Overview ¶
docusign implements a service to use the version 2 Docusign rest api. Api documentation may be found at:
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func DsQueryTimeFormat(t time.Time) string
- type AddressInformation
- type AddressInformationInput
- type Agent
- type ApproveTab
- type AuditEvent
- type AuditEventList
- type BaseConditionalTab
- type BasePosTab
- type BaseSigner
- type BaseStyleTab
- type BaseTab
- type BaseTemplateTab
- type BccEmail
- type Call
- type CarbonCopy
- type CertifiedDelivery
- type CheckboxTab
- type CompanyTab
- type CompositeTemplate
- type Config
- type ConnectData
- type Credential
- type CustomDocumentField
- type CustomField
- type CustomFieldList
- type CustomFieldXml
- type DSBool
- type DSTime
- type DateSignedTab
- type DateTab
- type DeclineTab
- type DobInformationInput
- type Document
- type DocumentAsset
- type DocumentAssetList
- type DocumentFieldList
- type DocumentList
- type DocumentPdfXml
- type DocumentStatusXml
- type Editor
- type EmailAddressTab
- type EmailNotification
- type EmailRecipient
- type EmailSetting
- type EmailTab
- type EnvRecipientView
- type EnvUrl
- type Envelope
- type EnvelopeDocumentParam
- type EnvelopeDocumentsCombinedParam
- type EnvelopeEvent
- type EnvelopeIdTab
- type EnvelopeList
- type EnvelopeResponse
- type EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
- func StatusChangeCustomField(fldName, fldValue string) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
- func StatusChangeEnvelope(envId string) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
- func StatusChangeFromDate(t time.Time) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
- func StatusChangeFromToStatus(status string) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
- func StatusChangeStatusCode(status string) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
- func StatusChangeToDate(t time.Time) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
- func StatusChangeTransactionId(transactionIds ...string) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
- type EnvelopeStatusXml
- type EnvelopeUris
- type EventNotification
- type Expiration
- type FirstNameTab
- type Folder
- type FolderEnvList
- type FolderEnvSearchParam
- func FolderEnvSearchFromDate(tm time.Time) FolderEnvSearchParam
- func FolderEnvSearchOwnerEmail(email string) FolderEnvSearchParam
- func FolderEnvSearchOwnerName(nm string) FolderEnvSearchParam
- func FolderEnvSearchStartPosition(pos int) FolderEnvSearchParam
- func FolderEnvSearchStatus(status string) FolderEnvSearchParam
- func FolderEnvSearchText(searchText string) FolderEnvSearchParam
- func FolderEnvSearchToDate(tm time.Time) FolderEnvSearchParam
- type FolderItem
- type FolderList
- type FolderTemplateList
- type FolderTemplateParam
- type FormulaTab
- type FullNameTab
- type IDCheckInformationInput
- type InPersonSigner
- type InformationInput
- type InitialHereTab
- type InlineTemplate
- type Intermediary
- type LastNameTab
- type ListCustomField
- type ListItem
- type ListTab
- type Logger
- type LoginAccount
- type LoginInfo
- type LoginInfoParam
- type Matchbox
- type NmVal
- type NmValXml
- type NoteTab
- type Notification
- type NumberTab
- type OauthCredential
- type PhoneAuthentication
- type Radio
- type RadioGroupTab
- type Recipient
- type RecipientAttachment
- type RecipientAttachmentXml
- type RecipientEvent
- type RecipientList
- type RecipientStatusXml
- type RecipientUpdateResult
- type RecipientsParam
- type Reminder
- type ResponseError
- type ReturnUrlType
- type SamlAuthentication
- type SearchFolder
- type SearchFolderParam
- type ServerTemplate
- type Service
- func (s *Service) AccountCustomFields(ctx context.Context) (*CustomFieldList, error)
- func (s *Service) DocumentAddCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId, docId string, dfl *DocumentFieldList) (*DocumentFieldList, error)
- func (s *Service) DocumentModifyCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId, docId string, dfl *DocumentFieldList) (*DocumentFieldList, error)
- func (s *Service) DocumentRemoveCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId, docId string, dfl *DocumentFieldList) (*DocumentFieldList, error)
- func (s *Service) EditView(ctx context.Context, envId string, retType ReturnUrlType) (*EnvUrl, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeAddCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId string, l *CustomFieldList) (*CustomFieldList, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeAuditEvents(ctx context.Context, envId string) (*AuditEventList, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeCorrection(ctx context.Context, envId string, retUrlType ReturnUrlType, ...) (*EnvUrl, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeCreate(ctx context.Context, env *Envelope, files ...*UploadFile) (*EnvelopeResponse, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId string) (*CustomFieldList, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeDocument(ctx context.Context, envId string, docId string, args ...EnvelopeDocumentParam) (*http.Response, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeDocuments(ctx context.Context, envId string) (*DocumentAssetList, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeDocumentsCombined(ctx context.Context, envId string, args ...EnvelopeDocumentsCombinedParam) (*http.Response, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeModifyCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId string, l *CustomFieldList) (*CustomFieldList, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeMove(ctx context.Context, toFolderId string, envIds ...string) error
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeNotification(ctx context.Context, envId string) (*Notification, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeRemoveCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId string, l *CustomFieldList) (*CustomFieldList, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeRemoveDocuments(ctx context.Context, envId string, dl *DocumentList) (*DocumentAssetList, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeSearch(ctx context.Context, searchFld SearchFolder, args ...SearchFolderParam) (*FolderEnvList, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeSetDocuments(ctx context.Context, envId string, dl *DocumentList, files ...*UploadFile) (*DocumentAssetList, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeStatus(ctx context.Context, envId string) (res *EnvelopeUris, err error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeStatusChanges(ctx context.Context, args ...EnvelopeStatusChangesParam) (*EnvelopeList, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeStatusMulti(ctx context.Context, envIds ...string) ([]EnvelopeUris, error)
- func (s *Service) EnvelopeTemplates(ctx context.Context, envId string) (*TemplateList, error)
- func (s *Service) FolderEnvSearch(ctx context.Context, folderId string, args ...FolderEnvSearchParam) (*FolderEnvList, error)
- func (s *Service) FolderList(ctx context.Context, args ...FolderTemplateParam) (*FolderList, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTemplate(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Template, error)
- func (s *Service) LoginInformation(ctx context.Context, args ...LoginInfoParam) (*LoginInfo, error)
- func (s Service) OnBehalfOf(onBehalfOf string) *Service
- func (s *Service) RecipientTabs(ctx context.Context, envId string, recipId string) (*Tabs, error)
- func (s *Service) RecipientTabsAdd(ctx context.Context, envId string, recipId string, tb *Tabs) (*Tabs, error)
- func (s *Service) RecipientTabsModify(ctx context.Context, envId string, recipId string, tb *Tabs) (*Tabs, error)
- func (s *Service) RecipientTabsRemove(ctx context.Context, envId string, recipId string, tb *Tabs) (*Tabs, error)
- func (s *Service) RecipientView(ctx context.Context, envId string, er *EnvRecipientView) (*EnvUrl, error)
- func (s *Service) Recipients(ctx context.Context, envId string, args ...RecipientsParam) (*RecipientList, error)
- func (s *Service) RecipientsAdd(ctx context.Context, envId string, rl *RecipientList, args ...RecipientsParam) (*RecipientList, error)
- func (s *Service) RecipientsModify(ctx context.Context, envId string, rl *RecipientList, args ...RecipientsParam) (*RecipientUpdateResult, error)
- func (s *Service) RecipientsRemove(ctx context.Context, envId string, rl *RecipientList) (res *RecipientList, err error)
- func (s *Service) Remind(ctx context.Context, envId string, rl *RecipientList) error
