DNS client to reproduce kube-proxy DNS blackhole bug
This repo contains the test client and scripts to reproduce this kube-proxy bug:
DNS client (Go program)
has the code for a DNS client to reproduce the bug. The important parts are:
It reuses the same UDP socket for all DNS queries, so the src IP and port will be the same. If a conntrack entry is created without DNAT (i.e. directly to the kube-dns service VIP), then subsequent queries from the same client will reuse that conntrack entry, blackholing traffic.
It deletes any UDP DNAT conntrack entries for its src IP / port. This increases the likelihood of a DNS query happening when kube-proxy has NOT installed the DNAT iptables rules for kube-dns, which triggers the bug.
Query every 1 second. This is fast enough that it will keep any UDP conntrack entries alive, AND that a DNS query will occur during kube-proxy restart when the DNAT iptables rules for kube-dns are incorrectly removed.
Script to create a lot of services
is a bash script to create a large number of Kubernetes services with random names.
I was able to reproduce the bug with about 2,000 services.
Daemonset manifest
is the daemonset for running the dns-blackhole-tester DNS client as a daemonset on every node.
Important parts:
- Needs NET_ADMIN, NET_RAW, and host network so it can delete DNAT conntrack entries.
- The "image" part is empty -- replace that with an image in some container registry your k8s cluster can pull from.
- It uses default kube-dns svc VIP and queries for "kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local" which should be resolved directly by coredns.
Steps to repro the bug
- Create a Kubernetes cluster. I did it like this using AKS (using Azure CNI Overlay, which has kube-proxy installed):
RESOURCE_GROUP=<your resource group>
CLUSTER=<your cluster>
az aks create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $CLUSTER --network-plugin azure --network-plugin-mode overlay --node-count 5
az aks get-credentials -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $CLUSTER
- Build the DNS client image and push to a container registry:
REGISTRY=<your container registry>
docker build . -t $REGISTRY/dns-blackhole-tester:v0.0.1
docker push $REGISTRY/dns-blackhole-tester:v0.0.1
- Install the daemonset:
# first update the manifest with the image/registry
kubectl apply -f ds.yaml
- Install a lot of k8s services:
./ 2000
- Tail the logs of dns-blackhole-tester looking for errors:
kubectl logs -f -l name=dns-blackhole-tester --timestamps --tail 100 | grep -i error
- Repeatedly restart kube-proxy to trigger the bug.
kubectl rollout restart -n kube-system ds/kube-proxy
What I saw when I tested this
Repro'd in Kubernetes 1.29.7 cluster.
After restarting kube-proxy a few times, dns-blackhole-tester logs showed errors:
2024-08-03T19:14:46.265162392Z Error receiving DNS resp: read udp i/o timeout
2024-08-03T19:14:57.272414560Z Error receiving DNS resp: read udp i/o timeout
2024-08-03T19:15:08.279780246Z Error receiving DNS resp: read udp i/o timeout
2024-08-03T19:15:19.287819276Z Error receiving DNS resp: read udp i/o timeout
Errors continue even after kube-proxy has finished starting.
Checking conntrack on the node with IP, I see:
root@aks-nodes-41305373-vmss000000:/# conntrack -L -p udp | grep UNREPL
conntrack v1.4.6 (conntrack-tools): 7 flow entries have been shown.
udp 17 22 src= dst= sport=36009 dport=53 [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=53 dport=36009 mark=0 use=1
which exactly matches the behavior reported in
Deleting the conntrack entry, the errors go away:
root@aks-nodes-41305373-vmss000000:/# conntrack -D -p udp --src --sport 36009
udp 17 28 src= dst= sport=36009 dport=53 [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=53 dport=36009 mark=0 use=1
conntrack v1.4.6 (conntrack-tools): 1 flow entries have been deleted.
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.