- 定义一种锁定资源,支持Lease,ConfigMap,Endpoint
- Leader节点,定时刷新租期,通过
最后时间的方式,持续获得租期 - Slave节点,定时获取
type LeaderElectionRecord struct {
// HolderIdentity is the ID that owns the lease. If empty, no one owns this lease and
// all callers may acquire. Versions of this library prior to Kubernetes 1.14 will not
// attempt to acquire leases with empty identities and will wait for the full lease
// interval to expire before attempting to reacquire. This value is set to empty when
// a client voluntarily steps down.
// Leader节点的标识
HolderIdentity string `json:"holderIdentity"`
LeaseDurationSeconds int `json:"leaseDurationSeconds"`
AcquireTime metav1.Time `json:"acquireTime"`
// 刷新时间
RenewTime metav1.Time `json:"renewTime"`
// Leader转换了几次
LeaderTransitions int `json:"leaderTransitions"`
type Interface interface {
// Get returns the LeaderElectionRecord
// 获取资源信息, 并且设置资源的最新ResouceVersion
Get(ctx context.Context) (*LeaderElectionRecord, []byte, error)
// Create attempts to create a LeaderElectionRecord
// 创建对象
Create(ctx context.Context, ler LeaderElectionRecord) error
// Update will update and existing LeaderElectionRecord
// 更新对象,基于ler做Spec的生成,但是ResourceVersion使用的是之前获取和缓存的对象
Update(ctx context.Context, ler LeaderElectionRecord) error
// RecordEvent is used to record events
// 记录事件
// Identity will return the locks Identity
// 节点的唯一身份标识
Identity() string
// Describe is used to convert details on current resource lock
// into a string
// 描述信息
Describe() string
type ResourceLockConfig struct {
// Identity is the unique string identifying a lease holder across
// all participants in an election.
Identity string
// EventRecorder is optional.
EventRecorder EventRecorder
type LeaseLock struct {
// LeaseMeta should contain a Name and a Namespace of a
// LeaseMeta object that the LeaderElector will attempt to lead.
// Lease的Meta信息
LeaseMeta metav1.ObjectMeta
Client coordinationv1client.LeasesGetter
LockConfig ResourceLockConfig
lease *coordinationv1.Lease
// Manufacture will create a lock of a given type according to the input parameters
func New(lockType string, ns string, name string, coreClient corev1.CoreV1Interface, coordinationClient coordinationv1.CoordinationV1Interface, rlc ResourceLockConfig) (Interface, error) {
endpointsLock := &EndpointsLock{
EndpointsMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: ns,
Name: name,
Client: coreClient,
LockConfig: rlc,
configmapLock := &ConfigMapLock{
ConfigMapMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: ns,
Name: name,
Client: coreClient,
LockConfig: rlc,
leaseLock := &LeaseLock{
LeaseMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: ns,
Name: name,
Client: coordinationClient,
LockConfig: rlc,
switch lockType {
case EndpointsResourceLock:
return endpointsLock, nil
case ConfigMapsResourceLock:
return configmapLock, nil
case LeasesResourceLock:
return leaseLock, nil
case EndpointsLeasesResourceLock:
return &MultiLock{
Primary: endpointsLock,
Secondary: leaseLock,
}, nil
case ConfigMapsLeasesResourceLock:
return &MultiLock{
Primary: configmapLock,
Secondary: leaseLock,
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid lock-type %s", lockType)
// NewFromKubeconfig will create a lock of a given type according to the input parameters.
// Timeout set for a client used to contact to Kubernetes should be lower than
// RenewDeadline to keep a single hung request from forcing a leader loss.
// Setting it to max(time.Second, RenewDeadline/2) as a reasonable heuristic.
func NewFromKubeconfig(lockType string, ns string, name string, rlc ResourceLockConfig, kubeconfig *restclient.Config, renewDeadline time.Duration) (Interface, error) {
// shallow copy, do not modify the kubeconfig
config := *kubeconfig
timeout := renewDeadline / 2
if timeout < time.Second {
timeout = time.Second
config.Timeout = timeout
leaderElectionClient := clientset.NewForConfigOrDie(restclient.AddUserAgent(&config, "leader-election"))
return New(lockType, ns, name, leaderElectionClient.CoreV1(), leaderElectionClient.CoordinationV1(), rlc)
type LeaderElectionConfig struct {
// Lock is the resource that will be used for locking
// 锁的对象,可以更新,增加,自身节点的id
Lock rl.Interface
// LeaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will
// wait to force acquire leadership. This is measured against time of
// last observed ack.
// A client needs to wait a full LeaseDuration without observing a change to
// the record before it can attempt to take over. When all clients are
// shutdown and a new set of clients are started with different names against
// the same leader record, they must wait the full LeaseDuration before
// attempting to acquire the lease. Thus LeaseDuration should be as short as
// possible (within your tolerance for clock skew rate) to avoid a possible
// long waits in the scenario.
// Core clients default this value to 15 seconds.