- func (s *Service) SenderView(ctx context.Context, envId string, retType ReturnUrlType) (*EnvUrl, error)
- func (s *Service) TemplateSearch(ctx context.Context, args ...TemplateSearchParam) (*FolderTemplateList, error)
- func (s *Service) Void(ctx context.Context, envId string, reason string) error
- type SignHereTab
- type Signer
- type SignerAttachmentTab
- type SimpleLogger
- type SmsAuthentication
- type Ssn4InformationInput
- type Ssn9InformationInput
- type SsnTab
- type TabStatusXml
- type Tabs
- type Template
- type TemplateDefinition
- type TemplateItem
- type TemplateList
- type TemplateModifiedBy
- type TemplateOwner
- type TemplateRole
- type TemplateSearchParam
- func TemplateSearchCount(count int) TemplateSearchParam
- func TemplateSearchFolder(folder string) TemplateSearchParam
- func TemplateSearchFolderIds(folder ...string) TemplateSearchParam
- func TemplateSearchFromDate(t time.Time) TemplateSearchParam
- func TemplateSearchInclude(recipients, folders, documents, customFields, notifications bool) TemplateSearchParam
- func TemplateSearchSearch(searchText string) TemplateSearchParam
- func TemplateSearchStartPosition(pos int) TemplateSearchParam
- func TemplateSearchToDate(t time.Time) TemplateSearchParam
- func TemplateSearchUsedFromDate(t time.Time) TemplateSearchParam
- func TemplateSearchUsedToDate(t time.Time) TemplateSearchParam
- type TextTab
- type TitleTab
- type UploadFile
- type ValueTab
- type ZipTab
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ReturnUrlTypeCancel = "cancel"
const ReturnUrlTypeDecline = "decline"
const ReturnUrlTypeError = "error"
const ReturnUrlTypeException = "exception"
const ReturnUrlTypeFaxPending = "fax_pending"
const ReturnUrlTypeIdCheckFailed = "id_check_failed"
const ReturnUrlTypeSave = "save"
const ReturnUrlTypeSend = "send"
const ReturnUrlTypeSessionEnd = "sessionEnd"
const ReturnUrlTypeSessionTimeout = "session_timeout"
const ReturnUrlTypeSigningComplete = "signing_complete"
const ReturnUrlTypeTTLExpired = "ttl_expired"
const ReturnUrlTypeViewComplete = "view_complete"
const (
Version = "0.5"
Variables ¶
var CallLogger ctxKeyLogger
var DefaultCtx = context.Background()
DefaultCtx is the default context you should supply if not using your own context.Context (see
var EnvelopeDocumentCombinedShowChanges = EnvelopeDocumentsCombinedParam{
Name: "show_changes",
Value: "true",
var EnvelopeDocumentShowChanges = EnvelopeDocumentParam{
Name: "show_changes",
Value: "true",
var EnvelopeDocumentsCombinedCert = EnvelopeDocumentsCombinedParam{
Name: "certificate",
Value: "true",
var EnvelopeDocumentsCombinedWatermark = EnvelopeDocumentsCombinedParam{
Name: "watermark",
Value: "true",
var EnvelopeSearchIncludeRecipients = SearchFolderParam{
Name: "include_recipients",
Value: "true",
var EnvelopeSearchOrderAsc = SearchFolderParam{
Name: "order",
Value: "asc",
var EnvelopeSearchOrderByActionRequired = SearchFolderParam{
Name: "order_by",
Value: "action_required",
var EnvelopeSearchOrderByCompleted = SearchFolderParam{
Name: "order_by",
Value: "completed",
var EnvelopeSearchOrderByCreated = SearchFolderParam{
Name: "order_by",
Value: "created",
var EnvelopeSearchOrderBySent = SearchFolderParam{
Name: "order_by",
Value: "sent",
var EnvelopeSearchOrderBySignerList = SearchFolderParam{
Name: "order_by",
Value: "signer_list",
var EnvelopeSearchOrderByStatus = SearchFolderParam{
Name: "order_by",
Value: "status",
var EnvelopeSearchOrderBySubject = SearchFolderParam{
Name: "order_by",
Value: "subject",
var EnvelopeSearchOrderDesc = SearchFolderParam{
Name: "order",
Value: "desc",
var FolderTemplatesInclude = FolderTemplateParam{Name: "template", Value: "include"}
var FolderTemplatesOnly = FolderTemplateParam{Name: "template", Value: "only"}
var HTTPClient ctxKeyHTTPClient
HTTPClient is the context key to use with's WithValue function to associate an *http.Client value with a context.
var LoginInformationAcctGUID = LoginInfoParam{
Name: "include_account_id_guid",
Value: "true",
var LoginInformationIncludeApiPassword = LoginInfoParam{
Name: "api_password",
Value: "true",
var LoginInformationSettingsAll = LoginInfoParam{
Name: "login_settings",
Value: "all",
var LoginInformationSettingsNone = LoginInfoParam{
Name: "login_settings",
Value: "none",
var RecipientsIncludeAnchorTabs = RecipientsParam{
Name: "include_anchor_tab_locations",
Value: "true",
var RecipientsIncludeExtended = RecipientsParam{
Name: "include_extended",
Value: "true",
var RecipientsIncludeTabs = RecipientsParam{
Name: "include_tabs",
Value: "true",
var RecipientsResend = RecipientsParam{
Name: "resend_envelope",
Value: "true",
var TemplateSearchFilterAll = TemplateSearchParam{
Name: "user_filter",
Value: "all",
var TemplateSearchFilterOwned = TemplateSearchParam{
Name: "user_filter",
Value: "owned_by_me",
Name: "user_filter",
Value: "shared_with_me",
Name: "shared_by_me",
Value: "false",
}var TemplateSearchOrderAsc = TemplateSearchParam{
Name: "order",
Value: "asc",
var TemplateSearchOrderByModified = TemplateSearchParam{
Name: "orderby",
Value: "modified",
var TemplateSearchOrderByName = TemplateSearchParam{
Name: "orderby",
Value: "name",
var TemplateSearchOrderByUsed = TemplateSearchParam{
Name: "orderby",
Value: "used",
var TemplateSearchOrderDesc = TemplateSearchParam{
Name: "order",
Value: "desc",
Name: "shared_by_me",
Value: "true",
}Functions ¶
func DsQueryTimeFormat ¶
DsQueryTimeFormat returns a string in the correct format for a querystring format
Types ¶
type AddressInformation ¶
type AddressInformationInput ¶
type AddressInformationInput struct { InformationInput AddressInformation *AddressInformation `json:"addressInformation,omitempty"` }
type Agent ¶
type Agent struct { EmailRecipient CanEditRecipientEmails DSBool `json:"canEditRecipientEmails,omitempty"` CanEditRecipientNames DSBool `json:"canEditRecipientNames,omitempty"` }
Agent can add name and email information for recipients that appear after the recipient in routing order. RestApi Documetation
type ApproveTab ¶
type ApproveTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }
Approve button tab
type AuditEvent ¶
type AuditEvent struct {
EventFields []NmVal `json:"eventFields,omitempty"`
type AuditEventList ¶
type AuditEventList struct {
AuditEvents []AuditEvent `json:"auditEvents,omitempty"`
type BaseConditionalTab ¶
type BaseConditionalTab struct { ConditionalParentLabel string `json:"conditionalParentLabel,omitempty"` ConditionalParentValue string `json:"conditionalParentValue,omitempty"` }
Conditional value fields
type BasePosTab ¶
type BasePosTab struct { AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent string `json:"anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent,omitempty"` AnchorString string `json:"anchorString,omitempty"` AnchorUnits string `json:"anchorUnits,omitempty"` AnchorXOffset string `json:"anchorXOffset,omitempty"` AnchorYOffset string `json:"anchorYOffset,omitempty"` PageNumber string `json:"pageNumber,omitempty"` XPosition string `json:"xPosition,omitempty"` YPosition string `json:"yPosition,omitempty"` TabId string `json:"tabId,omitempty"` }
BasePosTab contains positioning fields for tabs
type BaseSigner ¶
type BaseSigner struct { DefaultRecipient string `json:"defaultRecipient,omitempty"` SignInEachLocation string `json:"signInEachLocation,omitempty"` SignerEmail string `json:"signerEmail,omitempty"` SignerName string `json:"signerName,omitempty"` Tabs *Tabs `json:"tabs,omitempty"` }
BaseSigner contains common fields of all signer types
type BaseStyleTab ¶
type BaseStyleTab struct { Bold DSBool `json:"bold,omitempty"` Font string `json:"font,omitempty"` FontColor string `json:"fontColor,omitempty"` FontSize string `json:"fontSize,omitempty"` Italic DSBool `json:"italic,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Underline DSBool `json:"underline,omitempty"` }
Style fields
type BaseTab ¶
type BaseTab struct { DocumentID string `json:"documentID,omitempty"` TabLabel string `json:"tabLabel,omitempty"` ErrorDetails *ResponseError `json:"errorDetails,omitempty"` }
BaseTab fields
type BaseTemplateTab ¶
type BaseTemplateTab struct { RecipientID string `json:"recipientID,omitempty"` TemplateLocked DSBool `json:"templateLocked,omitempty"` TemplateRequired DSBool `json:"templaterequired,omitempty"` }
template related fields
type Call ¶
type Call struct { Method string Payload interface{} // Result may be either Result interface{} // uploaded files for a call Files []*UploadFile // relative url for the call URL *url.URL }
Call provides all needed fields to make a call. To debug a call simply set the Result to an **http.Response.
