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Published: Aug 25, 2021 License: MIT



This is a complete back-end app to demonstrate how to write REST API and GraphQL Server API. This app is production ready. There is another branch nats-pubsub that supports pubsub via nats to easily decouple and simplify the services.

notes-app backend in golang. The app can run in three APP_MODE: [Dev, Test, Prod]. As default, it will run in dev mode. When you run test, it will switch to run in test mode. Prod is a bit strict running environment, you need to define the required environment variables before running the main app.

See ./config/config.go to see how to define those environments.

It is easy to extend the APP_MODE and add your preferred config, e.g. [Staging].

You can access the website


In order to test develop locally, you need:

  • Install go.
  • Install docker for running postgres.

After you have installed the above requirements. You are good to go.

In order to simplify the docker build in different CI env and make sure we do not accidentally run another version, we use vendor to manage all the dependencies.

After you have change the go mod dependencies, you could run make sync-vendor to keep in sync.


The development could be done on Linux/MAC and run all the Makefile commands with no extra effort.

You could also develop on Windows 10 Home/Pro.

  • Develop on Windows 10's wsl2 with Docker Desktop on Windows enabled with wsl2. Check Docker Desktop's official guide how to set this up. Then you can run everything and test on your wsl2's Linux (e.g. ubuntu 20.04). Make sure docker is working on your wsl2. You could develop on your wsl2's linux file system, but DO NOT accessing Windows file system, it is really slow with wsl2. Use vscode Remote wsl2 support, you could use your Windows vscode to connect to your remote src code on wsl2.

  • You do not like the wsl2 and vscode's remote wsl2, then you could develop on Windows native system with GitBash. You won't easily get the Makefile work, but you do not need it if your develop using Jetbrain Golang IDE on Windows. You could still run ginkto and gqlgen on Windows shell or Gitbash. Yes, you still need to start postgres docker on WSL2. Then run go build main.go or in Golang IDE. Everything just works unless your can run Makefile. You still need to run go install xxxx for your tools.go respectively.

Useful commands

  • make start will start the main.go app in dev mode.
  • make db-start-test will start only the postgres docker.
  • make db-stop-test will stop the postgres docker.
  • make db-ssh-test will login the postgres docker container.

See the Makefile for more commands.


  • check ./tools.go to see the entry to all tools we need in development process.

You could run make tools to install all the tools from the vendor folder.

Why we need a tools.go to management the tool dependencies?

Otherwise, go mod tidy will remove all of tools dependencies from the go mod and vendor.


Dual-tokens policy will be used here to mitigate the JWT's drawback of logout.
  • access_token will be used to access resources and has a short expired time duration. Once it is expired, the client side need to periodically fetch an access token using the refresh_token before the access_token's expiration time. access_token will be stateless, we do not need to query the database to check the existence and validity.
  • refresh_token will be used to access the auth end point to generate a new access_token and has a long expiration. The refresh_token will not be state-less. It needs to query the database if the refresh_token is still valid, when logout we need to set the refresh_token invalid or blacklisted.
JWT encryption algorithm.

Two choices:

  • HS-256. A simple one with only a secret key. Both token generation and verification use the same secret key, so-called symmetric. If in your server side, you have control for both generation and verification on your own side, then it is your choice and should be secure and good enough.
  • ES-256. Use a key pair, private_key and public_key, so-called non-symmetric. The token generation will need your private key, and the verification will use the public key to verify the signing and check the validity. This will be useful if you are holding the core service and authenticates the token, but the verification could run on another party's code base, then it is better than use the public to check the signing validity and token's validity. If you use the HS-256, you will have to let the other parties know your 'secret' key, which could be a potential security leak for your core-service.

For most cases, it would be enough and easier go with HS-256 to generate your JWT token.


Datastore is the important part for managing a microservice. PostgresSQL is a production ready and scalable choice.

Some key issues regarding testing and setup database store for production, development, test.

ORM vs Raw SQL

We use sqlx mainly as an extension of go's official sql. Their APIs are compatible and look very similar. I have previous experience of using ORM (both in typescript's TypeORM and Python's SQLAlchemy) model to access the database where a lot of magic inside the ORM model and sometimes it is really hard to know what happened when debugging and not easy to optimize when you hit on performance issues. On the other hand, your complicated knowledge of learning a specific ORM library won't be transferred and reused for another language or framework. Using the vanilla sql to query and sqlx to scan your expected returned queries are more maintainable and scalable. You can easily switch to nodejs using typescript and other languages using raw sql style.

The choice here is to use the raw style to access the database. Even you switch to another database, it won't take too much effort, absolutely the sql dialect could be an issue you have to fix.

Database migration

It is a bit confusing that is called migration as terminology. Since when I first started, I thought it is only used for migration, actually it is not. It involves every version change in sql schema from one version to another, e.g. your init your database with init setup of some tables or fill in init data even the first time. It should be managed by the migration. Then if you spin up a new database, it will go through all the migration versioned files and will keep track of in the database itself some records to indicate if it has applied those migrations.

You can go to folder ./db/migrations to check all the migration files. Any change to your database's schema should be managed by the migration files.

In the file './db/migration.go', you could check how we apply those migrations for the database when starting up the app, for example during the testing, we create a new database for every test, then it will apply all the migrations for the new database. You could see the logging how it works.

Test the data store and handlers

For testing, in the Makefile's make db-start-test we will start a docker without any volume for the data, with default postgres username and password. When make db-stop-test, it will shutdown the docker and ofc everything will be trashed.

