511214203,
"millsfield:subcategory_id": 1511213595,
"mz:hierarchy_label": 1,
- "mz:is_current": -1,
+ "mz:is_current": 0,
"sfomuseum:accession_number": "2012.147.452",
"sfomuseum:category": "Insignia",
"sfomuseum:collection": "Aviation Museum",
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@
"wof:id": 1511957049,
- "wof:lastmodified": 1618962263,
+ "wof:lastmodified": 1620087808,
"wof:name": "flight officer cap badge: Iraq Petroleum Company",
"wof:parent_id": 1511214277,
"wof:placetype": "venue",
$> ./bin/wof-deprecate-and-supersede -h
Deprecate and supersede one or more Who's On First IDs.
./bin/wof-deprecate-and-supersede [options] wof-id-(N) wof-id-(N)
For example:
./bin/wof-deprecate-and-supersede -s . -i 1234
./bin/wof-deprecate-and-supersede -reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-ca/data -id 1234 -id 5678
Valid options are:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
-float-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} properties to append to the new record where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a float(64) value.
-i string
A valid Who's On First ID.
-id value
One or more Who's On First IDs. If left empty the value of the -i flag will be used.
-int-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} properties to append to the new record where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a int(64) value.
-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
-s string
A valid path to the root directory of the Who's On First data repository. If empty (and -reader-uri or -writer-uri are empty) the current working directory will be used and appended with a 'data' subdirectory.
-string-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} properties to append to the new record where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a string value.
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
For example:
$> ./bin/wof-deprecate-and-supersede \
-s /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture \
-i 1477856003 \
-string-property 'properties.wof:placetype=arcade'
2021/02/09 13:49:58 1477856003 replaced by 1729791935
This tool will:
- Copy all the properties from the source WOF record in to the new WOF record.
- Create a new
property for the new WOF record. - Update the
properties for the old and new WOF records respectively. - Set the
property to be "0" for the old WOF record. - Set the
property to be the current "YYYY-MM-DD" for the old WOF record. - Assign or update any properties defined by the
flags for the new WOF record.
> ./bin/wof-ensure-properties -h
Usage of ./bin/wof-ensure-properties:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
-float-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} flags where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a float(64) value.
-indexer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index URI. (default "repo://")
-int-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} flags where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a int(64) value.
-query value
One or more {PATH}={REGEXP} parameters for filtering records.
-query-mode string
Specify how query filtering should be evaluated. Valid modes are: ALL, ANY (default "ALL")
-string-property value
One or more {KEY}={VALUE} flags where {KEY} is a valid tidwall/gjson path and {VALUE} is a string value.
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. (default "null://")
For example:
$> ./bin/wof-ensure-properties \
-string-property 'properties.wof:repo=sfomuseum-data-architecture' \
-writer-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data \
2021/02/05 14:43:51 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/977/140/5/1729771405.geojson
2021/02/05 14:43:51 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/977/140/9/1729771409.geojson
2021/02/05 14:43:51 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/977/140/3/1729771403.geojson
2021/02/05 14:43:51 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/977/141/1/1729771411.geojson
2021/02/05 14:43:51 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/977/141/5/1729771415.geojson
...and so on
Inline queries
For example
$> ./bin/wof-ensure-properties \
-writer-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data \
-query '' \
-query 'properties.sfomuseum:placetype=gallery' \
-int-property 'properties.sfo:level=2' \
2021/02/10 14:51:59 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/147/785/566/1/1477855661.geojson
2021/02/10 14:51:59 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/147/785/566/3/1477855663.geojson
2021/02/10 14:51:59 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/147/785/582/1/1477855821.geojson
2021/02/10 14:51:59 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/147/785/582/3/1477855823.geojson
2021/02/10 14:51:59 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/147/785/583/1/1477855831.geojson
2021/02/10 14:51:59 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/147/785/593/9/1477855939.geojson
2021/02/10 14:51:59 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/147/785/594/1/1477855941.geojson
2021/02/10 14:51:59 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/147/785/594/3/1477855943.geojson
2021/02/10 14:51:59 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/147/785/594/5/1477855945.geojson
...and so on
$> ./bin/wof-exportify -h
Exportify one or more Who's On First IDs.
./bin/wof-exportify [options] wof-id-(N) wof-id-(N)
For example:
./bin/wof-exportify -s . -i 1234
./bin/wof-exportify -reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-ca/data -id 1234 -id 5678
Valid options are:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
-i string
A valid Who's On First ID.
-id value
One or more Who's On First IDs. If left empty the value of the -i flag will be used.
-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
-s string
A valid path to the root directory of the Who's On First data repository. If empty (and -reader-uri or -writer-uri are empty) the current working directory will be used and appended with a 'data' subdirectory.
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
$> ./bin/wof-merge-featurecollection -h
Upate one or more Who's On First records with matching entries in a GeoJSON FeatureCollection file.
./bin/wof-merge-featurecollection [options] path(N) path(N)
For example:
./bin/wof-merge-featurecollection -reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-ca/data -writer-uri fs:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-ca/data -path geometry -path 'properties.example:property' /usr/local/data/updates.geojson
Valid options are:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI (default "whosonfirst://")
-include value
One or more {PATH}={REGEXP} parameters for filtering records when building a lookup map.