type CarbonCopy ¶
type CarbonCopy struct {
CarbonCopy receives a copy of the envelope when the envelope reaches the recipient’s order in the process flow and when the envelope is completed. RestApi Documentation
type CertifiedDelivery ¶
type CertifiedDelivery struct { EmailRecipient CanEditRecipientEmails DSBool `json:"canEditRecipientEmails,omitempty"` CanEditRecipientNames DSBool `json:"canEditRecipientNames,omitempty"` }
CertifiedDeliveryr receives the completed documents for the envelope to be completed RestApi Documentation
type CheckboxTab ¶
type CheckboxTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` MergeFieldXml string `json:"mergeFieldXml,omitempty"` Selected DSBool `json:"selected,omitempty"` }
func (CheckboxTab) NmVal ¶
func (c CheckboxTab) NmVal() NmVal
type CompanyTab ¶
type CompanyTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab ConcealValueOnDocument DSBool `json:"concealValueOnDocument,omitempty"` DisableAutoSize DSBool `json:"disableAutoSize,omitempty"` Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` Required DSBool `json:"required"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }
Company information tab - just a stylized text tab
func (CompanyTab) NmVal ¶
func (c CompanyTab) NmVal() NmVal
type CompositeTemplate ¶
type CompositeTemplate struct { CompositeTemplateId string `json:"compositeTemplateId,omitempty"` ServerTemplates []ServerTemplate `json:"serverTemplates,omitempty"` InlineTemplates []InlineTemplate `json:"inlineTemplates,omitempty"` PdfMetaDataTemplateSequence string `json:"pdfMetaDataTemplateSequence,omitempty"` Document Document `json:"document,omitempty"` }
type Config ¶
type Config struct { // The docusign account used by the login user. This may be // found using the LoginInformation call. AccountId string `json:"acctId,omitempty"` IntegratorKey string `json:"key"` UserName string `json:"user"` Password string `json:"pwd"` Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` }
Config provides methods to authenticate via a user/password combination. It may also be used to generate an OauthCredential. Documentation: On Behalf Of Functionality in the DocuSign REST API.htm
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "log" "" "" ) func main() { ctx := context.Background() config := &docusign.Config{ UserName: "YOUR_USER_NAME", Password: "YOUR_PASSWORD", IntegratorKey: "YOUR_INTEGRATOR_KEY", AccountId: "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID", Host: "YOUR_HOST", // NOTE: set to '' for non-prod tests } // create service using config as credential sv := docusign.New(config, "") folderList, err := sv.FolderList(ctx, docusign.FolderTemplatesInclude) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, fld := range folderList.Folders { fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", fld.FolderId, fld.Name) } // obtain a new oauth credential token, err := config.OauthCredential(ctx) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Token: %s\n", token.AccessToken) }
func (Config) Authorize ¶
Authorize adds authorization headers to a rest request using user/password functionality.
func (*Config) OauthCredential ¶
func (c *Config) OauthCredential(ctx context.Context) (*OauthCredential, error)
OauthCredential retrieves an OauthCredential from docusign using the username and password from Config. The returned token does not have a expiration although it may be revoked via
func (*Config) OauthCredentialOnBehalfOf ¶
func (c *Config) OauthCredentialOnBehalfOf(ctx context.Context, oauthCred OauthCredential, nm string) (*OauthCredential, error)
OauthCredentialOnBehalfOf returns an *OauthCredential for the user name specied by nm. oauthCred must be a credential for a user with administrative rights on the account.
type ConnectData ¶
type ConnectData struct { EnvelopeStatus EnvelopeStatusXml `xml:"EnvelopeStatus" json:"envelopeStatus,omitempty"` DocumentPdfs []DocumentPdfXml `xml:"DocumentPDFs>DocumentPDF" json:"documentPdfs,omitempty"` }
Connect Data is the top level struct for a Connect status message.
type Credential ¶
type Credential interface { // Authorize attaches an authorization header to a request and // and fixes the URL to the appropriate host. Authorize(*http.Request, string) }
Credential add an authorization header(s) for a rest http request
type CustomDocumentField ¶
type CustomDocumentField struct { NmVal ErrorDetails *ResponseError `json:errorDetails,omitempty"` }
type CustomField ¶
type CustomFieldList ¶
type CustomFieldList struct { ListCustomFields []ListCustomField `json:"listCustomFields,omitempty"` TextCustomFields []CustomField `json:"textCustomFields,omitempty"` }
type CustomFieldXml ¶
type DSBool ¶
type DSBool bool
DSBool is used to fix problem of capitalized DSBooleans in json. Unmarshals "True" and "true" as true, any other value returns false
func (*DSBool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DSTime ¶
type DSTime string
DSTime handles the multiple datetime formats that DS returns in the Connect service.
type DateSignedTab ¶
type DateSignedTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
Auto filled date tab
type DateTab ¶
type DateTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab ConcealValueOnDocument DSBool `json:"concealValueOnDocument,omitempty"` DisableAutoSize DSBool `json:"disableAutoSize,omitempty"` Height string `json:"height,omitempty"` Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` MergeFieldXml string `json:"mergeFieldXml,omitempty"` Required DSBool `json:"required"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }
User updateable date value tab
type DeclineTab ¶
type DeclineTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab ButtonText string `json:"buttonText,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }
Decline button tab
type DobInformationInput ¶
type DobInformationInput struct { InformationInput DateOfBirth string `json:"dateOfBirth,omitempty"` }
type Document ¶
type Document struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` DocumentId string `json:"documentId,omitempty"` RemoteUrl string `json:"remoteUrl,omitempty"` Order string `json:"order,omitempty"` TransformPdfFields string `json:"transformPdfFields,omitempty"` DocumentFields []NmVal `json:"documentFields,omitempty"` EncryptedWithKeyManager string `json:"encryptedWithKeyManager,omitempty"` Pages string `json:"pages,omitempty"` FileExtension string `json:"fileExtension,omitempty"` DocumentBase64 []byte `json:"documentBase64,omitempty"` Matchboxes []Matchbox `json:"matchboxes,omitempty"` }
RestApi documentation
type DocumentAsset ¶
type DocumentAsset struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` DocumentId string `json:"documentId,omitempty"` Order string `json:"order,omitempty"` Pages string `json:"pages,omitempty"` Uri string `json:"uri:omitempty"` ErrorDetails *ResponseError `json:errorDetails,omitempty"` }
type DocumentAssetList ¶
type DocumentAssetList struct { EnvelopeId string `json:"EnvelopeId,omitempty"` EnvelopeDocuments []DocumentAsset `json:"envelopeDocuments,omitempty"` }
type DocumentFieldList ¶
type DocumentFieldList struct {
DocumentFields []CustomDocumentField `json:documentFields,omitempty"`
type DocumentList ¶
type DocumentList struct { //EnvelopeId string `json:"envelopeId,omitempty"` Documents []Document `json:"documents,omitempty"` }
type DocumentPdfXml ¶
type DocumentPdfXml struct { Name string `xml:"Name" json:"name,omitempty"` PDFBytes string `xml:"PDFBytes" json:"pdfBytes,omitempty"` }
DocumentPdfXML contains the base64 enocded pdf files.
type DocumentStatusXml ¶
type DocumentStatusXml struct { ID string `xml:"ID" json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"Name"RecipientAttachment json:"name,omitempty"` TemplateName string `xml:"TemplateName" json:"templateName,omitempty"` Sequence string `xml:"Sequence" json:"sequence,omitempty"` }
DocumentStatusXml describes each document in the envelope.
type Editor ¶
type Editor struct { EmailRecipient CanEditRecipientEmails DSBool `json:"canEditRecipientEmails,omitempty"` CanEditRecipientNames DSBool `json:"canEditRecipientNames,omitempty"` }
Editor can add name and email information, add or change the routing order and set authentication options for the remaining recipients. RestApi Documentation
type EmailAddressTab ¶
type EmailAddressTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab }
User updateable email address
type EmailNotification ¶
type EmailNotification struct { EmailBody string `json:"emailBody,omitempty"` EmailSubject string `json:"emailSubject,omitempty"` SupportedLanguage string `json:"supportedLanguage,omitempty"` }
EmailNotification contains the email message sent to a recipient. If not set, the envelopes EmailBlurb and EmailSubject are used.
type EmailRecipient ¶
EmailRecipient adds email field to base recipient structure
type EmailSetting ¶
type EmailSetting struct { ReplyEmailAddressOverride string `json:"replyEmailAddressOverride,omitempty"` ReplyEmailNameOverride string `json:"replyEmailNameOverride,omitempty"` BccEmailAddresses string `json:"bccEmailAddresses,omitempty"` }
type EmailTab ¶
type EmailTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab ConcealValueOnDocument DSBool `json:"concealValueOnDocument,omitempty"` DisableAutoSize DSBool `json:"disableAutoSize,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` MergeFieldXml string `json:"mergeFieldXml,omitempty"` Required DSBool `json:"required"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }
User email display tab
type EnvRecipientView ¶
type EnvRecipientView struct { ClientUserId string `json:"clientUserId,omitempty"` AuthenticationMethod string `json:"authenticationMethod,omitempty"` AssertionId string `json:"assertionId,omitempty"` AuthenticationInstant time.Time `json:"authenticationInstant,omitempty"` SecurityDomain string `json:"securityDomain,omitempty"` Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"` ReturnUrl ReturnUrlType `json:"returnUrl,omitempty"` }
EnvRecipientView is used to create a url for a recipient. See PostRecipientView
type EnvUrl ¶
type EnvUrl struct {
Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`
EnvUrl is a url for an envelope view.
