Ranger-Go-IGE (IGE) is a continuation of RangerGO.
As was RangerGo, so is IGE, a variation of the Ranger Dart game engine but written in Go but using OpenGL and GLFW.
This version is the great merging of RangerGo, RangerGo-GLFW and Ranger-Alpha.
Video demos
Gif of c4_lava example

Gif was made using ffmpeg -i c4_lava.mkv -r 30 -vf scale=512:-1 c4_lava.gif
mkv version of video is in docs folder.

- Port Spout (standard)
- Spout custom. In this verion instead of particles for the obstacles the obstacles are outlined with a polygon. The poly is updated when part of the obstacle is destroyed.
- Port StarCastle / Star Barriers
- Port Bosconian
- Port Omega Race
- Port 2048
- Create New Game. A blend of Lunar Lander (Sky and Landings), Moon Patrol (Ground), Atari Pitfall (Obstacles), Defender (Rescue). Multi-planet and Moons.
- Create a 1946 shooter like clone.
- Create a BurgerTime like clone.
- Combine vector fonts with tweening and physics. The text rotates and then randomly falls to the ground. Then the text moves back inline using tweening.
- A triangle spaceship (with particle exhaust) that can fly around and shoot characters. The chars bounce off walls like asteroids.
- A qix like demo where lines move around the view. Each end point bounces off the walls.
- Particle system demo(s)
- Infinite side-scrolling demo. A UFO can move left/right forever. The terrain is procedurally generated using One-Lone-Coder's algorithm.
- Infinite scrolling demo using a top-down view. Again using OLC's algorithm. In this demo you can "drive" over a terrain and encounter different objects.
- 2D Light shadows.
- Sfxr
- Sprite editor
- SVG to Vector font converter
- Vector Editor
Current Tasks and Goals
- OpenGL 4.x Core
- Pixel Font (Slow version)
- Pixel Font (Faster version)
- Static shapes: Circle
- Dynamic shapes: Line
- Space mappings
- add Outline shapes
- Alpha coloring / transparency
- Node Dragging
- Zoom Node
- Filters: transform and translate
- Particles
- Animation (tweening) Using tanema's library: https://github.com/tanema/gween
- Box2D physics (with space ship). Uses: https://github.com/ByteArena/box2d
- Zones combined with Zoom
- Interpolation
- Sprite Textures (quads)
- Scene Transitioning
- Bitmap fonts
- Simple motion animations
- Audio (SFXR 8bit sound: https://sfxr.me/) (However, 16bit stills needs completion)
- working Custom vector font (needs lower case completion)
- Vector Fonts via SVG import
- Partial Completion QuadTrees
- Example 1: Random spread of points/particles into tree (with capacity)
- Example 2: Random spread of squares
- Example 3: Insert squares at Mouse
- Example 4: Triangle ship moving through tree
- Example 5: Query and highlight tree according to obj-obj intersecting
- Improve Bitmap fonts. Rename current bitmap font object to "CharacterBitmapFont" and add new one called "StringBitmapFont". The new one creates a buffer of quads.
- Scripting via https://wren.io/ or make custom language using via http://craftinginterpreters.com/
- Simple Widget GUI framework
- Buttons
- Checkboxes
- ListBox and Combo dropdowns
- Inputs (text, float, int, bool)
- Text
- Dialogs (OK, Yes/No, etc.)
- Grouping (i.e. Radio buttons)
- Batch rendering
- OpenGL ES (https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Mobile)
- Physics with Textures
- Joysticks and Gamepads
- Shaders with interleved vertex/color, for example, checkboards
- Stippling with OpenGL patterns (aka advanced shaders)