-include-mode string
Specify how query filtering should be evaluated. Valid modes are: ALL, ANY (default "ALL")
-lookup-key string
A valid tidwall/gjson path to use for specifying an alternative (to 'properties.wof:id') lookup key. The value of this key will be mapped to the record's 'wof:id' property.
-lookup-mode string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index URI. (default "repo://")
-lookup-source value
One or more valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-index sources.
-path value
One or more valid tidwall/gjson paths. These will be copied from the source GeoJSON feature to the corresponding WOF record.
-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI
For example:
$> bin/wof-merge-featurecollection \
-reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-publicart/data \
-writer-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-publicart/data \
-path 'geometry' \
-path 'properties.sfo:level' \
Here's a more complex example:
$> ./bin/wof-merge-featurecollection \
-include 'properties.sfomuseum:placetype=gallery' \
-include '' \
-lookup-key 'properties.sfomuseum:map_id' \
-lookup-source /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/ \
-path geometry \
-reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data \
-writer-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data \
In the example above we are:
- Building a lookup map using records in the
directory. This lookup map will track a specific value in both the source data and the data being merged to its corresponding WOF ID. - Only including records with
properties. - Specifying that the lookup key is
- this value will be mapped to the corresponding record'swof:id
property - Using the lookup key property in the data being merged to determine which WOF record (read by the
flag) should be updated
Rename a property in one or more records. Currently this tool does not support renaming more than one property at a time.
$> ./bin/wof-rename-property -h
Usage of ./bin/wof-rename-property:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
-indexer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/emitter URI. (default "repo://")
-new-property string
The fully qualified path of the property to be (re)named.
-old-property string
The fully qualified path of the property to rename.
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. (default "null://")
For example:
$> ./bin/wof-rename-property \
-writer-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data \
-old-property 'properties.wof:supsersedes' \
-new-property 'properties.wof:supersedes' \
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/981/373/7/1729813737.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/981/373/5/1729813735.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/981/373/3/1729813733.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/981/373/1/1729813731.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/981/373/9/1729813739.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/194/7/1729791947.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/194/9/1729791949.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/981/374/1/1729813741.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/194/3/1729791943.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/981/374/5/1729813745.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/981/374/7/1729813747.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/195/7/1729791957.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/195/3/1729791953.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/195/9/1729791959.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/195/5/1729791955.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/195/1/1729791951.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/196/1/1729791961.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/196/5/1729791965.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/196/9/1729791969.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/979/196/7/1729791967.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 Updated /usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data/172/994/578/5/1729945785.geojson
2021/05/11 13:33:55 time to index paths (1) 180.656951ms
Supersede one or more WOF records with a known parent ID (and hierarchy).
$> ./bin/wof-supersede-with-parent -h
Supersede one or more WOF records with a known parent ID (and hierarchy)
./bin/wof-supersede-with-parent [options]
For example:
./bin/wof-supersede-with-parent -reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data -parent-id 1477855937 -id 1477855955
Valid options are:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
-id value
One or more valid Who's On First ID.
-parent-id int
A valid Who's On First ID.
-parent-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI. If empty the value of the -reader-uri flag will be assumed.
-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI.
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. If empty the value of the -reader-uri flag will be assumed.
The wof-superseded-by
tool will update the wof:superseded_by
and wof:supersedes
properties for one or more sets of Who's On First records. Additionally it will assign the mz:is_current=0
property for the records being superseded.
> ./bin/wof-superseded-by -h
"Supersede" one or more Who's On First IDs.
./bin/wof-superseded-by [options]
For example:
./bin/wof-superseded-by -reader-uri fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-enterprise/data -id 1159286017 -by 1159283849
Valid options are:
-exporter-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
-i string
A valid Who's On First ID.
-id value
One or more Who's On First IDs. If left empty the value of the -i flag will be used.
-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
-s string
A valid path to the root directory of the Who's On First data repository. If empty (and -reader-uri or -writer-uri are empty) the current working directory will be used and appended with a 'data' subdirectory.
-superseded-by value
Zero or more Who's On First IDs that the records being deprecated are superseded by.
-writer-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-writer URI. If empty the value of the -s flag will be used in combination with the fs:// scheme.
See also
Documentation ¶
Index ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ExportWithWriter ¶
func UpdateFeature ¶ added in v0.0.10
Types ¶
type UpdateFeatureOptions ¶ added in v0.0.10
type UpdateFeatureOptions struct { StringProperties multi.KeyValueString Int64Properties multi.KeyValueInt64 Float64Properties multi.KeyValueFloat64 // JSONProperties multi.KeyValueString Geometry *geojson.Geometry }
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Assign the geometry from a given record to one or more other records.
Assign the geometry from a given record to one or more other records. |
superseded-by will update the `wof:superseded_by` and `wof:supersedes` properties for one or more sets of Who's On First records.
superseded-by will update the `wof:superseded_by` and `wof:supersedes` properties for one or more sets of Who's On First records. |