type Envelope ¶
type Envelope struct { Accessibility string `json:"accessibility,omitempty"` AllowMarkup string `json:"allowMarkup,omitempty"` AllowReassign string `json:"allowReassign,omitempty"` AllowRecipientRecursion string `json:"allowRecipientRecursion,omitempty"` Asynchronous string `json:"asynchronous,omitempty"` AuthoritativeCopy string `json:"authoritativeCopy,omitempty"` BrandId string `json:"brandId,omitempty"` EmailBlurb string `json:"emailBlurb,omitempty"` EmailSubject string `json:"emailSubject,omitempty"` EnableWetSign string `json:"enableWetSign,omitempty"` EnforceSignerVisibility string `json:"enforceSignerVisibility,omitempty"` EnvelopeIdStamping string `json:"envelopeIdStamping,omitempty"` MessageLock string `json:"messageLock,omitempty"` Notification *Notification `json:"notification,omitempty"` RecipientsLock string `json:"recipientsLock,omitempty"` SigningLocation string `json:"signingLocation,omitempty"` Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` TransactionId string `json:"transactionId,omitempty"` UseDisclosure bool `json:"useDisclosure,omitempty"` CustomFields *CustomFieldList `json:"customFields,omitempty"` Documents []Document `json:"documents,omitempty"` Recipients *RecipientList `json:"recipients,omitempty"` EventNotification *EventNotification `json:"eventNotification,omitempty"` EmailSettings *EmailSetting `json:"emailSettings,omitempty"` TemplateId string `json:"templateId,omitempty"` TemplateRoles []TemplateRole `json:"templateRoles,omitempty"` CompositeTemplates []CompositeTemplate `json:"compositeTemplates,omitempty"` }
type EnvelopeDocumentParam ¶
type EnvelopeDocumentParam NmVal
type EnvelopeDocumentsCombinedParam ¶
type EnvelopeDocumentsCombinedParam NmVal
type EnvelopeEvent ¶
type EnvelopeList ¶
type EnvelopeList struct {
Envelopes []EnvelopeUris `json:"envelopes"`
type EnvelopeResponse ¶
type EnvelopeStatusChangesParam ¶
type EnvelopeStatusChangesParam NmVal
func StatusChangeCustomField ¶
func StatusChangeCustomField(fldName, fldValue string) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
func StatusChangeEnvelope ¶
func StatusChangeEnvelope(envId string) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
func StatusChangeFromDate ¶
func StatusChangeFromDate(t time.Time) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
func StatusChangeFromToStatus ¶
func StatusChangeFromToStatus(status string) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
func StatusChangeStatusCode ¶
func StatusChangeStatusCode(status string) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
func StatusChangeToDate ¶
func StatusChangeToDate(t time.Time) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
func StatusChangeTransactionId ¶
func StatusChangeTransactionId(transactionIds ...string) EnvelopeStatusChangesParam
type EnvelopeStatusXml ¶
type EnvelopeStatusXml struct { TimeGenerated DSTime `xml:"TimeGenerated" json:"timeGenerated,omitempty"` EnvelopeID string `xml:"EnvelopeID" json:"envelopeID,omitempty"` Subject string `xml:"Subject" json:"subject,omitempty"` UserName string `xml:"UserName" json:"userName,omitempty"` Email string `xml:"Email" json:"email,omitempty"` Status string `xml:"Status" json:"status,omitempty"` Created DSTime `xml:"Created" json:"created,omitempty"` Sent DSTime `xml:"Sent" json:"sent,omitempty"` Delivered DSTime `xml:"Delivered" json:"delivered,omitempty"` Signed DSTime `xml:"Signed" json:"signed,omitempty"` Completed DSTime `xml:"Completed" json:"completed,omitempty"` ACStatus string `xml:"ACStatus" json:"acStatus,omitempty"` ACStatusDate string `xml:"ACStatusDate" json:"acStatusDate,omitempty"` ACHolder string `xml:"ACHolder" json:"acHolder,omitempty"` ACHolderEmail string `xml:"ACHolderEmail" json:"acHolderEmail,omitempty"` ACHolderLocation string `xml:"ACHolderLocation" json:"acHolderLocation,omitempty"` SigningLocation string `xml:"SigningLocation" json:"signingLocation,omitempty"` SenderIPAddress string `xml:"SenderIPAddress" json:"senderIPAddress,omitempty"` EnvelopePDFHash string `xml:"EnvelopePDFHash" json:"envelopePDFHash,omitempty"` EnvelopeIdStamping bool `xml:"EnvelopeIdStamping" json:"envelopeIdStamping,omitempty"` AuthoritativeCopy bool `xml:"AuthoritativeCopy" json:"authoritativeCopy,omitempty"` VoidReason string `xml:"VoidReason" json:"voidReason,omitempty"` RecipientStatuses []RecipientStatusXml `xml:"RecipientStatuses>RecipientStatus" json:"recipientStatuses,omitempty"` CustomFields []CustomFieldXml `xml:"CustomFields>CustomField" json:"customFields,omitempty"` DocumentStatuses []DocumentStatusXml `xml:"DocumentStatuses>DocumentStatus" json:"documentStatuses,omitempty"` }
EnvelopeStatusXML contains envelope information.
type EnvelopeUris ¶
type EnvelopeUris struct { AllowReassign string `json:"allowReassign,omitempty"` CertificateUri string `json:"certificateUri,omitempty"` CreatedDateTime time.Time `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"` CustomFieldsUri string `json:"customFieldsUri,omitempty"` DocumentsCombinedUri string `json:"documentsCombinedUri,omitempty"` DocumentsUri string `json:"documentsUri,omitempty"` EmailBlurb string `json:"emailBlurb,omitempty"` EmailSubject string `json:"emailSubject,omitempty"` EnableWetSign string `json:"enableWetSign,omitempty"` EnvelopeId string `json:"envelopeId,omitempty"` EnvelopeUri string `json:"envelopeUri,omitempty"` LastModifiedDateTime time.Time `json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty"` NotificationUri string `json:"notificationUri,omitempty"` PurgeState string `json:"purgeState,omitempty"` RecipientsUri string `json:"recipientsUri,omitempty"` Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` StatusChangedDateTime time.Time `json:"statusChangedDateTime,omitempty"` TemplatesUri string `json:"templatesUri,omitempty"` }
type EventNotification ¶
type EventNotification struct { Url string `json:"url,omitempty"` LoggingEnabled string `json:"loggingEnabled,omitempty"` RequireAcknowledgment string `json:"requireAcknowledgment,omitempty"` UseSoapInterface string `json:"useSoapInterface,omitempty"` SoapNameSpace string `json:"soapNameSpace,omitempty"` IncludeCertificateWithSoap string `json:"includeCertificateWithSoap,omitempty"` SignMessageWithX509Cert string `json:"signMessageWithX509Cert,omitempty"` IncludeDocuments string `json:"includeDocuments,omitempty"` IncludeEnvelopeVoidReason string `json:"includeEnvelopeVoidReason,omitempty"` IncludeTimeZone string `json:"includeTimeZone,omitempty"` IncludeSenderAccountAsCustomField string `json:"includeSenderAccountAsCustomField,omitempty"` IncludeDocumentFields string `json:"includeDocumentFields,omitempty"` IncludeCertificateOfCompletion string `json:"includeCertificateOfCompletion,omitempty"` EnvelopeEvents []EnvelopeEvent `json:"envelopeEvents,omitempty"` RecipientEvents []RecipientEvent `json:"recipientEvents,omitempty"` }
type Expiration ¶
type FirstNameTab ¶
type FirstNameTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab }
type Folder ¶
type Folder struct { OwnerUserName string `json:"ownerUserName,omitempty"` OwnerEmail string `json:"ownerEmail,omitempty"` OwnerUserId string `json:"ownerUserId,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Uri string `json:"uri,omitempty"` ParentFolderId string `json:"parentFolderId,omitempty"` ParentFolderUri string `json:"parentFolderUri,omitempty"` FolderId string `json:"folderId,omitempty"` Folders []Folder `json:"folders,omitempty"` Filter map[string]string `json:"filter,omitempty"` }
Folder Definition and list of Child Folders
type FolderEnvList ¶
type FolderEnvList struct { EndPosition string `json:"endPosition,omitempty"` ResultSetSize string `json:"resultSetSize,omitempty"` StartPosition string `json:"startPosition,omitempty"` TotalSetSize string `json:"totalSetSize,omitempty"` TotalRows string `json:"totalRows,omitempty"` NextUri string `json:"nextUri,omitempty"` PreviousUri string `json:"previousUri,omitempty"` FolderItems []FolderItem `json:"folderItems,omitempty"` }
FolderEnvList is the response struct for Serivice.GetFolderEnvList() and contains a list of envelopes in the folder
type FolderEnvSearchParam ¶
type FolderEnvSearchParam NmVal
func FolderEnvSearchFromDate ¶
func FolderEnvSearchFromDate(tm time.Time) FolderEnvSearchParam
func FolderEnvSearchOwnerEmail ¶
func FolderEnvSearchOwnerEmail(email string) FolderEnvSearchParam
func FolderEnvSearchOwnerName ¶
func FolderEnvSearchOwnerName(nm string) FolderEnvSearchParam
func FolderEnvSearchStartPosition ¶
func FolderEnvSearchStartPosition(pos int) FolderEnvSearchParam
func FolderEnvSearchStatus ¶
func FolderEnvSearchStatus(status string) FolderEnvSearchParam
func FolderEnvSearchText ¶
func FolderEnvSearchText(searchText string) FolderEnvSearchParam
func FolderEnvSearchToDate ¶
func FolderEnvSearchToDate(tm time.Time) FolderEnvSearchParam
type FolderItem ¶
type FolderItem struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` CreatedDateTime time.Time `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"` EnvelopeId string `json:"envelopeId,omitempty"` EnvelopeUri string `json:"envelopeUri,omitempty"` OwnerName string `json:"ownerName,omitempty"` SenderEmail string `json:"senderEmail,omitempty"` SenderName string `json:"senderName,omitempty"` SentDateTime time.Time `json:"sentDateTime,omitempty"` Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` Subject string `json:"subject,omitempty"` Recipients RecipientList `json:"recipients,omitempty"` }
FolderItem describes an envelope in a FolderEnvList
type FolderList ¶
FolderList is the response struct for GetFolderList()
type FolderTemplateList ¶
type FolderTemplateList struct { FolderEnvList EnvelopeTemplates []TemplateItem `json:"EnvelopeTemplates,omitempty"` }
FolderTemplateList is the response struct for Service.GetTemplateList
type FolderTemplateParam ¶
type FolderTemplateParam NmVal
type FormulaTab ¶
type FormulaTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab ConcealValueOnDocument DSBool `json:"concealValueOnDocument,omitempty"` DisableAutoSize DSBool `json:"disableAutoSize,omitempty"` Formula string `json:"formula,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` IsPaymentAmount DSBool `json:"isPaymentAmount,omitempty"` Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` MergeFieldXml string `json:"mergeFieldXml,omitempty"` Required DSBool `json:"required"` RoundDecimalPlaces string `json:"roundDecimalPlaces,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }
func (FormulaTab) NmVal ¶
func (f FormulaTab) NmVal() NmVal
type FullNameTab ¶
type FullNameTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab }
type IDCheckInformationInput ¶
type IDCheckInformationInput struct { AddressInformationInput *AddressInformationInput `json:"addressInformationInput,omitempty"` DobInformationInput *DobInformationInput `json:"dobInformationInput,omitempty"` Ssn4InformationInput *Ssn4InformationInput `json:"ssn4InformationInput,omitempty"` Ssn9InformationInput *Ssn9InformationInput `json:"ssn9InformationInput,omitempty"` }
IDCheckInformationInput specifies authentication check by name. See api documentation for specific values.
