
v6.0.3 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Dec 19, 2023 License: BSD-3-Clause



go-whosonfirst-browser is a Go package for browsing and rendering Who's On First (WOF) records in a number of formats including HTML, SVG, PNG and GeoJSON.

It uses Bootstrap for HTML layouts and Leaflet, Tangram.js and Nextzen vector tiles for rendering maps. All of these dependencies are bundled with the tool and served locally. With the exception of the vector tiles (which can be cached) and a configurable data source there are no external dependencies.

This package used to be called go-whosonfirst-static. Now it is called go-whosonfirst-browser.

Things this package is not

This is not a replacement for the Who's On First Spelunker.

At least not yet.

go-whosonfirst-browser was designed to be a simple display tool for known Who's On First (WOF) IDs and records. That constitutes a third to half of what the Spelunker does (the remainder being list views and facets) so in principle it would be easy enough to add the same functionality here. Except for the part where the Spelunker is backed by a real search engine (Elasticsearch).

The principle advantage of migrating Spelunker functionality to this package is that it does not have any external dependencies and has support for multiple data sources and caches and can be pre-compiled in to a standalone binary tool. The principle disadvantage would be that experimenting and developing code and functionality in Python (used by the existing Spelunker) has a lower barrier to entry than doing the same in Go (used by this package).

For the time being though they are separate beasts.

This is not a search engine.

This is a tool that is primarily geared towards displaying known Who's On First IDs. This is slowly changing but by default, it does not maintain an index, or a list of known records, before it displays them.

There is experimental support for data sources that implement the go-whosonfirst-search fulltext interfaces. As of this writing there is only one such provider: The go-whosonfirst-search-sqlite package which queries the search tables created by the go-whosonfirst-sqlite-features package (or tools that use it to produce SQLite databases).

It would be easy enough to add flags to use an external instance of the Pelias Placeholder API for basic search functionality so we'll add that to the list of features for a "2.x" release.

It might also be easy enough to preload a Bleve index, or generate one at runtime depending on the data source and its size, but that is currently out of scope for the project.

This is not a tool for editing Who's On First documents.

At least not yet.

Interestingly the code that renders Who's On First (WOF) property dictionaries in to pretty HTML tables is the same code used for the experimental Mapzen "Yes No Fix project". That functionality has not been enabled or tested with this tool yet.

On the other hand editing anything besides simple key-value pairs means identifying all the complex types, defining rules for how and when they can be updated (or added) and then maintaining all the code to do that. These are all worthwhile efforts but they are equally complex and not things this tool aims to tackle right now.

If you'd like to read more about the subject of editing Who's On First documents have a look at:


To build binary versions of these tools run the cli Makefile target. For example:

