The generator for generating webgpu.h
header and other extension headers or implementation specific headers from the yaml spec files.
The generator also allows generating custom implementation specific headers that build on top of webgpu.h
header. The generator accepts the combination of -yaml
& -header
flags in sequence, which it uses to validate the specifications and then generate their headers.
For example, if wgpu.yml
contains the implementation specific API, the header can be generated using:
> go run ./gen -schema schema.json -yaml webgpu.yml -header webgpu.h -yaml wgpu.yml -header wgpu.h
Since the generator does some duplication validation, the order of the files matter, so generator mandates the core webgpu.yml
to be first in the sequence.
yaml spec
Primitive types |
Complex types |
bool |
enum.* |
string |
bitflag.* |
uint16 |
struct.* |
uint32 |
function_type.* |
uint64 |
object.* |
usize |
int16 |
int32 |
float32 |
float64 |
c_void |
Structure types |
extensible |
structs that can be extended |
extension |
extension structs used in extensible structs' chains |
standalone |
structs that are neither extensions nor extensible |
Arrays are supported using a special syntax, for example array<uint32>
. The generator will emit two fields for array types, one for element count and another for the pointer to the type.