type InPersonSigner ¶
type InPersonSigner struct { Recipient BaseSigner HostEmail string `json:"hostEmail,omitempty"` HostName string `json:"hostName,omitempty"` }
RestApi Documentation
type InformationInput ¶
type InitialHereTab ¶
type InitialHereTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab Optional DSBool `json:"optional,omitempty"` ScaleValue float64 `json:"scaleValue,omitempty"` }
type InlineTemplate ¶
type InlineTemplate struct { Sequence string `json:"sequence,omitempty"` Documents []Document `json:"documents,omitempty"` Recipients *RecipientList `json:"recipients,omitempty"` }
type Intermediary ¶
type Intermediary struct { EmailRecipient CanEditRecipientEmails DSBool `json:"canEditRecipientEmails,omitempty"` CanEditRecipientNames DSBool `json:"canEditRecipientNames,omitempty"` }
This recipient can, but is not required to, add name and email information for recipients at the same or subsequent level in the routing order
RestApi Documentation
type LastNameTab ¶
type LastNameTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab }
type ListCustomField ¶
type ListCustomField struct { CustomField ListItems []string `json:"listItems,omitempty"` }
type ListTab ¶
type ListTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab ListItems []ListItem `json:"listItems,omitempty"` Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` MergeFieldXml string `json:"mergeFieldXml,omitempty"` Required DSBool `json:"required"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Logger ¶
type Logger interface { LogRequest(cxt context.Context, payload interface{}, req *http.Request) // Log Response needs to return a duplicate io.Reader of the res.Body. LogResponse(ctx context.Context, res *http.Response) io.Reader }
Logger provides a mechanism to log call made via a Service. If a context has the docusign.CallLogger value set to a Logger, any service call will log requests using the interfaces functions.
type LoginAccount ¶
type LoginAccount struct { AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"` AccountIdGuid string `json:"accountIdGuid,omitempty"` BaseUrl string `json:"baseUrl,omitempty"` Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` IsDefault string `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` LoginAccountSettings []NmVal `json:"loginAccountSettings,omitempty"` LoginUserSettings []NmVal `json:"loginUserSettings,omitempty"` Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` SiteDescription string `json:"siteDescription,omitempty"` UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"` UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"` }
type LoginInfo ¶
type LoginInfo struct { ApiPassword string `json:"apiPassword,omitempty"` LoginAccounts []LoginAccount `json:"loginAccounts"` }
type LoginInfoParam ¶
type LoginInfoParam NmVal
type Matchbox ¶
type Matchbox struct { PageNumber string `json:"pageNumber,omitempty"` XPosition string `json:"xPosition,omitempty"` YPosition string `json:"yPosition,omitempty"` Width string `json:"width,omitempty"` Height string `json:"height,omitempty"` }
Matchbox describes the area used for template matching
type NmVal ¶
type NmVal struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,attr"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty" xml:",chardata"` }
NmVal is a generic name value pair struct used throughout the api.
type NmValXml ¶
type NmValXml struct { Name string `xml:"name,attr" json:"name,omitempty"` Value string `xml:"value" json:"value,omitempty"` }
NmValXml contains the key/value pair for the form values.
type NoteTab ¶
type NoteTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }
type Notification ¶
type Notification struct { UseAccountDefaults string `json:"useAccountDefaults,omitempty"` Reminders *Reminder `json:"reminders,omitempty"` Expirations *Expiration `json:"expirations,omitempty"` }
Notificaton is the response struct for GetEnvelopeNotification
type NumberTab ¶
type NumberTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab ConcealValueOnDocument DSBool `json:"concealValueOnDocument,omitempty"` DisableAutoSize DSBool `json:"disableAutoSize,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` MergeFieldXml string `json:"mergeFieldXml,omitempty"` Required DSBool `json:"required"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }
type OauthCredential ¶
type OauthCredential struct { // The docusign account used by the login user. This may be // found using the LoginInformation call. AccountId string `json:"account_id,omitempty"` AccessToken string `json:"access_token,omitempty"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` TokenType string `json:"token_type,omitempty"` Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` }
OauthCredential provides authorization for rest request via docusign's oauth protocol
Documentation: Authentication Support in DocuSign REST API.htm
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "log" "time" "" "" ) func main() { ctx := context.Background() cred := &docusign.OauthCredential{ AccessToken: "SAVED_ACCESS_TOKEN", AccountId: "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID", TokenType: "bearer", } sv := docusign.New(cred, "") results, err := sv.EnvelopeSearch(ctx, docusign.SearchFolderCompleted, docusign.EnvelopeSearchFromDate(time.Now().Add(-time.Hour*72)), docusign.EnvelopeSearchIncludeRecipients) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, env := range results.FolderItems { fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", env.Name, env.EnvelopeId) } }
type PhoneAuthentication ¶
type PhoneAuthentication struct { RecipMayProvideNumber string `json:"recipMayProvideNumber,omitempty"` ValidateRecipProvidedNumber string `json:"validateRecipProvidedNumber,omitempty"` RecordVoicePrint string `json:"recordVoicePrint,omitempty"` SenderProvidedNumbers []string `json:"senderProvidedNumbers,omitempty"` }
type Radio ¶
type Radio struct { BasePosTab Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` Required DSBool `json:"required"` Selected DSBool `json:"selected,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
type RadioGroupTab ¶
type RadioGroupTab struct { ConditionalParentLabel string `json:"conditionalParentLabel,omitempty"` ConditionalParentValue string `json:"conditionalParentValue,omitempty"` DocumentID string `json:"documentID,omitempty"` GroupName string `json:"groupName,omitempty"` Radios []Radio `json:"radios,omitempty"` RecipientID string `json:"recipientID,omitempty"` TemplateLocked DSBool `json:"templateLocked,omitempty"` TemplateRequired DSBool `json:"templaterequired"` }
func (RadioGroupTab) NmVal ¶
func (rg RadioGroupTab) NmVal() NmVal
type Recipient ¶
type Recipient struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` AccessCode string `json:"accessCode,omitempty"` AddAccessCodeToEmail DSBool `json:"addAccessCodeToEmail,omitempty"` ClientUserId string `json:"clientUserId,omitempty"` EmbeddedRecipientStartURL string `json:"embeddedRecipientStartURL,omitempty"` CustomFields string `json:"customFields,omitempty"` EmailNotification *EmailNotification `json:"emailNotification,omitempty"` ExcludedDocuments string `json:"excludedDocuments,omitempty"` IdCheckConfigurationName string `json:"idCheckConfigurationName,omitempty"` IDCheckInformationInput string `json:"iDCheckInformationInput,omitempty"` InheritEmailNotificationConfiguration DSBool `json:"inheritEmailNotificationConfiguration,omitempty"` Note string `json:"note,omitempty"` PhoneAuthentication *PhoneAuthentication `json:"phoneAuthentication,omitempty"` RecipientAttachments *RecipientAttachment `json:"recipientAttachment,omitempty"` RecipientCaptiveInfo string `json:"recipientCaptiveInfo,omitempty"` RecipientId string `json:"recipientId,omitempty"` RequireIdLookup DSBool `json:"requireIdLookup,omitempty"` RoleName string `json:"roleName,omitempty"` RoutingOrder string `json:"routingOrder,omitempty"` SamlAuthentication *SamlAuthentication `json:"samlAuthentication,omitempty"` SmsAuthentication *SmsAuthentication `json:"smsAuthentication,omitempty"` SocialAuthentications DSBool `json:"socialAuthentications,omitempty"` TemplateAccessCodeRequired DSBool `json:"templateAccessCodeRequired,omitempty"` TemplateLocked DSBool `json:"templateLocked,omitempty"` TemplateRequired DSBool `json:"templateRequired,omitempty"` ErrorDetails *ResponseError `json:"errorDetails,omitempty"` }
Recipient contains the common fields for all recipient types
type RecipientAttachment ¶
type RecipientAttachment struct { Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` AttachmentType string `json:"attachmentType,omitempty"` Data string `json:"label,omitempty"` }
RecipientAttachement will be used to a specific file attachment for a recipient.