$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -o bin/whosonfirst-browser cmd/whosonfirst-browser/main.go
$> ./bin/whosonfirst-browser -h
> ./bin/whosonfirst-browser -h
  -authenticator-uri string
    	A valid sfomuseum/go-http-auth URI. (default "null://")
  -cache-uri string
    	A valid go-cache Cache URI string. (default "gocache://")
  -cors-origin value
    	One or more hosts to restrict CORS support to on the API endpoint. If no origins are defined (and -cors is enabled) then the server will default to all hosts.
    	Enable all the available output handlers EXCEPT the search handlers which need to be explicitly enable using the -enable-search* flags.
    	A boolean flag to enable CORS headers (default true)
    	Enable the 'geojson' and 'spr' and 'select' output handlers.
    	Enable the 'geojson' output handler. (default true)
    	Enable the 'geojson-ld' output handler. (default true)
    	Enable the 'png' and 'svg' output handlers.
    	Enable the 'html' (or human-friendly) output handlers. (default true)
    	Enable the 'index' (or human-friendly) index handler. (default true)
    	Enable the IIIF 'navPlace' output handler. (default true)
    	Enable the 'png' output handler.
    	Enable both the API and human-friendly search handlers.
    	Enable the (API) search handlers.
    	Enable the (API) search handlers to return results as GeoJSON.
    	Enable the (human-friendly) search handlers.
    	Enable the 'select' output handler.
    	Enable the 'spr' (or "standard places response") output handler. (default true)
    	Enable the 'svg' output handler.
    	Enable the 'webfinger' output handler.
  -exporter-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-export/v2 URI. (default "whosonfirst://")
  -github-accesstoken-uri string
    	A valid gocloud.dev/runtimevar URI that resolves to a GitHub API access token, required if you are using a githubapi:// reader URI.
    	Enable the Leaflet.Draw plugin.
    	Enable the Leaflet.Fullscreen plugin.
    	Enable the Leaflet.Hash plugin. (default true)
  -leaflet-tile-url string
    	A valid Leaflet 'tileLayer' layer URL. Only necessary if -map-provider is "leaflet".
  -map-provider string
    	The name of the map provider to use. Valid options are: leaflet, protomaps, tangram
  -navplace-max-features int
    	The maximum number of features to allow in a /navplace/{ID} URI string. (default 3)
  -nextzen-apikey string
    	A valid Nextzen API key. Only necessary if -map-provider is "tangram".
  -nextzen-style-url string
    	A valid URL for loading a Tangram.js style bundle. Only necessary if -map-provider is "tangram". (default "/tangram/refill-style.zip")
  -nextzen-tile-url string
    	A valid Nextzen tile URL template for loading map tiles. Only necessary if -map-provider is "tangram". (default "https://tile.nextzen.org/tilezen/vector/v1/512/all/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt")
  -path-geojson string
    	The path that GeoJSON requests should be served from. (default "/geojson/")
  -path-geojson-alt value
    	Zero or more alternate paths that GeoJSON requests should be served from.
  -path-geojson-ld string
    	The path that GeoJSON-LD requests should be served from. (default "/geojson-ld/")
  -path-geojson-ld-alt value
    	Zero or more alternate paths that GeoJSON-LD requests should be served from.
  -path-id string
    	The URL that Who's On First documents should be served from. (default "/id/")
  -path-navplace string
    	The path that IIIF navPlace requests should be served from. (default "/navplace/")
  -path-navplace-alt value
    	Zero or more alternate paths that IIIF navPlace requests should be served from.
  -path-png string
    	The path that PNG requests should be served from. (default "/png/")
  -path-png-alt value
    	Zero or more alternate paths that PNG requests should be served from.
  -path-protomaps-tiles string
    	The root path from which Protomaps tiles will be served. (default "/tiles/")
  -path-search-api string
    	The path that API 'search' requests should be served from. (default "/search/spr/")
  -path-search-html string
    	The path that API 'search' requests should be served from. (default "/search/")
  -path-select string
    	The path that 'select' requests should be served from. (default "/select/")
  -path-select-alt value
    	Zero or more alternate paths that 'select' requests should be served from.
  -path-spr string
    	The path that SPR requests should be served from. (default "/spr/")
  -path-spr-alt value
    	Zero or more alternate paths that SPR requests should be served from.
  -path-svg string
    	The path that SVG requests should be served from. (default "/svg/")
  -path-svg-alt value
    	Zero or more alternate paths that SVG requests should be served from.
  -path-webfinger string
    	The path that 'webfinger' requests should be served from. (default "/.well-known/webfinger/")
  -path-webfinger-alt value
    	Zero or more alternate paths that 'webfinger' requests should be served from.
  -protomaps-bucket-uri string
    	The gocloud.dev/blob.Bucket URI where Protomaps tiles are stored. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps" and -protomaps-serve-tiles is true.
  -protomaps-caches-size int
    	The size of the internal Protomaps cache if serving tiles locally. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps" and -protomaps-serve-tiles is true. (default 64)
  -protomaps-database string
    	The name of the Protomaps database to serve tiles from. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps" and -protomaps-serve-tiles is true.
  -protomaps-label-rules-uri gocloud.dev/runtimevar
    	An optional gocloud.dev/runtimevar URI referencing a custom Javascript variable used to define Protomaps label rules.
  -protomaps-paint-rules-uri gocloud.dev/runtimevar
    	An optional gocloud.dev/runtimevar URI referencing a custom Javascript variable used to define Protomaps paint rules.
    	A boolean flag signaling whether to serve Protomaps tiles locally. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps".
  -protomaps-tile-url string
    	A valid Protomaps .pmtiles URL for loading map tiles. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps". (default "/tiles/")
  -reader-uri value
    	One or more valid go-reader Reader URI strings.
  -search-database-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfist-search/fulltext URI.
  -select-pattern string
    	A valid regular expression for sanitizing select parameters. (default "properties(?:.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+){1,}")
  -server-uri string
    	A valid aaronland/go-http-server URI. (default "http://localhost:8080")
  -static-prefix string
    	Prepend this prefix to URLs for static assets.
    	Enable to use of Tilezen MBTiles tilepack for tile-serving. Only necessary if -map-provider is "tangram".
  -tilezen-tilepack-path string
    	The path to the Tilezen MBTiles tilepack to use for serving tiles. Only necessary if -map-provider is "tangram" and -tilezen-enable-tilezen is true.
  -webfinger-hostname string
    	An optional hostname to use for WebFinger URLs.	
$> bin/whosonfirst-browser \
	-enable-all \
	-reader-uri {READER_URI}
2019/12/14 18:22:16 Listening on http://localhost:8080

Then if you visited http://localhost:8080/id/101736545 in your web browser you would see this:

By default Who's On First (WOF) properties are rendered as nested (and collapsed) trees but there is are handy show raw and show pretty toggles for viewing the raw WOF GeoJSON data.