Instead of mocking the database for every test, so-called unit test, here we will spin up a new database with a random name for every TestApp. The trick is that with one database connection to postgres, we could creat a new database. We will use the new one for every single test. check the ./db/sessionpool.go for more details how to fork a new database base for TestApp. The App will use the database specified in the config, but the TestApp will use the database specified in config for Test mode as a parent to spin up a new database for every test. That is the only difference between TestApp and App.

Development locally with the database docker

Run make db-start-dev, it will start up a database docker for development only, it will use a volume postgres-dev-notes-app. It is does not exist, it will create one. Docker volume is good and easy to use during dev process. Then next time you run the dev postgres, you will continue your last database and data.

You can also run make serve-prod to spin a docker-compose for both postgres docker and app docker in production mode.

HTTP Handler

Golang web framework

Golang's built-in http framework is good enough and production-ready, normally it is preferred to build up your own with some tiny middlewares or utilities. Here our choice is chi which simplifies a bit the golang's http handling without losing the generality.

No matter if we use graphql, it is still valuable to write and handle the http requests in a good way. We use chi for simplify our http handlers and http routers. It is more flexible and uses also standard http.Handler instead of using specialized handlers, e.g. gin framework.

All the HTTP handlers are specified in ./handlers/handlers.go. With utilities and middleware provided in chi, you gain similar convenience as in gin but with more extra flexibility. It is also easy to interface with all other middlewares not confined to chi's middlewares, since chi is compatible with standard http.Handler.

HTTP error handling

See the ./handlers/util/errors.go and ./handler/util/render.go, you can easily call SendError to send whatever you want, it is also better you call those predefined errors in ./handlers/util/errors.go.

Payload and Response

For every http request, we should clearly define the Payload in a struct annotated with json and clearly define the Resp. see examples in todos.go and notes.go inside ./handlers folder. The Payload and Response may not exactly the same as models defined in ./model. The model is more general and communicates with store and other parts of the application.


Compared to the REST API (i.e. todos.go and notes.go in handlers folder), graphql api saves us a lot of efforts to write the Payload and Response and how parse them from the http body. GraphQL will handle them all for us automatically, the resolvers and Payload and Response will be automatically generated using gqlgen library.

All the graphql resolvers and handlers can be located in the folder graph folder. For session and user, we will still use the REST API. graphql will only serve the API for todos and notes, ofc, could be anything you want to serve depending on your business logic requirements.

Run make gqlgen everytime you change the schema files (i.e. *.graphql) under the folder ./graph. You can also go to gqlgen website to find all the possible configurations and how to use it, see ./gqlgen.yml. Note the ./graph/generated and ./graph/gmodel are all generated code, do not change them. You should normally add the implementation into ./graph/*.resolvers.go

You can get the auth token and then access localhost:4000/playground url to play with your graphql API.


Here we use ginkgo and gomega to manage our unit/integration test. For testing the http handlers and graphql API, we use httpexpect to make it less verbose and more readable.

Run make test will run all the unit tests by ginkgo.

In the test mode, each test will spin up a new TestApp that forks a new database with a random database name and a new port. After the whole test suite finishes, the database session pools will cleanup all the forked new database. see ./db/sessionpool.go to understand how it works. Each test will start from a fresh new database.

The benefit is that we can run all the tests independently in parallel without interfering with each other.

you could also run ginkgo watch to watch a folder and run ginkgo -p to run the tests in parallel to save your time. You do not need to worry if the application could run in parallel, since every test will use their own database. Normally, people will question and say "No, you are crazy, it is too slow". Before complaining the test performance, make a profiling check first. It will take around 10 seconds if your run in parallel. If we are running the tests using docker in cloud, performance is not at all a concern. We should care more about the test robustness and maintainability. A lot of mocking the database will make it hard to evolve your database.

check handlers, store, graph folders for all the tests.

Production & Staging

Staging and production normally run in the similar way, but just slightly different configs. For real production release and configuration, it is very important that you do not leak your JWT_SECRET, otherwise your website will be easily attacked. Ideally, we should not define those credentials inside the helm values either. We should use something like Google's KMS (Key Management Service) to encrypt the config with your private key and GCP will decrypt with your public key.

Docker and docker-compose

Check the dockerfile on how to build the app into a docker and check the .github/workflows/release.yml on how to upload your docker container to docker hub by github action.

We need to specify all the env variables correctly mentioned in config/config.go. You could also check the docker-compose.yml to deploy using docker-compose if you want.


Kubernetes is the most popular way of running your app in production. Check deploy folder for deployment to kubernetes using helm chart and helmfile. If you want to test and play with it locally, you could install minikube. Edit your /etc/hosts to resolve the domain names in ingres with your IP address of minikube.

You could use terraform and helmfile to manage your infrastructure as code. You could alternate the config for the production deployment and deploy to a new kubernetes for staging.


For a free staging deployment, I deploy to heroku's free tier app and postgres. It is fairly easy to set it up.

  • Create a new app in heroku following its official tutorial and then you can deploy your build docker to heroku app. see the folder .github/workflows/release.yml where we use github action to deploy a docker to heroku. Note for gain maximum flexibility, we do not use heroku's go app engine, instead we use the docker container stack.
  • Manually create a postgres database in heroku.
  • Config your heroku's app's environment variables in the settings page. The database URL will automatically set by heroku. You need to configure other environment variables.


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