type RecipientAttachmentXml ¶
type RecipientEvent ¶
type RecipientList ¶
type RecipientList struct { Agents []Agent `json:"agents,omitempty"` CarbonCopies []CarbonCopy `json:"carbonCopies,omitempty"` CertifiedDeliveries []CertifiedDelivery `json:"certifiedDeliveries,omitempty"` Editors []Editor `json:"editors,omitempty"` InPersonSigners []InPersonSigner `json:"inPersonSigners,omitempty"` Intermediaries []Intermediary `json:"intermediaries,omitempty"` Signers []Signer `json:"signers,omitempty"` RecipientCount string `json:"recipientCount,omitempty"` }
RecipientList defines the recipients for an envelope RestApi Documentation
func (RecipientList) Values ¶
func (r RecipientList) Values() []NmVal
Values returns a NmVal slice contiaing the tabLabel and value for each tab in the RecipientList.
type RecipientStatusXml ¶
type RecipientStatusXml struct { Type string `xml:"Type" json:"type,omitempty"` Email string `xml:"Email" json:"email,omitempty"` UserName string `xml:"UserName" json:"userName,omitempty"` RoutingOrder string `xml:"RoutingOrder" json:"routingOrder,omitempty"` Sent DSTime `xml:"Sent" json:"sent,omitempty"` Delivered DSTime `xml:"Delivered" json:"delivered,omitempty"` Signed DSTime `xml:"Signed" json:"signed,omitempty"` DeclineReason string `xml:"DeclineReason" json:"declineReason,omitempty"` Status string `xml:"Status" json:"status,omitempty"` RecipientIPAddress string `xml:"RecipientIPAddress" json:"recipientIPAdress,omitempty"` CustomFields []CustomFieldXml `xml:"CustomFields>CustomField" json:"customFields,omitempty"` AccountStatus string `xml:"AccountStatus" json:"accountStatus,omitempty"` RecipientId string `xml:"RecipientId" json:"recipientId,omitempty"` TabStatuses []TabStatusXml `xml:"TabStatuses>TabStatus" json:"tabStatuses,omitempty"` FormData []NmValXml `xml:"FormData>xfdf>fields>field" json:"formData,omitempty"` RecipientAttachment RecipientAttachmentXml `xml:"RecipientAttachment>Attachment" json:"recipientAttachment,omitempty"` }
RecipientStatusXml contains data describing each recipient for an envelope.
type RecipientUpdateResult ¶
type RecipientUpdateResult struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RecipeintUpdateResult is returned via the RecipientsModify call and returns a list of recipient ids and a corresponding error detail for each modification.
type RecipientsParam ¶
type RecipientsParam NmVal
type ResponseError ¶
type ResponseError struct { Err string `json:"errorCode,omitempty"` Description string `json:"message,omitempty"` Status int `json:"-"` }
ResponseError is generated when docusign returns an http error.
Documentation: Code/Error Code Information.htm
func (ResponseError) Error ¶
func (r ResponseError) Error() string
func (*ResponseError) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ResponseError) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON allows different versions of response error to be unmarshalled.
type ReturnUrlType ¶
type ReturnUrlType string
ReturnUrlType is used to generate url for user signing see PostSenderView, PostRecipientView, PostEditView, PostCorrection
type SamlAuthentication ¶
type SamlAuthentication struct {
SamlAssertionAttributes []NmVal `json:"samlAssertionAttributes,omitempty"`
type SearchFolder ¶
type SearchFolder string
SearchFolder specifies strings describing the the type of available search folders
var SearchFolderAwaitingSig SearchFolder = "awaiting_my_signature"
var SearchFolderCompleted SearchFolder = "completed"
var SearchFolderDrafts SearchFolder = "drafts"
var SearchFolderOutForSig SearchFolder = "out_for_signature"
type SearchFolderParam ¶
type SearchFolderParam NmVal
func EnvelopeSearchCount ¶
func EnvelopeSearchCount(cnt int) SearchFolderParam
func EnvelopeSearchFromDate ¶
func EnvelopeSearchFromDate(tm time.Time) SearchFolderParam
func EnvelopeSearchStartPosition ¶
func EnvelopeSearchStartPosition(pos int) SearchFolderParam
func EnvelopeSearchToDate ¶
func EnvelopeSearchToDate(tm time.Time) SearchFolderParam
type ServerTemplate ¶
type Service ¶
type Service struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Service contains all rest methods and stores authorization
func New ¶
func New(credential Credential, onBehalfOf string) *Service
New intializes a new rest api service. If client is nil then http.DefaultClient is assumed. func New(ctx context.Context, accountId string, credential Credential) *Service {
func (*Service) AccountCustomFields ¶
func (s *Service) AccountCustomFields(ctx context.Context) (*CustomFieldList, error)
AccountCustomFields retrieves a list of envelope custom fields associated with the account.
RestApiDocumentation List of Account Custom Fields.htm
func (*Service) DocumentAddCustomFields ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentAddCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId, docId string, dfl *DocumentFieldList) (*DocumentFieldList, error)
DocumentAddCustomFields creates new custom fields on a specific document. Errors are returned in the DocumentFieldList ErrorDetails field. RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) DocumentModifyCustomFields ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentModifyCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId, docId string, dfl *DocumentFieldList) (*DocumentFieldList, error)
DocumentModifyCustomFields modifies existing custom document fields for an existing envelope. Errors are returned in the DocumentFieldList ErrorDetails field. RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) DocumentRemoveCustomFields ¶
func (s *Service) DocumentRemoveCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId, docId string, dfl *DocumentFieldList) (*DocumentFieldList, error)
DocumentRemoveCustomFields delete existing custom document fields for an existing envelope. Errors are returned in the DocumentFieldList ErrorDetails field. RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) EditView ¶
func (s *Service) EditView(ctx context.Context, envId string, retType ReturnUrlType) (*EnvUrl, error)
EditView returns a URL to start the edit view of the DocuSign UI.
func (*Service) EnvelopeAddCustomFields ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeAddCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId string, l *CustomFieldList) (*CustomFieldList, error)
EnvelopeAddCustomFields adds custom fields to an existing envelope. Duplicates will return error in the ErrorDetails struct of the CustomField or ListCustomField item. RestApi documentation
func (*Service) EnvelopeAuditEvents ¶
EnvelopeAuditEvents returns the events for this envelope.
RestApi documentation
func (*Service) EnvelopeCorrection ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeCorrection(ctx context.Context, envId string, retUrlType ReturnUrlType, suppressNavigation bool) (*EnvUrl, error)
EnvelopeCorrection returns a URL to start the correction view of the DocuSign UI.
func (*Service) EnvelopeCreate ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeCreate(ctx context.Context, env *Envelope, files ...*UploadFile) (*EnvelopeResponse, error)
EnvelopeCreate adds an envelope. The Status field determines whether the envelope is saved as a Draft or sent. RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) EnvelopeCustomFields ¶
EnvelopeCustomFields returns all custom field info in a Custom Field List RestApi documentation
func (*Service) EnvelopeDocument ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeDocument(ctx context.Context, envId string, docId string, args ...EnvelopeDocumentParam) (*http.Response, error)
EnvelopeDocument returns the pdf of a specific document from an envelope. The returned response will either have a status code of 200. Any other status code for a response will result in a nil response with a ResponseError detailing the http status code and docusign's error message. Developer is expected to close the http.Response when finished processing. Only possible arg is show_changes={true/false}
RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) EnvelopeDocuments ¶
EnvelopeDocuments returns a Document Asset List for an envelope RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) EnvelopeDocumentsCombined ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeDocumentsCombined(ctx context.Context, envId string, args ...EnvelopeDocumentsCombinedParam) (*http.Response, error)
EnvelopeDocumentsCombined retrieves a PDF containing the combined content of all documents and the certificate via an http.Response. If the account has the Highlight Data Changes feature enabled,there is an option to request that any changes in the envelope be highlighted. The returned response will either have a status code of 200. Any other status code for a response will result in a nil response with a ResponseError detailing the http status code and docusign's error message. Developer is expected to close the http.Response when finished processing. Optional additions: certificate={true or false}, show_changes={true}, watermark={true or false}
RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) EnvelopeModifyCustomFields ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeModifyCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId string, l *CustomFieldList) (*CustomFieldList, error)
EnvelopeModifyCustomFields modifies custom fields in CustomFieldList structure. Id's are mandatory and errors are found in ErrorDetails struct of CustomField or ListCustomField items. Nil ErrorDetails means success RestApi documentation
func (*Service) EnvelopeMove ¶
EnvelopeMove move the specified envelope to the folder specified int toFolderId
func (*Service) EnvelopeNotification ¶
EnvelopeNotification returns the reminder and expiration information for the envelope.