Map Providers

If you have started the whosonfirst-browser tool with either the -enable-html or -enable-all flags you will need to configure a map provider. Under the hood the code uses the aaronland/go-http-maps package which does not specify a default map provider. This is backwards incompatible change from whosonfirst-browser/v5 and lower.


The leaflet map provider is for maps that use static TMS (or "slippy") -style raster tiles. For example:

$> bin/whosonfirst-browser/main.go \
	-enable-all \
	-reader-uri repo:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture \
	-reader-uri repo:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-whosonfirst \
	-map-provider leaflet \
	-leaflet-tile-url 'https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'

2022/11/11 22:29:05 Listening on http://localhost:8080
Leaflet specific flags
    	Enable the Leaflet.Draw plugin.
    	Enable the Leaflet.Fullscreen plugin.
    	Enable the Leaflet.Hash plugin. (default true)
  -leaflet-tile-url string
    	A valid Leaflet 'tileLayer' layer URL. Only necessary if -map-provider is "leaflet".

The protomaps map provider is for maps that use a Protomaps tiles database and styles. For example:

$> bin/whosonfirst-browser/main.go \
	-enable-all \
	-reader-uri repo:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture \
	-reader-uri repo:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-whosonfirst \
	-map-provider protomaps \
	-protomaps-bucket-uri file:///usr/local/data/ \
	-protomaps-database sfo

2022/11/11 22:29:05 Listening on http://localhost:8080

The -protomaps-bucket-uri is expected to be a valid gocloud.dev/blob bucket URI. Only the gocloud fileblob provider for accessing files on the local filesystem is enabled by default. If you need to enable other providers you will need to clone the cmd/whosonfirst-browser/main.go tool and add the relevant import statements. See the Data sources and Caches section for examples.

Protomaps specific flags
  -protomaps-bucket-uri string
    	The gocloud.dev/blob.Bucket URI where Protomaps tiles are stored. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps" and -protomaps-serve-tiles is true.
  -protomaps-caches-size int
    	The size of the internal Protomaps cache if serving tiles locally. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps" and -protomaps-serve-tiles is true. (default 64)
  -protomaps-database string
    	The name of the Protomaps database to serve tiles from. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps" and -protomaps-serve-tiles is true.
  -protomaps-label-rules-uri gocloud.dev/runtimevar
    	An optional gocloud.dev/runtimevar URI referencing a custom Javascript variable used to define Protomaps label rules.
  -protomaps-paint-rules-uri gocloud.dev/runtimevar
    	An optional gocloud.dev/runtimevar URI referencing a custom Javascript variable used to define Protomaps paint rules.
    	A boolean flag signaling whether to serve Protomaps tiles locally. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps".
  -protomaps-tile-url string
    	A valid Protomaps .pmtiles URL for loading map tiles. Only necessary if -map-provider is "protomaps". (default "/tiles/")
TangramJS and Nextzen

The tangram map provider is for maps that use a Nextzen vector tiles and styles rendered by the TangramJS library. For example:

$> bin/whosonfirst-browser/main.go \
	-enable-all \
	-reader-uri repo:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture \
	-reader-uri repo:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-whosonfirst \
	-map-provider tangram \

2022/11/11 22:29:05 Listening on http://localhost:8080

You can register for a Nextzen API key at https://developers.nextzen.org/

Nextzen specific flags
  -nextzen-apikey string
    	A valid Nextzen API key. Only necessary if -map-provider is "tangram".
  -nextzen-style-url string
    	A valid URL for loading a Tangram.js style bundle. Only necessary if -map-provider is "tangram". (default "/tangram/refill-style.zip")
  -nextzen-tile-url string
    	A valid Nextzen tile URL template for loading map tiles. Only necessary if -map-provider is "tangram". (default "https://tile.nextzen.org/tilezen/vector/v1/512/all/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt")
    	Enable to use of Tilezen MBTiles tilepack for tile-serving. Only necessary if -map-provider is "tangram".
  -tilezen-tilepack-path string
    	The path to the Tilezen MBTiles tilepack to use for serving tiles. Only necessary if -map-provider is "tangram" and -tilezen-enable-tilezen is true.

