Weave GitOps Terraform Controller (aka Weave TF-controller) is a controller for Flux to reconcile Terraform resources
in the GitOps way.
With the power of Flux together with Terraform, TF-controller allows you to GitOps-ify infrastructure,
and application resources, in the Kubernetes and Terraform universe, at your own pace.
"At your own pace" means you don't need to GitOps-ify everything at once.
TF-controller offers many GitOps models:
- GitOps Automation Model: GitOps your Terraform resources from the provision steps to the enforcement steps, like a whole EKS cluster.
- Hybrid GitOps Automation Model: GitOps parts of your existing infrastructure resources. For example, you have an existing EKS cluster.
You can choose to GitOps only its nodegroup, or its security group.
- State Enforcement Model: You have a TFSTATE file, and you'd like to use GitOps enforce it, without changing anything else.
- Drift Detection Model: You have a TFSTATE file, and you'd like to use GitOps just for drift detection, so you can decide to do things later when a drift occurs.
Quickstart and documentation
To get started check out this guide on how to GitOps your Terraform resources with TF-controller and Flux.
Check out the documentation for a list of features and use cases.
Q3 2022
- Performance
- Scalability
- Interop with Notification controller's Events and Alert
- Validation webhooks for the planning stage
Q4 2022
CRD wrappers A new component model for Terraform modules
- Dependency management for TF-controller objects
- AWS package for TF-controller (e.g. EKS, RDS, etc.)
- CLI for Weave GitOps Enterprise
Q1 2023
- Observability - logging from the different stages of the runner
- CLI to GitOpsify existing Terraform workflows
- Selectable Terraform versions
- Cloud cost estimation
- Write back and show plan in PRs (Atlantis-like experience)
Q2 2023
- Enhanced security (the lockdown mode)
- External drift detector
- Type safety for custom backends
Q3 2023
- Azure package for TF-controller (e.g. AKS, CosmosDB, etc.)
- GCP package for TF-controller (e.g. GKE, CloudSQL, etc.)
- ARM64 & Gravitron support
- Containerd compatibility
Q4 2023
API (stabilization)