RestApi documentation
func (*Service) EnvelopeRemoveCustomFields ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeRemoveCustomFields(ctx context.Context, envId string, l *CustomFieldList) (*CustomFieldList, error)
EnvelopeRemoveCustomFields deletes Custom Fields using the Id field in CustomField items. RestApi documentatiion
func (*Service) EnvelopeRemoveDocuments ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeRemoveDocuments(ctx context.Context, envId string, dl *DocumentList) (*DocumentAssetList, error)
func (*Service) EnvelopeSearch ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeSearch(ctx context.Context, searchFld SearchFolder, args ...SearchFolderParam) (*FolderEnvList, error)
EnvelopeSearch returns a list of envelopes that match the criteria specified in the query parameters. Query Parameters: start_position is the starting value for the list. count is the number of records to return in the cache. The number must be greater than 1 and less than or equal to 100. from_date is the start of the date range. If no value is provided, the default search is the previous 30 days. to_date is the end of the date range. order_by Column used to sort the list. Valid values are listed EnvelopeSearchOrderBy* variables order sets the direction of the sort. Valid values are EnvelopeSearchAsc or EnvelopeSearchDesc. include_recipients returns the recipient information when true.
RestApi documentation API References/Get List of Envelopes in Folders.htm
func (*Service) EnvelopeSetDocuments ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeSetDocuments(ctx context.Context, envId string, dl *DocumentList, files ...*UploadFile) (*DocumentAssetList, error)
func (*Service) EnvelopeStatus ¶
EnvelopeStatus returns returns the overall status for a single envelope.
RestApi Documentation API References/Get Envelope Status for One Envelope.htm
func (*Service) EnvelopeStatusChanges ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeStatusChanges(ctx context.Context, args ...EnvelopeStatusChangesParam) (*EnvelopeList, error)
EnvelopeStatusChanges returns envelope status changes for all envelopes. The information returned can be modified by adding query strings to limit the request to check between certain dates and times, or for certain envelopes, or for certain status codes. It is recommended that you use one or more of the query strings in order to limit the size of the response.
RestApi Documentation API References/Get Envelope Status Changes.htm
Optional query strings: from_date={dateTime}, to_date={dateTime}, status={status code}, from_to_status={changed or any or list of statuses}, envelopeId={envelopeId}, custom_field={envelope custom field name}={envelope custom field value}, transaction_ids={transactionIds (comma separated)}
Use DsQueryTimeFormat to formate dateTime query arguments
func (*Service) EnvelopeStatusMulti ¶
func (s *Service) EnvelopeStatusMulti(ctx context.Context, envIds ...string) ([]EnvelopeUris, error)
EnvelopeStatusMulti returns the status for the requested envelopes.
RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) EnvelopeTemplates ¶
EnvelopeTemplates returns a list of templates used by an envelope
func (*Service) FolderEnvSearch ¶
func (s *Service) FolderEnvSearch(ctx context.Context, folderId string, args ...FolderEnvSearchParam) (*FolderEnvList, error)
FolderEnvSearch returns a list of the envelopes in the specified folder. You can narrow the query by adding some optional items. additions: start_position={ integer}, from_date = {date/time}, to_date= {date/time}, search_text={text}, status={envelope status}, owner_name={username}, owner_email={email}
RestApi documentation
func (*Service) FolderList ¶
func (s *Service) FolderList(ctx context.Context, args ...FolderTemplateParam) (*FolderList, error)
FolderList returns a list of the folders for the account, including the folder hierarchy. Optional query string: template={string} include or only
RestApi documentation
func (*Service) GetTemplate ¶
GetTemplate returns field data for the specified template
RestApiDocumentation Template.htm
func (*Service) LoginInformation ¶
LoginInformation determine if a user is authenticated and to choose the account to be used for other operations. Each account associated with the login credentials is listed. optional paramenters: api_password Boolean include_account_id_guid Boolean login_settings string [all,none]
func (Service) OnBehalfOf ¶
OnBehalfOf returns a new Service set to authenticate then onBehalfOf userId (email address). The original Service credential must be an administrator.
func (*Service) RecipientTabs ¶
RecipientTabs RestApiDocumentation
func (*Service) RecipientTabsAdd ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientTabsAdd(ctx context.Context, envId string, recipId string, tb *Tabs) (*Tabs, error)
RecipientTabsAdd adds tabs to a recipient The response returns the success or failure of each document being added to the envelope and the envelope ID. Failed operations will add the ErrorDetails structure containing an error code and message. If ErrorDetails is nil, then the operation was successful for that item. RestApiDocumentation
func (*Service) RecipientTabsModify ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientTabsModify(ctx context.Context, envId string, recipId string, tb *Tabs) (*Tabs, error)
RecipientTabsModify The parameters used to modify tabs are the same as those used in an envelope, but you can only modify existing tabs and the tabId must be included. RestApiDocumentation
func (*Service) RecipientTabsRemove ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientTabsRemove(ctx context.Context, envId string, recipId string, tb *Tabs) (*Tabs, error)
RecipientTabsRemove If an error occurred during the DELETE operation for any of the recipients, that recipient will contain an error node with an errorCode and message. RestApiDocumentation
func (*Service) RecipientView ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientView(ctx context.Context, envId string, er *EnvRecipientView) (*EnvUrl, error)
RecipientView returns a URL to start a Recipient view of the DocuSign UI.
func (*Service) Recipients ¶
func (s *Service) Recipients(ctx context.Context, envId string, args ...RecipientsParam) (*RecipientList, error)
Recipients Optional query strings: include_tabs={true or false}, include_extended={true or false} RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) RecipientsAdd ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientsAdd(ctx context.Context, envId string, rl *RecipientList, args ...RecipientsParam) (*RecipientList, error)
RecipientsAdd If an error occurred during the operation, recipient struct will contain an ErrorDetail Optional addition: resend_envelope {true or false} RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) RecipientsModify ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientsModify(ctx context.Context, envId string, rl *RecipientList, args ...RecipientsParam) (*RecipientUpdateResult, error)
ModifyRecipients Optional addition: resend_envelope {true or false} RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) RecipientsRemove ¶
func (s *Service) RecipientsRemove(ctx context.Context, envId string, rl *RecipientList) (res *RecipientList, err error)
RecipientsRemove Optional addition: resend_envelope {true or false} RestApi Documentation
func (*Service) Remind ¶
Remind sends a reminder to an envelope recipient.
RestApiDocumentation Envelope.htm
func (*Service) SenderView ¶
func (s *Service) SenderView(ctx context.Context, envId string, retType ReturnUrlType) (*EnvUrl, error)
SenderView returns a URL to start the sender view of the DocuSign UI.
func (*Service) TemplateSearch ¶
func (s *Service) TemplateSearch(ctx context.Context, args ...TemplateSearchParam) (*FolderTemplateList, error)
TemplateSearch retrieves the list of templates for the specified account Optional query strings: folder={string}, folder_ids={GUID, GUID}, include={string}, count={integer}, start_position={integer}, from_date={date/time}, to_date={date/time}, used_from_date={date/time}, used_to_date={date/time}, search_text={string}, order={string}, order_by={string}, user_filter={string}, shared_by_me={true/false} RestApiDocumentation
type SignHereTab ¶
type SignHereTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab Optional DSBool `json:"optional,omitempty"` ScaleValue float64 `json:"scaleValue,omitempty"` }
type Signer ¶
type Signer struct { EmailRecipient BaseSigner IsBulkRecipient string `json:"isBulkRecipient,omitempty"` BulkRecipientsUri string `json:"bulkRecipientsUri,omitempty"` DeliveryMethod string `json:"deliveryMethod,omitempty"` DeliveredDateTime string `json:"deliveredDateTime,omitempty"` SignedDateTime string `json:"signedDateTime,omitempty"` OfflineAttributes map[string]string `json:"offlineAttributes,omitempty"` }
Use this action if your recipient must sign, initial, date or add data to form fields on the documents in the envelope.