// 租期时间
LeaseDuration time.Duration
// RenewDeadline is the duration that the acting master will retry
// refreshing leadership before giving up.
// Core clients default this value to 10 seconds.
// 每次刷新租期,获取租期的Deadline
RenewDeadline time.Duration
// RetryPeriod is the duration the LeaderElector clients should wait
// between tries of actions.
// Core clients default this value to 2 seconds.
// 没隔多久执行一次租期续约
RetryPeriod time.Duration
// Callbacks are callbacks that are triggered during certain lifecycle
// events of the LeaderElector
// 租期变化的回调函数,比如成为leader,获取租期失败等等
Callbacks LeaderCallbacks
// WatchDog is the associated health checker
// WatchDog may be null if its not needed/configured.
WatchDog *HealthzAdaptor
// ReleaseOnCancel should be set true if the lock should be released
// when the run context is cancelled. If you set this to true, you must
// ensure all code guarded by this lease has successfully completed
// prior to cancelling the context, or you may have two processes
// simultaneously acting on the critical path.
// 当Leader节点主动退出时,释放租期
ReleaseOnCancel bool
// Name is the name of the resource lock for debugging
Name string
// LeaderCallbacks are callbacks that are triggered during certain
// lifecycle events of the LeaderElector. These are invoked asynchronously.
// possible future callbacks:
// * OnChallenge()
type LeaderCallbacks struct {
// OnStartedLeading is called when a LeaderElector client starts leading
// 当某个节点成为Leader时调用
OnStartedLeading func(context.Context)
// OnStoppedLeading is called when a LeaderElector client stops leading
// 当前节点不再是Leader时调用
OnStoppedLeading func()
// OnNewLeader is called when the client observes a leader that is
// not the previously observed leader. This includes the first observed
// leader when the client starts.
// 当新节点产生时调用
OnNewLeader func(identity string)
// LeaderElector is a leader election client.
type LeaderElector struct {
// 配置,锁对象,获取租期的相关参数
config LeaderElectionConfig
// internal bookkeeping
// 缓存监控到的选举记录
observedRecord rl.LeaderElectionRecord
// marshal后的字符数组
observedRawRecord []byte
// 最后观察时间
observedTime time.Time
// used to implement OnNewLeader(), may lag slightly from the
// value observedRecord.HolderIdentity if the transition has
// not yet been reported.
// 上一次的Leader名称,如果本次获取的和这次不一样就会调用OnNewLeader 回调函数
reportedLeader string
// clock is wrapper around time to allow for less flaky testing
clock clock.Clock
metrics leaderMetricsAdapter
// NewLeaderElector creates a LeaderElector from a LeaderElectionConfig
func NewLeaderElector(lec LeaderElectionConfig) (*LeaderElector, error) {
// 合法检查
// 如果租期小于Deadline,配置有问题
if lec.LeaseDuration <= lec.RenewDeadline {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("leaseDuration must be greater than renewDeadline")
// 如果刷新时间小于retry时间
if lec.RenewDeadline <= time.Duration(JitterFactor*float64(lec.RetryPeriod)) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("renewDeadline must be greater than retryPeriod*JitterFactor")
if lec.LeaseDuration < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("leaseDuration must be greater than zero")
if lec.RenewDeadline < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("renewDeadline must be greater than zero")
if lec.RetryPeriod < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("retryPeriod must be greater than zero")
if lec.Callbacks.OnStartedLeading == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("OnStartedLeading callback must not be nil")
if lec.Callbacks.OnStoppedLeading == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("OnStoppedLeading callback must not be nil")
if lec.Lock == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Lock must not be nil.")
le := LeaderElector{
config: lec,
clock: clock.RealClock{},
metrics: globalMetricsFactory.newLeaderMetrics(),
return &le, nil
// RunOrDie starts a client with the provided config or panics if the config
// fails to validate. RunOrDie blocks until leader election loop is
// stopped by ctx or it has stopped holding the leader lease
func RunOrDie(ctx context.Context, lec LeaderElectionConfig) {
le, err := NewLeaderElector(lec)
if err != nil {
// 向watchdog中注入Le
if lec.WatchDog != nil {
// 开始跑
// Run starts the leader election loop. Run will not return
// before leader election loop is stopped by ctx or it has
// stopped holding the leader lease
func (le *LeaderElector) Run(ctx context.Context) {
defer runtime.HandleCrash()
defer func() {
// 如果没有成功获取到租期则返回,函数退出只有一种可能,成功获取租期或者context被cancel
if !le.acquire(ctx) {
return // ctx signalled done
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// 成功获取到了租期
go le.config.Callbacks.OnStartedLeading(ctx)
// 不断刷新租期
// acquire loops calling tryAcquireOrRenew and returns true immediately when tryAcquireOrRenew succeeds.