If no map provider is defined, or if not Nextzen API key is defined, then the browser tool will display the SVG rendering for a place's geometry. For example:


Or all of those things but running the application as a Tailscale virtual private service:

$> bin/whosonfirst-browser/main.go \
	-enable-all \
	-reader-uri repo:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture \
	-reader-uri repo:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-whosonfirst \
	-map-provider protomaps \
	-protomaps-bucket-uri file:///usr/local/data/ \
	-protomaps-database sfo
	-server-uri 'tsnet://whosonfirst:80?auth-key={TAILSCALE_AUTH_KEY}'

2022/11/11 22:25:47 Listening on http://whosonfirst:80

Please consult the documentation for aaronland/go-http-tsnet for details on running whosonfirst-browser as a virtual private service.

See also: Updating the Who's On First Browser to support Tailscale and Protomaps

Output formats

The following output formats are available.


A raw Who's On First (WOF) GeoJSON document. For example:



A responsive HTML table and map for a given WOF ID. For example:


(IIIF) navPlace

Returns a WOF record as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection document. This enables WOF records to be included in IIIF navPlace records as "reference" objects. For example:


You can specify multiple Feature records to include in a response by passing a comma-separated list of IDs. For example:


Note: There is a limit on the number of records that may be specified which is set by the -navplace-max-features flag.


A PNG-encoded representation of the geometry for a given WOF ID. For example:



A JSON-encoded WebFinger (RFC 7033) respresentation for a record.


Note: WebFinger representations should still be considered a work-in-progress. It's not clear yet whether, or where, there are instance-specific gotchas that will be need to be accounted for, particularly involving host names. It stands to reason that there so this is a "starting point" to work through remaining issues in code.


A responsive HTML form for querying search terms and displaying the results as a list.



A machine-readable endpoint for querying search terms and results the results as standard places results (SPR).


If the -enable-search-api-geojson flags is enabled then you can also return results as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection by passing the ?format=geojson query parameter.


  • As of this writing the "search" endpoints lack pagination.

  • The rules by which terms are queried are governed by the Go package that implements the go-whosonfirst-search.FullTextDatabase interface, as defined by the -search-database-uri flag.

  • In order to support GeoJSON output the search handler depends a data source for looking up GeoJSON records. By default this is assumed to be the provider defined by the -data-source flag.

  • As of this writing only one package implements the go-whosonfirst-search interfaces necessary for enabling fulltext search. It is go-whosonfirst-browser-sqlite.


A JSON-encoded slice of a Who's On First (WOF) GeoJSON document matching a query pattern. For example:


select parameters should conform to the GJSON path syntax.

As of this writing multiple select parameters are not supported. select parameters that do not match the regular expression defined in the -select-pattern flag (at startup) will trigger an error.

SPR (Standard Places Response)

A JSON-encoded "standard places response" for a given WOF ID. For example:



An XML-encoded SVG representation of the geometry for a given WOF ID. For example:


Data sources and Caches

The go-whosonfirst-browser uses the go-reader reader.Reader and go-cache cache.Cache interfaces for reading and caching data respectively. This enables the "guts" of the code to be developed and operate independently of any individual data source or cache.

Readers and caches alike are instantiated using the reader.NewReader or cache.NewCache methods respectively. In both case the methods are passed a URI string indicating the type of instance to create. For example, to create a local filesystem based reader, you would write:

import (

r, _ := reader.NewReader("fs:///usr/local/data")
fh, _ := r.Read("/123/456/78/12345678.geojson")

The base go-reader package defines a small number of default "readers". Others types of readers are kept in separate packages and loaded as-need. Similar to the way the Go language database/sql package works these readers announce themselves to the -readerpackage when they are initialized. For example, if you wanted to use a [Go Cloud](https://gocloud.dev/howto/blob/)Blob` reader you would do something this:

import (
       _ "github.com/whosonfirst/go-reader-blob"       

r, _ := reader.NewReader("s3://{S3_BUCKET}?region={S3_REGION}&prefix=data")
fh, _ := r.Read("/123/456/78/12345678.geojson")

The same principles appy to caches.

The default whosonfirst-browser tool allows data sources to be specified as a localfile system or a remote HTTP(S) endpoint and caching sources as a local filesystem or an ephemiral in-memory lookup.

This is what the code for default whosonfirst-browser tool looks like, with error handling omitted for the sake of brevity:

package main

import (
	_ "github.com/whosonfirst/go-reader-whosonfirst-data"

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()

The default settings for go-whosonfirst-browser are to fetch data from the https://github.com/whosonfirst-data repositories using the go-reader-whosonfirst-data package and to cache those looks in an ephemeral in-memory go-cache cache.

