Weave Cloud Launcher
curl -Ls https://get.weave.works | sh -s -- --token=XXXXXX
curl -Ls https://get.weave.works | sh -s -- --token=XXXXXX
(on the host)
- Bootstrap binary (on the host)
- Confirms the current k8s cluster with the user
- Applies the Agent to the cluster via the host's
- Agent (in the cluster)
- Checks for updates once an hour
- Self updates with the latest agent.yaml
- RollingUpdate with auto recovery if the new version fails
- Creates/Updates Weave Cloud agents currently using the Launch Generator (internal)
- Service (get.weave.works)
Running the integration tests locally
Launcher has quite few components and we provide a way to test the full end to
end flow in a local cluster:
To run the tests:
This script will first ensure the dependencies are built and then run:
One can also use the local launcher service to provision a cluster:
LOCAL_IP=$(kubectl --context=kind-launcher-tests get nodes -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.status.addresses[?(@.type=="InternalIP")].address}{end}')
curl -Ls $LOCAL_IP:30080 | sh -s -- --token=${WEAVE_CLOUD_TOKEN}
Getting Help
If you have any questions about, feedback for or problems with launcher
Weaveworks follows the CNCF Code of Conduct. Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting a Weaveworks project maintainer, or Alexis Richardson (alexis@weave.works).
Your feedback is always welcome!