// Returns false if ctx signals done.
func (le *LeaderElector) acquire(ctx context.Context) bool {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
succeeded := false
desc := le.config.Lock.Describe()
klog.Infof("attempting to acquire leader lease %v...", desc)
// 每隔Retry时间段执行一次执行一次,知道context被取消
wait.JitterUntil(func() {
// 获取租期
succeeded = le.tryAcquireOrRenew(ctx)
// 更新最后获取的leader信息
// 如果没有获取租期,继续等待知道获取到租期
if !succeeded {
klog.V(4).Infof("failed to acquire lease %v", desc)
// 成功获取租期,
le.config.Lock.RecordEvent("became leader")
klog.Infof("successfully acquired lease %v", desc)
// 停止Until函数执行
}, le.config.RetryPeriod, JitterFactor, true, ctx.Done())
// 返回结果
return succeeded
// tryAcquireOrRenew tries to acquire a leader lease if it is not already acquired,
// else it tries to renew the lease if it has already been acquired. Returns true
// on success else returns false.
func (le *LeaderElector) tryAcquireOrRenew(ctx context.Context) bool {
now := metav1.Now()
leaderElectionRecord := rl.LeaderElectionRecord{
HolderIdentity: le.config.Lock.Identity(),
LeaseDurationSeconds: int(le.config.LeaseDuration / time.Second),
RenewTime: now,
AcquireTime: now,
// 1. obtain or create the ElectionRecord
// 从APIServer获取记录
oldLeaderElectionRecord, oldLeaderElectionRawRecord, err := le.config.Lock.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
klog.Errorf("error retrieving resource lock %v: %v", le.config.Lock.Describe(), err)
return false
// 之前没有则直接创建
if err = le.config.Lock.Create(ctx, leaderElectionRecord); err != nil {
klog.Errorf("error initially creating leader election record: %v", err)
return false
le.observedRecord = leaderElectionRecord
le.observedTime = le.clock.Now()
// 成功获取租期
return true
// 2. Record obtained, check the Identity & Time
// 如果成功从APIServer中获取到了记录,则看下是否和之前不一样 , 增更新下
if !bytes.Equal(le.observedRawRecord, oldLeaderElectionRawRecord) {
le.observedRecord = *oldLeaderElectionRecord
le.observedRawRecord = oldLeaderElectionRawRecord
le.observedTime = le.clock.Now()
// 如果我不是Leader,并且在Leader的任期内,则什么都不做
if len(oldLeaderElectionRecord.HolderIdentity) > 0 &&
le.observedTime.Add(le.config.LeaseDuration).After(now.Time) &&
!le.IsLeader() {
klog.V(4).Infof("lock is held by %v and has not yet expired", oldLeaderElectionRecord.HolderIdentity)
return false
// 3. We're going to try to update. The leaderElectionRecord is set to it's default
// here. Let's correct it before updating.
// 此时,要不就是没有leader了(所有Slave需要抢任期),要不就是我就是leader(刷新任期)
if le.IsLeader() {
leaderElectionRecord.AcquireTime = oldLeaderElectionRecord.AcquireTime
leaderElectionRecord.LeaderTransitions = oldLeaderElectionRecord.LeaderTransitions
} else {
// 我不是任期,增加一次Leader转换
leaderElectionRecord.LeaderTransitions = oldLeaderElectionRecord.LeaderTransitions + 1
// update the lock itself
// 更新锁,多个Slave同时更新只会有一个成功,因为ResouceVersion有问题
if err = le.config.Lock.Update(ctx, leaderElectionRecord); err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to update lock: %v", err)
return false
le.observedRecord = leaderElectionRecord
le.observedTime = le.clock.Now()
return true
// renew loops calling tryAcquireOrRenew and returns immediately when tryAcquireOrRenew fails or ctx signals done.
func (le *LeaderElector) renew(ctx context.Context) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// 每隔 retry刷新下租期
wait.Until(func() {
timeoutCtx, timeoutCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, le.config.RenewDeadline)
defer timeoutCancel()
// 每隔Retry执行刷新下任期,直到timeout,或者成功刷新租期
err := wait.PollImmediateUntil(le.config.RetryPeriod, func() (bool, error) {
return le.tryAcquireOrRenew(timeoutCtx), nil
}, timeoutCtx.Done())
desc := le.config.Lock.Describe()
if err == nil {
klog.V(5).Infof("successfully renewed lease %v", desc)
// 此时timeout了,无法刷新任期
le.config.Lock.RecordEvent("stopped leading")
klog.Infof("failed to renew lease %v: %v", desc, err)
// 任期结束,结束Util
}, le.config.RetryPeriod, ctx.Done())
// if we hold the lease, give it up
if le.config.ReleaseOnCancel {
/ GetLeader returns the identity of the last observed leader or returns the empty string if
// no leader has yet been observed.
func (le *LeaderElector) GetLeader() string {
return le.observedRecord.HolderIdentity
// IsLeader returns true if the last observed leader was this client else returns false.
func (le *LeaderElector) IsLeader() bool {
// 当前节点和最后观察到的记录是否一致
return le.observedRecord.HolderIdentity == le.config.Lock.Identity()
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