RestApi Documentation
type SignerAttachmentTab ¶
type SignerAttachmentTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab Optional DSBool `json:"optional,omitempty"` }
type SimpleLogger ¶
type SimpleLogger struct{}
func (SimpleLogger) LogRequest ¶
func (s SimpleLogger) LogRequest(ctx context.Context, payload interface{}, req *http.Request)
func (SimpleLogger) LogResponse ¶
type SmsAuthentication ¶
type SmsAuthentication struct {
SenderProvidedNumbers []string `json:"smsAuthentication,omitempty"`
type Ssn4InformationInput ¶
type Ssn4InformationInput struct { InformationInput Ssn4 string `json:"ssn4,omitempty"` }
type Ssn9InformationInput ¶
type Ssn9InformationInput struct { InformationInput Ssn9 string `json:"ssn9,omitempty"` }
type SsnTab ¶
type SsnTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab ConcealValueOnDocument DSBool `json:"concealValueOnDocument,omitempty"` DisableAutoSize DSBool `json:"disableAutoSize,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` MergeFieldXml string `json:"mergeFieldXml,omitempty"` Required DSBool `json:"required"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }
type TabStatusXml ¶
type TabStatusXml struct { TabType string `xml:"TabType" json:"tabType,omitempty"` Status string `xml:"Status" json:"status,omitempty"` XPosition string `xml:"XPosition" json:"xPosition,omitempty"` YPosition string `xml:"YPosition" json:"yPosition,omitempty"` TabLabel string `xml:"TabLabel" json:"tabLabel,omitempty"` TabName string `xml:"TabName" json:"tabName,omitempty"` TabValue string `xml:"TabValue" json:"tabValue,omitempty"` DocumentID string `xml:"DocumentID" json:"documentID,omitempty"` PageNumber string `xml:"PageNumber" json:"pageNumber,omitempty"` OriginalValue string `xml:"OriginalValue" json:"originalValue,omitempty"` ValidationPattern string `xml:"ValidationPattern" json:"validationPattern,omitempty"` ListValues string `xml:"ListValues" json:"listValues,omitempty"` ListSelectedValue string `xml:"ListSelectedValue" json:"listSelectedValue,omitempty"` CustomTabType string `xml:"CustomTabType" json:"customTabType,omitempty"` }
TabStatusXML describes the properties of each recipient tab
type Tabs ¶
type Tabs struct { ApproveTabs []ApproveTab `json:"ApproveTabs,omitempty"` CheckboxTabs []CheckboxTab `json:"checkboxTabs,omitempty"` CompanyTabs []CompanyTab `json:"companyTabs,omitempty"` DateSignedTabs []DateSignedTab `json:"dateSignedTabs,omitempty"` DateTabs []DateTab `json:"dateTabs,omitempty"` DeclineTabs []DeclineTab `json:"declineTabs,omitempty"` EmailTabs []EmailTab `json:"emailTabs,omitempty"` EnvelopeIdTabs []EnvelopeIdTab `json:"envelopeIdTabs,omitempty"` FullNameTabs []FullNameTab `json:"fullNameTabs,omitempty"` InitialHereTabs []InitialHereTab `json:"initialHereTabs,omitempty"` ListTabs []ListTab `json:"listTabs,omitempty"` NoteTabs []NoteTab `json:"noteTabs,omitempty"` NumberTabs []NumberTab `json:"numberTabs,omitempty"` RadioGroupTabs []RadioGroupTab `json:"radioGroupTabs,omitempty"` SignHereTabs []SignHereTab `json:"signHereTabs,omitempty"` SignerAttachmentTabs []SignerAttachmentTab `json:"signerAttachmentTabs,omitempty"` SsnTabs []SsnTab `json:"ssnTabs,omitempty"` TextTabs []TextTab `json:"textTabs,omitempty"` TitleTabs []TitleTab `json:"titleTabs,omitempty"` ZipTabs []ZipTab `json:"zipTabs,omitempty"` }
Tabs describes the data tabs for a recipient
type Template ¶
type Template struct { EnvelopeTemplateDefinition TemplateDefinition `json:"envelopeTemplateDefinition,omitempty"` Accessibility string `json:"accessibility,omitempty"` AllowMarkup string `json:"allowMarkup,omitempty"` AllowReassign string `json:"allowReassign,omitempty"` AllowRecipientRecursion string `json:"allowRecipientRecursion,omitempty"` Asynchronous string `json:"asynchronous,omitempty"` AuthoritativeCopy string `json:"authoritativeCopy,omitempty"` BrandId string `json:"brandId,omitempty"` EmailBlurb string `json:"emailBlurb,omitempty"` EmailSubject string `json:"emailSubject,omitempty"` EnableWetSign string `json:"enableWetSign,omitempty"` EnforceSignerVisibility string `json:"enforceSignerVisibility,omitempty"` EnvelopeIdStamping string `json:"envelopeIdStamping,omitempty"` MessageLock string `json:"messageLock,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Notification *Notification `json:"notification,omitempty"` Owner *TemplateOwner `json:"owner,omitempty"` RecipientsLock string `json:"recipientsLock,omitempty"` SigningLocation string `json:"signingLocation,omitempty"` CustomFields *CustomFieldList `json:"customFields,omitempty"` Documents []Document `json:"documents,omitempty"` Recipients *RecipientList `json:"recipients,omitempty"` EventNotification *EventNotification `json:"eventNotification,omitempty"` }
type TemplateDefinition ¶
type TemplateDefinition struct { TemplateId string `json:"templateId,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` LastModified time.Time `json:"lastModified,omitempty"` LastModifiedBy TemplateModifiedBy `json:"lastModifiedBy,omitempty"` PageCount int `json:"pageCount,omitempty"` FolderName string `json:"folderName,omitempty"` FolderId string `json:"folderId,omitempty"` Owner TemplateOwner `json:"owner,omitempty"` }
type TemplateItem ¶
type TemplateList ¶
type TemplateList struct {
Templates []TemplateItem `json:"templates,omitempty"`
Return structure for GetEnvelopeTemplate call
type TemplateModifiedBy ¶
type TemplateOwner ¶
type TemplateRole ¶
type TemplateRole struct { Email string `json:"email,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` RoleName string `json:"roleName,omitempty"` ClientUserId string `json:"clientUserId,omitempty"` DefaultRecipient string `json:"defaultRecipient,omitempty"` RoutingOrder string `json:"routingOrder,omitempty"` AccessCode string `json:"accessCode,omitempty"` InPersonSignerName string `json:"inPersonSignerName,omitempty"` EmailNotification *EmailNotification `json:"emailNotification,omitempty"` Tabs *Tabs `json:"tabs,omitempty"` }
type TemplateSearchParam ¶
type TemplateSearchParam NmVal
func TemplateSearchCount ¶
func TemplateSearchCount(count int) TemplateSearchParam
func TemplateSearchFolder ¶
func TemplateSearchFolder(folder string) TemplateSearchParam
func TemplateSearchFolderIds ¶
func TemplateSearchFolderIds(folder ...string) TemplateSearchParam
func TemplateSearchFromDate ¶
func TemplateSearchFromDate(t time.Time) TemplateSearchParam
func TemplateSearchInclude ¶
func TemplateSearchInclude(recipients, folders, documents, customFields, notifications bool) TemplateSearchParam
func TemplateSearchSearch ¶
func TemplateSearchSearch(searchText string) TemplateSearchParam
func TemplateSearchStartPosition ¶
func TemplateSearchStartPosition(pos int) TemplateSearchParam
func TemplateSearchToDate ¶
func TemplateSearchToDate(t time.Time) TemplateSearchParam
func TemplateSearchUsedFromDate ¶
func TemplateSearchUsedFromDate(t time.Time) TemplateSearchParam
func TemplateSearchUsedToDate ¶
func TemplateSearchUsedToDate(t time.Time) TemplateSearchParam
type TextTab ¶
type TextTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab ConcealValueOnDocument DSBool `json:"concealValueOnDocument,omitempty"` DisableAutoSize DSBool `json:"disableAutoSize,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` IsPaymentAmount DSBool `json:"isPaymentAmount,omitempty"` Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` MergeFieldXml string `json:"mergeFieldXml,omitempty"` Required DSBool `json:"required"` ValidationMessage string `json:"validationMessage,omitempty"` ValidationPattern string `json:"validationPattern,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type TitleTab ¶
type TitleTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab ConcealValueOnDocument DSBool `json:"concealValueOnDocument,omitempty"` DisableAutoSize DSBool `json:"disableAutoSize,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` MergeFieldXml string `json:"mergeFieldXml,omitempty"` Required DSBool `json:"required"` ValidationMessage string `json:"validationMessage,omitempty"` ValidationPattern string `json:"validationPattern,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type UploadFile ¶
type UploadFile struct { // mime type of content ContentType string // file name to display in envelope FileName string // envelope documentId Id string // document order for envelope Order string // reader for creating file Data io.Reader }
Upload file describes an a document attachment for uploading
type ZipTab ¶
type ZipTab struct { BaseTab BasePosTab BaseStyleTab BaseTemplateTab BaseConditionalTab ConcealValueOnDocument DSBool `json:"concealValueOnDocument,omitempty"` DisableAutoSize DSBool `json:"disableAutoSize,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` Locked DSBool `json:"locked"` MergeFieldXml string `json:"mergeFieldXml,omitempty"` Required DSBool `json:"required"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }