Go Relay

Lightweight and Open Source Webhook Relay forwarding client.
This client requires Go 1.12 (earlier versions might work as well) to be installed (install instructions) on your system.
- After the installation, find out the GOPATH using
go env
, and then setup a source folder there
mkdir $GOPATH/src
- Clone relay-go project into your Go source directory:
cd $GOPATH/src
mkdir -p github.com/webhookrelay/
cd github.com/webhookrelay/
git clone https://github.com/webhookrelay/relay-go
- Finally, to install client application, run:
cd relay-go
make install
Compiling binaries for Linux and Windows
To compile your binaries for Linux (64-bit) and Windows (64-bit):
make release
Binaries will be available in the cmd/relayd/release
Forwarding webhooks
As opposed to the Webhook Relay CLI, this client will not auto-create buckets, inputs and destinations when forward
command is used. It will simply connect to Webhook Relay WebSocket server and subscribe to an already created buckets.
To start forwarding bucket foo webhooks, first set several environment variables:
export RELAY_KEY=your-token-key
export RELAY_SECRET=your-token-secret
export BUCKETS=foo
relayd forward
Alternatively, you can set these variables through command line flags:
relayd --key your-token-key --secret your-token-secret forward --bucket foo
To run all tests:
make test