k8s resource collector

K8s resource collector subscribes to the changes in the K8s API server for a specified set of resource types. By default, it collects updates to the following resource types.
- configMap
- cronJob
- daemonSet
- deployment
- event
- job
- namespace
- node
- persistentVolumeClaim
- persistentVolume
- pod
- podTemplate
- replicaSet
- resourceQuota
- secret
- serviceAccount
- service
- statefulSet
- ingressClass
- ingress
- networkPolicy
- hpa objects (if hpa is used)
- vpa objects (if vpa is used)
- keda objects (if keda is used)
For secrets, the data field is deleted since it may contain sensitive information.
Deploy to your cluster
kubectl apply -f manifests/k8s-agent.yaml
kubectl delete -f manifests/k8s-agent.yaml
Stream to webb.ai
You will need to edit the CLIENT_ID
env var in manifests/k8s-resource-collector.yaml to stream the data to webb.ai.
Reach out to us to get a CLIENT_ID and API_KEY.
See staged data
pod_name=$(kubectl get pods -n webbai | grep resource-collector | awk '{print $1}')
kubectl exec --stdin --tty $pod_name -n webbai -- /bin/sh
cd /app/data/
cat k8s_resource.log
cat k8s_traffic.log
Each row of k8s_resource.log
and k8s_traffic.log
is a json.