If you wanted, instead, to read data from the local filesystem you would start the browser like this:

$> bin/whosonfirst-browser -enable-all \
	-reader-source 'fs:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-us/data' \
	-map-provider tangram \		
	-nextzen-apikey {NEXTZEN_APIKEY}	

Or if you wanted to cache WOF records to the local filesystem you would start the browser like this:

$> bin/whosonfirst-browser -enable-all \
	-cache-source 'fs:///usr/local/cache/whosonfirst' \
	-map-provider tangram \		
	-nextzen-apikey {NEXTZEN_APIKEY}	

The browser tool will work with any WOF-like data including records outside of the "core" dataset. For example this is how you might use the browser tool with the SFO Museum architecture dataset:

$> bin/whosonfirst-browser -enable-all \
	-reader-source 'fs:///usr/local/data/sfomuseum-data-architecture/data' \
	-map-provider tangram \		
	-nextzen-apikey {NEXTZEN_APIKEY}	

And then if you went to http://localhost:8080/id/1159554801 in your browser you would see:

The "guts" of the application live in the application/browser package. This is by design to make it easy (or easier, at least) to create derivative browser tools that use custom readers or caches.

For example if you wanted to create a browser that read files using the Go Cloud Blob package you would write:

// cmd/blob-browser/main.go
package main

import (
	_ "github.com/whosonfirst/go-reader-blob"

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	app, _ := browser.NewBrowserApplication(ctx)

And then you would start the browser tool like this:

$> bin/blob-browser -enable-all \
	-reader-source 's3://{BUCKET}?region={REGION}' \
	-map-provider tangram \		
	-nextzen-apikey {NEXTZEN_APIKEY}

2019/12/18 08:44:15 Listening on http://localhost:8080
The default go-reader implementations that are bundled with this package are:
See also


Yes, it is possible to run browser as an AWS Lambda function.

To create the Lambda function you're going to upload to AWS simply use the handy lambda target in the Makefile. This will create a file called deployment.zip which you will need to upload to AWS (those details are out of scope for this document).

Your wof-staticd function should be configured with (Lambda) environment variables. Environment variables map to the standard command line flags as follows:

  • The command line flag is upper-cased
  • All instances of - are replaced with _
  • Each flag is prefixed with BROWSER

For example the command line flag -protocol would be mapped to the BROWSER_PROTOCOL environment variable. Which is a good example because it is the one environment variable you must to specify for wof-staticd to work as a Lambda function. Specifically you need to define the server-uri as... "lambda://". For example


Minimal viable Lambda environment variables:

Name Value Notes
BROWSER_ENABLE_ALL true You don't have to enable all outputs, it's just the easiest example
BROWSER_MAP_PROVIDER tangram In this example we're using Tangram (and Nextzen) as a map provider. See documentation above for alternative providers.
BROWSER_NEXTZEN_APIKEY *** You can signup for a Nextzen API key at developers.nextzen.org
BROWSER_READER_SOURCE https://data.whosonfirst.org
BROWSER_SERVER_URI lambda://?binary_type=image/png&binary_type=application/zip The query parameters are necessary if you want output images (see below).
Lambda, API Gateway and images

In order for requests to produce PNG output (rather than a base64 encoded string) you will need to do a few things.

  1. Make sure your API Gateway settings list image/png as a known and valid binary type:

  1. If you've put a CloudFront distribution in front of your API Gateway then you will to ensure that you blanket enable all HTTP headers or whitelist the Accept: header , via the Cache Based on Selected Request Headers option (for the CloudFront behaviour that points to your gateway):

2a. Or: Don't use a custom whitelist (in your behaviour settings) but make sure you pass a custom header in your origin settings (see 3a for details).

  1. Make sure you pass an Accept: image/png header when you request the PNG rendering.

3a. Or: make sure you specify a Origin Custom Headers header in your CloudFront origin settings (specifically Accept: image/png)


Yes. For example:

$> docker build -t whosonfirst-browser .

And then:

$> docker run -it -p 8080:8080 whosonfirst-browser \
	/usr/local/bin/whosonfirst-browser \
	-server-uri '' \
	-enable-all \
	-map-provider tangram \	
	-nextzen-apikey {NEXTZEN_APIKEY}
2019/12/17 16:27:04 Listening on

See also


Path Synopsis
whosonfirst-browser is a command line tool that launches a web application for browsing Who's On First -style records.
whosonfirst-browser is a command line tool that launches a web application for browsing Who's On First -style records.
package www implements HTTP handlers for the whosonfirst-browser web application.
package www implements HTTP handlers for the whosonfirst-browser web application.

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL