azurerm_stats |
Exporter |
General exporter stats |
azurerm_costs_budget_info |
Costs |
Azure CostManagement bugdet information |
azurerm_costs_budget_current |
Costs |
Current value of CostManagemnet budget usage |
azurerm_costs_budget_limit |
Costs |
Limit of CostManagemnet budget |
azurerm_costs_budget_usage |
Costs |
Percentage of usage of CostManagemnet budget |
azurerm_costs_{queryName} |
Costs |
Costs query result (see example.yaml ) |
azurerm_subscription_info |
General |
Azure Subscription details (ID, name, ...) |
azurerm_resource_health |
Health |
Azure Resource health information |
azurerm_iam_roleassignment_info |
Azure IAM RoleAssignment information |
azurerm_iam_roledefinition_info |
Azure IAM RoleDefinition information |
azurerm_iam_principal_info |
Azure IAM Principal information |
azurerm_quota_info |
Quota |
Azure RM quota details (readable name, scope, ...) |
azurerm_quota_current |
Quota |
Azure RM quota current (current value) |
azurerm_quota_limit |
Quota |
Azure RM quota limit (maximum limited value) |
azurerm_quota_usage |
Quota |
Azure RM quota usage in percent |
azurerm_resourcegroup_info |
Resource |
Azure ResourceGroup details (subscriptionID, name, various tags ...) |
azurerm_resource_info |
Resource |
Azure Resource information |
azurerm_defender_secure_score_percentage |
Defender |
Azure Defender secure score percerntage per Subscription |
azurerm_defender_secure_score_max |
Defender |
The maximum number of points you can gain by completing all recommendations within a control |
azurerm_defender_secure_score_current |
Defender |
The current Azure Defender secure score |
azurerm_defender_compliance_score |
Defender |
Azure Defender compliance score (based on applied Policies) |
azurerm_defender_compliance_resources |
Defender |
Azure Defender count of compliance resource in assessment |
azurerm_defender_advisor_recommendation |
Defender |
Azure Defender recommendations (eg. security findings) |
azurerm_graph_app_info |
Graph |
AzureAD graph application information |
azurerm_graph_app_tag |
Graph |
AzureAD graph application tag |
azurerm_graph_app_credential |
Graph |
AzureAD graph application credentials (create,expiry) information |
azurerm_graph_serviceprincipal_info |
Graph |
AzureAD graph servicePrincipal information |
azurerm_graph_serviceprincipal_tag |
Graph |
AzureAD graph servicePrincipal tag |
azurerm_graph_serviceprincipal_credential |
Graph |
AzureAD graph servicePrincipal credentials (create,expiry) information |
azurerm_publicip_info |
Portscan |
Azure PublicIP information |
azurerm_publicip_portscan_status |
Portscan |
Status of scanned ports (finished scan, elapsed time, updated timestamp) |
azurerm_publicip_portscan_port |
Portscan |
List of opened ports per IP |