Documentation ¶
Index ¶
Constants ¶
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Variables ¶
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Functions ¶
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Types ¶
type Config ¶
type Config struct { // Path Path string `mapstructure:"FCR_PATH"` // FCR datastore path. // Port P2PPort uint64 `mapstructure:"FCR_P2P_PORT"` // FCR P2P port. APIPort uint64 `mapstructure:"FCR_API_PORT"` // FCR API port. // API Server settings APIServerLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"APISEVER_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. APIDevMode bool `mapstructure:"APISEVER_DEV_MODE"` // Server DEV API enabled: True, False. // Signer settings SignerLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"SIGNER_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. // Peer manager settings PeerMgrLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"PEERMGR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. // Transactor settings TransactorLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"TRANSACTOR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. TransactorFilecoinEnabled bool `mapstructure:"TRANSACTOR_FILECOIN_ENABLED"` // Filecoin enabled: True, False. TransactorFilecoinAPI string `mapstructure:"TRANSACTOR_FILECOIN_API"` // Filecoin api address (Non empty if Filecoin is enabled). TransactorFilecoinAuthToken string `mapstructure:"TRANSACTOR_FILECOIN_AUTH_TOKEN"` // Filecoin auth token (Can be empty if remote access is used). TransactorFilecoinConfidence uint64 `mapstructure:"TRANSACTOR_FILECOIN_CONFIDENCE"` // Filecoin confidence: 0-10. // Active out paych store settings ActiveOutLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"ACTIVEOUT_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. ActiveOutDSTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"ACTIVEOUT_DS_TIMEOUT"` // ActiveOut datastore timeout. ActiveOutDSRetry uint64 `mapstructure:"ACTIVEOUT_DS_RETRY"` // ActiveOut datastore retry limit. // Inactive out paych store settings InactiveOutLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"INACTIVEOUT_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. InactiveOutDSTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"INACTIVEOUT_DS_TIMEOUT"` // InactiveOut datastore timeout. InactiveOutDSRetry uint64 `mapstructure:"INACTIVEOUT_DS_RETRY"` // InactiveOut datastore retry limit. // Active in paych store settings ActiveInLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"ACTIVEIN_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. ActiveInDSTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"ACTIVEIN_DS_TIMEOUT"` // ActiveIn datastore timeout. ActiveInDSRetry uint64 `mapstructure:"ACTIVEIN_DS_RETRY"` // ActiveIn datastore retry limit. // Inactive in paych store settings InactiveInLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"INACTIVEIN_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. InactiveInDSTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"INACTIVEIN_DS_TIMEOUT"` // InactiveIn datastore timeout. InactiveInDSRetry uint64 `mapstructure:"INACTIVEIN_DS_RETRY"` // InactiveIn datastore retry limit. // Paych serving manager settings PServMgrLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"PSERVMGR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. // Route store settings RouteStoreLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"ROUTESTORE_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. RouteStoreCleanFreq time.Duration `mapstructure:"ROUTESTORE_CLEAN_FREQ"` // RouteStore clean frequency. RouteStoreCleanTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"ROUTESTORE_CLEAN_TIMEOUT"` // RouteStore clean timeout. RouteStoreMaxHopFIL uint64 `mapstructure:"ROUTESTORE_MAX_HOP_FIL"` // RouteStore max hop for FIL: 3-10. // Subscriber store settings SubStoreLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"SUBSTORE_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. // Payment manager settings PayMgrLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"PAYMGR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. PayMgrCacheSyncFreq time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYMGR_CACHE_SYNC_FREQ"` // Payment manager cache sync frequency. PayMgrResCleanFreq time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYMGR_RES_CLEAN_FREQ"` // Payment manager reservation clean frequency. PayMgrResCleanTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYMGR_RES_CLEAN_TIMEOUT"` // Payment manager reservation clean timeout. PayMgrPeerCleanFreq time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYMGR_PEER_CLEAN_FREQ"` // Payment manager peer clean frequency. PayMgrPeerCleanTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYMGR_PEER_CLEAN_TIMEOUT"` // Payment manager peer clean timeout. // Settlement manager settings SettleMgrLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"SETTLEMGR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. // Renew manager settings RenewMgrLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"RENEWMGR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. // Reservation manager settings ReservMgrLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"RESERVMGR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. // Offer manager settings OfferMgrLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"OFFERMGR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. // Paych monitor settings PaychMonitorLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"PAYCHMONITOR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. PaychMonitorCheckFreq time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYCHMONITOR_CHECK_FREQ"` // Paych monitor check frequency. // Piece manager settings PieceMgrLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"PIECEMGR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. // Piece serving manager settings CServMgrLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"CSERVMGR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. // Miner proof store settings MinerProofStoreLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"MINERPROOFSTORE_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. // Addr protocol settings AddrProtoLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"ADDRPROTO_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. AddrProtoIOTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"ADDRPROTO_IO_TIMEOUT"` // Addr protocol IO timeout. AddrProtoOPTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"ADDRPROTO_OP_TIMEOUT"` // Addr protocol OP timeout. AddrProtoPublishFreq time.Duration `mapstructure:"ADDRPROTO_PUBLISH_FREQ"` // Addr protocol publish frequency. // Paych protocol settings PaychProtoLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"PAYCHPROTO_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. PaychProtoIOTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYCHPROTO_IO_TIMEOUT"` // Paych protocol IO timeout. PaychProtoOPTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYCHPROTO_OP_TIMEOUT"` // Paych protocol OP timeout. PaychProtoOfferExpiry time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYCHPROTO_OFFER_EXPIRY"` // Paych protocol offer expiry. PaychProtoRenewWindow uint64 `mapstructure:"PAYCHPROTO_RENEW_WINDOW"` // Paych protocol renew window: 5-95. // Route protocol settings RouteProtoLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"ROUTEPROTO_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. RouteProtoIOTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"ROUTEPROTO_IO_TIMEOUT"` // Route protocol IO timeout. RouteProtoOPTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"ROUTEPROTO_OP_TIMEOUT"` // Route protocol OP timeout. RouteProtoPublishFreq time.Duration `mapstructure:"ROUTEPROTO_PUBLISH_FREQ"` // Route protocol publish frequency. RouteProtoRouteExpiry time.Duration `mapstructure:"ROUTEPROTO_ROUTE_EXPIRY"` // Route protocol route expiry. RouteProtoPublishWait time.Duration `mapstructure:"ROUTEPROTO_PUBLISH_WAIT"` // Route protocol initial wait time for publish. // Pay offer protocol settings POfferProtoLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"POFFERPROTO_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. POfferProtoIOTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"POFFERPROTO_IO_TIMEOUT"` // Pay offer protocol IO timeout. POfferProtoOPTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"POFFERPROTO_OP_TIMEOUT"` // Pay offer protocol OP timeout. POfferProtoOfferExpiry time.Duration `mapstructure:"POFFERPROTO_OFFER_EXPIRY"` // Pay offer protocol offer expiry. POfferProtoOfferInactivity time.Duration `mapstructure:"POFFERPROTO_OFFER_INACTIVITY"` // Pay offer protocol offer inactivity. // Piece offer protocol settings COfferProtoLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"COFFERPROTO_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. COfferProtoIOTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"COFFERPROTO_IO_TIMEOUT"` // Piece offer protocol IO timeout. COfferProtoOPTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"COFFERPROTO_OP_TIMEOUT"` // Piece offer protocol OP timeout. COfferProtoOfferExpiry time.Duration `mapstructure:"COFFERPROTO_OFFER_EXPIRY"` // Piece offer protocol offer expiry. COfferProtoOfferInactivity time.Duration `mapstructure:"COFFERPROTO_OFFER_INACTIVITY"` // Piece offer protocol offer inactivity. COfferPublishFreq time.Duration `mapstructure:"COFFERPROTO_PUBLISH_FREQ"` // Piece offer protocol publish frequency. // Pay protocol settings PayProtoLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"PAYPROTO_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. PayProtoIOTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYPROTO_IO_TIMEOUT"` // Pay protocol IO timeout. PayProtoOPTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYPROTO_OP_TIMEOUT"` // Pay protocol OP timeout. PayProtoCleanFreq time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYPROTO_CLEAN_FREQ"` // Pay protocol clean frequency. PayProtoCleanTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"PAYPROTO_CLEAN_TIMEOUT"` // Pay protocol clean timeout. // Retrieval manager settings RetMgrLoggingLevel string `mapstructure:"RETMGR_LOGGING_LEVEL"` // Log Level: FATAL, PANIC, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. RetMgrIOTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"RETMGR_IO_TIMEOUT"` // Retrieval manager IO timeout. RetMgrOPTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"RETMGR_OP_TIMEOUT"` // Retrieval manager OP timeout. }
Configuration for FCR node.
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