A command-line tool for managing common tasks in Ethereum 2.
Please note that this tool and its underlying libraries have not yet undergone a security audit; use at your own risk.
Table of Contents
is a standard Go program which can be installed with:
GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/wealdtech/ethdo
Note that ethdo
requires at least version 1.13 of go to operate. The version of go can be found with go version
If this does not work please see the troubleshooting page.
You can obtain the latest version of ethdo
using docker with:
docker pull wealdtech/ethdo
Or build ethdo
using docker:
docker build -t ethdo .
You can run ethdo
using docker after that. Example:
docker run -it ethdo --help
Note that that many ethdo
commands connect to the beacon node to obtain information. If the beacon node is running directly on the server this requires the --network=host
command, for example:
docker run --network=host ethdo chain status
Alternatively, if the beacon node is running in a separate docker container a shared network can be created with docker network create eth2
and accessed by adding --network=eth2
added to both the beacon node and ethdo
ethdo contains a large number of features that are useful for day-to-day interactions with the Ethereum 2 blockchain.
Wallets and accounts
ethdo uses the go-eth2-wallet system to provide unified access to different wallet types. When on the filesystem the locations of the created wallets and accounts are:
- for Linux: $HOME/.config/ethereum2/wallets
- for OSX: $HOME/Library/Application Support/ethereum2/wallets
- for Windows: %APPDATA%\ethereum2\wallets
If using the filesystem store, the additional parameter basedir
can be supplied to change this location.
If using docker as above you can make this directory accessible to docker to make wallets and accounts persistent. For example, for linux you could use the following command to list your wallets on Linux:
docker run -v $HOME/.config/ethereum2/wallets:/data ethdo --basedir=/data wallet list
This will allow you to use ethdo
with or without docker, with the same location for wallets and accounts.
All ethdo comands take the following parameters:
: the name of the storage system for wallets. This can be one of "filesystem" (for local storage of the wallet) or "s3" (for remote storage of the wallet on Amazon's S3 storage system), and defaults to "filesystem"
: the passphrase for the store. If this is empty the store is unencrypted
: the passphrase for the wallet. This is required for some wallet-centric operations such as creating new accounts
: the passphrase for the account. This is required for some account-centric operations such as signing data
Accounts are specified in the standard "/" format, for example the account "savings" in the wallet "primary" would be referenced as "primary/savings".
Configuration file and environment
ethdo supports a configuration file; by default in the user's home directory but changeable with the --config
argument on the command line. The configuration file provides values that override the defaults but themselves can be overridden with command-line arguments.
The default file name is .ethdo.json
or .ethdo.yml
depending on the encoding used (JSON or YAML, respectively). An example .ethdo.json
file is shown below:
"store": "s3",
"storepassphrase": "s3 secret passphrse",
"account": "Personal wallet/Operations",
"verbose": true
ethdo also supports environment variables. Environment variables are prefixed with "ETHDO_" and are upper-cased. So for example to provide your account passphrase in an environment variable on a Unix system you could use:
export ETHDO_PASSPHRASE="my account passphrase"
Output and exit status
If set, the --quiet
argument will suppress all output.
If set, the --verbose
argument will output additional information related to the command. Details of the additional information is command-specific and explained in the command help below.
If set, the --debug
argument will output additional information about the operation of ethdo as it carries out its work.
Commands will have an exit status of 0 on success and 1 on failure. The specific definition of success is specified in the help for each command.
Rules for account passphrases
Account passphrases are used in various places in ethdo
. Where they are used, the following rules apply:
- commands that require passphrases to operate, for example unlocking an account, can be supplied with multiple passphrases. If they are, then each passphrase is tried until one succeeds or they all fail
- commands that require passphrases to create, for example creating an account, must be supplied with a single passphrase. If more than one passphrase is supplied the command will fail
In addition, the following rules apply to passphrases supplied on the command line:
- passphrases must not start with
- passphrases must not contain the comma (,) character
Command information, along with sample outputs and optional arguments, is available in the usage section.
There is a HOWTO that covers details about how to carry out various common tasks.
Jim McDonald: @mcdee.
Contributions welcome. Please check out the issues.
Apache-2.0 © 2019, 2020 Weald Technology Trading Ltd