
Exporter for metrics from devices running JunOS (via SSH) https://prometheus.io/
This project is an alternative approach for collecting metrics from Juniper devices.
The set of metrics is minimal to increase performance.
We (a few friends from the Freifunk community and myself) used the generic snmp_exporter before.
Since snmp_exporter is highly generic it comes with a lot of complexity at the cost of performance.
We wanted to have an KIS and vendor specific exporter instead.
This approach should allow us to scrape our metrics in a very time efficient way.
For this reason this project was started.
Important notice for users of version < 0.7
In version 0.7 a typo in the prefix of all BGP related metrics was fixed. Please update your queries accordingly.
Important notice for users of version < 0.5
In version 0.5 SNMP was replaced by SSH. This is was a breaking change (metric names were kept).
All SNMP related parameters were removed at this point.
Please have a look on the new SSH related parameters and update your service units accordingly.
The following metrics are supported by now:
- Interfaces (bytes transmitted/received, errors, drops)
- Routes (per table, by protocol)
- Alarms (count)
- BGP (message count, prefix counts per peer, session state)
- OSPFv2, OSPFv3 (number of neighbors)
- Interface diagnostics (optical signals)
- ISIS (number of adjacencies, total number of routers)
- Environment (temperatures)
- Routing engine statistics
- Statistics about l2circuits (tunnel state, number of tunnels)
1:MM -- mtu mismatch 13:Dn -- down
2:EM -- encapsulation mismatch 14:VC-Dn -- Virtual circuit Down
3:CM -- control-word mismatch 15:Up -- operational
4:VM -- vlan id mismatch 16:CF -- Call admission control failure
5:OL -- no outgoing label 17:IB -- TDM incompatible bitrate
6:NC -- intf encaps not CCC/TCC 18:TM -- TDM misconfiguration
7:BK -- Backup Connection 19:ST -- Standby Connection
8:CB -- rcvd cell-bundle size bad 20:SP -- Static Pseudowire
9:LD -- local site signaled down 21:RS -- remote site standby
10:RD -- remote site signaled down 22:HS -- Hot-standby Connection
11:XX -- unknown
go get -u github.com/czerwonk/junos_exporter
In this example we want to scrape 3 hosts:
- Host 1 (DNS: host1.example.com, Port: 22)
- Host 2 (DNS: host2.example.com, Port: 2233)
- Host 3 (IP:, Port: 22)
./junos_exporter -ssh.targets="host1.example.com,host2.example.com:2233," -ssh.keyfile=junos_exporter
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 9326:9326 -v /opt/junos_exporter_keyfile:/ssh-keyfile:ro -v /opt/junos_exporter_config.yml:/config.yml:ro czerwonk/junos_exporter
Target Parameter
By default, all configured targets will be scrapped when /metrics
is hit. As an alternative, it is possible to scrape a specific target by passing the target's hostname/IP address to the target parameter - e.g. http://localhost:9326/metrics?target=
. The specific target must be present in the configuration file or passed in with the ssh.targets flag, otherwise, the request will be denied. This can be used with the below example Prometheus config:
- job_name: 'junos'
- targets:
- # Target device.
- source_labels: [__address__]
target_label: __param_target
- source_labels: [__param_target]
target_label: instance
- target_label: __address__
replacement: # The junos_exporter's real hostname:port.
Config file
The exporter can be configured with a YAML based config file:
- router1
- router2
bgp: true
ospf: false
isis: false
l2circuit: false
environment: true
routes: true
routing_engine: true
interface_diagnostic: true
Third Party Components
This software uses components of the following projects
Martin (https://github.com/l3akage)
(c) Daniel Czerwonk, 2017. Licensed under MIT license.
see https://prometheus.io/
see https://www.juniper.net/us/en/products-services/nos/junos/